Chapter 9

"Loki," a voice murmured. Rolling over, Loki let out a groan, shoving his face into his pillow as light poured in from the door.

"Go away," he muttered.

"Loki, wake up. This is important." Loki flinched, his eyes popping open. Tony was standing in the doorway.

"What is so important that you must wake me at this hour?" Loki asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"It's about Thanos." Loki flinched. The back of his head slammed into the headboard. "There's a way to undo what he did."

"Really?" Loki asked, perking up.

"With time travel," Tony explained. "The others came to me about it and… uh… I figured it out and I think we should do it."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "We?"

"Yes, we. You-you'd be a great member of the team."

Loki chuckled. "Oh, don't be ridiculous, Tony. I'm no Avenger, you know that."

Tony shrugged. "Okay, maybe not. But you hate Thanos just as much as the rest of us… and you lost friends…" Loki cringed. "Don't you want to get them back?" Loki glanced at his dresser, where Quill's mixtape laid.

"...I do… but…" Loki paused to sigh. "No…" He stood up and approached Tony, his steps clumsy and slow in the darkness. "I'm not letting you do this alone… You'll just get yourself killed."

"Don't worry, my top priority is to survive," Tony replied.

"Good." Loki rested his hand on Tony's shoulder. "Because I can't lose anyone else… and your family needs you…"

"So, you'll come then?"

"I will…" Loki glanced at the ground. "But I don't see how much use I'll be."

"We'll find something for you to do," Tony replied, turning away. "We'll leave in the morning. See ya then." He closed the door behind him, taking all the light with him. Loki laid back down. He rested his hand on his forehead, his thoughts wandering away. Time travel?! Have they lost their damn minds?! These people were supposed to be Earth's Mightiest Heroes yet they couldn't stop arguably the biggest threat to Earth and even the whole universe and are now completely dependent on time travel five years later?! It was the only way. Loki clenched his jaw at the thought of Strange's last words. Why is this the only way?! Why do Earth's Mightiest Heroes have to rely on such a ridiculous nonsensical idea to even have a chance at defeating Thanos?! He was a powerful being but he was still just one being. As if that wasn't enough for Loki to lose his mind over, now there was the threat of losing his now closest friend to such a stupid, risky, endeavor. Loki hated how attached he was to Tony. He hated how attached he was to the Guardians as well but this was different. Tony was different. Loki hadn't been afraid to be vulnerable in front of him and always felt that weird warmth when he was around him. That one hug seemed to have melted him. He wanted more. Loki was seemingly addicted to Tony's touch, not that he ever showed it. In his head, however, he constantly thought of scenarios between the two of them that would obviously never happen. They were... mostly innocent. However, it all confused Loki greatly. Through some miracle, Loki was eventually able to pass out.

"Loki," Tony called. Loki's eyes strained open as he let out a yawn. Sunlight streamed in through the windows. Tony was leaning against the wall in the doorframe, a serious look on his face despite the relaxed demeanor. "Get up. We've gotta leave for the time heist thingy." A smile formed on Loki's lips. He slipped out of bed, pulling on a shirt and following Tony outside. Tony collected various different objects from the house before saying goodbye to Pepper and Morgan and heading out the door. Loki trailed after him. Dropping his supplies in the trunk, Tony turned to Loki.

"Hey… you can make yourself invisible, right?" he asked.

"I can conceal my presence and the presence of others from whomever I desire," Loki answered, feeling a rush of pride. "So by your definition, I indeed can."

"Can you conceal… objects?"

"Oh, easily. Why?" Tony pulled something out of the trunk, handing it to Loki. He immediately recognized the red, white, and blue colouring as well as the type of metal: vibranium. Captain America's shield?

"I made that for Cap. Keep it hidden until I say," Tony ordered, shutting the trunk. Loki glanced at him, his eyebrow twitching up.


"Drama," he explained, gesturing to him. "Now come on, get in the car."

"Um… alright…" Tony got in the driver's seat, activating the car. Loki opened one of the back doors.

"No, no, front seat," Tony called. Loki closed the door, his head tilting to the side. However, he obliged. Shifting into his seat, Loki concealed the shield that lay in his lap. The car ride was long and mostly silent. Loki stared out the window the whole time, his mind wandering to thoughts of the Guardians. He only spent maybe two maybe three days with them. However, his heart ached at the thought of them. The idea of bringing them back made Loki bright with hope, yet a more pessimistic part of him wondered if this was all too good to be true. That at any moment he would wake up and it would all be a dream. Or it wouldn't work. Loki struggled to push the thoughts away, fidgeting with his hands.

