Chapter 23: Meeting

Angel's POV:

I looked around the store for fancy dresses. I was meeting up with Kacey and Meghan to go a designer corporation. Meghan has a thing for fashion and she wants to be a fashion designer. I was at the mall buying fancy dresses. I wanted to look as fancy as possible. I reached for a dress but someone else grabbed it too. I looked at the person. It was a short haired, girl. She smiled at me. "Oh hi. You can have it." I said. "Oh. Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes. It's all right." I said. "Oh thank you." She said. I walked past her. She followed me. I looked at her. She just smiled at me. Okay red flag. Yeah. No kidding. "Um, can I help you?" I asked. "Oh for your sake, I hope you can." She said. I furrowed my brows. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Hi Angel. So listen. I have a problem that needs to be handled." She said. "Um okay. But what-" I paused and looked at her. "How did you know my name?" I asked, curiously. She tilted her head. "You don't remember me, do you?" She asked. I stared at her. "Um, should I?" I asked. "My name is Elizabeth." She said. "Yeah sorry. I don't know anybody named Elizabeth." I said. "Oh but surely you remember a certain somebody who was arguing with someone in the mall and caused him to crash with you in it." She said. I stare at her. Then my eyes widened. "Wait, are you Beth?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "I don't like that name. My name is Elizabeth." She said.

"How do you-" She cut me off. "Listen Angel. I have a big problem. And that problem is you. You stole my Lucky and now he's obsessed over you." She said. "Wha..." I trailed off. She pushed me out the store and over to the bathroom. She looked under all the stalls and looked back at me. She glared at me. Her eyes dark and cold. "Look Angel, either you give up Lucky or die." She said. "What? So your the psycho bitch he's told me about." I said. She pushed me. I hit the wall hard. "Yes. I'm the psycho ex he and Marcus are talking about. I wouldn't be psycho if Lucky stayed with me and left your stupid ass." She said. "What is your problem? Lucky doesn't wanna be with you because your crazy." I said.

"Look Angel. I'm giving one last time to leave Lucky alone or else, it's gonna be a big problem." She said. "Then let it be a problem now then. If you feel some type of way, do something." I said. She slapped me. I punched her and tossed her into the wall. She glared at me. She clutched her arm. "First, your a UniHybrid. Then, you fuck my Lucky. Then you  get pregnant by him, and now your fighting me? Oh bitch. You have no idea what you just done." She said. "How did you know I was pregnant?" I asked. She smirked. "I know a lot about you. I got eyes following our every move." She said. She raised her hands and I felt sick. I used my powers to create a shield around me. She glared at me. She yelled. "Fine Angel. I was gonna take it easy on you, but now it's over for you." She said.

"Oooh. I'm scared." I said, sarcastically. She smiled at me. "You should be." She said. She walked past me and put the bathroom. Crazy bitch. I walked out the bathroom and looked around. I saw her walking down the aisle then disappear around a corner. I walked out the mall and to my car. I got in and drove off. Fucking crazy bitch. I held my stomach. I'm gonna protect you. I drove to the address Meghan texted me. I pulled up and saw the girls. I got out and ran up to them. "Hey Angel." Kacey said. "Guys, you won't believe this." I said. "What happened?" Meghan asked. "Lucky's psycho ex girlfriend tried to fight me in the bathroom." I said. "What? Angel you can't fight right now. Your pregnant." Kacey said. "I know. Bitch is fucking crazy. And she knows I'm pregnant." I said.

"What? How?" Meghan asked. "She said she got people who watches my every move." I said. "Oh my God. I'll telling Lucky." Meghan said, pulling out her phone. "No. He doesn't need to know. He's already stressing over getting us a new house and worrying about me. I don't need him to worry about Elizabeth." I said. "Angel-" I cut Kacey off. "Kacey please. I don't wanna stress Lucky out. Look let's just go inside." I said. We walked inside the building. It looked so professional. It was beautiful. "Hello. I have meeting with the owners do V&V." Meghan said. The receptionist looked at her. "Name." She said. "Meghan." She said. The lady typed something in the computer. "They're waiting for you upstairs. Fourth floor." She said.

We walked to the elevator. Meghan presses the button. "What a bitch." She said. We laughed. "Angel, please. We gotta tell Lucky. He'll sort Elizabeth out." Kacey said. "Nooo. I don't want to stress over this." I said. We began to argue but stopped when the doors opened. A man saw us and approached us. "Hello. My name is Jack. Can I help you?" He asked. "Uh yeah. She has an appointment with the owners of V&V." Kacey said, pointing to Meghan. "Her name?" Jack asked. "Meghan." She said. "Oh Ms. Meghan. Right this honey." Jack said. He took us to a room. Along the way, a man came up and gave him a quick kiss. "Is that your boyfriend?" I asked. "Fiancé." He said. "Oh congratulations." Meghan said. "Thank you." Jack said.

