Episode 7

Wendel: so where is the video ?

Gin: hey wendel shut it! Eunja is here! [Whisper]

Wendel: ah! Sorry

Carl: hi Eunja

Eunja: Hello [fake smile]

Gin: hyun come here !

Hyun: what?!

Gin: where is the video?

Hyun: that-

Eunja: uhmm excuse me are you talking about last night?

Gin: ye-s

Eunja: what happen between us [point hyun]

Wendel: yes, is it true that you guys-

Gin: [cover his mouth] wendel!

Eunja: yes we did it...

Gin: really?

Eunja: yes! He isn't that good

Kyle: [pfft]

Hyun: hey !

Wendel: haha hyun is not good

Carl: [suspicious] [ i know they didn't do it]

Gin: [saw her stuff] hmm? are you already leaving

Eunja: yes

Wendel: let hyun drive you home, i know that he tired you last night

Eunja: [this guy really can't shut his mouth] oh no thanks I'm not that tired

Hyun: let me send you home

Eunja: it's okay I'm sure that your the one [ get closer to him and whisper] that is tired [pinch him].

Hyun: ouch !

Eunja: bye guys

Carl: bye Eunja!

Gin: she said your not good [pfft]

Wendel: i think eunja teach him last night

Hyun: can you stop it? [ fyi I'm the one who teach her]

[Lunch time]

Eunja: I'm here

Mom: oh your back

Eunja: you seems sad mom? [You don't want to see me huh?]

Mom: nothing, I'm just tired, did you eat?

Eunja: no

Mom: there is food in the fridge just reheat it

Eunja: okay, uhmm where is unnie?

Mom: she got out with her boyfriend

Eunja: oh~ okay I'm going upstairs to shower



Eunja:[turn on the shower] hmm [suddenly she remembers what happened last night]

Eunja: omg! Why i suddenly think of him, i should finish my shower

[After shower]

[look for her clothes and got change]

[She saw the camera on her bag]

Eunja: let's watch it

[The video is playing]

[Ah~ ]

Eunja: omg! The volume !

[Lower the volume]

Eunja: do i really sound like that?

[The video is playing]

Eunja: it's really like that we're doing it

Eun-soo: eunja!

[Immediately hide the camera]

Eun-soo: what is that?

Eunja: do you really don't know how to knock?!

Eun-soo: sorry I'm used to it so

Eunja: i should lock my door in the future

Eun-soo: what is that?

Eunja: nothing

Eun-soo: your hiding something! Let me see!

Eunja: i said nothing ?!

Eun-soo: then what are you hiding there

Eunja: uhmm it's -

Eun-soo: let me see [ grab her hand]

Eunja: wait !

Eun-soo: oh this is food! Oh~ so you don't want to share it ?

Eunja: [phew] of course i don't

Eun-soo: hmmp I'm taking it

Eunja: hey that's my food!

Eun-soo: bleh!


Eunja: this woman!!! [Sigh] I almost get caught, i must hide this....


[Hyun's house]

[Door open]

Lee Doon(Hyun's dad): your back? Where did you go?

Hyun: i just hang out with my friends

Doon: oh~ dinner is ready come and eat

Hyun: okay dad

[After Dinner]


Hyun: this day is so tiring [close his eyes]

[He woke up]

Hyun: what the heck is that! [Sigh relax] [close his eyes]

Hyun: argh! Why am i thinking of her!!