Chapter 27: Escape

Angel's POV:

Four Years Later*

I woke up to being wet. I opened my eyes to see Grey standing over me. "Wake up babygirl." Grey said. I glared at him. "What do you want?!" I yelled. "Well first, lose the attitude." He said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Second, you ready to give me what I want?" He asked. "Nigga fuck you." I said. He growled and lunged for me. I twisted my body so he fell into the wall. I then lit myself on fire. My blue flame burned him as he struggled to get away. I wrapped my legs around him and burned brighter. He cried out in pain as he struggled to get loose from me. I finally let him go and he stumbled across the room. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! Wait til Abby heard about this." He said, as he went upstairs. I found out he was working with Abby shortly after he kidnapped me. He pulled out a laptop and she was on the screen. She threatened to kill my baby I unless I gave her the Great Amulet. I repeatedly told them that it was impossible to take it out of me.

She came down here once but it was to watch Grey torture and rape me. At first, I fought back but then I just laid there and it made it no fun for Grey. He eventually resorted to using his hands to molest me. But he sometimes rapes me. It was tough but I had to deal with it. I thought of many ways to escape him but he somehow caught on to all of it. I looked at my restraints and lit myself on fire. I made my flame get brighter and hotter til it melted the metal. I got up and made myself invisible. It was a defense mechanism for mermaids to keep hidden from human. I walked up the stairs and looked Jewel. She was made daughter that I was worried about. Grey began showing signs of attraction to her lately. I got worried and scared for her protection. He separated us when she learned how to talk. I walked around and looked for my babygirl.

^Jewelina Starlight

I sniffed the air and her watermelon scent was near. I followed the scent to an old, decrepit room. Just like mine. There she was in bed, lying down. I whispered to her. "Jewel? Jewel?" I called. She sat up and looked at me. "Mommy!!" She cried. I shushed her. "Come on baby. We're getting out of here." I said. "How Mama?" She asked. "Make yourself invisible baby." I said. She brought her fiat to her face and she was gone. I lit myself on fire and burned the door. It opened and she ran out and hugged me. I picked her up. "Come on baby." I said. I carried her out the basement to the upstairs area. I looked around and saw a dozen guys there. "Okay baby. We gotta be careful." I said, as we made our way through the men. We were careful not to bump into anyone. Then Grey appeared at the top of the doorway. "Alright man. I'll see you later." He said. Then he sniffed the air. He walked down the steps and sniffed around.

He couldn't use his powers because we were around humans. "Grey, whatchu doing man?" A dude asked. "Looking for someone." He said, as he came closer to me. I grabbed Jewel's hand and led her away from him but he followed. I picked her up and ran up the stairs and out of the bar room. He ran after us. I don't think he could see us but he knew we were there. "ANGEL!!!" He yelled out. I took off running. "Mama!!!" Jewel cried. I couldn't hold us invisible for long. My powers gave out because of my fear. "THERE YOU ARE!!!!" He yelled. Some dudes ran behind him. "We gon get them Grey." One dude said. I ran faster. "MAMA!!!" Jewel cried. She began to scream. I then turned a corner and watched the dude slip and fall into a fruit stand. I ran into the woods and behind tree. "Baby? We gotta fly." I said. "But Mama-" I cut her off.

"Jewel we have to. They'll catch us and hurt us." I said. She nodded. I transformed and watched her try to. "I can't Mama. I'm scared." She said. I heard Grey and the men get closer. I used my claws to pick her up  and carried her up in the air. Good thing it was night time. I tried to think on where we could go to hide. I then heard wings flapping. I looked whined me to see Grey in bar form and the dudes running under him. I flew faster. That's when I had an idea. I made myself invisible and flew to the airport. I landed in the middle of the street and hid in an alleyway. "Come on Jewel." I said. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her with me. We ran across the street and got to the airport. We ran around til I found a plane that'll take us back to the US. "Mama?" Jewel cried. I looked down at her. Her green eyes pierced mine. "Baby I swear I will protect from anyone who would hurt you." I said.

