Chapter Two-Unknown POV

They are beginning to stir in their sleep. How much longer do you want to wait?"

"It's too soon if those are the only signs being shown. We need more evidence."

"How much more?" She pressed impatiently.

"Enough to prove they have some magic in them. This could be human insomnia, which has nothing to do with our magic." The other woman shooed at the girls through the pond as if they were a gross meal.

"What else do they need to show?"

"Abnormal feats of strength, telepathy, heightened senses. You know, things we have."

"But they're half human so couldn't the signs they show could be different?"

"Look, I don't know what Amber was thinking when she came up with this idea. But we have to follow through. Bring the twins to the valley at peak transformation. Until then, you stay here. Understood?"

"Yes, Mother."