// Princess Supratika's Narration //
He said that he is here on duty, I never want to miss this chance of making him love me, feeling my love.
He is rude, arrogant, and stubborn but I love him the way he is.
Whatever way he treats me I Love Him.
I want him to do many things like
"I want him to treat me like I'm fragile. I want him to protect. I want him to get horny easily it's so cute and funny."
"I want him to like my arrogance and innocence"
"He is so sexy."
"He is deep in his thoughts."
"He has a personality, and there is something special about him."
"He is a HUMBLE man."
"I want him to do little things for me."
"I want him to feel comfortable around me."
"I love the way he listens to me."
"He's very observant."
"He never acts self-obsessed."
"I adore him."