Origin of Zen Ferox

A/N: Extremely sorry guys for dropping the novel mid-air for quite some time. After my results I got busy with admissions and all and yes this can be counted as a excuse but trust me I will try to update 5 chapters a week from now on, at least. and this chapter can be considered as the new change in the power system.

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Today the whole beetle city was in an uproar. Why? Because yesterday the most corrupt and ill family and also the ruler of beetle city was taken down. The city lord killed and his ancestor at the tribulation stage butchered. Everything was done by The Handsome Deity formerly known as 'The Handsome Butcher'. So the peace came to the city for the first time but why was there still an uproar? Simple. One of the most.... No! The most popular business of the city aka Thorns Pavilion was just sold at the price of whopping 200 billion qin. The owner, Rose Zerbest was asked to sell the business by multiple leading figures but all were rejected because she never wanted to sell it. But now she sold it and at a price which is far less than its face value. Why? Many people can connect the dots with the yesterday's event and a Handsome youth with violet eyes and white hair appeared in their minds. But nobody dared to spread any rumours whatsoever and remained tongue tied about yesterday's event. Of course no one wanted to have a piece of the person who can kill the whole city with his might alone.

And away from everyone's fear and praises the person in question was snuggling to a beautiful and naked goddesses. Zen Ferox, the youth of every maidens dream in beetle city and the cause for many wife's wet dreams, was snuggling to the naked Scarlett, the fire goddess, like a little kitten. He was sleeping soundly without any dreams. Why the fck would he needs dream when he has more than he could ever dream for? He was praising Gods for bestowing him so much but who knew it wasn't the Gods who gave him what he has today. His sleep was interrupted when he suddenly heard an annoying sound....

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Ferox reluctantly opened his eyes android found himself in a dark space. Scarlett was nowhere to be seen. He felt like panicking! But panick he can't. The Heavens have taken away the pleasure of panicking from him as his 'Decisive Mind' worked wonders and calmed him down. He looked around and found something he should have noticed the moment he entered this space.

A tree! A Fcking Huge tree! A Charred black Giant Tree! Charred black trunk! Charred black leaves! Charred black roots! Ch.....(Stop it, (-_-) enough explanation). So yeah, A tree. Ferox finally recalled the time when he got the system this tree entered his consciousness. The system has many time used the word Azul tree so this must be that tree (Genius 😑). After examining the tree from left to right and from down to well up which he can't really see where the tree ended. On the first branch he saw to from below he could see two leaves of different colours in between the black leaves. One was Gray in colour while the other was transparent. But they were both glowing. When he focused on the leaves he found out that they were his skills Space Mastery (Gray) and Sound Mastery (Transparent). He can feel that all the information about the particular skill was saved on that leaf.

When he was pondering he suddenly heard a Emotionless Robotic voice "Welcome Your Majesty! Your coronation has already been delayed. Lets start by first unlocking you bloodline. Please touch the bark of the Azul tree your majesty".

Hearing till here Ferox felt his mind buzzing with too many questions. Who was this guy? Why does his voice sounds like a robot? Why is he refering to me with such honorifics? (Can't even handle a little bit of respect 😅) Should he do as the voice says? What if he dies? Well he has already did twice so it won't be something new but this time he felt reluctant, Reluctant to leave Scarlett who has waited for him for centuries, Reluctant to die without tasting Rose. Heavens!

Ferox gaze turned a little serious as he asked "Just tell me this, Who are you and why should I listen to you?" Hearing this the robotic voice continued "I am nothing but a consciousness made out of mere words. I am made to guide you. One you touch the bark of the tree most of your questions will be solved"

Ferox hesitated but it didn't last long as his 'Decisive Mind' worked wonders again. Feeling that there was not need to act overly cautious at everything which isn't in his control. He went and raised his palm. He gulped slightly before touching the bark.


Ferox fell on the ground with his butt touching absolute Nothingness. His mind suffering from an burst of information and knowledge unfamiliar to him and some screens popping in front of him.

[ A former system has been detected ]

[ Eradication of the system will begin ]

[ System Eradication in 3....2....1...]

