Corey's eyes were just slightly behind his hand. Following the lines of text he wrote down, summarizing notes he had taken during class, the day before.
Deciphering what he had written. Trying to understand what he meant. He always did that, he always made the same mistake.
Always hurrying along, trying to not miss a single thing of what the professor said. Because, what if he missed something important? What would he do? What would his parents say, if he missed a crucial part of the class, He couldn't risk it.
"Katie!" A deep dark voice spoke, "Have the new Captain Compass arrived yet?"
"Not yet darling. But it should arrive at the end of the week. I'll spare one for you."
'Captain Compass? A guy who read Captain Compass? Am I dreaming? I must be? Almost no one knew of Captain Compass.' Corey stood up from the couch he had been sitting in. Looking around.
"Corey?" Cole mumbled, "What ar-" He wasn't able to finish what he was about to say, before Corey had walked away. Searching for that male voice.
Corey made his way out from the maze of bookshelves. Finding his way over to the counter. Seeing Katie standing alone, playing on her phone.
He stalled for a moment, swaying back and forth in his place.
"Oh, Cole? Or you are Corey." Katie glanced up from her phone, surprised to see one of the twins standing and looking embarrassed and uncertain of himself.
"Let me guess. You want to talk to Ashton." Corey nodded slightly in response, feeling how his cheeks heated up, "He didn't lock the door, so just enter the room." She continued, pointing at a door behind her, to her right.
Hesitating for a second before walking over, opening the door and entering the room. He was met by a guy, who leaned over a table. Making Corey only able to see the guys back.
"Katie? Is it something special?" His voice sounded slightly broken, like he had been crying.
"Uhm, I'm not Katie. But she said I could come in here." Corey whispered in response.
Ashton rose from the chair, turning around causing Corey to freeze in his spot.
The boy who stood before Corey was absolutely stunning. His hair was a mess, a single small bundle of platinum blonde resting against his forehead.
He was tall, but not taller than Corey. But he was muscular and very fit, with nice broad shoulders.
A part of his abs were exposed by holes in his shirt. His thighs and legs were hugged tightly by his blue jeans.
Looking back up at his face, he noticed the deep blue eyes that were a bit reddened. Indicating that Corey had been right, the guy had been crying.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Ashton bit his lower lip firmly, looking at the guy in front of him. A copy of the guy who had been to the store yesterday. Only that this one, this person had him forget everything.
His bangs were so nice as it covered his forehead, with that golden brown. His eyes like dark brown chocolate.
Ashton was staring, but couldn't care less. He let his eyes fall down, noticing the hole in the other guy's jeans and the red stain.
'What am I supposed to do? Say? Should I say anything? Am I supposed to do anything at all? He came in here, to meet me. Why though? Why does my body feel so hot. Like it's burning.'
Ashton looked behind the guy, seeing that the door was closed behind him. He took a deep breath, before walking closer to the taller person. Causing their faces to just be inches away.
"I'm Ashton." He whispered quietly, breathing slowly.
"I'm Corey." The guy responded and Ashton took that as a 'He also feels this.'
So without double guessing, he angled his head upwards. Stretching himself to reach a bit better. He pressed his lips against Corey's.
Butterflies spread in his stomach, the moment felt electric. Corey responded and parted his lips slightly, taking everything Ashton had and gave Ashton everything he could give.
They pressed their bodies against each other. Ashton let his hands slide around Corey's neck. Embracing him and making sure he couldn't break the kiss.
At the same time Corey let his hands fall down taking Ashton's hips in a steady grip, before starting to stroke up and under his shirt. Caressing his soft skin.
Ashton carefully slipped his tongue into Corey's mouth and was welcomed happily.
The time passed, both of them had lost track of it completely.
When they let go of eachother, both of them were panting heavily. Out of breath and blushing heavily.
It was easier to spot the flustered cheeks on Ashton, since his skin was much fairer. But they both were, without a doubt blushing.
A large smile spread across Ashton's face. A smile he was unable to hold back.
"Were you crying before?"
Ashton just nodded in response. Seeing that this person cares. Unknowingly trusting someone fully, for the first time since Annabella died.
"I want to know everything about you."
"Only if you tell me everything about you." Ashton responded, speaking quietly.
"Where do you live Ashton?"
"A caravan."
"A what?"
"A caravan, you know in a caravan park." Ashton looked down at the floor, feeling ashamed of his housing.
'I shouldn't have said anything…. Why am I always stupid. Why did I suddenly lose my mind? Trusting someone I just met? But he is, so much more. He is, he radiates love and trust.'
"No, no, no. Don't look at the ground!" Corey exclaimed as he realized he had said something wrong.
"I just, you know."
"Your parents are rich?" Ashton muttered.
"Yeah. I'm sorry." Corey twisted in his spot. Feeling guilty for what he had said and for who he was.
He didn't know why. But he did.
"I can see pain in your eyes, so don't say sorry."