Divine Retribution! Decisive Battle at Kuoh Academy!

3rd Person POV

Kuoh Academy

"Damn it..." Saji groaned, his magical energy becoming nearly exhausted.

The Sitri Peerage continued to push themselves maintaining the Perfect Dome spell from expanding.

"President, the others are starting to falter!" Informed Tsubaki. "I'm not sure how long they can keep this up!"

"Keep pushing for as long as you can!" Sona ordered. "If you can't maintain it anymore, step back and rest for a moment!" She instructed. 'Rias! (Y/N)! Come on! Hurry up! Take Kokabiel down!'

Whis' eyes flickered for a moment, feeing a familiar sensation encroach him from within the confines. "Oh my. How interesting." He mentioned.

Sona looked to the blue-skinned man. "Whis, what is it-?!" She and many of the other had felt the odd and powerful chill erupt from their bodies. "What-What is this? My whole body...It feels...so weird..."

"Lady Sona, I'd advise you step down and let me handle it from here on out." Whis advised.

The Sitri devils looked to the staff wielding man.

"I can hold it myself for the few more moments this will last." He turned to the children and smiled cheerfully. "Rest assured, this will all be over shortly."

Inside the Perfect Dome, the battle between the Fallen Angel General and the devils continued. However, all appeared to come to a total halt.

(Y/N), encased in a white, fire-like aura fully turned around and stared intensely at Kokabiel with his piercing silver eyes.

Kokabiel continued to look at the young devil's appearance, feeling a sense of familiarity. 'That form...' He pondered told himself. 'That aura isn't simply that of holy origins. No. It's almost-no, it is Divine.'

(Y/N) glared at the fallen angel, focusing his hardened gaze as his gently raised his foot off the ground.

'What in the world is thi-?!' Kokabiel's mind was suddenly silenced by a powerful kick into his face, delivered by (Y/N), who had appeared instantly before him.

Everyone was stunned by his sudden appearance before the fallen angel.

"How did-" Rias fell baffled.

"I didn't even see him." Kiba awed.

"Was what that? Teleportation?" Issei questioned.

"That was pure speed. There wasn't a trace of magical energy being deployed. He was so fast we couldn't even see him move." Akeno analyzed

Kokabiel growled through the burning sensation on his face and threw his darkness-made arm at his opponent.

(Y/N) spun around the oncoming blow and released his fist, aimed once again at Kokabiel's face and sending him flying.

Kokabeil flew across the ground a great distance, crashing and destroying a great deal of the forestry.

(Y/N) descended back down in front of his allies. Not uttering a single word and just staring off in the direction he flung the fallen angel.

Everyone was shaken by his new appearance. All of the devils' bodies were engulfed in ominous chills. Xenovia's body was embraced by a warm tingling sensation.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Rias called out.

The young Pawn didn't reply to his master's call.

"Is that...Is that really you?" She asked with slight fear.

(Y/N) glanced back, looking over his shoulder and saw everyone's worried and confused expressions. He gave them a small reassuring grin.

A roar of anger erupted from far off, blowing away the massive dust cloud, regaining the devils attention.

Kokabiel, now covered in more wounds and burns, looked to the devils in utter hatred. "You measly little shit!" He growled, raising his hands and concentrating his magical energy into forming an spear of light. The holy weapon grew larger and larger with time, until it became as large as the academy itself. "I've beaten you before, and I'll do it again! YOU HYBRID ABOMINATION!!!" He roared, hurling the spear towards the devils, completely destroying the ground below it as it advanced with terrifying speeds.

Those with any magical energy left prepared to do fight against the incoming projectile.

(Y/N) clenched his fist tightly, widened his stance, reeled his fist back, and shot it forward, releasing a massive blast of wind at the spear.

The two attacks clashed, but the spear of light was pierced through and was destroyed.

"WHAT?!" Kokabiel questioned, only to receive a blow to his gut. Feeling his body becoming indenting from the blow, he hunched over and held his damaged stomach. The fallen angel looked up and saw his enemy, simply looking at his with his stern gaze.

