Chapter 15: Secret

Angel's POV:

Two Weeks Later*

I shook my knee. I stared at Ace as he stared at Chris. We wanted him to leave so badly. We both wanted each other but Chris was in the room. Ace looked at me then tapped his mind. Wanna just go upstairs? Yes Daddy. We both stood up but before we could head to the stairs, the door flew open. "Hey everyone!! We back!!" Kyle said. I looked at Ace. He walked over to Kyle.

"Man you have real perfect timing." He said, sarcastically. "What I do?" Kyle asked. "Hey Angel. You won't believe what just happened." Rose said. "What?" I asked. She and Bailey pulled me away. "Kyle kisses me." She said. "Mike kissed me too." Bailey said. "They told us to keep it a secret but we couldn't help it and plus you're our best friend." Rose said. I grinned. "I'm so happy for you guys." I said.

"You'll find someone Angel. We don't want to make you feel like a third wheel." Bailey said. I smirked. "Don't worry about that. Me and Ace are dating too." I said. They both gasped. "What?!" Bailey said. "Are you kidding?!" Rose said. "Yeah. I know how we go back and forth with each other but we're cool now. Plus, I know you guys have noticed how he's been on his best behavior lately." I said.

"Oh yeah he has. I was wondering why that is." Bailey said. "I always thought it was Douglas. He and Ace have been spending more time together lately." Rose said. "Well I sorta had a hand in it." I said, smiling. "Well come on." Rose said. "What?" I asked. "We're going to a bookstore." She said. "Oooh yay." I said. We walked out the door. "Where you guys going?" Ace asked.

"We're going to the bookstore." Rose said. "Oh yeah. We came back to get everyone." Kyle said. I looked between him and Rose. Ooooh I'm so happy for my girls. We all walked out the door and to the van. I was about sit next to Ace but some girl did first. I got jealous. I played it off and sat in front of Ace. Rose and Bailey sat beside me. Kyle and Mike sat behind them. I pulled out my phone and put in my earbuds and played my music.

We drove into town and pulled up to the public library and got out. I walked inside with Rose and Bailey by my side. "Okay everyone. Pick out a book. You all need to start reading more." Rachel said. I looked at her. She looked irritated. "What's up with Rachel?" I asked, curiously. "It's her time of the month." Rose said. "Oh." I said. I walked over to the fantasy section of the library.

I scanned the section, looking for books that suited my taste. My hair was suddenly grabbed pulled slightly. I turned around to see Ace. I grinned and kissed him. He pushed me back against the books and moved his hand down my skirt. "Ace. There's people right there." I whispered. He looked back at them then back at me. "Nobody is even looking at us." He whispered as he kissed my ear.

I smiled as he turned me around. He moved his hand down my skirt and to my pussy. I bit my lip and looked around. Nobody was looking at us yet I was scared. Then Ace rubbed me. I covered my mouth to keep from moaning out loud. "See? Ain't nobody even worried about us." Ace whispered. I nodded and struggled to keep my mouth shut. I accidentally let a moan slip but no one looked at us. Ace has to cover my mouth.

Suddenly, an old woman walked past me, making us both jump. She walked past us over to a door. I looked at Ace then sat down. "That was way too risky. We can't do that." I said. He moved me and made me sit down on his lap. "Shut up and stop being a baby. It was one person and she even saw us." He said. He put his hand back down my skirt. "Besides you gotta admit it's kinda fun doing this public." He said.

I nodded. "It is kinda fun. But it's dangerous." I said. "That what makes it so fun." He said, kissing me. Then he smiled. "I mean come on. Your friends are even doing it." He said. I looked over to see Rose and Bailey being fingered by Kyle and Mike. They were all separated yet doing the same thing. My mouth gaped open. Then Ace hit a spot. I made a noise, causing to look at me.

I covered it up with a cough. I glared at Ace. He giggled. "See? It's fun." He whispered. "We almost got caught." I hissed. "That wasn't my fault. You did that." He said. I glared at him. He rubbed my spot and I covered my mouth to keep from moaning. "You look so adorable Angel." Ace whispered in my ear. I furrowed my brows and gripped the ends of the table tightly. I can do this. Ace rubbed faster.

I curled my toes and gripped the table tighter. My stomach became more and more tensed up til I came. I bit down on my jacket sleeve and relaxed. I heard Ace snickering. I kicked his foot. "Oww!" He hissed. I hit off of him and moved away. I walked outside to the van. There, I saw Rachel. She looked at me. "Rachel hey-hey." I said. She stared at me.

"Why do you sound like you just ran a marathon?" She asked. "Oh, no reason. Why are you out here?" I asked, curiously. "I just needed to be alone. Come on. We're about to leave." She said, as she walked past me. She called everyone back to the van. I sat back in my seat the whole ride there. When we pulled up, I got out and walked up to the door. I looked at Rose and Bailey as they got out.