He led us into a room and closed the door. We saw two girls, one white and one Mexican. "Hello. I'm Tina. This is Sandra. Which one of you is Meghan?" Tina asked. Me and Kacey pointed to Meghan. "Okay. Meghan do you have anything to show us why you should work here and be a fashion designer?" Sandra asked. "Uh yes. I do actually." Meghan said. This went on for two hours. "Okay Meghan. Thank you so much. We'll make a decision and give you a call in about a week or two." Tina said. Meghan nodded and we left. The girls got in their car and I got in mine. We drove off and into town. We were going to Dairy Queen and getting some food. Kacey called me. She told me to get out of my car. I was confused until I remembered the crash I had with Marcus. I tried to hit the brakes and realized I couldn't stop.

Then I smelled smoke. I quickly tuck and rolled out of the car. I watched as my car crashed into a streetlight. It then exploded. I watched in horror as my beloved car went up in flames. "Oh my God!!!Elizabeth!!!" I cried. "Yo this bitch is wilding something serious." Meghan said. "Okay one, stop hanging around Trey so much. Your starting to sound like him. Two, she really is. That's it. I'm telling Lucky." Kacey said. "No!!! Kacey please don't." I said. "Angel, Elizabeth just smoked your car. She nearly killed you." Meghan said. I began to cry. "Fine. Tell him." I said. Kacey called Lucky and he and Marcus showed up at Dairy Queen. Keisha was with them. "Yo where is this bitch?!" Keisha asked. "She's not here Keisha." Meghan said.

"Calm down." Marcus said. "Nah fuck that. Angel might not be able to fight right now but I can." Keisha said. "I'm with Keisha on this. I wanna find this bitch." Kacey said. They went on and on about this. Lucky watched me the whole time. "Angel please eat something." He said. "Lucky, I'm not hungry for the last time." I said. "Angel please." He said. He grabbed my hand. I looked at his hand. He was shaking. I sighed and ate a fry. I didn't eat much. I was too shaken up to eat anything. I didn't really eat much of anything. I just ate the fries. Lucky noticed my small eating and made me eat more. I didn't finish everything so I took it home. Lucky made me ride in the car with Marcus and them. I stared out the window.

"Lucky where did Elizabeth go?" Keisha asked. "Keisha just let it go please." I said. "Angel she-" I cut Marcus said. "I know what the fuck she did. I just want to forget today and go home." I said, angrily. Tears streamed down my face. We pulled up to the house. I got out and ran up to the door. I ran to my room. I ignored everyone who talked to me. I didn't wanna talk to anybody. I didn't be near anyone. I jumped out my window and transformed into a dragon. I flew to Light Lake. I wanted to be alone. I flew low and landed on the banks. I transformed and stared into the water. I sighed and cried. My phone ringed and I knew it was Lucky. I turned my phone off and continued crying. I wiped my face and stood up. I walked around til I came to the waterfall. "Angel." I heard a voice. I turned around and saw Elizabeth.

"What the fuck do you want from me bitch?" I cried. "I want you to die." She said, as she stalked towards me. I didn't back down. "Elizabeth if I were you, I'd stop now. Your fucking with a UniHybrid." I said. "You think that's gonna stop me?" She asked. "Bitch don't play with me." I said. She smirked. Then two dudes appeared out of nowhere. I scoffed. "Too weak to take me on yourself?" I asked. She glared at me. She snarled then attacked me. We fought before the two dudes jumped in. I transformed into a wolf and ran off. "GET HER!!!" Elizabeth yelled. I ran as fast as I could. I heard running footsteps behind me. They were getting closer. Gotta hide. Gotta hide. I ran behind a tree. I ran off into the night. I looked around and tried to think of something.

I heard footsteps approaching. Fuck. "Angel?" Elizabeth called out. I sighed. I looked down. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on teleporting. I never exactly perfected that power. I tried to imagine somewhere else. I opened my eyes and saw myself in the middle of the street. Cars swerved to avoid hitting me. I jumped up and ran off. I hide in a alleyway. I panted. You worked out all of your powers but teleportation is the one power that's out of whack? Shut up. It's been so stressful since I first became a magical being. I sighed and looked around. I scanned the are for Elizabeth. I didn't see her. I took a step out and put my head down.

I pulled out my phone and looked at it. I had over sixty missed calls from Lucky, forty from Keisha, forty five from Marcus, and a lot more from everyone else. I sighed. I heard.l a car pull up beside me. I gasped and jumped. "Angel?" Said a voice. "Daddy?" I said. He looked at me. "Girl what you doing walking around this time of night?" He asked. "Sorry Daddy. A lot happened today. Needed a walk." I said. "Well get in the car. I'll take you home." He said. "No!!" I said, quickly. He stared at me. Mama did too. "I mean, I don't wanna go home right now." I said. "Well get in the car still." Mama said. I nodded and got in the car. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Angel what's wrong with you? You seem tense." Dad said.

