Episode 30

Eunja: does dad have a daughter outside ??

Eun Soo: what ?!

Mom: [suprised] How did you know that?

Eunja: so it's true?

Mom: uhmm yes, he has a daughter outside

Eunja: what's her name?

Mom: her name is Jang Ji won but they call her reign

Eunja: You know but you didn't tell us

Mom: uhmm He

Eun Soo: mom, we should know about this!

Mom: It will only hurt your feelings

Eunja: wh-y he didn't save me? And save that girl?

Mom: i-I dont know, okay stop thinking about him just forget him

Eunja: how can i forget what he did to me? He left me and i almost die! -I want to see him

Mom: no! Your not!

Eunja: Don't stop me! I need to know why he did that!

Mom: your not fully recovered!

You stay here! You're not going anywhere!

Eun Soo: Eunja! Just listen to mom!

Eunja: [crying] wh-y ~

[Christoff House]

[Door Open]

Vincent: Dad !

Christoff: What happen? is she okay?

Vincent: yes she's safe but I'm not the one who save her

Christoff: huh? Then who?

Vincent: it was Bri-an

Christoff: Brian ?

Vincent: after the building collapsed he came back and save that girl but-

Christoff: But?

Vincent: I don't think that's brian

Christoff: what do you mean?

[After a few days]

Eunja: Mom, I'm going now

Mom: Okay be careful on your way

Eunja: [smile] bye mom


Eunja: Good Morning Ms.Cherry

Cheery: Oh! Eunja! Have you been well?

Eunja: yeah I'm fully recovered

Cherry: great! You should be more careful next time

Eunja: okay ma'am

Cherry: okay I'll meet you later

And tell your classmates that we're having a test

Eunja: test? But Ma'am-

Cherry: [Pfft] Just kidding

Eunja: [relief]

Cherry: okay I'll be going

Eunja: Okay ma'am


[Door open]

Eunja: Ah! Good morning Sir [bow]

Mr.Leo: Oh Eunja! It's good that your back, how is your health?

Eunja: It's good just a little wound

Mr.Leo: great then please sit now and lets continue

Eunja: Okay. [Oh i remember i sit next to Hyun]

[I sit next to him]

Hyun: hey [low voice]

Eunja: [ignored]

Hyun: Eunja

Eunja: [what's his problem !?] [Hmmp]

Hyun: hey! Eunja!

Eunja: what?

Mr.Leo: is there a problem Eunja?

Eunja: nothing sir

Mr.Leo: Okay, Let's continue. ....

Hyun: hey, Eunja

Eunja: what is it?

Hyun: is your wound okay now?

Eunja: None of your business! Stop talking to me

Hyun: [this girl]

[Lunch time]

Red: Omg I thought you died

Eunja: are you serious ?!

Red: you've been absent for 2 weeks

Eunja: that doesn't mean I'm dead

Red: Oh ~ I'm just kidding, I miss you so much!

Eunja: I miss you too, I want to kiss you

Red: Eww! Get off!

Eunja: oh come on! I know you want to kiss me

Red: Eww! Eww! [Run away]

Eunja: Hahahaha omg he really hate it

Hyun: Ahem!

Eunja: huh [look behind her]

Hyun: Can we talk?

Eunja: No! [get up]

Hyun: wait! Please just a minute

Eunja: I don't want to spend a minute

Or a second with you [walk away]

Hyun: wait! [Sigh] she really hate me

[Another day]

Hyun: Eunja! Please talk to me!

Eunja: stop following me!

[Another day]

Eunja: oh~ can i have some?

Red: here you go

Hyun: Eunja please let's talk

Eunja: let's go red

Red: okay

Hyun: Eunja!

Red: why do you want to talk to her?

Hyun: it's none of your business

Red: maybe i can help you

Hyun: [-_-]