Chapter 1: New Friends

Angel's POV:

"Angel?" Ace called. I looked at him. "Promise me we'll always be together?" He said. I nodded. "I promise." I said. "Pinky promise?" He asked, as he held up his pinky. I grabbed his pinky with mine. "I pinky promise I'll always be here for you, no matter what. We'll never be separated because we'll always be friends." I said. He smiled and hugged me.

I kept my promise...for about three months before I left. "You're leaving?" Ace said. I nodded, as I packed up my stuff. "Yes Ace. I got adopted." I said. "Angel! I thought you said we'd always be together? Instead, you're leaving me." Ace said. I looked at him. "It's not my fault Ace. They adopted me, not you. And you know what, I shouldn't have to turn down every adoption for you. It's not my fault people don't want you." I said.

I decided to take it one step further. "Your own parents didn't even want you." I said. He then pushed me to the floor. He glared at me. I quickly got up and punched him in his face. "Now I'm definitely leaving!!" I yelled. "Whoa whoa you two. Ace, you don't push girls. You're a boy. You don't ever put your hands on a girl. And Angel we don't hit people. That's not nice. Now what happened?" The guard asked. Me and Ace glared at each other.

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just leaving, with a family who actually loves me." I said. I grabbed my suitcase and watched as Ace stormed off outside to the backyard. He slammed the door so hard, the glass around the door shattered, along with the windows. "Oh my. That's gonna be expensive to fix." The guard said. I turned around and walked out the door and onto my new life.

Eleven Years Later*

I woke up to my phone ringing. I answered it. "Hello?" I answered. "Angel? Come on. We're all down here by the beach. We waiting on you." My friend said. Sighing, I said, "I'm on my way." Then I hung up. I stared up at the ceiling for at least ten minutes. That's how long it usually takes to get me motivated enough to get up in the mornings. I walked out the door and to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, then got out.

I walked to my room and got dressed. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note for my family. I grabbed my board and bag and ran downstairs. I used one of the refrigerator magnets to pin the note on the fridge. I ran out the door and down the street. I ran all the way to town then to the beach. I looked at my phone. It was seven o clock in the morning. I walked down the sandy beach til I saw my friends.

I called out to them and ran over to them. "Hey hey Angel!! Now we can get this party started." My friend said. He grinned at me. "I'm so excited." I said. We walked along the beach, talking to each other. We mostly talked about me leaving today. I didn't want to but my foster Mom got a new job which meant we had to move. I wasn't ready to leave. I didn't want to. I had so many friends here.

I didn't wanna make new ones. "You ready to do this Angel?" My friend asked. I looked at them and smiled. I looked out at the waves. Seeing them crash against the shore brought back a lot of memories of when I first started surfing. I was a nervous wreck. "Let's tear me up!" I said. We all ran out towards the water and dove in. We paddled out to the open waters. I watched as the chased after one wave.

It wasn't the wave I wanted. I wanted my last wave here to be gnarly. So I waited. Then is saw it. A big wave was coming in. "Yo Angel!! No way you're going to surf that." My friends yelled. I smirked and began to chase after the wave then I surfed it. "Okay Angel!! Surf them waves!!" My friend yelled. I grinned at her as I carved through the waves. I was a famous surfer around here. It was amazing to surf.

I felt so free. Like I was part of the ocean. I decided to be a surfer when I was younger. I saw a bunch of dudes surfing and I decided that's what I wanna do with my life. Surfing gives me life. It actually calms me down. If I ever needed to get away or relax, I go to the beach and surf. "That was so cool." My friend said. I nodded. "It really was." I said. I sighed in contentment. I smiled as I looked out at the waves.

Then something caught my eye. These two girls were carving up the waves, even better than me. "Whoa. Check them out." I said, pointing. "Whoa. Those red heads are killing it. Maybe better than you Angel." My friend said. I frowned at him. "Boy shut up." I said. Then one of the girls suddenly crashed. "Oh no." I said. Her board was thrown up into the air by the ocean waves.

Then the girl did a flip and landed on the board. Wow. She gotta teach me that. "Angel?" Mama called. I looked at her. She waved me over. I ran over to her but not before I shot those two girls one last look. I ran over to my Mom. "Let's go. It's time to go to our new house." She said. "And we got your note. I don't understand how your handwriting looks better than mine." My little sister, Kya said, pouting.

"Because I've had a lot of practice." I said, as I hopped in the car. "Bye Angel!!" My friends yelled. I waved bye to them. My Mom drove off towards our new home. It was unfortunately in the next state over meaning it was a long ass drive. Me and Mama took turns driving. We came finally came to our new house. We pulled up and got out. "This is our house?" Kya asked. I looked at her then at Mama. Mama frowned at her.

