Chapter 11: Double Date

Angel's POV:

I tossed and turned in bed. "You are such a disappointment Angel!!" Mama yelled. "All these years, I thought you loved me!! Turns out you don't give a care about me!! That's fine. I can always find someone else who will love me!!" I yelled. She got in my face. "Get the fuck outta my house!! GET OUTTA MY HOUSE ANGEL!!" She shouted. "FUCK YOU BITCH!!" I shouted.

"Angel?!" Someone yelled. I sat up and looked around. "Huh? What?" I said. I saw a security guard standing in the doorway. "Rachel said to get up. You have training." He said. I sighed and rubbed my face. "Okay fine." I said, as I stood up and stretched. I walked over to the dresser and looked in the mirror. I looked a hot mess. I walked over to the bathroom and walked in. I saw Ace brushing his teeth.

He looked over at me and stared. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." I said, grumpily. "What are you doing in here?" He asked. "Uh I came to brush my teeth, shower, then go see Rachel for my training." I said. "Okay but why are you in my bathroom?" He asked. I stared at him then called the security guard back. "What's the problem?" He asked. "Uh, Angel is in my bathroom." Ace said. "You mean MY bathroom." I said.

"The bathroom was built between your rooms. Sorry Angel. You and Ace are going to have to share a bathroom." The security guard said, then he left. I looked at Ace. "Fantastic." He muttered. "Fuck you asshole!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Can you get out so I can shower?" I asked. He looked me up and down then scoffed. "Bitch please." He said. "Bitch?!" I said. "Bitch!" He said.

"Aye aye!! Quiet down in there!!" The security guard said. I glared at Ace as he brushed his teeth. I brushed my teeth too but I kept my distance from him. I waited by the shower and waited for him to leave. I looked at Ace. He stared at his hair in the mirror as he styled his hair. I looked at the shower. While I waited, I styled my hair and picked out my outfit for the day. I even picked out some shoes to match. I looked around at the bathroom. It's so lovely. Very elegant.

"Ace can you get out so I can shower?!" I asked, irritably. He looked at me and walked up to me. "I don't know who you talking to like that but it ain't me. I was here first. Take your shower Angel." He said. I glared at him. "I can't take my shower with your stupid ass in here." I said. "Bitch please. Don't nobody wanna see your ugly ass body." He said. He walked away. "Asshole." I said. "Bitch." He said.

I decided to take him up on his offer and just showered anyway. I shaved my legs and my privates then got out. I walked to my room and got dressed. Ace then walked into my room. "Was that so hard princess?" He asked. I stuck my middle finger up at him. "I can't stand you." I said. "I can't stand you either!" He said. "Ace you talk all this shit but don't do nothing." I said. He glared at me. "I don't do nothing?" He asked.

"No. You don't." I said. He scoffed. "Says the bitch who didn't do anything when-" He paused. He shook his head. "I'm not even gon go there. I don't want to hurt your feelings." He said. "Say it!!" I said, as I ran up and pushed him. He quickly turned around and slammed me into the wall. "Put your hands on me again!! I DARE YOU!!" He yelled. We glared at each other. "Okay you two come with me." A security guard said.

We looked around at saw everyone staring at us. We were taken downstairs and met with Rachel. "What happened now?" She asked, tiredly. "There two keep arguing like an old married couple." The security guard said. "She started it!" "He started it!" We both said at the same time. We glared at each other. "God I can't stand you Angel. I don't know why I saved your ass from Chris. I should've just let him attack you." He said.

"Fuck your Ace. I don't give a shit about you." I said. "Ditto." He said. "Alright enough!!" Rachel yelled. She glared at both of us. "Angel go outside to the back yard. I wanna be able to see your transformations and your powers. Douglas handle Ace." She said. Douglas pulled Ace off while he glared at me. "Angel let's go." Rachel said. We walked out the back door to the back yard. "Wow." I said. "It's amazing." Rachel said.

She crossed her arms and looked at me. "What's up with you and Ace? Why y'all hate each other so much?" She asked, curiously. "It's a long story. We used to be best friends when we were kids but we fell out." I said. "Anything specific?" She asked. "He thinks I abandoned him and his he hates me." I said. "Did you?" She asked. "No!! I just got adopted before him. Look I don't want to talk about it. Can we get started?" I said.

"Sure. Which do you want to start on first, your powers or your transformations?" She asked. "Whichever is easier." I said. "Okay your powers." She said. I nodded. "Okay clear your mind and try to focus on your powers. I heard that your hair gets caught on fire when your pissed. So let's test that." She said. "How?" I asked. She then threw an energy ball at me. It sent me flying. "Oww!! Rachel what the hell?!" I cried.

"Defend yourself Angel." She said, as she threw another one. I dodged it but it turned around me came back at me. It knocked me down. "Wow. Angel is getting her ass kicked by Rachel." Bailey said. I glared at her. "She's not the only one." Rachel said, as she threw an energy ball at Bailey. Bailey was sent flying backwards. Then Rose. "Come on guys. Defend yourselves." Rachel said. "It's hard when you have target seeming energy balls." Bailey yelled.

