Poppy's POV
The five friends stayed to hang out with the ghost just as Poppy had promised. They spent most of the hang out listening to music, to which Teri danced to, and chatting with the ghost, whose name they learned was Napstablook.
"So what's it like being a ghost?" Poppy asked, sitting down beside Napstablook.
"Um… it's not the best," the ghost admitted with a sigh. "We can't interact with corporeal beings unless we fully fuse with a corporeal host… and the only food we can eat is ghost food, and there isn't much of it."
"So you can phase through things?" Poppy asked, tilting her head to the side. The ghost nodded. "Then why don't you just… pass through the barrier and leave the underground?"
"I don't have much of a reason to," Napstablook sighed. "It's not like it would be any different than here…" Poppy reached out to touch the ghost. However, her hand phased right through them and she let out a sigh.
"Do you ever get lonely here?" Poppy asked.
"A little… but you know… there's the TV… and my music… it's good company. At least they can't hurt me."
Poppy bit her lip. This was starting to sound all too familiar. "Yeah, I get that," she sighed, pulling her legs into her chest. Clover made his way toward the fridge. Napstablook immediately noticed the action, their eyes wide.
"Oh... Are you hungry?" they asked. "I can get you something to eat…" Napstablook floated toward the fridge. They pulled it open, turning around to reveal a shape floating in front of them. "This is a ghost sandwich. Do you want to try it... " Clover reached out to grab the sandwich but it passed through his hands. Then it flopped to the ground.
"Oh… nevermind…" Napstablook paused before continuing, "After a great meal, I like to lie on the ground and feel like garbage…" That's really sad. "It's a family tradition… do you want… to join me?"
"Sure," Poppy replied, raising her hand. Teri, Kat, and Frisk all nodded.
"Uh... okay," Clover agreed with a shrug.
"Okay… follow my lead…" Napstablook floated to the middle of the room, lying down on their back. The others did the same. "Here we go… you'll lie down as long as you don't move. So… only move around when you want to get up, I guess." And so they laid on the ground. Teri was the first to get up, Poppy could tell by the sound of ballet shoes against the wood. Clover was up next. Poppy however remained in place. Her mind went wild with tons of varying thoughts, mostly about Napstablook. It was clear they lead a sad life. Being alone all the time probably didn't help that much... It didn't help her. She couldn't help but feel a twinge empathy for the ghost. Eventually, she sat up. She turned to see Frisk and Kat sitting up beside her. Napstablook got up too. "Well, that was nice… thank you…"
"No problem," Poppy replied with a smile.
Frisk made their way toward the exit. "Well, we should be on our way."
"Wait!" Poppy exclaimed. Clover glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "I um…" she turned to Napstablook. "Is it okay if I stay here for a while?"
"QUE?!" Clover snapped, his fists clenched.
"Oh… um… yeah, sure, if you want," Napstablook murmured, drifting to the back of the house. Clover marched toward Poppy.
"Why do you want to stay?! I…" Clover paused to sigh. His gaze faltered from Poppy's for a moment before he looked back up. "I thought things were getting better… b-between… us."
Poppy's head tilted to the side. "What? Oh! This isn't about wanting to leave the group. I… I just…"
"Is this about Undyne?" Kat asked, taking a step toward. "Are you… afraid of her?"
"I mean… yeah, we're all afraid of her but that's not why I want to stay… it's just… Napstablook is really lonely. I… I want to keep them company since… we kinda have some things in common."
"That's fair," Teri replied with a shrug. "But… you will catch up later, right?"
"Yeah, of course." Poppy nodded. "Good luck, guys." Everyone turned and made their way out of the house, except for Clover. He stared at Poppy, his expression unreadable. "Um… Clover?"
"Lo siento," he muttered, looking at the ground.
"For... what?" Poppy asked her head tilting to the side.
"F-for how I treated you…" Clover met her gaze. "I-it wasn't fair… I know it took it too far and-"
"It's fine," Poppy sighed, turning away. "I… actually kinda deserved it… I just wish there was a way I could get rid of this LV… and I'm sorry, I was a total jerk."
"Well I wasn't much better to you," Clover replied with a shrug.
"Clover!" A voice called. A head was poking through the door.
"You should be on your way," Poppy replied, gesturing to Clover. "I'll be fine." Clover let out a sigh but he turned away.
"I'm coming Frisk!" he called, walking to the door.