I smirked at them. "What?" Bailey asked. "Y'all ain't slick. I seen y'all with Kyle and Mike." I said. They both blushed. "We ain't the only one. We saw you and Ace." Rose said. I blushed. Ace suddenly came over and pulled me inside the house. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We are going to play." He said. I grinned as we ran upstairs to my room. We quickly walked in and locked the door.

Me and Ace made out some more before he pushed me up against the wall and sucked on my neck. I pulled him closer to me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he fingered me. "Mmm fuck." I moaned. Ace pulled my legs around his waist. I began to suck on his neck. I wanted to give him hickies. His skin was lighter than mine so I knew it was gonna show more on him.

"Mmm Angel." He groaned. I giggled. "Oh your giggles are so cute." He said. I blushed. "Well that sums me." I said, grinning. He kissed me softly and passionately. It made me feel good. I could tell that he really loved me. Then he made me get down on my knees. I looked up at him with the most seductive yet cute look I could do. "Oh fuck Angel. You are so adorable." He said. I grinned excitedly. Then he thrusted his cock in my mouth.

Then he pulled down my skirt. I took off my panties and threw them to the side. "Ace? I wanna show you something." I said, as I ran to my closet. I quickly changed into lingerie. I walked and his jaw dropped. "Angel you've really grown up over the years." He said. I giggled and ran over to him. He picked me up and set me down on the dresser. "This is really nice. Who'd you get this for?" He asked.

"Got it for Valentine's Day a few years ago but I never used it." I said. He moved my leg from under my body. "It looks really good on you princess." He said. I smiled. "I love that name." I said, grinning. I kissed him again. He slowly pulled me off the dresser and turned me around. I thought it'd be cute to resist his advances but that was a bad idea.

"Angel what are you doing?" Ace asked, staring at my body. "What? I can't resist temptation for a second?" I asked, seductively. He then grabbed a handful of my hair. "Not with me princess." He growled in my ear. "Aww why not? It's fun." I said. He chuckled. "Aww that's so cute. You think you run this shit?" He said. Then he thrusted inside me. It was so sudden, I cried out in pain.

"No. Don't start that shit now. You wanted to resist temptation yet you lost." He said. I smirked. Fuck you Ace. I bit my lip as little moans escaped my mouth. I tried to keep quiet but Ace's thrusts were causing my moans to slip out. I bit down on my bracelet but it broke. Ace moved us over to the bed and bent me over. He continued to thrust in and out of me. Every thrust he gave, it thrilled me.

I cried out in pleasure. I bit down onto my pillow as Ace thrusted deep inside me. I wanted very badly to moan but everyone was downstairs. So I had to fight my natural instinct to moan. I bit the pillow harder. "Oh fuuuuuck Ace. My fucking pussy is throbbing for you Daddy." I moaned. That only made Ace lose it. He turned into an animal and I loved it.

"I'll take care of that problem princess." He said, as he kissed the back of my neck. He thrusted harder and deeper inside me. I gasped and began to tremble. I bit down on the pillow and moaned into it. I didn't know what it was but I loved Ace this way. We fucked til we fell asleep. I woke up to my phone vibrating. I looked at it. It was text from Rose and Bailey. They wanted me to wake up.

I looked over and saw Ace still fast asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead. I carefully got out of bed, put back on my clothes, and walked to the door. I had trouble walking. I looked back at Ace's sleeping form. "Damn Ace. What did you to me?" I said. I crawled out the door and went downstairs to the living room. I saw Rose and Bailey sitting on the couch. They looked over at me and smirked.

"I knew it." Rose said. "Bitch fuck you. I know you two also had sex." I said. They both blushed a deep red. "We not talking about us. We talking about you." Bailey said. I sat down on the couch beside them. "Man I don't know what Ace did to me, my fucking vagina hurts." I said. "He rearranged your insides bitch." Bailey said. I giggled. "I know you ain't talking. Look at how y'all are sitting." I said.

"What's wrong with how we sit?" Rose asked. "You guys never sit like that so I know Kyle and Mike rearranges y'all's insides." I said. "Anyways." Bailey said. We laughed and talked for a while before Chris came downstairs. We looked at him. "Oh wow. So all three of y'all sitting on my couch." He said. "It's not your couch." Rose said. "I'm the only one who sits there." He said.

"Do we need to call your girlfriend?" Bailey asked. "You won't have to. We broke up." He said, as he walked in the kitchen. ""Aww what happened?" I asked. "I wanna go fuck more bitches!!" He said, laughing. We rolled our eyes. "Pig." I muttered. "What?" Chris said. "I said you're a pig." I said. He walked over to me. I instinctively stood up. "Angel let me tell you something." He paused.