"I don't think it'll work either." Loki glanced at Tony, his eyes wide.

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"No offense, but you're really easy to read," Tony replied, not taking his eyes off the road. Loki's cheeks heated up. "Besides, we've known each other for five years. That's a pretty long time for humans."

"It hasn't been long for me," Loki responded. "But I assure you, our friendship means a lot to me."

"I know."

"Knock it off, Han Solo," Loki teased, smiling brightly. "I know you care about me too."

Tony smirked, letting out a chuckle. "Okay yeah, you win… Kylo." Don't take that out of context, Loki thought desperately to himself.

"Kylo? So you're my father?" Loki inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Tony let out a giggle. "Wouldn't I have to be like three thousand for that?" Loki giggled as well. "Unless you're talking kink-wise." Loki's smile faded. He had been on Earth and used the Internet long enough to know what Tony meant.

"You disgust me," he growled, his cheeks glowing bright red. Tony grinned. The ride was silent for a while more. Eventually, Tony pulled up in front of the Avengers Compound.

"Shit," Tony muttered, pulling a lever. "Went too far." The car proceeded to travel backward, towards a moping Steve Rogers on the curb. The window rolled down as Steve approached. Due to the position of the car and the curb, Loki was between Tony and Steve.

"Greetings, Rogers," he greeted, waving his hand and leaning back. Tony leaned forward, meeting Steve's eye.

"Why the long face?" Tony asked, turning off the car. "Let me guess: he turned into a baby."

"Among other things, yeah," Steve answered. "What are you two doing here?" Tony pushed the door open, climbing out of the car from the opposite side of Steve. Loki followed him, closing the door behind them.

"That's the EPR paradox," Tony explained, walking over to face Steve. "Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang." Loki was unable to stop smiling. Tony must've figured that out just last night yet he was already an expert at it. He really lives up to his genius status. "It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody shoulda cautioned you against it."

"You did," Steve admitted.

"Oh, did I? Thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it." Tony held up his right hand, revealing a small watch-like device on his wrist. "A fully functioning Time-Space GPS." Loki's eyes widened. He definitely made that overnight as well, since Loki hadn't seen it before today. "I just want peace." Tony made a peace sign with his fingers. "Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."

"Me too," Steve replied.

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs. And... maybe not die trying will be nice."

"Sounds like a deal." Steve extended his hand to Tony, who accepted the handshake. "So… why's he here?" Steve pointed at Loki, who let out a groan.

"To help, obviously," Tony replied. He rested his hand on Loki's shoulder, who blushed in response. "Come on, he hasn't done anything in over five years, he's not going to now." Steve still gazed at Loki warily, as if he were expecting the god to slash his throat at any given moment. Tony leaned toward Loki and whispered, "Reveal the shield." Loki nodded, conjuring up the shield in his hands. He stepped toward Steve.

"Uh… here… from Tony," Loki informed. Steve glanced at Tony, eyes wide.

"Tony, I…"

"Why? I made it for you. Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding." Steve gazed at Tony for a moment longer before taking the shield, fitting his arm into it.

"Thank you, Tony," Steve murmured, not taking his eyes off the shield.

"Will you keep that a little quiet?" Tony murmured. "Didn't bring one for the whole team." He hesitated before adding, "...We are getting the whole team, yeah?" There was a pang in Loki's heart.

"We're working on that right now," Steve answered.

"Well…" Loki sighed. "You can't get the whole team. Not without… Thor." Loki bit his lip.

"No need to remind us," Steve grunted, walking toward the compound. Loki's head hung low as he followed. He flinched as Tony's hand rested on his shoulder.

"I shouldn't have brought that up," Loki muttered, not meeting his friend's gaze.

"It's okay. We all really miss Thor," Tony sighed. "He was a good friend..." Loki glanced at his friend for a moment. The second they pushed open the doors, a gasp erupted from the centre of the room.

"Oh my god!" a voice exclaimed. "Is that Loki?! The Loki?!" A man rushed toward Loki, his eyes wide. "Holy crap. How in the world did you guys convince Loki to do this?!" Okay, so he's crazy. "I'm Scott Lang it's, uh… nice to meet you?" Loki didn't know how to react so he just sort of stared at Scott awkwardly.

"Um… sure… what exactly is the plan here?" Loki asked, trying to change the subject.

