Chapter 19: Birthday

Angel's POV:

I woke up to Tasha calling me. "Angel wake up we have to get ready." She said. I opened my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Angel?!" She called. "I'm up. I'm up." I called. "Well hurry up. We gotta beat that morning traffic." My other sister said. My dad married another woman and had kids with her. I have a two brothers and another sister.

I took my bath and got dressed and ran downstairs. I saw all of them at the table, eating. "Hey Angel." They greeted me. "Hey everybody. So we ready?" I asked. "Yep, just waiting on you." My step mom said. I looked at her. She's so beautiful. No wonder my dad fell for her. It took me some time to stop being shy around them. "All right let's go. Tanisha, you got yo charger?" She asked. "Yes ma'am. Got it right here. Ain't forgetting this." She said. "Good, go get mine." She said. Tanisha looked at her funny. Keira gave her a stern face. Tanisha got up and got her charger.

We got in the care and drove off. We had things to do. We had to pay bills, go eat, go get looking good, went shopping, and finally go to town to see Kevin for his birthday. I haven't spoken him in a good minute. It'll be good to see him. I've spoken to Kacey and found out she got a girlfriend. I was proud of her. I even spoke to Zane, despite our kiss. I told him it was a mistake and should never happen again. He was okay with it. I even talked to Manny. I asked him how Kevin was doing.

He told me that he was doing much better. And they may have to leave him because he's doing well now. I knew Kevin was gonna miss him. Manny told me himand Charlotte got back together. It made me sad but I was happy for him. We picked up my boyfriend, Kalil.

He's been a good boyfriend. He's been there for me. But there are times where I just feel like giving up on us. But we pull through. He was coming with us to Kevin's birthday party. We got done with most of our things to do. Now was the time for the party. "Alright y'all. I got off the phone with Mrs. Graves, she said everything is place. Hey Kalil, how you feeling man?" My dad asked him. "Aight, just hope it ain't gone be boring man. Ain't dealing with no boring party." He said.

"I hear you on that, man. But these white people, man. They don't know how to turn up. But they do be fighting." Deshawn said. "Yeah, they do. Maybe something will pop off there." Tanisha said. I hope nothing happens. These are good people. Right. Hopefully Kevin and Kalil hit it off right. Yeah me too. We pulled up behind the library and used the back entrance. We walked in. I took them to the back room. "Angel I can't believe you worked here. Its boring and dull." Keira said. "Well I like it. I love books. Books make me happy. And I don't think its boring and dull." I said. "Easy for you to say. You love this kind of stuff." Jaquan said.

"All right y'all stop it. This is Angel's happy place. Let's leave her alone. I wish they start now. I'm bored." Tasha said. I looked around. I'm not boring or dull. Of course you're not. They're just not the bookworm type. Just then we heard a loud surprise from the front. "Okay, now started." My dad said. Mr. Graves came back to us. "Hope you folks ready. He's here. Angel, its good to have you back darling." He said, as he hugged me. "Me too. I've missed this place." I said. "Business has been booming since Kevin started working here." He said. I didn't know Kevin started working here. "That's great." I said.

He walked back to the front and opened the door. I heard all the laughs and games back here. I sat against the table. "Angel, what's wrong baby?" Keira asked. "Nothing. Its just...I'm happy to be here." I said. She stared at me. "Angel, you're upset because Kevin jumpstarted this place when you couldn't." She said. I hate the fact she could read people. Not minds, just read people. "You folks ready?" Mr. Graves asked. "Yep. We are." My dad said. Suddenly I didn't feel like being here.

I looked over at Kalil. He was eyeing me up and down. God give it a rest Kalil. He's been checking me out since day one. He held onto my waist, as Mr. Graves motioned for us to come to the front. My heart raced. I don't want to be here anymore May. I'm scared. Oh well. We walked inside the room. I saw everyone. Manny, Kacey, Tyler, Joshua, everyone. Then I saw Kevin. "Hey Angel." He said. "Hey yourself." I said, smiling. Kalil wrapped around my shoulders and I could see the pain in Kevin's eyes. "Angel, is it really you?" He asked. "In the flesh boo." I said, as I took a step. But Kalil wouldn't let go. Play it off. I looked around. "I'm just so happy, seeing everyone again." I said. I pulled Kalil's arm off of me.

I hugged Kacey and Manny and Stephanie and Sarah and everyone else. "You must be Dillon? You are so much more prettier than Kacey described." I said. She blushed. "Oh my God. Look at you Angel. You are more beautiful than Kacey told me." She said. I hugged her again. "You just take care of my best friend." I said. Kacey scoffed. "Oh my God Angel." She blushed. I looked around. I went over to hug Kevin. "I've misses you." He whispered in my ear. "I've missed you too." I whispered back. I looked around again.

"Hey where's Zane?" I asked. "Um, Zane said he couldn't make it Angel." Manny said. "Well that's no good. I'm gonna call him." I said. "Wait who the hell is Zane?" Kalil asked. I ignored him and walked to the back. Zane picks up and we talked. I got off the phone with him and walked back to the front. I seen Kalil in Kevin's face. Manny stood beside him. Oh hell. Its finna break loose. "Hey guys, what's up? We run out of cake or something?" I said, casually. They turned to look at me.

Kalil backed off him and came over to me. "I was just telling Gavin here, all about our relationship babygirl." He said, as he kisses me. His name is Kevin. I looked at everyone else. They had on hard smiles. Something ain't right. Yeah no shit. I looked at Tasha. She looked at Kalil, frightened by him. "Tasha what's wrong?" I asked. She walked over to Kevin. "Uh, nothing. Its just....I didn't get any cake yet." She said, as she clutched his leg. I looked up at him. He shrugged. Something's definitely up. Yeah. Tasha is now scared.

