Chapter 21: Dinner

Angel's POV:

5 Weeks Later*

I woke up to my phone's alarm clock. I rolled over to look at it. 4:50 p.m. I purposefully decided to sleep late. I wanted to speed the day up so I can get the dinner over with. Then my phone pinged. It was a text from Mrs. Graves.

Mrs. Graves: I hope all is well for you Angel. Because you're gonna have blessing in a few hours.

Blessing? What she mean by that? Maybe she forgot to take her medicine. No she never forgets. I texted her back.

Angel: What do you mean?

Mrs. Graves: You'll see.

Yeah she loves her riddles. I got up and took my bath. I stared at my tail. Then I dried off and brushed my teeth. I went to put on my clothes for the dinner.

Then I went downstairs. "Hey Angel." My step mom greeted me. "Hey, so are we all ready?" I asked. "Yep, just waiting on Tasha to cooperate with us so we can leave." She said. "Yeah, Tasha's a fighter. Look at this. You see this? She scratched me." Jaquan said. "Man this itty bitty scratch? Here put some rubbing alcohol on on it." Deshawn put son on it.

"Uh uh nigga. What the- Man back off before I drop cuz." Jaquan said. "Man what's up bro?" Deshawn said. They both squared. "Both of y'all shut the hell up and get in the car." Keira said. They both pushed each other and went outside. "They both crazy." She said. "I know. But it makes me feel at home." I said. I've missed my pod. We also fight like brothers and sisters. "Whoo. Man mama Tasha got some fight in her." Tanisha said, coming downstairs.

"That's my sister." I said, smiling. "Well yo sister nearly pulled my hair out. She lucky I ain't break my nail." She said, checking her nails. I rolled my eyes. I suddenly didn't fell well. I ran upstairs, to the bathroom and threw up. Ugh. I feel sick. You're just nervous. I know. I'm performing in front of the Magic Council. Which is why you're throwin up. I got up and ran back downstairs. "Angel, you all right?" Keira asked. "Yes ma'am. Its just I'm nervous. This is big." I said. "Just do you're best Angel. They're gonna love you." My dad said, with Tasha following behind him.

No wonder she fought against them. She had on a church dress. She didn't like it. We walked out the car and drove to the Magic Council. The building was huge. We were led into a giant ballroom. Not like before. But this was too gorgeous.

"Its so beautiful." Keira said. "Yes it is." My dad said. There were tables for us to eat before my performance. There were whole lot of people. I looked around. It was just so beautiful. "Angel!!!!" I heard someone call me. I turned to see Sarah running towards me. Oh no. If she's here, he can't be far behind. Sarah hugged me. Then Kevin and them appeared. Kacey, Manny, Dillon, Tyler, Joshua, Zane, everyone. Oh no. What? Its good that they're here. They're just gonna make me more nervous. They all walked over to me.

"Angel. It so nice to see you love." Kacey said, as she hugged me. I hugged her back. I hugged everyone else. "Hey guys." I said. "You don't look that happy to see us." Tyler said. "I'm sorry, its just I'm really nervous." I confessed. "You're gonna do great. Just do your best and act natural." Dillon said. Just then I felt an arm go around my waist. It wasn't Kevin's or Zane's because they're in front of me. "Hey guys. They're right Angel. You're gonna great." Kalil said. Oh God. I turned to him.

"Why are you here?" I asked, irritably. "I came to see you perform." He said. "Yeah, we wanna see you do well." Said Charlotte, as she put her around his shoulder. I rolled my eyes. "Yo why don't you niggas get out of here yo?" Jaquan said. "Nigga shut yo bitch ass up." Kalil said. Jaquan grabbed his shirt. "Guys stop." I said. Then they stopped. I turned to see Dillon using her powers. "This night is not about you two. So stop." She said. "Man, whatever. Come on Charlotte." Kalil said. "Yes Daddy." She said and walked off.