He looked me up and down. "Damn you fine as fuck. You wanna go upstairs?" He said, laughing. "No I'm good." I said, sitting down. "Aww come on. Let me show you a real Mandingo." He said, grabbing his junk. "It looks like a small Mandingo." I said. Rose and Bailey laughed. "Aww come on Angel. You don't know that unless you ride it. Come on girl. Quit playing." He said.

He touched my arm and I suddenly felt an urge to do it. I stood up. What is happening to me? We walked over to the stairs but Ace and pushed me back. "Bye Chris." He said. "Ace take yo nosey ass on." Chris said, as he reached for me. Ace stood between us. "Chris leave." He said. Chris got in his face. Ace didn't back down. "Chris don't even do it." Kyle said. He and Mike walked down the stairs. The three of them circled Chris.

"What? Y'all gon jump me like the weak niggas y'all are?" Chris asked. "We ain't gon jump you as long as you leave Ace alone." Kyle said. "Ace is a big boy. He can handle himself." Chris said, getting into Kyle's face. Me and the girls walked and got between them. "Okay guys chill." Rose said. We moved the three of them away from Chris. Chris and Ace glared at each other. "I hope you two ain't fighting." Douglas said.

He came down the stairs. "No. Why?" Ace asked. "Because. Rachel has had enough of you two fighting. One more fight and one will be transferred to another facility. Douglas said. "What?" We all said. "Wait. There's more than one facility for mutants?" I asked. "Oh yes. All over the world. And if Ace and Chris keep fighting, one of them will be transferred and he will have to move." He said.

Ace and Chris looked at each other. "Angel come y'all to me later on babygirl. I'll show you what you'll miss if Ace keep fucking with me." Chris said. Ace growled at him. "Shut up Ace. You and her were just arguing the other day." Chris said. "Today's a new day." Ace said. I pulled him away and sat him down. "Chill Ace. I don't want to have to send you away but Rachel will. She already has enough on her plate." Douglas said.

"So there's more than one facility for mutants? That's kinda cool." Rose said. "Cool? There's people in this world who have hidden powers in them and you find that cool?" Bailey asked. I looked at Ace. He was staring at me. "What?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing." He said. "Angel why did you go with Chris? You were about to leave with him." Rose said. "That probably wasn't her fault." Kyle said.

"Yeah Chris has a power where he can manipulate people and make them do whatever he wants just by touching them. So don't let him touch you in any way. Even your hair is enough to make you do whatever he wants." Mike said. "Yes. You guys stay away from him." Ace said. I noticed he looked at me when he said that. I nodded. We watched TV for a bit.

My mind raced with the fact that Chris can manipulate people just by touching them. And there was more than one facility for mutants. "Angel!!" Bailey called. "Huh?" I said. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. "Well do you want to go?" She asked. "Go where?" I asked. "Surfing?" She said. "No. She doesn't need to be in that water right now." Ace said.

"Ace I'm fine. My side is healed. I can surf again." I said. "Angel I'm only looking out for you." He said. "And I appreciate that but I'm fine. I can still surf. I told you. That shark attack didn't faze me. I'm still gonna surf. Right now actually." I said, standing up. I ran upstairs to my room. I heard footsteps approaching. "Angel don't do this." Ace said.

"I'm going Ace. I love surfing." I said. "For what? You're just gliding on water." He said. I ignored him and changed into my wet suit. "Angel please!!" He yelled. "Why Ace?!" I yelled. "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU!!" He shouted. I stared at him. "Angel I care about you. If you go back out, there's no guarantee you won't be attacked by another shark." He said.

Ace. "Maybe next time you won't be so lucky. Maybe I won't be there when you do get attacked by another shark. Then I'll lose another person in my life that I care about." He said. "Ace I told you I'll be fine. I've been doing this shit for years. One shark attack is gonna stop me from my passion." I said. "You heard what that bald dude said. It's shark season." He said.

"The secret beach Ace. That's where we surf at. The area is too shallow for a shark pop up at. And besides, I'll be careful. I'm always careful when I go in the water. I don't surf for about ten minutes until I know for certain the area is clear." I said. He thought about it. "Fine. But any time you go out surfing, I need to be there. still need to teach me." He said. I squealed and kissed him.

We walked downstairs and out the door. Kyle and Mike came with me and the girls to our secret beach. Rose and Bailey even wanted to teach Kyle and Mike how to surf. Kyle said that he and Mike have been watching videos ok YouTube about surfing and what to do. They didn't fully understand it Thomson we had to teach them. Kyle and Mike went out and bought their vets own surfboards.

We came back and practiced. "Paddle Kyle. Keep your arms close to your board. You never know if a jellyfish is lurking nearby." I said. "Jellyfish?!" He cried. "Yes. Anything can be below you. It's most likely a jellyfish. They like shallow water." Rose said. We practiced for about and hour before me and the girls went into the water. The guys watched us from a distance. Afterwards we left to go eat.

I smiled at Ace as he talked to Bailey and Rose about their board tricks. Oh my Ace...