Chapter 16: A Visit

Lucky's POV:

Since Marcus and Keisha weren't talking to each other, it's been hella awkward between our group. Whenever we went to lunch, Marcus and Keisha took turns coming to our usual table. They did that for about a few days before Keisha started sitting at another table. Angel, Trey, and Kacey started sitting with her and now our group has been uncomfortable. I looked over at Marcus, who picked at his food. Normally, he'd chow down and clean his plate. Now he only takes a few bites before throwing it away. We went on to our last class. It was hella awkward. I looked at Evie and Ramon, who didn't know what to say to him. "So Marcus, any plans after school?" Evie asked. Marcus shook his head. "Nah. Just gonna go to sleep." He said. I sighed. We walked in the gym and headed for the locker room. We changed and headed back to the gym. I saw Keisha talking to Evie. She looked miserable.

I understood her pain. Not talking to your mate was the hardest thing a magical being could do. It's never easy. Both classes walked out to the football field and did tracks around it. I watched Angel as she tried to talk to Marcus. He didn't show any signs of wanting to talk. We began to stretch when the assistant principal came upstairs to the coach. Two people followed behind her. "Angel, Trey, Keisha. You guys are checking out." Coach said. Trey, Angel, and Keisha stared at the two people. "Mama?" Angel said. "Hey baby." The woman said. Mama? That's her Mom? "What are y'all doing here?" Trey asked. "We came to check you guys out." The woman said. "We have some things to discuss." The man said. "O-Okay." Keisha said. The five of them walked off back towards the school. I looked at Marcus who looked at me.

We watched as they left. "That's they're parents?" He asked. "I guess so." I said. "Of course that's they're parents." Kacey said. "What are they doing here?" I asked. "Hope not to take them away." Marcus said. "I wanna say but it's not my place to tell they're business." Kacey said. We spent the remainder of the day running laps and doing exercises. My mind was on Angel. It felt wrong for her to not be here. I wanted her here. And I could tell Marcus wanted Keisha here. I looked at Kacey. She looked pale. "Kacey what's up with you?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Kacey." I growled. She sighed. "Okay fine. It doesn't feel right because my mate isn't here." She said. "Whose your mate?" I asked. "Trey." She said. I gasped. "Trey?" I said. She nodded.

"Oh my God I love him to death but I don't know how to tell him. I keep seeing him with all these bitches and I can't do nothing about it." She said. "Huh. We're all going through this struggle." Marcus said. The day finally ended and we headed towards the parking lot. I texted Angel on where she went. She didn't answer. I got irritated and decided to drive to her house. Marcus and Kacey followed behind me. Evie and Ramon said they had some things to do, which is fuck. I pulled up to Angel's house and got out. I saw Alma in the garden. She had her back to me. Then she walked into the house. Kacey opened the front door and we walked inside. We saw the two people from before. Angel, Trey, and Keisha day in the living room. The five of them looked at us.

"Uh hi?" The man said, as he stood up. "Who are you?" The woman asked. "They're your kids friends." Bryan said, coming into frame. "Uh hi. My name is Lucky. This is Marcus and Kacey." I said. They gasped. "Marcus? THE Marcus?" The woman said. "Uh have you heard of me?" Marcus asked. "So your the one my daughter told us about." The man said. He approached Marcus. "Dad leave him alone. It was my fault." Keisha said. "Um who are you guys exactly?" I asked. "I'm Trevon. This is my wife Nya." The man said. We shook his head. He held on to Marcus a little longer than us. "So nice to meet you." Kacey said. "And your Kacey? I just want to say thank you for taking care of Angel better than we did." Nya said. "Umm...." Kacey trailed off. "We told them everything." Angle said.

"Let's all sit down." Bryan said. He moved us from the door to the living room. "So Marcus, do you have a job?" Trevon asked. "Dad." Keisha said. I looked at her. She looked embarrassed. "Um no sir. But I got money." Marcus said. "Hope not to sell drugs." Trevon said. "Your one to talk." Alma said, as she entered the room. "Alma." Stan said. "What? He probably wants it right now." She said. "Alma we've changed. Why can't you understand that?" Nya asked. "Wait what is going on?" I asked. "What's going on is these two are trying to worm back into these kid's lives, even though they're doing just fine without them." Alma said, angrily. "What?" Marcus said. Kacey sighed. "Over the years I've known Angel, she's told me her parents, Trevon and Nya, were drug addicts. Trey and Keisha were tired of it and ran away, but it didn't work out so that came back home." She paused and looked at Trevon and Nya.