The silent devil took a step forward and continued walking towards the black-winged fiend.

Kokabiel growled, raising his arm made of darkness at (Y/N), summoning multiple spears of light above him before clenching his fist and sending them down on him.

In the blink of an eye, each and every one of the blasts were blown away with ease, either by intervention or presence of the young devil. Regardless he continued onward.

Kokabiel was speechless, slowly rising to his feet as he continued to hold his stomach. 'This power...this presence...this goes beyond the mastered technique of the Gods. This boy, he...truly is a monster!'

(Y/N)'s stern gaze focused in on Kokabiel, vanishing from his sight and appearing from behind and kicking him in the head, launching him forward.

The divine silver engulfed devil gave chase, instantly appearing before the still flying fallen angel and kicking him up into the sky. He appeared behind him and kicked him back down, only to be kicked away again. Appearing below, he kick him back up higher. Rushing to his side, he backhands him away, only to sledgehammer him down. Before hitting the ground, (Y/N) grabs Kokabiel's head and tossed him back into the air via cyclone spinning.

This continued for multiple instances, only appearing through brief but extremely loud booms.

A pummeled Kokabiel fell from the sky. Everything seemingly slowed down for him as his mind began to race. 'What...What happening? This isn't...This wasn't how things were supposed to go! I was gonna have my war! Total destruction was just within reach!' His eyesight refocused on the descending young silver aura encased devil, watching him fall with him, only to glare in anger. 'But this brat...He got in my way again!! WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BREAK THIS BASTARD?!'

In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) appeared before Kokabiel, looking at him dead in the eyes right in front of his face. Instantly, multiple streaks of light encased the two, only to reveal (Y/N) releasing a relentless barrage of punches, further pummeling Kokabiel and riddling him with multiple indentations and burns. The silver in his eyes flickered briefly, as did his divine aura. He released an unharmonious, unsynchronized yet mighty roar, double kneeing the fallen angel in the stomach. Placing his hands together, he conjured holy light and unleashed it onto his foe with another roar, pushing the two away with great force.

Kokabiel crashed into the ground while (Y/N) landed on the roof of the school. He pushed forward with a powerful burst, destroying the roof of the academy completely as he charged at the vile fallen angel with a mighty roar.

Kokabiel, resorting to a last ditch effort, used his arm of darkness to create a giant claw to crush or knock back the incoming devil. However, upon (Y/N)'s approach, the darkness was vaporized instantly by his aura.

(Y/N) rocketed himself into Kokabiel, severing him of his remaining arm and one of his last remaining wings.

Kokabiel screamed in agony. Feeling the burning sensation of divinity coursing through his body as his demon blood slowly burning from the inside, he fell to his knees and hunched over, panting heavily.

(Y/N)'s silver traits vanished, though left him some magical energy. He used whatever he could use to summon his Black Mark form and created a scythe, holding it backwards and having the blade right against Kokabiel's neck.

"I don't believe it..." Kiba said in disbelief.

"He beat Kokabiel...by himself...so easily." Xenovia said.

"It's...It's really over...We won!" Rias smiled.

It was as the Crimson Haired Princess of Ruin claimed. The attempted prelude to war was finally over. Kokabiel had been bested, left as a one-winged, arms amputated fallen angel.

Kokabiel felt the blade of the darkness-made scythe press deeper into his neck.

"Now..." (Y/N) finally spoke. "You are going to answer ALL of my questions."

There was no way Kokabiel would escape this. He was trapped. Weakened and powerless. He had lost completely to the one he claimed to had tormented for so long. This was his fate. "...Very well." He agreed. "What do you want to know?"

"My parents...What did you do?"

Upon hearing his question, he simply sighed. "Ah yes, that takes me back. Quite a long time actually." He said as he began to recall his memories. "It was nearly a thousand years ago, still seems like so long ago." He said, trying to prolong his explanation.

"Yeah, I get it. I was never human from the start and this happened a long time ago. Get on with it!" (Y/N) ordered impatiently.