"So Angel, what did, uh, Zane say?" Tyler asked. "Oh he said he's coming." I said. Just then the doors opened. In walked Charlotte. Lord Jesus help me. "Oh hey, there you are Daddy." She said, as she walked over and kissed Kevin. "Did she just call him Daddy?" Keira asked. "Oh yes I did. And look a here. Angel, you're back. I thought I scared you off." She said. I can't fight back. I don't want to. Most because Tasha's here? Yeah. That too. "Oh no sweetie, I-I wanted to leave." I said. "Wait Daddy I thought you said Angel got into a fight and had to leave because she beat the life out our her?" Tanisha said. Shut up Tanisha.

"Oh no honey its the other way around. Ain't that right Angel?" Charlotte said, walking towards me. I looked down at my hands. "That's what u thought." She said. "Uh uh hell no." Keira said. "Keira, leave it alone." My dad said. "Lawrence she just disrespected her, and you know Angel doesn't like violence." She said, as she took off her earrings. "Oh you go bitch, what's up?" Charlotte said. "Oh no. See, what you not finna do is come for my mama." Tanisha said, taking off her earrings and putting up her hair.

"Yeah. I'm right with her. What you wanna do shawty?" Jaquan said. Tasha whined. "No no. No. Okay, we didn't come here to fight." I said. "Nah Angel let them fight. Be nice to see something pop off in here." Kalil said. "Shut up Kalil. Keira we're not-" I was cut off by Kalil. "Hold on who you talking to Angel?" He asked. Is he serious right now? "First off you nigga. Second, we're not gonna fight." I said. He walked towards me. "And if you touch her, that's gonna be the end of you." Kevin said, walking in front of me.

"What you want do white boy?" Kalil asked. "White boy?" Kevin asked. "White boy." Kalil said. "Kevin, Kalil, please don't do this." I pleaded. I stood in between them. "Angel move. Now." Kalil said. "No. I don't want you guys fighting." I said. He grabbed my waist and tossed me aside. Kevin punched him. Kalil swung on him. He picked Kevin up and slammed him. But Kevin was quick and flipped him. He made Kalil fly across the room. Just then growling could be heard. A black wolf attacked Kalil and tried to reach for his throat.

"Zane don't do it." Dillon called. Zane? "ZANE STOP IT!!!" I screamed. He turned towards me. Then without warning, Kalil kicked his leg, making him yelp on pain. Kalil threw him on the other side of the room. Zane whimpered and limped. I got mad. I shifted into a wolf and attacked him. I bit him everywhere I could. Then I froze. So did Kalil. "All right enough of this shit. Angel, come over here a d relax. Kalil, you go over to the counter and stay there." Kacey said. I looked over to see her and Dillon using they're powers. I stayed in my wolf form and walked over to Kevin and sat down on my hind legs.

Tasha got behind me and played with my tail. She kept poking it and it felt weird. I kept moving it do she'll be distracted. I watched her. Then I looked at Kevin. He was staring at me. My heart raced. I'm pretty sure he heard it. "Okay, this birthday party did not turn out like it was planned." Mrs. Graves said. I felt a gaze on me. I turned to see Charlotte glaring at me. I growled at her. "Angel?!" Kacey yelled. I whimpered and put my head down. "Well this is a disaster. Sorry we ruined yo birthday Gavin?" Deshawn said. "Its Kevin. I'm guessing Kalil was tryna be funny." Kevin said.

"And you guys didn't ruin it. You actually made it more interesting." He said. "Oh word? Well alright then. Age where's the cake at though?" Deshawn asked. I looked back at Zane. Saw he was in his human form, clutching his leg. I walked to him. I put my head down to him. "Zane you okay man?" Manny asked. He shook his head. "Nah, that bitch ass nigga broke my leg." He said. Kalil ran up on him. I tackled him but he threw me into the wall. I yelped in pain. "ANGEL!!!" Kevin cried for me. Kacey put her hands up and stopped them. "ALRIGHT, ENOUGH. Kacey please make Kalil go to the back room. Thank you." My dad said. She did just that. Kalil mindlessly walked to the back. Mr. Graves locked it. "I never liked that boy anyway." He said. We heard Kalil bang on the door.

"So I guess Angel is breaking up with him?" Tanisha asked. They looked at me, but I was still on the ground. Manny and Kevin over to help me up. I took a step and fell. I whimpered. I shifted back to human form. "Angel, you okay?" Kevin asked. "Why do you care?" Charlotte asked. "Kacey?" He called. Charlotte mindlessly walked to the back also. "Angel baby girl, you okay?" Asked my dad. "My ankle hurts." I said. "We should've never came back here." He muttered under his breath. Kevin heard it too because he looked upset. He helped me up and walked away.

"Wait, Kevin. Its still you're birthday. Let's just forget about this incident and continue to have fun." I said. "No Angel. Your dad's right. You should've never came back here. I'm nothing but trouble Angel." He said. "Kevin you're not-" he cut me off. "Yes I am Angel. Ever since you met me, you've gotten nothing but trouble from me. Please just go back home. Everyone can go home. Party's over." He said. "No Kevin its fine. Really." I said. "Angel please go home." He cried. I looked in his eyes. There was sadness. My eyes welled up. "Angel sweetheart come on." Keira said. "Yeah, let's not make things hard." Jaquan said.

I walked to the back to see Kalil fucking Charlotte. Know what? I'm not even surprised. My dad covered Tasha's eyes and Keira covered her ears. We drove all the way back home. I was upset. I missed Kevin. And I wanted to see him. And this happens. On his birthday.