"Go ahead Kacey." Nya said. "Trey and Keisha became magical beings when they encountered one. Angel was the only child they had left so it made them upset. They turned to drugs and became addicted. Angel had not choice but to live with them all those years. Alma had it with them when angel got caught with drugs in her bag, which Trevon and Nya planted there. They let Angel take the blame when she had no knowledge of it. So the Magic Council stepped in and took Angel away when her old principal was gonna molest her." Kacey said.  "Wow." Marcus said. "That's terrible." I said, without thinking. "It is. But when Angel left, me and Trevon got clean. We went to rehab and got better. We are better Alma." Nya said. "Oh please." Alma said. "Alma I thought you went outside to cool down?" Stan said.

"I thought I was cool til I seen they're faces." She said. "Alma please. We are sorry for how we treated our kids, especially Angel. She had nothing to do with that coke and it was horrible of us to let her take the fall." Nya said. "Do you have any idea what could've happened to Angel had we not stepped in?!" Alma yelled. "Alma!!!" Bryan shouted. "Alma listen. I'm over it. Okay? I've moved on." Angel said, holding her hand. "We all did. We forgive them." Keisha said, holding her other hand. "Yeah let's let go of the past." Trey said, standing up. "Yeah besides they said they want to show us they're better. They want to take us to they're new house." Keisha said. "Yea. It's really beautiful." Nya said. "And it has a lot of room." Trevon said. Room? He's not asking what I think he's asking. "Angel, Keisha, Trey, do you guys wanna come live with us? We'll be a family again." Trevon said.

"What?" Me and Marcus said. "Mama-" Angel was cut off. "You can't be serious." Alma said. "Alma stop it." Bryan said. "No. What gives you the right to come into my house and try to take these kids?" Alma asked. "Our kids, the ones we birthed." Nya said. "Right. The kids YOU neglected." Alma said, icily. Damn Alma. Ouch Alma. "Alma go talk a walk and cool off some more." Bryan demanded. Alma grunted then disappeared. Trevon and Nya was silent. A tear escaped Nya's eyes. Keisha wiped it away and hugged her. "Mama, I guess it couldn't hurt to stay awhile." She said. "Really baby?" Nya asked. Keisha nodded. "Keisha?" Marcus said. He had pain in his voice. "This is good for us Marcus. You wanted space right? This is a way to get it." Keisha said.

Marcus went to hold her hand. Trevon stood between them. "Please Marcus. me. It's only temporary." Keisha said. "It would be good for us." Angel said. What? "Angel." I said. "Yeah man. We need to catch up. There's so much to talk about." Trey said. What is happening? "Angel please don't go." Kacey said. We looked at her. She was crying. Angel hugged her. "It's okay Kacey. I'll be back. It's only temporary. I'll be back before you know it." Angel said. Kacey cried harder. I wanted to cry to. I didn't want her to leave. I growled loudly. "Angel you can't leave." I said, angrily. Everyone looked at me. "Why not?" She asked. I struggled to get my words out. I shook my head and ran out the door.

I transformed and flew off. I was so angry and so sad. I didn't want my Angel to leave me. I flew fast through the air. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. I flew low and landed. I paced the ground. I was pissed off, I saw a bear and blew hot fire at it. I torched it, even though it did nothing to me. I heard flapping. I turned around to see a dragon flying towards me. It transformed into Angel. "Lucky, what wrong with you honey?" She asked. I transformed. I was so upset, I couldn't get my words out. I just punched a tree. I sat down and covered my face. I get heat from in front of me. I uncovered my face to see Angel squatting in front of me. I looked down at her pussy. Oh what I wouldn't give to eat her out right now. "Lucky what is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?" She asked, curiously.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "Angel I don't want you to leave." I said. "Why not?" She asked. I sighed. "I can't explain it." I said. "Lucky, it's only a few weeks. It's not like I'm staying forever." She said. "A few weeks is a long amount of time." I said. She glared at me. "What is this really about?" She asked. I sighed in frustration. "Fine. You wanna know? Your my fucking mate Angel and I don't want you to leave. Period." I said, angrily. She stared at me. And the award for Most Douche Announcement of Mate goes to Lucky Carter. "Angel. Okay wait-" I was cut off by her kissing me. It was passionate. I held onto her. I didn't want to let her go. I kissed her back. Oh my God this feels amazing. She pulled back but I pulled her closer to me. I've been wanting this for the longest. I want it to last.

We finally pulled away when we both needed to breathe. Angel blushed and giggled. "Sorry." She said. "For what?" I asked, smiling. "I got scared so I tried to back up." She said. I grabbed her hand. "Don't." I said. I kissed her hand. She blushed. It was cute. We walked back towards town. "Angel do you really wanna move in with your parents?" I asked, curiously. "Lucky I'm not staying permanently love." She said. "How long do you wanna stay?" I asked. "Just a couple of weeks. After all, I do miss them. And my parents do look clean. I wanna know them now that they're clean." She said. I stared straight ahead. I really didn't want her to leave. "Lucky imagine how I feel." She said. I looked at her. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Imagine your parents were drug addicts for most of your life, your taken away from them and now that they're clean, they wanna be in your life." She said.