Kokabiel gulped. "About a millennia ago, a few select fallen angel leaders, including myself, were sent an invitation to a meeting. This meeting involved many leaders. Bandit tribe leaders. The Kingdoms of Malromarc, Falmouth and Edinburgh. Multiple Church organizations, and many warmongering warlords of the seas called the Yonko, as well as leaders from the World Government and their Marines. Even many Gods and Demi-Gods were present. When we arrived, we were introduce by a man claiming to be the leader of a group called "The Ten Golden Gates of Salvation". He claimed to have an offer for all of us. However, none of us believed him. Until he showed us what he was capable of."

"Which was?"

Kokabiel chuckled. "Far beyond your comprehension." He claimed, only to feel the blade of the scythe.

"Try me." (Y/N) threatened.

Kokabiel simply continued. "After we all settled down, he told us what he wanted from us. Our aide in annihilating a kingdom that had become a beacon of peace and coexistence between races. Humans, Demons, Demi-Humans, Monsters, Gods, or even Celestials like us. Everyone was skeptical, but he offered us compensation in exchange for our cooperation. Some wanted power. Some wanted money. Some wanted knowledge. Some wanted territory and resources. And I-"

"Wanted a war." (Y/N) finished, cutting of Kokabiel.

The fallen angel smiled wickedly. "You know me so well. Those of us who desired conflict were told that the kingdom we were targeting was filled with powerful opponents, forces of absolute strength. Even their King was a force to be reckoned with. And yet...he was taken down oh so easily. It's amazing how much chaos can ensue with a blindsided invasion out of nowhere."

"You destroyed an entire Kingdom, killed several innocent people, all because you wanted conflict?!" (Y/N) growled.

"Indeed. And I was there when it all ended. The King, on his knees, holding his dead wife and Queen in his arms, barely hanging onto his own life. I aided in the finishing blow, as well as King from the Human only Kingdom, the leader of the Marines, the mages of Falmouth, the God of mischief, and surprisingly enough, the White Dragon Emperor."

Everyone present simply listens to Kokabeil recollect, unsure of how to process everything he said.

"Someone really went to those extents? All so they could get rid of (Y/N) when he was younger?!" Xenovia questioned.

"But, I suppose telling you all the people involved doesn't really matter at this point." Kokabiel said.

"And why's that?" Rias questioned.

The fallen angel smirked. "Your precious Pawn saw to them himself. Nearly all those involved were annihilated by him."

"Sounds about right." (Y/N) accepted.

"Now, the only ones who survived were a few Gods and the White Dragon Emperor. Or at the very least, the Dragon himself. You killed his previous host quite some time ago."

Everyone was shocked by this revelation as well.

"Seriously? (Y/N) killed one of the White Dragon Emperors? By himself?! Holy shit!" Issei exclaimed.

"The ones who gave you the injections, your benefactors; are they those Gates of Salvation guys who recruited you before?" He asked

Kokabeil smiled slightly. "Indeed they are. And I think you know by now, that they'll stop at nothing until you suffer then die in your own despair."

"Where are they? Where is their location?" He questioned further.

"In a place unreachable by normal means. You can't simply teleport to their location. I was invited, allied with them, so I was able to go. Sadly, I don't have the authority to invite people there myself." He explained.

"What about Raynare? How's she back?" He questioned.

"They brought her back themselves. You didn't completely destroy her like you thought you did." Kokabiel mocked. "Gave her some additional power, as you saw by the extra wings. Who knows how she's fairing now."

(Y/N) clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Fine. Last question..." He hesitated for a moment. Unsure of how to ask or how he might even react to the answer, if he ever got an honest one from the amputated fallen angel. "What am I?"

Kokabiel's eyes widened by his question. A smile crept onto his face and a low chuckle was released, slowly growing into a fit of hearty laughter. "Are you serious?! Even after all this, you still don't know?! Oh, you poor soul!" He cackled, only to be silenced by (Y/N)'s scythe digging deeper against his throat. "...You are a hybrid. A culmination of the most powerful beings that had ever existed. And yet...you can't seem to do anything worthwhile, huh?" He questioned mockingly.