I shook my head. Suddenly felt sick again. "Kacey where's the bathroom?" I asked quickly. She pointed to a room on the other side of the room. I used my super speed to get there fast. I threw up in the toilet. "Wow. You must really be nervous." Said Stephanie. I looked up to see Kevin's mom. "Uh yes ma'am." I stared at me. "And also pregnant." She said. I looked at her. "What? No way." I said. "Angel I know you and Kevin had sex five weeks ago. Mrs. Graves said she had a vision about it. Today she you were going to get a blessing." She said. No wonder she sent that text.

"Angel its okay. Kevin's gonna be there for you." Kacey said, entering the bathroom. Her and Dillon. "I'm scared." I said, clutching my stomach. Well it explains the throwing up and slight weight gain. Oh man. "Angel just make sure you drink blood. It'll help you with you're pregnancy." Stephanie said. "Just then the doors opened. It was my step mom. "Angel, let's go its time." Keira said. We walked out and everyone looked our way. It was only then that my anxiety kicked in. Too many people. Too many people. Too many people. I started hyperventilating.

Kacey grabbed my hand and held it. "Angel, its going to be okay." She said. "No Kacey, my anxiety. There's too many people here." I said. She looked around. "Angel I don't know what to do. They need to see you perform." She said. I hyperventilated more. I stumbled backwards and hit a table. Kevin and Zane came rushing over. "What's wrong with her?" Zane asked. "Her anxiety. There's too many people here. They gotta go." Kacey said. I couldn't breathe. "Is she supposed to be doing that?" Asked a guest.

Kevin picked me up and took me to a room. "Angel calm down. Its all right." He said. I finally calmed down. "Kevin I can't do this. There's just too many people. Tell them to call it off. I'm going home." I said. He held me. "Angel I'm not doing that. You can do this." He said. "Not when there's so many people." I said. "We're gonna help you. Just imagine that they're not there." He said. "Its hard to do that when I seen them already." I said. He turned his head back towards the door. "Come on." He said. "Kevin-" he cut me off. "Trust me." He said as we went back into the room.

The room completely empty. The only ones there was the Magic Council. "Where did everyone go?" I asked. "They've been called away. So Angel let's see you're powers." The lady said. "All of them had to go? At the same time?" I asked. "Do you want them to come back and then show you're powers?" She asked. I quickly shook my head. "Well alright. Let's see you're powers." She said. Kevin walked over and stood next to them. "I'm scared I might hurt you." I said. "Nonsense deary. We're protected by a veil. You just work you're magic." She said.

Then some magical creatures came out. I looked at the Magic Council and Kevin. They just sat there watching me. I turned back to the creatures. Here goes nothing. I attacked the creatures. I used my fire power to make my blue flames appear. I used it like a flamethrower. I threw fireballs at them. More creatures showed up. They were smarter than the last. But I'm smarter than them. One tried to attack me from behind but I dodged it. I grabbed his leg and threw him across the room. I attacked the others. I bit down of one's neck and ripped it clean off. I killed the other ones.

Then these creatures that looked like the aliens from Alien Isolation. Oh I love that game. I know how to take these down. I smirked and attacked them. They attacked me in groups. I shifted into my wolf form and attacked them. I kept switching from a wolf to a bat to make it more challenging. Eventually I got bored with toying with them. I stood still and allowed them to attack me. They pounced on me and I lit myself on fire. My blue flame burned them. I held onto to them as they tried to scramble away.

Then the more aliens and wolves showed up. Ohhhh my last trick up my sleeve. I stood perfectly still. They ran for me. I put up my shield power. They couldn't come near me. They were 15 feet away from me. I got bored again and let them attack me. I smirked as they pounced on me. I then stomped the ground and detonated myself. It below them back and blew them to bits. I smirked. I heard applause. I turned to see everyone all behind me. I gasped. "" I asked. "Dillon helped me put up a spell to make everyone invisible. To help you focus. And you killed it Angel." Kacey said.

"I should've known something was up." I said, smiling. She came over and hugged me. Everyone burst into applause. I blushed and looked away. "Congratulations Angel. Consider yourself one of us. You are indeed worthy of your powers." The lady said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, she made it. Can we eat now?" Charlotte said. "Aww Charlotte, why you hating?" I asked. "Hating? On you? Please." She said. I smirked and used my powers to make her drink spill on herself.