She has a point. I know. "Yeah. Yeah your right. I understand. I shouldn't be selfish. You have every right to see your parents. I just don't want to lose you." I said. I pulled her into my arms. She chuckled. "You won't Daddy." She muttered. "What?" I asked. "I said you won't Lucky." She said, quickly. She took running them transformed into a wolf and ran off. Did she just say Daddy? That's what I heard. I transformed and flew behind Angel. We came back to the house and transformed. We saw everyone standing outside. It seemed like Marcus and Keisha made up because he had his arms around her. "Angel, Lucky's, there you guys are." Kacey said, coming up to us. "Yeah. Here we are." Angel said. "So Angel? How bout it? Come stay with us?" Nya asked. Angel looked back at me.

I nodded. "How bout I visit on the weekends?" She asked. "Yeah. That's could work." Keisha said. "Oh. O-Okay then." Nya said, sadly. "Mama, we gon visit." Trey said. "Yeah. We just really don't wanna leave our friends." Angel said. "Yeah. Speaking of leaving, Marcus, Lucky, your Moms will be texting you right now." Kacey said. Just then, our phones pinged. "Wow. We still gonna have to get used to magical beings existing." Nya said. I looked at my phone. Mom said it was time to come home. She said I had some company at home. "Lucky?" Angel called. "Hmm? Yeah I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." I said, as I began to walk off. "Yo Lucky?" Marcus called. I looked at him. "I'm coming with you." He said. We transformed and went to my house.

Today was the last day of him staying with me. I was upset he had to leave but he and his brother made up. "Dude that was crazy. Keisha's parents were drug addicts." He said. "I know. And Angel had to take the blame for something they did. That's fucking wild." I said. "So what happened to you man? Why'd you run off like that?" He asked. "I was so mad. I had to get away. But I'm glad I did. Me and Angel are together." I said, grinning. "Yeaaaaaaahhhh man. That's what I'm talking bout." He said. I blushed. We made it to my house and walked inside. There, I saw my Mom and Dad sitting across from a girl. The smell of cinnamon hit me. No. I looked at Marcus. He looked at me, wide eyed. We both knew who it was. "Hey son. Look whose here." Dad said. The girl turned around and saw me. "Hey Lucky." She said. "Elizabeth, what are you doing here?" I asked, angrily.


"I came to see you silly." She said. "We're done, remember?" I said. She sighed. "Look Lucky, I may not have been perfect but I've changed." She said. "Is everyone changing today?" Marcus asked. "What do you mean Marcus?" Mom asked. "Nothing Mom. Well not nothing but it's kind of a long story." I said. I turned my attention back to Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, you need to leave. Now." I said. She shook her head. "Lucky please. I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't help it. I was jealous. I'm so sorry." She said. "You accused me of cheating then cheated of me. Then when I tried to break up with you, you went psycho." I said. "It's not my fault." She said. "You killed a girl you thought I was cheating with." I said. "Yeah dude. You killed an innocent girl. She had no idea who Lucky was." Marcus said.

"It was a mistake. Look I'm sorry. I apologized to you and the girl's family. I did my turn. I said my apologies. I've changed Lucky." She said. I don't believe her. Remember what Angel said about people changing and coming back into your life. I think she meant your parents. I can't just diss her. Maybe she did change. Otherwise she would've never came back here. I sighed. "Alright Elizabeth, I'll give you one chance to prove to me that you've changed. If not, you can go back to wherever it is your came from." I said. She nodded quickly. "I will Lucky." She said. She tried to hug me but I backed up. Marcus pushed me upstairs. "Dude I know you ain't serious." He said. "What? I am." I said.

"Lucky she murdered an innocent girl in cold blood." He said.

"Marcus let's just see." I said. "See what? Her murder another girl? You just said you and Angel are together. You wanna hear about Elizabeth killing Angel?" He asked. I snarled at him. "NOOOO!!!" I shouted. "Well that's what's gonna happen of you let this bitch back I to your life." He said. He began to pack his stuff. "Marcus look. I may not be a cold blooded man like you werewolves but I do have a heart." I said. He scoffed. "You didn't feel that way when old dude was talking about having a relationship with you." He said. "What dude?" I asked. "That dude who gave you head in the closet at school." He said. I scoffed. "That was different. He wouldn't leave me alone." I said. "And what do you think Elizabeth is doing?" He said.

I frowned at him. He left me alone at the house. Elizabeth left after him. They got into a bit but Mom got between them. Marcus and Elizabeth never did get along. They've always been at each other's throats. He's never liked her, even before the killing. I never understood why until she killed that girl. That's when I seen Elizabeth's true colors. A jealous, psycho bitch. But people change. Some people do, some people don't. I hope she's changed.