She leaned into my leg. We waited in line to get a ticket then we ran to board a plane. We boarded and sat down. Jewel began to cry silently. I held her hand. "Jewel we're gonna be fine baby." I said. I looked out the window and seen Grey and his goons looking around. He then looked up at me and smiled. He began to run towards the plane. "Okay Jewel, I didn't wanna do this because you don't know how to do this but we're gonna teleport." I said. She shook her head. "Mama." She said. "I got you." I said, as I held her close to my body. I then closed my eyes and told her to do so. I opened them to see we were in a cave. In water. Ten seconds later, we grew tails. I looked around and saw mermaids and mermen. We were back home. "Jewel follow me. I know where we are." I said. She shook her head. "Jewelina." I warned.

"Mama what if he finds us?" She asked. "He's gonna have to get on a plane here first." I said. We then underwater and swam to the beach. She followed behind me. We surfaced and ran through the woods. "Mama where are we going?" She asked. "Someplace sage." I said. I puked put my phone and texted Kacey to tell everyone to meet at AA. I told her I had an idea. She was thrilled that I got my phone back. I didn't have an idea. I just wanted everyone to know I was back. She texted that Justin and Abby were there. I smiled. Perfect. Yasss bitch. I grabbed Jewel and took off running. We ran til we were at AA. I seen the lights were on in Bishop's office. Everyone's cars were all there. I smiled and ran inside. Jewel looked around at the Arena. "Mama I'm scared." She said. "Don't be baby." I said. I walked up to the door and took a deep breath. I looked down at Jewel. She smiled at me.

I opened the door to see everyone there. "Angel!!" Tasha yelled. She ran over to me. "Angel!!" "Oh my baby!!" Mama cried. "ANGEL!!!" Abby yelled. I looked at her to see a little boy by her side. "And whose this?" Annie said. She had a boy by her side too. "Yeah who is that?" Justin asked. "Guys, this is my daughter, Jewelina. But you can call her Jewel." I said, breathlessly. Everyone stared at us. "Wow. She looks just like you." Keisha said. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Mama!!" Cries Jewel she ran up to my waist. "Baby it's okay. We're safe now." I said. "Angel we have so many questions." Bishop said. "Can it wait? We're tired of running." I said. "From who?" Trey asked. "Grey." Jewel said. "Grey?!" Justin asked. "Yeah. He chased us to an airport. We got on a plane but he saw us and I teleported us here." I said. "Get her some water." Bishop said. A worker ran off to get me and Jewel water.

"So her name is Jewelina? What a pretty name." Annie said, walking up to her. Jewel backed up into me. She buried her face in my leg. "Sorry Guys. She's shy and shake up right now." I said. "I see." Annie said. I looked at Justin. He stared at Jewelina. "Justin go ahead." I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I don't think so." Abby said, pulling out a gun. I got in front of Jewel. "Abby if I were you, I'd put that away." I said. She glared at me. "Angel I've tried to be nice." She said. "Abby, Stop." Annie said. She held out her hand at her. Bishop did the same. We all did. "Y'all think y'all scare me?" She asked, smirking. "Abby, put the gun down. I'd hate to have your son see you die in front of him." I said. She growled at me so I growled back. "Mama?" Jewel called. I looked at her. "Jewel please cover your eyes." I said. She closed them.

"What is this?" Said a voice. We turned to see the Magic Council standing in the doorway. "Hi." I said. "Angel? We thought we felt your strong presence." Terry said. He looked down at Jewel. "Who is this cutie pie?" Sally asked, walking up to her. "I'd love to chat but Abby has a gun in her hand." I said. Sally lifted her hand and the gun flew out of Abby's hand. "Not anymore." She said. Bishop said something in Korean and a bunch of workers tackled her. "Mommy!!" Cried the little boy. "Stop." Dominic said. We looked at him. "Who is this?" He asked. "Thai is my daughter, Jewelina." I said. They walked towards her but she ran to my other side. She began to cry. I picked her up. "Look Guys. Not now for questions. We're hungry and exhausted." I said. "What happened to you?" Sally asked. "Grey happened. We've been running from him." I said.