Rachel sent an energy ball at Rose but she screamed loudly. The ball was sent flying back at Rachel. She dodged it though. "Very good Rose." She said. "I wasn't even trying. I was terrified." Rose said. Rachel threw more energy balls at us but we figured out how to dodge them. "Very good ladies. Rose and Bailey, you figured out how to use your powers. Angel, you need to learn. Focus. Try to picture what they look like." Rachel said.

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine my powers. "You're a dragon. Try to think of something that deals with dragons." Rachel said. I thought very hard. I thought back to that dragon egg I saw when that meteorite hit us. I imagined the egg but with different colors. Then imagined a dragon flying out and turning different colors. "Angel look!!" Rose cried. I opened my eyes and gasped. I saw my imagination really worked.

"Okay good. Now your transformations." Rachel said. "So how does it work?" I asked, curiously. "Just imagine yourself as a dragon." Douglas said. He made his way over to us, with Ace behind him. Kyle and Mike and walked behind him. "I don't know how." I said. "Watch the boys do it." Douglas said. Kyle turned into a bat. Mike turned into a griffin. Then Ace turned into a wolf. "I don't know if I can do all that now." I said.

Rachel and Douglas shared a look. "Angel come with us." Douglas said. We walked further into the dense forest. "Where are we going?" Rose asked. "We need Angel to really get the idea of transforming." Douglas said. "And going into the woods is going to help?" I asked. They didn't say anything. We came to a cliff. "Okay Angel. Look over the edge." Rachel said. "Why? What's down there?" I asked, curiously.

"Take a look." She said. I looked over the edge and was suddenly pushed. I screamed as I fell down. "Rachel!!" Rose and Bailey yelled. As I fell, I looked down and saw that I was approaching the ground at high speed. All this over me not knowing how to transform?! I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself as a dragon. PLEASE WORK!! I braced myself when suddenly I felt something tear at my back. I began to slow down. I opened my eyes and saw I was hovering. I flew back up towards the cliff.

I flew over the edge and saw everyone staring at me. "She did it!!" Rose cried. Her and Bailey cheered for me. I landed and transformed back. I glared at Rachel. "What the fuck?!" I yelled. I clutched my heart. "Sorry but I feel like mutants tend to transform when they're under immense pressure." She said. "Are you kidding  me?! That's torture!!" I said. She simply shrugged. "Okay Angel. Try it again." Douglas said. "Hold up!! Let me catch my breath." I said.

I laid flat on the ground. "You're lying on top of an ant pile." Kyle said. I quickly got up and moved. I took off my jacket just in case there were ants on me. "Okay Angel. Transform." I said. I closed my eyes and transformed again. I felt my back tear open again. My wings flew out. My body twisted up as it shifted into a dragon's body. I towered over everyone. "Wow. She did good." Douglas said. "Yeah she did. Okay Angel. Just keep practicing and it should come as second nature to you. Let's head back." Rachel said.

We all walked back to the house. I walked to my room and changed clothes. I was gonna go swimming in the pool. "Hey Angel." She said. "Do I know you?" I asked. "No. My name is Tia. Listen, this is kinda weird, just i was wondering if you would come with me on a double date?" She asked. "Ummm-" She cut me off. "Please!! I really like him. Plus he's a huge fan of yours and I think you might be able to break the ice between us." She said.

"Hey Tia. Your date's here. Ready to go?" Ace asked, coming up to us. "Uh yeah." She said. She pulled us over to the front door and opened it. "Oh hey!!" She said, greeting the boy in the car. He waved. "So whose gonna be my date?" Ace asked. "Angel here. Come on let's go!!" She said. "What?! Tia wait!!" Ace cried. "Come on Ace!! Angel let's go!!" She said, pulling us away. Me and Ace didn't get to tell her we weren't cool.

She was too excited about her date to listen. I noticed he kept staring at me in the mirror as he drove us to town. We got out and walked down the street. "Bro why you keep staring at Angel?" Ace asked, irritably. "I'm sorry. It's just.... you're Angel Starlight. Oh man. You kick ass when you surf." He said. "Thank you so much." I said. "Oh man. I remember this one surf tournament you did when you were eleven." He said.

"Yeah. It was really fun." I said. "Dude, you shredded those waves. Then you dove in the water. We all thought you crashed and burned but then you got back on your board." He said. I nodded. "Yeah it was fun." I said. "Do you think you can teach me how to surf?" He asked. "Uh babe? I don't think Angel wants to do that. Plus we're on our date." Tia said. "Oh come on. She-" I cut the guy off.

"Actually I just want to relax for the day." I said. We walked out towards town. I looked up at Ace. He was quiet. He then looked straight ahead. I looked up to see dozens of people coming towards us. "Angel!!" "That's Angel Starlight!" People screamed. "Shit!" I said. "See Angel? You are awesome!!" The guy said. "I know that." I said. People came up to me and want me to take pictures and sign autographs.