(Y/N) glared back at the snarky Kokabiel. "I don't think you fully understand the situation you're in, so allow me to remind you." He said, raising his scythe up and slamming it into his collar bone, causing him to scream before slumping forward and getting caught on the darkness-made scythe. "Your remaining life is in MY hands. So cut the snarky remarks and give me specifics, shithead!" He growled.

Kokabiel winced from the pain, gulping loudly before continuing. "That dark power you use, it's due to your Demonic heritage. The fact that you can use Holy weapons and are unaffected by many things a devil would be is due to your Holy and Divine protection from your Goddess heritage. You already know you're a Dragon Emperor, and with Draconian traits, makes you more so a Dragon. And lastly, you were reincarnated as a devil. You are indeed a hodgepodge of many species. Truly, a natural born freak." He explained as he laughed.

(Y/N) was silent, staring off towards nowhere as he processed everything. He was right, he was never human to begin with. And knowing that tore him apart inside. "So let me summarize, because some group said I was dangerous or could pose a threat to you all, you gathered together and slaughtered my family, and destroyed my homes. All so you could see me suffer? Just so you people could get what you wanted?!"

Kokabiel chuckled, only to cough and groan from the pain. "Sounds rather morbid and selfish when you put it that way."

"You hurt my friends, threatened my home, and brought back someone I thought I was rid of..." He said, his voice filled with cold and malevolent rage. "I think that's worth death, don't you?"

The Fallen Angel General's eyes widened with horror upon seeing the hybrid's deathly glare. "What?! B-But I answered your questions like you wanted!" Kokabiel tried to persuade.

"That you did...So what further use for you do I have?" He replied coldly, grabbing his scythe with his other hand, readying to yank it across Kokabiel's neck.

"W-Wait! If you kill me, you'll risk starting another war. And it'll all be aimed towards you! You don't want that, do you?!" Kokabeil begged for his life.

"What I have now is all that I have thanks to you. And if it means keeping those I hold dear safe, then I'm more than willing to turn every living thing against me!!"

Kokabeil screamed in horror.

"Besides, you said there were more people present at the night at my parents disappearance, and a few more of 'em are still around. I've waited this long for answers, and now that I have them, what's a little more waiting for the others to make an appearance gonna hurt?"

"No. No! NO!!! PLEASE DON'T!!!"


The young devil slashed his fire scythe across the Fallen Angel General's neck, decapitating him and scorching the screaming corpse ablaze in a hellfire of black and green flames. He slowly rose up and stared into the fire, watching as Kokabiel's body burned away and became nothing but charred ashes.

The others watched in utter shock. The battle was over, and their most dangerous adversary they had faced was gone for good.

"He did it." Kiba said with amazement, as well as a slight hint of fear.

"He really killed a Fallen Angel Leader." Xenovia marveled.

Finally, the Bishop of the Gremory Peerage finally regain consciousness. "Wha-? What happened?" Asia questioned.

Issei and a few others looked back to see their friend had recovered. "Asia!" They called.

"You okay?" Issei asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm okay." She assured, trying to stand back up. "What happened? Last thing I remember was-" Asia quickly remembered Kokabiel's revelation and quickly became disheartened. "Oh. That's right." She looked up and saw (Y/N) in the distance, simply staring silently into the black and green fire. "(Y/N)!" Asia called, running to her guardian and friend.

Rias walked towards her Pawn. Concern for him plagued her, his well-being was all she could think about. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" She asked.

He said nothing to his King in response.

Rias looked hesitant to speak further. She reached out and touched his back, pulling herself closer. "I'm so sorry that all happened to you. I had no idea you've suffered for so long. But I'm here for you. We're all here for you. Okay?" She looked up, only to fall into shock and slight horror at what she saw.

(Y/N), though it was small, had a sadistic and pleased smile on his face. His black eyes were entranced by the burning body of his former adversary. The young devil looked as though he had gone mad.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Rias called worriedly.

