Princess Supratika is sitting with us, along with Mr. Prime Minister.
We were told that she is assisting Mr. Prime Minister in all the official matters and her presence was making me weak.
I am trying to ignore Princess Supratika, while our Head was having a discussion with Mr. Prime Minister.
After they had their discussion our Head told me to take over the conversation and explain to Mr. Prime Minister about the incident that happened 10 days ago.
I felt a bit uneasy to start my explanation being in front of Princess Supratika but I somehow cope up with the situation and continued to explain the investigation we have done and showed him the message note which we got at the incident spot.
Looking at the message note Mr. Prime Minister said "I don't see anything that you said about in here"
"It is in form of coded symbols," I said and continued to explain to him the meaning of the symbols.