Chapter 4: Reunited

Ace's POV:

"Ace!! Chris!! Settle down!!" Douglas yelled. "Tell him to keep his hands off of me!!" I yelled, as I was held back by Kyle and Mike. "Bitch ass nigga!!" Chris yelled, trying to get out of the guards' hold. "Ace and Chris!! I won't tell you again to settle the fuck down!!" Rachel yelled. Today we were all enrolled in a new school. Me and Chris got expelled from the last one. We got into a fight so bad, that we ruined school property.

I slammed Chris into the wall and we hit a beam supporting the gym. It all came crumbling down. It was over two hundred thousand dollars in damages. As a result, we were both expelled. Rachel had to pull everyone else from the school because she wanted us to all to go to the same school. "Now look, this is a whole new school. Don't come up in here acting a fool." Douglas said, in my ear.

"He won't leave me alone." I said. "Ignore him." He said. "Look y'all can't put me and him in the same class. I will kill him." Chris said. "Do it!!" I yelled. Me and him struggled to get over to each other. Then someone cleared their throat. We turned our heads to see a man with three girls behind him. "From these two's behavior, I'm guessing you are students for this school." The man sneered.

"Yes. I'm sorry. These two won't be any trouble." Rachel said. "Really? From what I just saw, they're ready to tear each other apart." He said. "Look, as long as you don't put these two in the same class or let them cross paths, they'll be fine." Rachel said. "I hope so." The man said. "Who are you?" Chris asked. "I'm the principal of this school." He said. "Well, here's your new students. So sorry we're late. There was a bit of a delay this morning." Rachel said.

"Pretty long delay. It's third period right now." The principal said. "Again, we're sorry but they're here now." Rachel said. "Anyways, I have the folders for these....students." The principal began. I rolled my eyes. "I have already assigned other students to partner up with these new ones. And I just recruited these three to help out." He said. I looked at the three girls. One of them caught my eye.

I stared at her. She looks familiar. "Okay the partners for you kids are..." The principal kept naming different people partnered up with us. I kept staring at the girl til it came to me. Angel? Apparently the principal said her name the same time I figured it out. "Great. Uh, which one of you if Ace?" She asked. "That would be me." I said, crossing my arms. She stared at me. I walked up to her.

"Whoa now. Too close." She said. "And?" I said. "Ace." Douglas said. "What? I didn't do anything." I said. "Yeah but you got too close to me." She said. "And?" I said. She stared at me. "Why are you so mean fo me dude? This is how you act to someone whose supposed to be helping you get an education?" She said. "Oh please. You know why I'm being mean to you." I said. She shook her head.

"I really don't. This is literally the first time we've ever met." She said. I stared at her. "Angel quit playing. You know me." I said. She shook her head. "Dude you know me. We've met before." I said. She stared at me. "Dude I meet a lot of people. You're just another face to me." She said. My feelings were hurt. "You really don't remember me?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Ace why would she know you?" Kyle asked. "Wait Ace? Your name is Ace?" She asked. I nodded. "I think I know someone by that name. What's your last name?" Angel asked. "Griffin." I said. She stared at me then gasped. "Ace? Oh my God I haven't seen you in years." She said. "Yeah. We haven't seen each other since we were six years old." I said.

She reached out to hug me but I lightly pushed her away. "No. I don't want to give you a hug." I said. "Why not?" She asked. "Yeah Ace. Why not? You curving a baddie like her?" Chris asked. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Wait you two know each other?" Rachel asked. "Yes. Me and Angel used to be best friends before she left me." I said.

"What? A childhood break up?" Chris asked, laughing. "No. We were best friends." I said. "Ace it's not my fault. Hold up. You're still mad at me for what happened eleven years ago?" Angel asked. "Yes. I feel some type of way about you right now." I said. She scoffed. "Wow. Eleven years later and you still a salty boy." She said. "This salty boy has a reason to be salty." I said.

"Okay Angel let's not do this on your first day." A red head girl said. "Wait this is your first day too?" I asked. "Yes." Angel said. "Wow." I said. She glared at me. "Wait Angel. You look familiar." Mike said. He stared at her then gasped. "You're Angel Starlight." He said. She nodded. "Yeah that's me." She said. "How do you know her?" I asked.

"I follow her on Instagram. She's that surf legend everyone is talking about." He said. "Oh my God that is Angel Starlight. Oh my God your surfing skills are amazing." Someone said. "Wait. That's the Angel starlight?" Someone else asked. "Wow Angel. Everyone's heard of you." Christina said. "Oh yeah. I heard about her." Kyle said. "Yeah. You're that famous surf guru. Yo Angel, you got mad skills." Mike said.

I looked at Angel. "Well I try to stay out of the spotlight." She said. "Are you kidding? You are like super famous." Someone else said. "Can I have your autograph?" Someone asked. Are you fucking kidding me?! crossed my arms. "Hey Angel, have you ever been attacked by a shark while surfing?" Kyle asked. I looked at Angel. I wanted to know this.