"We're still working out the details," Scott answered. "All we know is that we're gonna use that machine to travel back in time and bring back everyone that disappeared." So not Thor. "I'll keep you updated though," Scott added before turning away.

"Um… okay." Loki immediately booked it for Tony, who thank the Gods was nearby. "That man is a crackpot," he whispered.

Tony cracked a smile. "You're not wrong."

"Stark," Bruce called. Well, Loki thought it was Bruce until he turned around to see the lumbering form of the Hulk. Loki instinctively summoned a dagger. "Glad you finally made it. We really need you." Loki stared at Bruce/Hulk. He had the form of the Hulk minus all the anger plus a shirt and glasses.


"Loki." Tony covered Loki's mouth. "Chill… Get rid of the knife." Loki clenched his jaw but obeyed anyway. "Now, I'm gonna go talk to Banner. Can you behave?" Unable to think of a witty response, Loki simply nodded, hoping the furious blush in his cheeks wasn't too visible. "Good, I'll see you in a bit." Loki's gaze lingered on Tony. Even as the man stood on the other side of the huge room, discussing something undoubtedly intelligent with Bruce, Loki couldn't tear his gaze away.

"Whatcha starin' at?" a voice asked. Loki flinched, turning to see Steve standing next to him.

"Uh… Nothing in particular. I was… lost in thought. I wasn't 'plotting' if that's what you're wondering."

"Didn't think you were," Steve admitted. "It did kinda look like you were staring at someone though." Loki rolled his eyes, though the bright colour in his cheeks gave him away. "Someone attractive?"

"No one in this building or even this entire planet is attractive to me," Loki grunted, narrowing his eyes at Steve.

"Really?" Steve raised an eyebrow. "You know for the God of Lies, that wasn't a very good one." Loki's fists clenched, and it took all of his willpower not to summon a dagger and stab Steve right in the chest.

"I'm the God of Mischief," Loki growled. "And what in the nine realms are you on about?" Steve pointed at Tony.

"You like him. Like: like like him."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand."

"A crush. You have a crush on Tony."

"A crush?" Loki repeated, scoffing. "Please, I am above such childish things." However, his cheeks were a bright shade of red and his gaze while focused on Tony, was soft. He jerked his gaze away, forcing himself not to smile.

"There's no need to deny it," Steve insisted. "I'm not gonna get mad or anything."

"I don't care if you're angry." Loki glared at Steve, even as his thoughts ran a marathon around his mind. It's not true, it can't be. He's my friend and he's married with a daughter. I can't jeopardize any of that! "Listen, Rogers," Loki growled, walking to stand in front of him. "If you tell him anything, anything at all about this conversation, you will regret it."

"Didn't plan to," Steve replied, shrugging. "Not sure why you're denying it though. No offense, but it's really obvious." Loki let out a sigh, the warmth in his cheeks getting worse by the second.

"How so?" he murmured, looking at the ground.

"The way you look at him," Steve answered. "How you're blushing even now and come on, it's Tony Stark. Everyone likes him. He's rich, smart, confident, and he's not that bad looking either."

"He's gorgeous," Loki blurted out.

Steve cracked a smile but nodded. "Yeah, I could see that." Loki's lip twitched up in a smile. Steve opened his mouth to say something more but was cut off by a loud slam. Loki's eyes darted toward the front door. Natasha stood there, as well as someone else Loki hadn't been looking forward to seeing: Clint Barton. The man froze on the spot when he noticed Loki. Then, quick as lightning, he pulled out his bow, placing an arrow on the nocking point. Loki raised his hands. Before the shot could be fired, Natasha blocked him with her arm. Clint lowered his bow. Confusion spread across his features as Steve raised his arm in front of Loki. He didn't know if the gesture was to stop him from attacking or to block a possible shot from Clint. Loki and Clint simply stared at each other, Clint still keeping his bow at the ready and Loki keeping his hands raised. The man's eyes were filled with anger. However, Loki could spot a flicker of fear dancing in his gaze as well. Natasha was clearly speaking to Clint as he and Loki stared at each other but Loki couldn't make out what they were saying. Clint's gaze darted between Natasha and Loki before he put his bow away. Loki and Steve sighed in relief. However, Loki's shoulders tensed again when Clint and Natasha began to approach. Steve kept his arm in front of Loki. Clint stopped directly in front of Loki, his eyes narrowed. Removing his arm, Steve backed away. Natasha did the same, leaving Loki alone with Clint.

"So… you're back on Earth," Clint growled, staring at Loki with narrowed eyes.

"I assure you it is for a very different reason than the last time," Loki replied.