"Hey!" Poppy called. Clover stopped at the door, meeting her gaze. "Tell Frisk… I'm grateful… and that we're friends…"
"Sure," Clover replied, shutting the door behind him. Poppy let out a sigh, feeling most of the weight fall from her shoulders. Then she turned to Napstablook, her new friend, with a smile.
Clover's POV
Frisk lead the group down another corridor. They stopped at a shop to buy food before continuing to the next hall, where more signs adorned the walls. Estupendo… cosas que Poppy no sabre… (Great, already things Poppy won't know.)
"Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us underground with a magic spell-"
"Magicians?" Clover raised an eyebrow. "Humans used… magic?"
"I guess," Frisk shrugged before continuing. "Anything can enter through the seal, but only beings with a powerful soul can leave." Onto the next sign. "There is only one way to reverse this spell. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human souls, attacks the barrier, it will be destroyed."
"Seven human souls?" Clover's eyes widened. "Seven of us fell underground! We can break the barrier!"
"If we can get in contact with Ace," Teri added, marching forward. Another sign awaited them across the pond.
"But this cursed place has no entrances or exits." That's completely incorrect. "There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever." The group continued down the hall. They made their way through a dark maze, encountering plenty of monsters, before they made their way into another dark room. At the end of the room, was an echo flower.
"Behind you," it murmured. Like magic, the entire room lit up. Clover turned with a gasp to see Undyne glaring at them. His heart pounded. The group was backed against the wall, with nowhere to run. Clover was frozen with fear.
"Seven." Undyne's voice filled the whole room. ��Seven human souls. With the power of seven human souls, our king… King Asgore Dreemurr… will become a god. With that power, Asgore can finally shatter the barrier. He will finally take the surface back from humanity." Take it back?! "And give them back the suffering and pain we have endured." Clover's eyes widened. Undyne paused before continuing her monologue, "Understand, humans? This is your only chance at redemption. Give up your souls…. Or I'll tear them from your bodies!" A spear appeared in Undyne's hand.
Kat took a step forward. "Should we?" Clover blocked her with his arm, glaring at Undyne.
"Don't," he muttered. Undyne stepped toward them slowly before breaking into a sprint, spear pointed at them. Their souls appeared for a brief moment. Then a yellow shape emerged from the reeds, standing between them. Monster Kid!
"Undyne! I'll help you fight!" They exclaimed. They glanced back and forth between Undyne and the humans, their gaze bright. "YO! You did it! Undyne is RIGHT in front of you! You've got front row seats to her fight!" Their gaze shifted between them again, confusion taking over their features. "...Wait. Who's she fighting?" Undyne grabbed Monster Kid by the cheek and dragged them away. "H-hey! You aren't gonna tell my parents about this, are you?"
"Monster Kid!" Kat cried out, her eyes wide. Clover rushed past her. He pushed through the water, making his way toward a flowery bridge.
"Now's our chance!" He called, gesturing to the group. "Let's go!"
"But what about Monster Kid?" Kat protested, pointing down the hallway. "We can't just abandon them."
"The kid will be fine, Undyne won't hurt them. Now come on!" Clover and Frisk went down the hallway side by side, the others trailing after them. Echo flowers adorned this hallway. Clover ignored them, pushing through the gross water. Frisk stopped in front of a sign, pausing before reading it.
"However… There is a prophecy. The angel… the one who has seen the surface… They will return and the underground will go empty."
"Probably you, Frisk," Teri replied, pulling herself out of the water.
"Yeah," Clover agreed, following her.
"Oh please, I'm no angel," Frisk replied, continuing forward.
"To the monsters you might be," Kat argued, walking by their side. "Especially compared to the humans they knew."
"That is a pretty low bar," Clover mused, following Frisk. They lead the group to a bridge, which was so thin they had to walk single-file.
"Yo!" The group skidded to a halt. A little yellow figure was behind them, slowly approaching until they stopped in front of Clover. "Yo, I know I'm not supposed to be here, but… I wanna ask you something." They paused. "Man, I 've never had to ask anyone this before… um… yo… you're humans, right?" Monster Kid forced a laugh. Clover's heart skipped a beat as silence descended upon the group. Finally, Teri let out a sigh.
"Yes, we are," she admitted, her head hung low.
"Man! I knew it… well, I know it now I mean. Undyne told me, um, 'stay away from those humans.' So, like, um… I guess that makes us enemies or something but I kinda stink at that." Monster Kid forced another laugh. "Yo, say something mean so I can hate you? Please, one of you?"
"But… but I don't have anything mean to say!" Clover protested, "We-we like you." The others behind him nodded.