"Angel come with us. We'll provide food and shelter. We wanna learn about Jewelina." Terry said. "Okay." I said. "I wanna come with." Justin said. "Me too." Keisha said. "Me too." Mama said. "You'll all come then." Sally said. We instantly teleported back to when I was first here. Sally gave me a small dress to put on Jewel. She refused to wear it until I growled at her. She put it on then. We walked out to see everybody staring at us. I put Jewel on the table and backed away. She cried and reached out to me. I shook my head. She cried harder. "Jewelina stop. They're not gonna hurt you." I said. She calmed down a bit. The machine went over her then back to its original spot. She got down and I went to put her clothes back on. We came back out. I moved next to my Mama. I felt Justin's eyes on me but I didn't look at him.

Jewel wrapped around my leg. "Extraordinary. She's the second Uni-Hybrid." Terry said, looking at Jewel. "Is she?" Annie asked. "Mama, I'm hungry." Jewel said. "We got snacks." Sally said. She led us to a cafeteria. She gave Jewel som pudding cups, some Slim Jim's, some chips and a sandwich. She also gave us drinks in case we were dehydrated. I watched her eat. We sat down at a table and ate. Justin sat next to me. "Angel?" He called. I looked at him. "How-" I cut him off. "No questions please. Not now. I'm very tired." I said. "We'll take y'all home after this." Mama said. "Yeah we have so much to talk about." Kacey said. "Kacey." Mike said. "Oh sorry. After y'all get settled and everything." She said. Jewel got uncomfortable with everyone looking at her. She got up and moved to my lap. "Extraordinary." Dominic said. I got a bit agitated with them staring at her.

It made her cry again. "Okay guys, how bout no staring at her? It's why she's crying." I said. They started to look elsewhere. "Sorry Angel. It's just so amazing." Sally said. "I bet it is." I said. After awhile, Jewel fell asleep. I carried her to a room where the Magic Council said they only need a DNA sample form her. I have them a piece of her hair and that was it. Mama took us home after that. Everyone wanted to come with. But I don't see why. Cause when we get home, I'm taking Jewel and me to sleep. We pulled up and I seen nothing has changed. Good. We got out and Justin walked beside me. I know he means well and he hasn't seen me in four years but he's getting in my nerves being beside me. I carried Jewel upstairs to my room to find it nice and neat. "We didn't think it would take long to find you so we kept it clean." Keisha said.

"Thanks." I said. I laid Jewel down and she got underneath the covers. I did too. "Angel?" Annie called. "Annie, I'm really tired. Can the questions wait til tomorrow morning?"I asked. "Yes. We can wait." Bishop said. They all walked out the room. I felt Justin's presence but he left with the rest of them. After I was well rested, I woke up to find Jewel watching SpongeBob. She must've felt my eyes on her cause she looked down at me. "Hi Mama." She said, in a high voice. "Hi babygirl." I said. I got up and brushed my teeth. I took a bath and changed into different clothes. I walked back to see her staring at me. "Mama I don't have any clothes." She said, sadly. "We'll go shopping with Aunt Keisha and Aunt Kacey." I said. She was confused. I picked her up and carried her downstairs. There I saw everyone all fast asleep. Justin was sitting up, watching TV. He sniffed the air and looked at us. He stood up but I held my finger up.

"Not now love." I said. He nodded. I walked to the fridge to get Jewel a juice pouch. She drunk it. "Mama, why is he staring at us?" She asked. Justin stared at her then at me. "Baby, that's your daddy." I said. She gasped and looked at Justin. They stared at each other. "Hi." He said. She didn't say anything. I put her down and pushed her to him. She resisted. "Baby, it's okay. He's harmless." I said. She looked at me then at him. She walked up to him and looked up at him. He dropped down to her level. "I gotta go to the bathroom. Talk to him babygirl. He won't hurt you." I said, as I walked off. I used the bathroom and came back out to see Jewel sitting in the counter with Justin in front of her. "So what did Mama do?" He asked. "She um, fought Grey for me." She said. "Jewelina, do you know what Grey did to Mama?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No sir but he made her scream a lot. It has scary. He even attacked me once." She said. Justin's eyes turned bright green but he calmed down. "Jewel what do you remember back there?" He asked. "Not much. Grey pretty much attacked us. I wanted to protect Mama but she said I shouldn't do that and that I should hide if he ever comes near me." She said. "Good. He's a bad man." Justin said. "How do I know your not like him?" She asked. "I would never hurt Mama. If she's upset, I'll give her space and let her cool off but I would never hurt her or you." He said. "Are you sure?" She asked. He nodded. She looked down at his hands. He was shaking a little bit. "Your upset." She said. "I am. I love Mama very much and to hear what Grey has done to her isn't a nice thing. It's making me mad." He said. She then took his hand. "It's over now. I hope. Mama said she would protect me. I wanna protect her." She said. "I'll protect you both." He said.