"I've been told." Silence followed. Loki fidgeted with his hands, wondering how to respond. "I guess I can't complain too much about New York," Clint added. "I did spend the last few years racking up a similar body count." Loki's eyes widened.


"Yeah…" There was more silence before Clint extended his hand to Loki. He accepted the handshake.

Loki stood in a crowded room with Bruce, Clint, Nebula, Rhodey, and Scott. Nebula was tapping some buttons on a holographic screen. Meanwhile, Clint was in the "Quantum Suit" as it had been called.

"Clint, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift," Bruce informed. "Don't worry about it." Clint nodded at him.

"Wai-Wait a second." Bruce glanced at Rhodey, raising an eyebrow. "Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know, go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos, you know, and…" He made the motion of tying a rope and yanking it around his neck. Five years ago, Loki probably would've grinned at that. Now he just stared blankly at Rhodey.

"First of all, that's horrible…" Bruce replied, glaring at Rhodey.

"It's Thanos," he argued.

"...And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future." Loki's mind did a one-eighty.

"But if you went back to a different point in time, and you change something, for example taking six very important artifacts, wouldn't you still have to travel forward except at an accelerated pace to get back to the present and therefore lead to change?" Loki argued, motioning his hands to illustrate his point. "It's time travel, not time jumping." Rhodey and Clint nodded to him.

"That's not how it works," Nebula murmured, glaring at them.

"That's what I heard," Rhodey protested.

"What? By who? Who told you that? Aside from him." Bruce asked, pointing at Loki. Rhodey and Scott then attempted to list every time travel movie in existence.

"Star Trek, Terminator, TimeCop, Time After Time-"

"Quantum Leap-"

"A Wrinkle in Time, Somewhere in Time-"

"Hot Tub Time Machine-"

"Hot Tub Time Machine," Rhodey repeated. "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Basically, any movie that deals with time travel."

"Die Hard?" Scott suggested, "No that's not one…"

"This is known," Rhodey argued.

"I don't know why everyone believes that, but that isn't true. Think about it: If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past. Which can't now be changed by your new future…" Bruce explained, gesturing his hands in a not so detailed way.

"Exactly," Nebula replied, nodding.

"So Back to the Future's a bunch of bullshit?" Scott murmured, gazing at the ground.

"More importantly, you're saying that we can basically do whatever we want in the past with absolutely no consequences?" Loki asked, crossing his arms.

"No, I didn't say that," Bruce insisted.

"Actually you did. Since no matter what we do in the so-called 'past' it won't change the present."

"It won't change our present," Bruce corrected, his eyes narrowing. "We're only gonna take the stones out of their places for a moment then return them once we're done or else we run the risk of opening up a bunch of nasty alternate realities."

"So there are consequences just not for us?" Loki desperately wanted to pick apart Bruce's logic but he was having a hard enough time keeping up with it to do so. Alternate realities? This is starting to sound like the most unusual time travel movie in existence.

"There won't be for these realities either," Bruce argued. "Not if we only take the stones out for a moment. Which we can do with the Quantum Realm."

"Yeah." Scott raised his hand. "I can second that time works differently in the quantum realm. I was stuck there for five years yet to me it only felt like five hours," he explained.

"So it really only will be for a second?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly!" Bruce exclaimed. Loki nodded, even though he was still completely baffled by this logic. It made sense in a twisted way, he supposed.

"Everything's set," Nebula informed. She tapped one more button and the screen disappeared before she marched out of the room. The others trailed after her. Outside, Tony, Steve, Rocket, and Natasha were waiting in front of a huge platform. Clint waltzed onto the platform, stopping to stand dramatically in the centre. Loki made his way toward Tony.

"I've officially decided that I hate quantum physics," Loki murmured.

Tony cracked a smile. "You hate all science, Harry Potter. It's just beyond your understanding." Loki nudged Tony's shoulder, trying to hide the smile that was creeping up on his face.

"Alright, Clint," Bruce called from the control panel. "We're going in three…" A helmet materialized on Clint's head. "Two... one!" Below Clint, the floor gave out, taking Clint with it. After a moment, all traces of the man were gone.

"And coming back in three… two… one…" Bruce pressed a button on the control panel. Clint reappeared. He was sitting on the platform, breathing heavily as Natasha rushed toward him.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. You okay?" she asked.

Clint held up a baseball glove he undoubtedly got from the past. "Yeah, it worked. It worked." Loki covered his face as he laughed: We are all going to die.