"No thank God. I have been stung by a jellyfish though." She said. "Angel you don't realize how much of an inspiration you are!! Oh my God you are awesome." Kyle said. What the hell is happening?! Angel smiled at all the attention she was getting. Then she looked at me. "Ace don't be mad at me please." She said. "Yeah Ace. Don't be mad at shawty." Chris said, as he put his arm around her.

I grew jealous. Angel moved over to me. "Ace please don't be mad. I really missed you over the years." She said. She hugged me. "Awww." Christina said. Oh my God this is embarrassing. I didn't huge Angel. "Fine. Since it's my first day at this school, I'll be good." I said. "I sure hope so. And you said these two aren't all allowed to be in the same class? That shouldn't be a problem." The principal said.

He walked towards the door then looked at us. "Come with me to get their schedules." He said. We followed him out the library and into the halls. "There's Angel!!" Someone cried. I turned my head to see a group of students. They all took pictures of Angel. "Angel I love you so much!!" One yelled. "Get to class!! All of you!!" The principal yelled. The students ran away.

"Wow Angel. First day of school and already you have fans." Mike said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah it's already been a hard day and it's not even over yet." Angel said. I crossed my arms. We walked to the front office and to the front desk. A lady looked up at us and smiled. The principal told them we were the new students and given our new schedules. "Have a great day." The receptionist said.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. As I walked down the halls, I looked at my schedule for the first time. I rolled my eyes as I realized that Angel was my study buddy for the rest of the year. I looked over at her. She was covering her face from passerby students. She kept getting bombarded by fans. I didn't know why. It was just surfing. I looked around and saw a door that led to my class.

I opened the door and walked in. Everyone immediately looked at us. "Principal Barrick? Can I help you?" The teacher asked. "Yes sir. These are your new students." He said. The teacher looked at all of us and made a face. "Are you sure?" She asked. I glared at her. Bitch fuck you. "Hey fuck you." Chris said. "Sorry about Chris. He has this class." Rachel said, glaring at him.

"Look, I don't think he should be in this class if he's gonna disrespect me right when he walks in the door."  The teacher said. "Well you kinda started it so...." I said. I felt a slap at the back of my head. I looked at Douglas. He glared at me. "Fine. Those of you who have my class, have a seat at the back." She said. I walked in then saw Chris walk. "Umm, I thought Rachel said not to put me and Chris in the same class?" I asked.

The principal looked at both of our schedules. "I'll fix it tomorrow. Just get through today. Try not to kill each other or worse, damage our property. I heard about what happened at the last school." He said, glaring at me. Then he walked out the door. I looked at Chris. He smirked at me and sat down at the table I was at. I frowned. I can already tell this is gonna be a long day.

I looked up and saw Angel walk over and sit down next to those two chicks from earlier. Kyle and Mike came over and sat down next to me. Lucky for Chris, they sat down between us. I looked at Angel. She was writing her notes down while the teacher talked. "Hey man. Angel's friend is gorgeous." Kyle whispered. "Which one?" I asked. "That red head one." He said. I looked up and frowned.

"They're both redheads." I said. "The one who has green eyes." He said. I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah I guess she's hot." I said. "I like the other red head one. She bad." Mike said. "The other redhead?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. She bad." He said. I looked at them but Angel was the one I was focused on. All these years.... I stared at her before she turned around to look at me.

I quickly turned back around and looked at Kyle. He looked at me then snickered. "Why you looking like that?" He asked, giggling. "I was looking at Angel and she turned around. Did she see me?" I asked. He looked past me then down at his phone. "I don't know but she is staring at you." He whispered. I put my fist up to my head. School took forever to end. I walked out to the parking lot and waited by the vans.

I looked around and waited for Kyle and Mike. Kyle went to the bathroom while Mike went to look for those girls Angel was sitting next to. I pulled out my phone and put in my earbuds. I searched through my playlist til I found a song. Then I felt someone touch my back. I turned around and saw Angel smiling at me. "Hey Ace." She said. "Hey." I said, irritably. "What's wrong?" She asked. "What isn't wrong?" I asked, irritably.

She frowned at me. "So you're still mad at me?" She asked. "Yes." I said. She sighed. "You doing anything later?" She asked. "No. Why?" I asked. "I want us to go out and talk. Rekindle our friendship. I want to know what you've been up to since I last saw you." She said. "How? Angel you didn't even recognize me until you heard my name." I said. "Bro, we lost contact. Sorry I didn't think about you every second of every day." She said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said. "Come on Ace. This is our chance to be friends again. You know when childhood friends get back together, they never act like this. They usually be so happy to see each other. Come on Ace. We've finally been reunited and you have a bug up your ass because of it." She said. I thought about that before sighing. "Fine. Where do you wanna go?" I asked. "I'll text you." She said.

She took my phone from my hands and inputted her number. I took hers and gave her my number. She smiled sheepishly. I looked past her and saw Kyle and Mike smirking and laughing at me. I glared at them. Angel looked behind her and saw them. "So those are your friends huh?" She asked. "Yeah. Those assholes are my best friends. Kyle and Mike are the only two people I really fuck with in this household." I said.

