Episode 41

Eunja: [walk away]

Hyun: [Grab her arm] you're not going anywhere!

Eunja: Let go of me!

Hyun: [kiss her wildly]

Eunja: [!] Hmm! S-to-p!

Hyun: [hold her hand tight]

Eunja: Hy-un! S-top! [Push him]

Hyun: Eunja-


Eunja: someone is here

Hyun: Let's go

Eunja: where are we going?!

Hyun: [called his driver] Stan come here now

Stan: Okay sir

Eunja: Let go of me! Where are we going?!!

Hyun: [silent]

Eunja: HYUN!

[The car arrived]

Hyun: Get in

Eunja: No!

Hyun: [push her] i said get in!

[In the car]

Eunja: stop this car right away, I'm going home

[Hyun House]

Hyun: [pulling eunja]

Eunja: Hey! Hyun! Why are we here?!

Maids: Good Evening Young master, Your dad is looking for you

Hyun: say I'm busy

Maid: but young master-


Maid: [Bow]

[Hyun's room]

Hyun: [throw her on his bed]

Eunja: Ah!

Hyun: [taking off his shirt]

Eunja: [No, i must do something] [stand up and run away]

[But Hyun caught her and bring her back to bed]

Hyun: [pinch her arm on the bed] you're mine! You're only mine! [S*** her neck]

Eunja: ah~! Hy-un plea-se

Hyun: [tssk] [bite her neck]

Eunja: AH! [tears falling]

Hyun: don't cry baby [wipe her tears]

Eunja: Hyu-n plea-se

Hyun: [undress her]

Eunja: no! Don't do this hyun

Hyun: hmm~

Eunja: hmm!~ [tears falling] [it hurts]

Hyun: I miss you so much

Eunja: S-to-p hmm~ it Hurts

Hyun: [pull her and kiss her]

Eunja: Hy-un [crying]

Hyun: Eunja~

[After an hour]

Hyun: [light up his cigarette]

Eunja: [cover by blanket]

Hyun: [smoking] babe

Eunja: [stand up and pick up her clothes]

Hyun: just stay here for a while, it's raining hard

Eunja: I want to go home

Hyun: stay here!

Eunja: I want to go now!

Hyun: please stay i need you

Eunja: [silent] [sigh]

[After a few minutes]

Eunja: Mom, I'm here at my classmate home, I'm going to stay here for a while after the rain stop

Mom: I'm going to fetch you there

Eunja: No! it's raining hard you might got into an accident, I'm safe here

Mom: okay, stay there don't go outside

Eunja: yes mom Bye

Mom: Bye Honey, I love you

Eunja: I love you too mom

Mom: [!] Bye baby

[Hang up]