"Well now..." Spoke a loudly projected voice, booming throughout the entire barrier.

(Y/N) had snapped out of his trance and looked up with urgency, feeling a familiar presence above them.

Both the Perfect Dome and the barrier around it were shattered from above, releasing a powerful wind that blasted everyone back as it slowly broke apart piece by piece.

"What is that light?!" Tsubaki asked.

Everyone watched as the Perfect Dome broke down, the ebony flames dying out as well as the night sky illuminated itself.

"That was certainly an interesting display." Said the descending ball of light. The light dispersed, revealing a being in white armor with blue orbs and massive glowing translucent blue wings.

Both Issei and (Y/N) noticed this new sudden change in pressure from the sudden appearance of the armored man.

"This feeling...Is it-?" Issei began to question, feeling his weakened body starting to succumb to the pressure.

"It's the White Dragon Emperor. The Vanishing Dragon." (Y/N) glared, gripping his scythe.

"The Vanishing Dragon?!" Issei boomed.

"What's he doing here?" Rias asked from behind her shielding Pawn.

The White Dragon Emperor looked around at all the decimation, taking in the magnitude of destruction that laid out before him. "Such raw power. It's no wonder Kokabiel was beaten so easily. Especially if he fought against the last Demon." He said. He looked down, seeing the charges remains of one of Kokabiel's wings. He rose his foot and stomped on it violently, turning it to ash. "Disgusting. Azazel's wings were darker, deeper like everlasting darkness. But I suppose charred does make them look better to some degree." He claimed.

(Y/N) hunched down launching himself forward with his wings at the White Dragon Emperor.

"(Y/N)!!!" Everyone yelled in shock.

He swung his scythe down and slid past the armored man. "Divine Slayer Execution!!"

Multiple streams of violet erupted and danced around the Vanishing Dragon, only to erupt in a giant explosion of ebony and violet flames.

As the flames subsided, the White Dragon Emperor still stood. Hardly even a scratch visible. "That kinda stung a bit. You're fast."

(Y/N) just glared as he stood back up. "You didn't divide. Why?" He asked.

"I wanted to gauge how strong you were. You're impressive, but still not a strong as me."

"I was holding back." He replied. "That and adding on the fact that I'm nearly depleted of magical energy."

"I see." Said the armored man, walking over to the fallen Freed.

"The Red Dragon Emperor multiplies it's owners power and transfers it to something, the White Dragon halves the enemy's power, using that for its owner, and the Azure Dragon Emperor absorbs and continuously stockpiles magical energy as long as it's in use." Rias explained. "So the legends were right."

"It cuts power in half?" Questioned Issei.

"Seems as though the stray priest is the only one who survived. Unfortunate. But there are some things we need to ask him." He said, slinging the unconscious psychopath over his shoulder. "I suppose I'll dispel the imbedded square as well. No real need for it anymore." He said, raising his claw. As it glowed a radiant white and blue light, the golden magic square used to fuse the Holy Swords together rose up and shattered, turning to golden dust.

"The waves from the magic square are disappearing!" Claimed Tsubaki on slight shock.

"Then Rias must have won." Guessed Sona. Though she was relieved the incident has finally concluded, she still couldn't shake the intense chilling sensation she felt earlier. "But of so, what was that light from earlier?" She asked. 'And what was that feeling earlier? Where did it come from?

"Appoligies Lady Sona, but I must take my leave for a moment." Whis spoke. "Lord Beerus and the others appear to have wrapped their little spat as well. I'd advise you to hold back for a moment. It appears things have yet to conclude within your academy's grounds.

"I see. Understood. We'll wait for you to return, just to be safe." She decided.

"Very well. Please excuse me." The attendant bowed, vanishing off far away.

"There. That's the end of that." Said the White Dragon Emperor, turning his back on the others preparing to take off, but not before taking one last look over his shoulder at the other Dragon Emperors.

"You're just going to leave without a word? And I thought I thought I raised you and Ddraig better than that, little brother." Starvlador said from the young hybrid's right arm.

