

Leader: Amberstar-Big, brown she-cat with brilliant amber eyes (Tunneler)

Deputy: Snowpelt-Small white tom with blue eyes (Moor Runner)

Medicine Cats: Mintleaf-White she-cat with light green eyes

Eaglefeather-Small brown tabby tom with white ears and chest and amber eyes


Moor Runners

Cedartail-Tall brown tabby tom

Starlingfeather-Black she-cat with white petal markings

Apprentice: Lightningpaw Black she-cat with a white stripe down her back and blue eyes

Harepelt-White tom with long ears and blue eyes

Longstripe-Very light brown tabby tom

Sunfur-Ginger she-cat with blue eyes


Dawnflower-Yellow she-cat with orange eyes

Apprentice: Antpaw-Small brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Squirreltail-Brown she-cat with a bushy tail

Fuzzytail-Gray tabby tom with a long, fluffy tail

Apprentice: Mistpaw-Gray she-cat with blue eyes

Ravenfeather-Black she-cat with a white chest and green eyes

Amberpetal-Orange she-cat

Larkwing-Dark gray tom with copper eyes


Silvermist-Silver she-cat with orange eyes

mother of Harepelt's kits:

Ivykit-Silver tabby she-cat with green eyes and white paws

Applekit-Dark ginger tom with blue eyes

Shrewkit-Light brown she-cat with orange eyes


Snaketongue-Black tom with a snake-like tongue, former Tunneler

Russetfoot-Dark ginger tom, former Moor Runner