She yelled. "You're funny Angel?" She asked. "Yep. You mad?" I asked. I was suddenly ready to fight. "Listen here bitch-" I cut her off. "You call me a bitch again, and I will drag you by you're loose ass pussy bitch." I said. Jaquan, Deshawn, Tanisha, and Keira laughed hysterically. I smiled at them. "Ahhhhh bitch you got called out." Deshawn said, laughing. Everyone else laughed. Charlotte moved closer to me. "You have no idea the mess you just made." She said and walked out the room.

I watched her. I don't trust her. She got something up her sleeve. Yeah. Follow her. What? No. We all got to the tables and sat down. They served the food. Kevin, Manny, Kacey, and them sat at the table with me. Along with the Magic Council. Then i smelt a horrible smell. I scrunched my nose up and looked over at the table. They had oysters. Oh nooooo. I turned over and threw up on the floor. "Angel!!!" Screamed my dad. "I'm sorry. There's oysters right there. And you know I don't like it." I said. I gagged more and ran to the bathroom. I threw up more. Dillon and Kacey came in. "Angel was it really the oysters or the morning sickness?" Dillon asked. "Both. I really hate oysters." I said.

"You gotta tell Kevin." Kacey said. "I am. Don't worry. I'm gonna tell him." I said. We went back to the room. The throw up was gone. They had janitors clean it. I sat back down. "Something wrong with you Angel. Oysters are good." Zane said. "Nah no. They not. They disgusting and should be kept in the ocean." I said. We heard a clinking sound. "I'd like to propose a toast. To out our new member of the Magic Telalm. Our very first ever hybrid and Tri-ling, Angel Starlight." The last said. Everyone clapped for me. I blushed and looked down. Kevin out his arm around my shoulder. My dad looked pissed. "Well I'd like to propose a toast too Lydia." Said a voice.

Oh God. "Oh no." I has Kevin say. It was Kevin's dad. "And just what might that be?" Lydia asked. "That I'd like to have Angel part of my family." He said. I ELT Kevin tense up. "David, you have a lot of nerve showing you're face." Stephanie said. "Oh come on now Stephanie. Don't be that way.". I just came to see Angel perform." He said. "Well you're too late. She already did." Tasha said. Tasha stay out of this. He looked at her and walked over to her. Oh hell no. I got up and walked over to her. I stood in front of her.

"Oh now you're gnna be tough? Where were you before when I met you?" He asked. "Oh I was there that night. I was protecting you're son." I said. "From what?" He asked. "From you're dumbass." I said. She hit me and I fell down. I heard clattering. I was picked up and had a gun at my head. "Uh uh. Anyone come near me, there goes her brains." He said. He had his arm around my neck. "Angel!!" Tasha cried. I tried to speak but he tightened his hold on me.

"Dad don't do this please." Kevin said. "Daddy?!" Sarah cried. She had tears in her eyes. "You better let my daughter go." My dad said. "Shut up Lawrence." Said a voice. Mama? "Rochelle you're with him on this?" He asked. "Yes. I told you, she's always been a spoiled brat. Now she's getting what she deserves." She said. "Bout time too." Said Charlotte. She walked in front of me. "Yeah. Sorry but this Angel. But you chose that white boy over me." Kaili said. He stood next Charlotte.

"Kalil-" I choked because Kevin's dad tightened his choke hold. He started walking backwards out of the room. I looked at Kevin one last time. He has anger and fear in his eyes. Kalil, Charlotte tied me up. David then picked me up and carried me outside to a car. He threw me in the back. My mama drove the car. Kalil and Charlotte sat in the middle. David sat in the back with me. He eyed me the whole ride to a place. He unzipped his pants and played with himself, while staring at me. You sick fuck.

We got out and went inside an airport. Oh no. I thought about Kevin, Kacey, Manny, Zane, Tyler, Joshua, my dad , Tasha, Keira, Tanisha, Jaquan, Deshawn, Sarah, Dillon, Stephanie, everyone that I'm gonna leave behind. They're all gonna be worried about me and where I'm going. Oh God. I tried to look up out the bag they had me in. I couldn't see anything but suitcases. Oh my God where are we going?