[ System has been successfully eradicated ]

[ Integration with bloodline will now begin ]

[ The previous body will now change according to bloodline requirements ]

Ferox felt his mind burst and his body suffering from extreme pain. Every single nerves of his body was hurting like many needles are passing through his nerves system. He groaned in pain. Slowly his body structure started to change. After what felt like an eternity the pain subsidised.

Huffing continuously then calming down eventually, Ferox looked at his hands. The same colour as before but nothing same as before. His hands have been replaced by scaly crystal white claws. His sharp nails connected to his claws with power to shed any and every thing in its way. His body's height increased to 6.5 feet tall while he got a pair of silver furry wings on his back. Two scaly crystal white horns forming from his forehead and reaching 1 feet in height. His previously white hair now turned lustrous silver and reached down to his backs. His eyes still glimmering violet with a tint of crimson filling some parts in of the pupils. His abs were toned and chiseled. His every move caused his muscles to move marvelously. He was still devilishly handsome but this time around the part about devil wasn't for fun anymore. If previously he could easily make any lady knight or any sage fall for him then now he had the confidence that now his charm has reached a level where any goddess would love to be spoilt by his devilish claws.

And the biggest change still wasn't his physique but it was the information which he received in his mind. The information of something that could chaos in the whole multiverse. Yes multiverse! His information has been upgraded there are a innumerable amount of worlds in the multiverse. The world he was in now, Myriad Martial World was one of the mortal world and one of the smallest one at that! And these world were ruled together by many gods.

There are two types of Gods. First, Mortals who turn into God through cultivation. Second, The natural God's nurtured alongside heavens from the beginning of the multiverse. The latter was Far stronger than the former. And Zen Ferox, the cause of many women's wet dream just now turned out to be a Natural God. The last one at that. -This is unsurd- was what he wanted to shout but he couldn't. Right now he received many information and even memories from his previous life in which he save Scarlett. All in all he was supposed to become a god a millennia ago, but he never fulfilled the one condition which was the key to awakening of his own God's bloodline. The condition was to do the 'deed'. Yes! The condition was to Fuck a women for the first time. And he never did that in both his previous lives. You ask why would he have such conditions? well...

"Hey New System! show me my status" Ferox shouted while feeling that something was amiss and there it was.

Name - Zen Ferox

Age - 20

Title - Lust God

Skills - God's seed, Lust Pheromones, Body manipulation, God's Touch.

Fate - The Holder of Azul

Holy fck! was what that Ferox felt like crying. He felt like his life has been a lie. A vergin for two lives straight turning into a God of Lust. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry! The Heavens were pulling a prank on him. And the most important thing. The level, HP and MP were nowhere to be seen.

Ferox asked in a gloomy voice "Hey system! ain't I supposed to have levels and other stuff where are they?" His eyes turned emotionless as deathly aura surrounded his white devil like figure. The system's voice resounded still emotionless "Your Majesty, Those things were just temporary and now you have to just increase your stats. No leveling up. Fill the stats and become stronger. You are the only Natural God with almost no support because all other natural Gods get their full power after bloodline awakening but your case is different. You will only get some stats at the beginning. Your old skills won't vanish but you will not get anything again like the previous system. The old skills can't be counted as skills now and they will turn into passive techniques which can be used even at a subconscious level. And yes you are the only God who has the chance to surpass all Gods in the multiverse because you can become stronger even as a natural God unlike other natural gods. So your case can be considered as absolute worse to absolute best. It's up to you."

Hearing till hearing Ferox calmed down. There was no point in crying for something which is gone or something you don't have so he turned his mind towards his stats which were his only strength now. and what he saw surely pleased him

STR - 70

INT -50

DEX - 50

VIT - 80

CHM - 15

LCK - 30

His stats have reached a point where he can flaunt that he is a god in this Myriad Martial World and nobody can refute him. He was pleased with the new CHM (Charm) stat too. It was only obvious that since he became a God of lust he would have that stat. He wanted to check more things out but he felt that his body's change in the outside world was getting quite a reaction out from his two beautiful wives as they were trying to wake him up in a concerned manner.