"Girl you betta be grateful." She said. "I am grateful. It's just that I thought we were going to live in an apartment. I'm gonna go find my room first!!" Kya said, before running off into the house. I looked at Mama. "Oh that girl." She said. I laughed as I walked in the house. I looked around and went upstairs. I walked down the halls til I came to a room. I smiled. "I found my room!!" I yelled. I heard running footsteps down the hall.

"No uh uh!! I want this room." Kya said. I looked her up and down and said, "Girl bye. Get out." She pushed me. I turned around and shoved her to the floor. "Aye!! I know y'all not in there fighting! I will tear that ass up!!" Mama yelled, as she walked past the door. "Angel pushed me Mama." Kya said. "You pushed me first. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing." I said, harshly. Then I shut my door.

I hated when Kya does that. She always starts shit with me then plays victim when Mama comes around. It's annoying and Mama lets her, which makes it even more annoying. Kya gets away with a lot more shut that I do. But because I'm the oldest, I have to set a good example and be nice to her. Please. Kya better wish I don't lay hands on her. I began to unpack my stuff. When I was done, I looked around at my new room.

I did a good job. I laid down in bed and watched TV. I laid there for ten minutes before my stomach growled. I got up and walked out my room and down the hall to my Mom's room. "Mama I'm hungry." I said. "Well I gotta go out and get some groceries but then I gotta cook." She said. "But I'm hungry now." I whined. "Well go fix something then." She said, loudly. "Attitude ma'am!!" I said, playfully.

I turned around and walked downstairs. "I'm going out to get something to eat!!" I yelled out. "I'm going too!!" Kya yelled. "What? Girl no." I said. "Angel you better take your sister with you." Mama yelled. "Ma I'm just going to get something to eat." I said. "And you're gonna take your sister with you. And bring me back some Chinese food." She yelled. "You gotta Chinese food money?" I yelled. Then there was silence.

"Mama I'm playing. I was joking." I said, quickly. Kya ran down the stairs and out the door. I followed her to the car. We got in and drove off towards town. We drove around til I saw a small cafè. I pulled up and got out. We walked inside and sat down at a table. I looked around. "It's so nice." I said. "It smells like coffee in here." Kya said. "Well it is a cafè and they usually have coffee." I said. She nodded and played with the salt and pepper shakers.

"Alright ladies. What'll you'll have?" A man asked, as he approached us. He did a double take when he looked at me. "Hey, you're Angel Starlight." He said. "Yes. How do you know my name?" I asked, curiously. "My nephew follows you on Instagram. He aspires to be a great surfer just like you. I follow you on Instagram too. My name is Christian. You're an amazing surfer. You got mad skills." He said. "Oh thank you so much Christian." I said, smiling.

I shook his hand. "Uh we're ready to order now." I said. "Okay. Know what? Whatever you want, it's on the house." He said. "Aww. Thanks so much. Uh, I'll have a grilled cheese for now." I said. "Me too. I want mine extra cheesy." Kya said. "Coming right up." Christian said, as he walked away. I stared at him. Damn he fine. Too bad I'm underage. I bit my lip as I saw him make my grilled cheese sandwich. "He fine." Kya said.

I glared at her. "Girl you are way too young to be staring at a grown man like that." I said. "And? So are you. You're underage." She said. "I'll be eighteen and legal soon dummy." I said. "I'm telling Mama you called me a dummy." She said. "I don't care." I said. Christian then came back over and gave us our grilled cheese sandwiches. He sat down beside me and asked me what it was like to surf. He asked me all kinds of things like if I ever had a wipeout.

I had three wipeouts but back then, I was still an amateur. I was still learning. He talked with us for awhile. I laughed at something he said. "I'm serious. Shot himself right in the foot. I told him to keep his safety on." He said. I laughed harder. I loved chatting with Christian. He was fun. I decided to make him a new friend. I know it was kind of weird having a grown man as a friend but he didn't seem to mind.

He asked me if I could teach him how to surf. I told him sure as long as I can keep coming here. I came back here for four days because of him. He was fun and sweet. I even gave him tips on how to be a good surfer. We even had practices at the beach. It was kind of adorable seeing him struggle to keep his balance on the board. "Keep your foot up here at the top of the board." I said.

"Like this?" He asked, he moved his foot. "Yeah like that. Keep all your weight on your back foot. When it comes time to carve up the wave, then you shift your weight to your front foot." I said. "My nephew is gonna freak when I tell him that the great Angel Starlight taught me how to surf." He said. I giggled. We walked along the beach when we got done with practice. We stared out at the waves.