We were followed to a local restaurant. It was nice. They had a back side that was in water. Everything looked cool. We sat down at the counter. I looked down at my bikini. It wasn't right so I fixed it right quick. A server came over to us. "Alright what will you all have?" He asked. "I'll have this coconut water." Tia said. "I'll have the same thing." The guy said. "I'll have crab legs." Ace said. "I'll have the same thing. Crab legs." I said.

The server looked up and smiled. "I'll put that in right away. Wait. You're Angel Starlight." He said. Oh my God. Here we go again. "Yo I love you. You are so amazing." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said. "I mean I heard people say that you live here in town and that you were out today but I didn't believe it. Oh I am a huge fan of yours Angel." He said, excitedly. I nodded. "Oh man. When you out there on them waves, you kick ass." He said.

"Thanks." I said. "John!!" A man called. He came over to us. "What's the hold up? Why you jibber jabbering?" He asked. "This is Angel Starlight sir." The server said. The man looked at me and gasped. "You are Angel Starlight. Oh me and my daughters are a huge fan of you!! You are amazing. It's such an honor to have you eating here. This is incredible." He said. "Thanks. I hope those crab legs are good." I said.

"Most definitely. You and your party don't have to pay. It's on the house." He said. Then they walked away. "Wow Angel. Being a big celebrity must be exciting for you." Tia said. I nodded. "What's wrong?" Ace asked. "Well sometimes I just wanna be left alone and not reminded that I'm a big surfer. Like I just want to walk down the street and not be bombarded by fans. I love them and I'm grateful but-" I was cut off by Ace.

"You just wanna be a normal person." He said. "Exactly. At first, it was nice to be recognized but now so many people come up to me and create fire hazards and want autographs and pictures and I can't escape them. So when we leave here, I need to hide. I need to go somewhere where people won't see me." I said. "But Angel, how can you not like this life?" Tia asked. "You just saw how. People will come up to you no matter what." I said.

"But Angel, you're getting free food, lots of fans, interviews, money, all this shit. I would kill to have your life." Tia's date said. "Trust me, it's not all that fun. You'll eventually want to be by yourself." I said. "Angel can you remember what your life was like before you were this famous surfer?" Tia asked. "Well I've been surfing since I was eight years old. It's been so long, I can't remember what my life was like before the fame." I said.

"Angel what made you wanna start surfing?" Ace asked. I looked at him. "A dare. One of my old friends dared me to enter a Junior surf contest. Me and her are enemies now though. Anyways, she dared me to enter the contest, knowing I would crash and burn on my first go. But I did good and I quickly got noticed. Everyone came up to me, offering me sponsors. I had no knowledge of surfing so I took what I could." I said.

"You never had any practice of any kind?" Tia asked. I shook my head. "No. I just got on a board and started surfing. I did better than the other surfers that day. They were older than me and were pissed that they got beat by an eight year old." I said. "Wow. Surfing at eight years old. Must be so cool." Tia's date said. "Angel!!" Someone called. I looked over to see fans trying desperately to get in.

Police officers were holding them back. "Oh that's too many people." I said. "Good luck tryna get out of here." Ace said. "This is gonna be tough." I said. I managed to maneuver my way around the crowd of people. Ace helped me by transforming into a wolf and carrying me on his back. He took us all the way home. Then we went our separate ways. I watched as he ran to the back yard and into the woods.

Where's he going? I looked back at the house then back at Ace. I decided to follow him. I ran after him but he was way too fast. I transformed into a dragon and flew after him. I flew behind him but I stayed close. I followed Ace to a cave near the cliff where Rachel pushed me. He walked down the edge of the cliff and walked into a cave. I transformed and peeked over the cave walls.

I saw Ace in his human form. He had his back to me. I carefully tip toed over to him. I wanted to scare him but then he started humming. I recognized that tune. That's Lovely by Billie Eilish and Khalid. Then Ace began to sing out loud. His voice sounded amazing.

"Oh I hope some day I'll make it out of here. Even if it takes all night or a hundred years. Need a place to hide but I can't find one near." He sang.

Such clear notes. "Wanna feel alive outside. I can't fight my fears. Isn't it lovely? All alone. Heart made of glass, my mind of stone. Tear me to pieces, skin to bone. Hello? Welcome home." He sang. His voice echoed lovely through the caves. "Wow Ace." I said. That must've startled him because he jumped. "What the fuck Angel?!" He yelled. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you love." I said.

He held his heart. "That's not even funny." He said. "I'm not even laughing." I said. I walked over to him. "Ace I didn't know you could sing." I said. "I don't like singing in front of people." He said. "Oh. You have stage fright?" I asked curiously. "No. I just don't like singing front of people." He said. I stared at him before hugging him. "Whoa. What is this? What is happening?" He said.

"Ace you'll always have a friend in me. No matter how many times we argue, I'll always be here for you." I said. He didn't respond. He then wrapped his arms around me. Then he transformed into a wolf. I looked at him. He was bigger than me. His wolf eyes held mine. I smiled at him. He put his head down and let me pet his head. I kissed his head. "I love you Ace. Never forget that." I said.