"Uh, Lucky's ex is out to get me." I said. "What? Why?" Mama asked. "See, this is why I don't want the girls dating." Dad said. I rolled my eyes. I texted Lucky. He began to call me. "Angel? Have you lost your fucking mind!?" He screamed. "Look I'm sorry I ran off. But I'm safe now." I said. "Where are you?" He asked. "I'm with my parents." I said. "That isn't exactly what I asked." He said. "Look Lucky, I'm fine now. I'll be home in about an hour." I said. "You mean right now." He said. I rolled my eyes and hung up. "Angel is something going on that we should know?" Mama asked. "No ma'am. It's just I'm tryna lay low til Elizabeth leaves me alone." I said. "Who is Elizabeth?" Dad asked.

"Lucky's ex. She isn't thrilled about me and Lucky dating and now she hates me." I said. "Well the bitch need to get over it." Mama said. "I know." I said. "Well do you wanna go to our house til tomorrow?" Mama asked. I nodded. "Yes ma'am. I just need to cool down." I said. They drove all the way to the other side of town. I liked they're new house. It was in a better side of town. No gunshots, no robberies, barely any drama. We pulled up and got out. I walked inside and went to the guest room. I flipped down on the bed and closed my eyes. I rubbed my temples to help calm me down. "Angel?" Mama called. "Yes?" I said. "What does Elizabeth look like?" She asked.

"Uh, short sandy blonde hair, pretty, as tall as I am." I said. I heard footsteps. She opened the door. I looked at her. She was looking at her phone. She turned it around so I could see it. "That's her?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Says here that she destroyed a store, looking for someone." She said. "She's looking for me." I said. "Angel you need to stay away from Lucky. Especially if he got hoes like this whose getting jealous that he's moved on." Dad said. I looked down at my hands. "But he's my mate. I love him." I said. "And we love you too Angel. And we don't want to wake up and hear this girl killed you because she was jealous." Mama said. I sighed. "I don't know what to do right now. I just wanna relax. My life has been in shambles since I became a magical being." I said.

They left me by myself. I told them that I was gonna spend the night. I did. I needed time away from everyone and everything. Lucky called and texted some more. I turned my phone off again. I went to sleep and woke up to my Dad and Mama arguing. Oh God. Please don't tell me they're back to their old habits. I got up and walked towards the door. I opened it and listened. "I'm just Nya. We don't know anything about this boy and yet he has a bitch after our daughter." Dad said. "Trust me Trevon, I don't like this anymore than you do. But that's her mate. She loves him." Mama said. "She can get another mate." Dad said. Mama didn't say anything. "I mean I hope it's a girl. Any chance she's bi or gay?" Dad asked. I heard a slap.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just take her home and she'll sort this out surrounded by everyone else." Mama said. "Without that boy there." Dad said. They began to walk towards the stairs. I closed the door and silently climbed in bed. I pretended to be sleep. They 'woke' me up and took me downstairs. We went out to the car. We got in and began to talk. "Angel you know we love you right?" Mama said. "Yes mama." I said. "So we're saying this because we love you." She said. I braced myself. "We want you to break up with Lucky." Dad said. "Trevon!!!" Mama yelled. "What? It's the truth." He said. "You could've said it in nice way." Mama said. "You mean sugar coat it? Hell nah. She's old enough to understand, right Angel?" Dad said. Then all of a sudden, the car was hit from the side. It was black. Then I woke up to light in my face. "Oh she's awake now." The doctor said.

"What happened?" I asked. "You got into a car accident. Someone drove a car into you." A nurse said. I stared at her. "Where's my parents?" I asked. "They're perfectly fine. They're down the hall. It seems like they've been protected by some kind of angel." The doctor said. Was that me? Yep. I stood up. I got lightheaded. I got dizzy and fell. "Whoa. Be careful there." The doctor said. "I'm sorry. But I have to call somebody." I said. "My right now Ms. Starlight. You are not well at the moment." He said. "I need to call Lucky." I said. My words started to slur. I became in a daze. The nurse set me back down. "Ms. Starlight please rest. The accident was really bad." She said. I shook my head. I looked around. "Where's my phone?" I asked. "All of your belongings is with your parents." The nurse said.

"Can I see my parents?" I asked. The nurse and doctor looked at each other. "Right now isn't the best. They just found out your pregnant and they're not in the best mood right now." The doctor said. "But I need to talk to them. I need to talk to my boyfriend." I said. "Ms. Starlight please. You mustn't stress yourself out. The baby could be hurt." He said. "I need to talk to my boyfriend. He's probably worried sick." I said. "Ms. Starlight please." The doctor said in a stern voice. I then felt aches all around my body. I felt sick. My stomach started hurting really badly. And my back. Almost like something was tearing inside me. I ran to the bathroom and did my business. I looked down and collapsed on the floor.