"Christian this was amazing." I said. "Yeah it was. Thanks again so much for teaching me how to surf. My nephew will be so jealous that you taught me how to surf. " He said. I smiled. "Did you nephew ever take classes?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. He's always afraid of someone will make fun of him." He said. We walked past two girls then I looked back at them. They look hella familiar. Then it hit me. Those are the two girls who carved up those waves!!

"Oh my God." I said. "What?" Christian asked. "Those two girls." I said. He looked at them. "What about them?" He asked. "I seen them before. Back in my hometown. They were amazing last time I saw them. Excuse me Christian but I gotta go talk to them." I said. "Okay. See you later Angel." Christian said, as he left. I ran after the girls, calling out to them. They paused and looked at me. "Hi." One said.

"Hi." I said. "Hey. You're Angel Starlight. The famous surfer. Oh my God you are all over Instagram. You have such amazing skills too." The other said. "Thanks. You guys got skills." I said. They looked at each other. "I seen you guys a few day ago. You did a flip off of your board and you landed on it. Can you teach me that?" I asked, curiously. "Wow. Angel Starlight wants to learn my trick flip." She said. I nodded. "I'm Bailey." She said. "I'm Rose." The other said.

"It was so nice to meet you guys. When can you teach me that trick?" I asked. "We can do it tomorrow if you want." Bailey said. "That'll be perfect." I said. We said our goodbyes before exchanging numbers. I told them to not leak my number. We met up together back at the beach the next day. "Okay. You guys ready to get started?" I asked, as I approached them. "Sure." Rose said.

"But Angel, if you think my trick flip was amazing, take a look at Rose's trick." Bailey said. Rose blushed. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "I can do a handstand on my board then do a backflip and land back on the board." She said. "Whoa. Can you show me?" I asked, excitedly. She nodded and ran off towards the water. She dove in and paddled out to sea. She waited five minutes for a wave. "So you and Rose know each other?" I asked, Bailey.

She looked at me and nodded. "Oh yeah. We've been friends since the ninth grade. I saw her one day surfing and she did her trick. I wanted to learn it so bad that I pretty forced a friendship with her. She didn't mind though. Then she saw my trick flip and she wanted to learn it. It was amazing to me that we were both surfers. It was even more amazing that we ran into you Angel." She said. I looked at her. "Me?" I asked.

Just then, Rose ran over to us. "Sorry Angel. I don't think the waves are coming in today." She said. "Oh that's fine. We can do it another time." I said. "So what are you guys talking?" She asked. "I was just telling Angel how we went to her hometown." Bailey said. "Oh yeah. We went to the town you were in. We were hoping to meet you and you never did show up." Rose said. "Yeah sorry about that." I said. "It's cool." Bailey said.

"Well being that I'm a big deal when it comes to surfing, it's hard for me to go anywhere without being bombarded by fans. Don't get me wrong, I love it and I love my fans but sometimes I just want people to just see Angel." I said. "And not the Angel that's the surf guru?" Rose said. "Exactly. Everywhere I go, people recognize me and want pictures and autographs." I said. "Sheesh. Was it that bad?" She asked. "Yeah." I said.

I shook my head and tried to describe it best I could. "It got to the point where I couldn't be in public. So many people would gather around me and create a fire hazard then I would get kicked out. I couldn't be in the streets because people would block the roads. I almost got arrested because people kept surrounding me. So the only thing I could do was either surf very early in the morning and late at night. I would hire bodyguard but be no point." I said.

"But bodyguards would be there to keep you safe." Rose said. "Yeah but once, I went to an event and I was given bodyguards. But people fought them to get to me so I gave up and decided to stay home. That day I seen you guys surfing, it was early in the morning." I said. "That's so cool." Rose said, grinning. "So what made you guys get into surfing?" I asked, curiously. "That's obviously: you. Angel you inspire so many people to be like you." Bailey said.

"Yeah. A lot of people look up to you. We all wanna be great surfers like you." Rose said. "I am glad that I inspire people to surf but I just do it for fun and because it helps relax me." I said. "Well everyone definitely loves doing it." Rose said, as she put her arm around me. She quickly moved it away. "Oh sorry." She said. I grabbed her arm and pulled it back over my shoulder. I did the same with Bailey.

"It's cool. I guess I made some new friends my first few days here." I said. They both grinned. We spent every day together. I even introduced them to Christian. He was happy to meet them. We all sat down in the café and talked. It was nice to have some friends here. It was a whole new town and a whole new life for me. Christian asked me if I was all right with him putting up a sign that I go and eat here.

Bailey and Rose told him the story of why I didn't want that. I like being able to walk down the street and not be bombarded by fans. I was finally able to breathe again. I looked over at Rose and Bailey as we sat down on the rocks. They both grinned at me. We looked out at the waves as they crashed against the shore. Just amazing.