"Yo, what? So I have to do it?" None one really has to, we can still be friends! "Here goes nothing… Yo, I… I hate your guts. Man, I… I'm such a turd," the kid sighed. "I'm… I'm gonna go home now." Monster Kid took a few steps back, not taking their eyes off the group. They turned and ran, tripping on a loose board on the bridge and slipping down the side. Gasps erupted from the group.
"Yo wait! I tripped!" The Monster Kid cried. "Help! I tripped!" Undyne appeared on the other side of the bridge. Not wasting a second, Clover rushed toward Monster Kid, kneeling down to grab them and pull them onto the bridge. Monster Kid stumbled beside him, letting out a gasp. Kat was immediately at Monster Kid's side as well, her eyes wide. They ran around them, standing between Clover and Undyne with a fierce glare.
"Y...y...yo! Dude…. If… if y-you wanna hurt my friends. You're gonna have to get through me first!" Undyne took a few steps back before turning and leaving completely. Clover turned to Monster Kid.
"Estas bie- Are you okay?!" Clover gasped, resting his hands on Monster Kid's sides.
"I'm fine… but you really saved my skin! Guess being enemies was just a nice thought. We'll just have to be friends instead…"
"We're so sorry we didn't help!" Frisk gasped, bolting toward the group.
"We-we were so shocked!" Teri added, "It all happened so quick!"
"It's fine dudes," Monster Kid replied with what looked like a shrug. "I'm not mad at any of you… man I should REALLY go home… I bet my parents are worried sick about me! Later dudes!" Monster Kid turned and trotted away.
"Later!" Teri called with a wave.
"Let's keep going," Frisk gestured for them to follow them down the hall.
Frisk's POV
The group continued down the cavern. Eventually, Frisk stopped in front of a tunnel among a rocky cliffside. Undyne stood on the highest point.
"Seven. Seven human souls, and King Asgore will become a god. Understand? With your souls, we can break the barrier. First, however, I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people." Undyne turned away. "It all started, long ago…" After a pause, Undyne turned back to them. "No, you know what? SCREW IT!" Frisk shrank back as she began screaming. "WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU THAT STORY WHEN YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE?! NGAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Undyne tore off her helmet, revealing a glowing yellow eye, an eyepatch, fins, and blue scales. "YOU! You're standing in the way of everybody's hopes and dreams! Alphys's history books made me think humans were cool, with their giant robots and flowery swordsmen. BUT YOU?! You're just a bunch of cowards! Hiding behind that kid so you could run away from me again and let's not forget the wimpy goody two-shoes shtick! Oooh! We're making such a difference by hugging random strangers! You know what would be more valuable to everyone? IF YOU WERE ALL DEAD!" Well… that's kinda harsh, isn't it? "That's right, humans! Your continued existences are a crime! Your lives stand between us and our freedom! Step forward, when you dare!" A save point appeared beside Frisk. They reached out to touch it before following the others to the bottom of the cliff.
"Are we really ready for this?" Kat murmured, her voice hard to hear over the howling wind. The group huddled together like penguins.
"No, but no way are we giving up now," Frisk replied, clenching their fists. They glared up at Undyne. The warrior glared back at them, pulling out a spear.
"That's it then! No more running away!" Undyne jumped off the cliff, her spear pointed at the ground. The group's souls appeared. With a flick of Undyne's spear, their souls turned green. A spear appeared in Frisk's left hand. Frisk tried to move away, but their feet seemed to be glued to the ground.
"As long as you're green you can't escape!" Undyne announced. Spears fired from her hands. Frisk pointed their spear at Undyne's spears, to which they disappeared with a 'ding.'
"We have to fight back!" Clover gasped, ducking a bit. "If we don't, she'll kill us!"
"No!" Frisk shouted, blocking more spears as they spoke. "Fighting won't solve anything!"
"Well you can't keep blocking forever." Undyne continued her dramatic monologue, glaring at the humans, and drawing her finger over her neck. Frisk blocked out the conversations of their friends as the battle went on. After a while, she flicked her spear again. Frisk's soul was red again. Undyne's words earlier rang through Frisk's mind: as long as you're green you can't escape from me. Frisk grabbed Kat's wrist. "Come on!" They called, rushing off. Teri and Clover exchanged glances before bolting after them. Kat struggled to run by Frisk's side.
