/// Princess Supratika's Narration ///
I have decided to tell my father about everything, and also I want to confirm to him that I am loving Akara and also I want to marry him.
But it is not an easy task especially to convince my father given that we both are from different levels of wealth community and importantly Princess and a soldier. It runs even deeper when it becomes unacceptable for my father just because he is of my choice.
Since I am a baby My father brought me whatever I liked and whatever I want, but no when it is about my life partner, the person with whom I want to live my entire life after marriage is not acceptable to him.
I don't know why The father who gave me everything I need is not even accepting the thought that I love someone who is not his choice.
I am thinking of the different ways I can make both my father and Akara can meet and my father get convinced to, me marrying Akara.