She looked at me. "Household?" She asked. I decided to quickly avoid that question. "Who were those girls you sat next to? Kyle and Mike like them." I said. "Uh, Rose and Bailey. If you like, you can meet them. Ooooh you bring your friends and I'll bring mine." She said, excitedly. She quickly ran off before I could respond. I shook my head and got in the van. Kyle and Mike climbed in after me.

"Hey man. We saw you and Angel exchange numbers. So y'all fucking now?" Mike asked, as he sat down next to me. "No. We are not fucking. She wants us to meet her friends and go out with them." I said. "Oooh. A triple date." Kyle said. "No. She wants to catch up on what we both been doing over the years." I said. "Oh." Kyle said. Soon everyone else filed into the van and we drove home.

I laid down in my bed thinking whether or not to text Angel first or tell her I don't want to go. I gotta admit, even though I hate the fact that she left me, I have missed her. She was my best friend but that title quickly disappeared when she did. My phone vibrated, scaring me bit. I looked at it. It was a text from Angel. She wanted me to go to a cafe she goes to every day.

I sighed and got up. I walked out the door and down the hall. I went to Kyle's room then Mike's room. "Let's go." I said. They both grabbed their coats and walked downstairs with me. We walked out the door and walked into the woods. Me and Kyle transformed and took off running. I carried Mike on my back. With us being mutants, we could transform and we have power.

I am a werewolf, Kyle is a vampire, and Mike is a griffin. That's what our whole facility is about. We house mutants. Every one of us is a mutant. It's a facility to help keep mutants in check and teach us not to expose ourselves to humans. I certainly didn't wanna expose myself to Angel. I don't even think she knows I am a mutant. Even as a kid, I knew I was different.

Then I became a mutant. "Ace?" Kyle called. I looked at him. "Hmm?" I answered. "You good? You all quiet." He said. "I'm good. Just thinking." I said. "Ace!!" Someone called. I turned around to see Angel and her friends. "Would it be bad if I just left right now?" I asked. "Boy shut up." Mike said. "Yeah stop being an ass. She is your best friend." Kyle said. "She used to be my best friend. Now she is not." I said.

We walked over to the girls. "Hey Ace!! This is the cafe I go to. I know a guy here. He's my friend." Angel said, happily. We walked inside. I looked around. "Christian!!" Angel called. Everyone looked at her and cheered. "Angel's back!!" "We love you Angel!" "You're amazing Angel!!" They all cheered. Angel and the girls sat down at a booth. We sat down across from them.

A man with long hair came over to us. We immediately recognized him. "Hey Christian." Kyle said. "Oh you guys know him?" Angel asked. "Yeah. He works at our facility." I said. Christian frowned at us. "Oh Ace. Still bitter as ever." He said, then he walked away. I crossed my arms. Then an awkward silence filled the emptiness between the six of us.

The only sound that filled the air was the chatter of the patrons of the cafe. "So nobody gon talk?" I said. "Sorry. I don't know if you guys met, but this is Rose and Bailey." Angel said, pointing them out. I now know who is which. "These are my best friends, Kyle and Mike." I said. "Nice to meet you guys." Rose said. "Nice to meet you ladies." Kyle said. Oh God this is killing me.

"Well are we gonna order?" Bailey asked. As of on cue, Christian came back over and took our orders. "So who's the famous surfer's first day of school going?" He asked. "Eh. It was all right." Angel said. "Angel kept getting bombarded by fans." Bailey said. "But she made it through, even though it was a pain in the ass getting through the halls. It was blocked. Everyone wanted to get near Angel." Rose said.

"You survived didn't you?" Angel said. "Hopefully it'll all go away and you'll be treated like a normal person." Kyle said. "Yeah hopefully. Even though I do love my fans, I want to be left alone sometimes." Angel said. "Well why not just tell them that?" I asked. "I don't want to be a bitch." She said. "I can't believe you and Ace used to be best friends. Ace ain't afraid of telling someone how he feels." Kyle said.

"Exactly. Ace will tell anyone if they're are annoying him. He once yelled at a pregnant chick for being too close to him and bugging him with her stories." Mike said. "Ace that's mean." Rose said. I rolled my eyes. "Well it already happened." I said. We talked a bit more before we ate our food. I ate my food then wanted to leave. We left shortly after eating.

We walked down the streets, not talking to each other. "Ace?" Angel called. I looked down at her. "Listen...I was thinking..." she trailed off. I looked at Kyle and Mike. They both smirked. "Do you guys want to come with us out into the forest tomorrow? We're gonna go take pictures of the forest. Do y'all wanna come with?" She asked. I chuckled. "Us going out into the woods with three girls? Yeah that doesn't sound like a bad idea." I said.

"Yeah Angel. If we would've asked you guys that, red flags would be flying." Kyle said. "But we're not gonna do anything bad to y'all though. Besides, you're guys. You're stronger than us. Y'all would probably do something bad to us." Rose said. "We won't." Mike said. "So you'll come with?" Bailey asked. "Yeah." Kyle said. "Count me in." Mike said. "Ace?" Angel asked. I debated whether or not to go. Fuck it. "Sure. Why not?" I said. If I only I could've taken those words back.