"HEY!" Undyne yowled, chasing after them. "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BRATS!" Halfway through the corridor, Frisk's soul reappeared green and they were forced into place. "You won't get away from me this time!" Spears fired at the group from every angle. Frisk was able to block most of them but froze as a scream filled the air. A spear had shot Teri, going through her stomach. Frisk yanked the spear out and Teri shoved her slice of pie into their mouth. The blood disappeared. Frisk continued to block the spears until Undyne flicked her spear and Frisk's soul turned red. Grabbing their friends, Frisk ran down the hall. They made a sharp turn, kicking up dust as they approached a sign that read "Welcome to Hotland." Before they could continue, the green soul appeared again. Frisk let out a grunt.
"You won't get away from me this time!" Undyne growled, glaring daggers at the children. Frisk raised their spear to block the ones that fired at them. The final one was a yellow spear. They pointed the spear at it. Frisk's eyes widened as the spear flipped over them and shot through their back. A yowl of pain filled the air.
"Frisk!" the group cried. Frisk fell on their face as the world went dark.
"You cannot give up just yet." The deep voice whispered to them. "Chara! Stay determined…" Determination burned through them, and their eyes popped open. They were back in front of the cave. So the yellow arrows will appear from one side and move to the opposite side. That's gonna get confusing… Frisk got through the first two phases of the fight with ease, struggling a bit with the yellow spears.
"NGAH! DIE ALREADY YOU LITTLE BRATS!" Undyne exclaimed. She fired an attack entirely made of yellow spears. Frisk randomly pointed their spear in every direction they could until three of them pierced their body. They let out a yowl before falling again. And again. And again. Over and over, on the same bloody attack.
Kat's POV
Kat gazed at Undyne, her eyes wide.
"Are we really ready for this?" she murmured, shivering in the wind.
"I am," Frisk muttered, gripping their stick tightly in their hand. "We should win this time! We have to!"
Kat's head tilted. "Frisk? How many times have we done this?" she whispered.
"Five times." Kat's eyes widened. "But this time, we should be able to do it." Kat nodded, though her heart pounded in her ears as she and the others stepped forward.
"That's it then! No more running away!" Undyne jumped off the cliff, her spear pointed at the ground. Kat's soul appeared.
"En guarde!" Undyne yowled, flicking her spear. Kat tried to move, but her feet were stuck to the ground. She looked at everyone else. Her eyes widened when she realized that all their souls had turned green like her's. Frisk also held a spear similar to Undyne's. Undyne fired spears at them. Frisk pointed their spear at Undyne's, making them disappear. They titled the spear around the group, preventing the spears from attacking any of them.
"Undyne, please!" Clover protested, clasping his hands. "We're just kids! We have nothing to do with this war!"
"We don't want to fight!" Kat added, her eyes watering. But Undyne ignored them. All of Undyne's attacks were blocked before she flicked her spear, and Kat could move her feet again. Frisk grabbed Kat's wrist and bolted away. The others followed as Undyne gave chase through the cavern. Then, Kat's feet were forced into place. Undyne stepped in front of them readying her spears and continuing her monologue. Frisk blocked all these spears too. Kat flinched as Undyne threw a huge boulder across the room, making it break as it slammed into a wall. Moments, later Kat's feet detached from the ground again. She broke into a sprint. Frisk was right at her side and Teri and Clover trailed after them. Just like last time, they were forced into place again with a flick of Undyne's spear. How long will this last?! Undyne glared at them, her teeth clenched.
"You've escaped from me for the last time!" she yelled, summoning more spears.
"Stop! Please!" Teri begged, her eyes wide. Kat glanced at her friend with a sigh. Undyne won't stop.
"I… I can't do this!" Frisk exclaimed, as the yellow spears sank into their skin. Kat struggled in place. She jerked forward, her legs glued in place as she swung her pan wildly at the spears before they could hit Frisk. The arrows were knocked away, most sliding to the ground. Something sharp pierced her head. Kat stumbled to the ground, letting out a yowl of pain. Frisk rushed to her side. They yanked the arrow out of Kat's head and she immediately ate her slice of pie.
"Come on!" Frisk called, grabbing Kat and taking off down the hall. "Now's our chance!" Clover and Teri nodded, immediately bolting after them. A ringing sound filled the cavern.
"Who's that?!" Teri asked, pointing to Frisk's phone.
"That doesn't matter right now!" Clover exclaimed, bolting past them. But Frisk took the call anyways, thankfully at least continuing to run as they did.