She smiled at him. "Mama said your my daddy. Is that true?" She asked. He nodded. "I pray your mine. Because you seem to act like me but look like her. Play, you have my eyes." He said. "I hope so too. You seem really nice." She said. She looked down at her juice. "Want another?" He asked. She nodded. "Yes please." She said. He got up and opened the fridge. I walked in. "Mama!" Jewel said. She hugged me. I kissed her forehead. "Hey baby." I said. Justin looked at me and smiled. "Hey Mama. I was talking to Jewel here." He said. I smirked at him. "What about?" I asked, though I already knew. "About Grey. Mama, you sure we're safe from him here?" She asked. I nodded. "We're surrounded by my family Jewel. He's not getting close to us without a fight." I said. She smiled. "Wanna watch SpongeBob?" I asked. She nodded. She jumped down and ran upstairs to my room. I followed her.

"Angel." Justin camels, holding my arm. "What's up?" I asked. "Is what she said true? Did he really hurt you?" He asked. I nodded. "But we're here now. And good timing too. He was starting to eye her. With my tied up, he would've got to her." I said. He growled. "Baby relax. I know he knows we got away and this is probably where he'll look first, but we now have you guys to help us." I said. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to my room. We walked in to see Jewel in the bathroom. She was brushing her hair. "Mama, my curls." She whined. "That's cause your using a brush." I said as I took it from her. I began to do her hair. I led her back to my room and she climbed in. I got between her and Justin. I felt his eyes on me. "Justin, if you don't believe she's yours, can do a DNA test today." I said. He gave me a look. "I believe you but yeah we could. Grey did horrible things to you. I just want to make sure." He said.

I nodded. We watched TV til Jewel fell back asleep. I looked at her and put her underneath the covers. Justin then kissed me. He grabbed my face to keep me still. He started to deepen the kiss. "Justin." I whispered. "I can't help it Angel. I've missed you so much." He whispered. I looked at Jewel before i pulled Justin out the room to another one. We kissed and fell on the bed. He began to kiss my neck, my neck stomach, and my thighs. He then stopped and lifted up my shirt. I looked down at myself and seen what he was staring at. I covered myself up. "Angel what happened?" He asked. "I had a C-Section. Jewel almost didn't make it. With the torturing Grey was doing, she got turned upside down the womb and her cord almost choked her to death. So we had to get her out immediately." I said, looking down. I began to cry. He hugged me. "It's okay Angel. It's not your fault. It's mine." He said.

I looked at him. "How?" I asked. "Angel this all happened because of me. Don't get e wrong, I'm grateful for you and Jewel but Abby was right about something. If I hang saved you, you wouldn't have gone through what you went through. Because of me, Abby targeted you as a result of me saving you." He said. "Justin, we would've crossed paths sooner or later." I said. "I know but still...I wish I broke up with Abby when Mike told me." He said. I kissed him. "It's not your fault baby. It's Abby's."I said, seductively. I kissed him again. "It's Abby's Daddy. She ruined us." I said, as I took my shirt off. "Mama?" Called Jewel. He sighed. "We got time love. The rest of time." I said. We got up and headed back to my room. "Mama where'd you go?" Jewel asked. "Adult conversation." I said. She nodded and laid on top of me. We watched SpongeBob until we all fell asleep.