"HEY! WHAT'S UP?!" Kat immediately recognized Papyrus's voice. Kat glanced back at Undyne to see that she had skidded to a halt, gazing at the group with a wide eye. The other skidded to a halt as they noticed. Of course! She's friends with Papyrus, she's probably confused as to why he's calling us! "I WAS JUST THINKING… YOU, ME, AND UNDYNE SHOULD ALL HANG OUT SOMETIME! I THINK YOU WOULD MAKE GREAT PALS! LET'S MEET UP AT HER HOUSE LATER!" Frisk put the phone away. Undyne shook her head before charging after the group. The group continued to run but Undyne was too quick, making their souls appear as she closed in on them. Kat skidded to a halt. Undyne glared daggers at them, her spear drawn. However, she didn't flick it. Kat glanced at everyone, to see that their souls remained their normal colours.
"STOP RUNNING AWAY!" Undyne yowled, pointing her spear at them.
"Um… no…" Kat turned and bolted away, the others just at her side. Undyne let out a growl. Her footsteps thundered behind them as they finally made their way out of the tunnel. Kat was greeted by a wave of heat in her face. The ground beneath them was now a bright orange, with lava boiling far below a wooden bridge before them. Off to the side of the path, was a wooden stand with two figures behind it. "YOU!" Undyne exclaimed, turning toward the stand. Kat's eyes widened. Ray was at the stand, beside a sleeping Sans. He let out a yelp. Kat was about to rush to his aid when Ray jumped out of the stand, slamming his gloved fist against Undyne's face. The warrior staggered back with a grunt.
"Guys!" Ray gasped, rushing past Undyne.
"Ray!" Frisk exclaimed, running up to him. Undyne wiped her face, turning to the group with a yowl. The group turned and ran across the wooden bridge, panting and gasping.
"I leave you guys for a few hours and you're being chased by a psycho fish lady with magic spears?!" Ray demanded.
"Well, sorry!" Teri exclaimed, leaping off the bridge. "We can't help that she wants us dead!"
"Wants you dead?" Ray asked, skidding to a halt in front of a water cooler. "Jeez, what did you do to piss her off? What did I do to piss her off?"
"Be human," Clover grunted, shrugging. Ray's eyes widened. Undyne's footsteps echoed behind them. Kat and the others turned to see her struggling across the bridge, panting as sweat dripped down her face.
"Armour… so… hot," she panted, her legs shaking beneath her. "But I can't… give up…" Undyne took a few more steps before collapsing on the ground with a gasp.
"Now's our chance!" Teri gasped, "Let's get away while she's passed out." Kat stopped Teri with her arm. She glanced at Undyne, her heart aching as the warrior grunted in pain. She approached the warrior slowly. Her scales were so dry Kat could almost see smoke coming off her. Kat grabbed a cup from the water cooler, filling it up with water, and making her way toward Undyne.
"Kat, what are you doing?!" Ray gasped, his eyes wide.
"She'll start chasing us again if you help her," Clover protested, taking a step forward. For a brief moment, Kat considered listening to them. Then she looked back at Undyne, grunting in pain, burning up from the heat of her metal armour in this lava filled heat. Kat couldn't leave her like this, even if she had almost killed her. No one deserved to suffer like this. Kat stepped closer to Undyne, pouring the cup of water on her. Undyne struggled on the ground. Frisk stepped to Kat's side, pouring another cup of water on Undyne. The warrior struggled on the ground before shoving herself to her feet, glaring down at Kat and Frisk. Shaking, Kat took a step back, her eyes wide. Ray, Teri, and Clover stood behind her, glaring at Undyne even as she towered over all of them. Kat's heart pounded in her ears. Letting out a sigh, Undyne turned and marched across the bridge. Everyone sighed in relief.
"We're… alive." Clover wrapped his arms around himself, gazing down at himself with a look disbelief. "H-how?"
"No idea," Teri admitted, taking a step forward.
"I guess she realized we aren't that bad," Kat replied, with a shrug.
"Anyways." Frisk turned to Ray. "Will you stay with us this time, Ray?"
"Well it kinda seems like I'm missing out, but…" Ray paused to sigh, glancing at the ground. "It'll be hard saying goodbye to Sans and Papyrus…"
"You don't have to." Ray met Frisk's gaze, raising an eyebrow. "Ray, I know why we're here now. The monsters, they… they're been imprisoned here."
"Wrongly imprisoned," Clover butted in.
"And we have the power to save them… somehow."
"So… I won't be leaving Sans and Papyrus forever?" Frisk shook their head. "Good, they're good friends… they deserve to be free." Ray raised his fists into the air. "Where to next, Frisk?" A smirk formed on Frisk's lips.