"Starvlador...you're still alive?" The blue wings of the Vanishing Dragon's Balance Breaker questioned.

"That's all you gotta say to me? Yeouch! Sorry to break it to you, but I never left, Albion. It's been a long time, but you're not gonna be rid of me THAT easily."

"I see...this boy...is he-"

"That he is." Starvlador cut Albion off. "This is my son, (Y/N)."

"I see..." The host stated. "So this is the Azure Dragon Emperor you've been telling me about, Albion?" Vali asked as he starred at the Pawn, noticing the black mark on his head. "Interesting." He said before turning to leave again.

"Are you going to ignore me, White One?" Ddraig asked, projecting his voice from his host's claw.

"The Dragon hands, they're talking. We can really hear them." Rias said in amazement.

"You are still alive, Red One?" The White Dragon noticed.

"I've been wondering when we would all finally reunite again." Said Ddraig.

"As have I. We are all still destined to fight one another. It is inevitable. That's the destiny of the Sky Dragons after all."

"I honestly can't imagine a battle between the three of them." Rias said, trembling at the thought of all three destructive forces clashing in an unrelenting battle.

"Ddraig, Starvlador, let's met again soon." Albion bid as his host turned to fly off.

"Yes, let's. Albion." Ddraig replied.

"Eat me! Don't forget to write!" Starvlador ribbed.

"Hey!" (Y/N) called out aggressively, halting the White Dragon Emperor. "Before you go, I have one question for the Dragon inside you. Albion, right?" He called out.

The White Dragon Emperor turned back and looked at the young man.

"You were there the day my home was destroyed. The day my parents were killed. Weren't you?" He asked.

The Vanishing Dragon remained silent for a moment. "I was." He replied honestly. "I didn't have the means to stop my host from doing what he did. I took no pleasure in being apart of such a massacre. Such unnecessary slaughter. If it's any consolation, I'm sorry."

"I see." (Y/N) said, feeling reluctant to believe the words of the Vanishing Dragon. "Forgive me if I don't take your words at face value. Also, that stray priest should have a gun on him, yeah? I want it." He said bluntly.

Everyone was somewhat shocked to hear (Y/N)'s request.

The White Dragon Emperor began rummaging through Freed's jacket pockets, pulling out the exorcist's gun and tossed it to the devil.

(Y/N) caught it with his claw and began to examine it in every way possible. "Interesting." He said. "You certainly don't have to. So why?"

"Because if it means you'll get stronger for me, I don't care what you use. So get stronger. Become stronger for me, my arch rival. That goes for you too Red Dragon." The White Dragon Emperor suddenly became encased in a brilliant orb of light before shooting off into the sky. "One day, we shall all fight one another, and see who is truly the strongest." He declared, vanishing from sight as he vanished into the night sky.

As everyone watched the light of the Vanishing Dragon disappear, no one knew what to say.

However, upon the Dragon Emperor's departure, the G.O.Ds attendant had arrived back onto the track Feild by a bright pillar of light. "Hello everyone! I'm back!" Whis sang happily. "And I've brought company." He said.

From behind the blue-skinned attendant resided Isabela, Siris, Chisato, Beerus, Kohaku and Artoria, all covered in their fair share of damage sustaining injuries.

"God, that bitch was so exhausting!" Isabela groaned as she stretched her neck back and forth.

"If I ever have to deal with an egotistical fallen angel again, it'll be too soon." Siris added.

"Ornaments to prevent Total Destruction..." Beerus mumbled irritably. "WHO'S THE COCKY ONE NOW, BITCH?!" He yelled loudly, practically shaking the ground by his violent outrage.

"(Y/N)!!" Chisato saw the boy and immediately ran to him.

"Master!!" Artoria and Kohaku followed after, the Heroic Spirit being carried by the familiar of their master.

Before Chisato got too close, (Y/N) rose his hand and stopped her. "I-I'm fine, Chisato. Really." He said. "I'm...I'm just tired."

"Oh." Chisato said, slight shocked and upset that her darling student and lover declined any potential smothering she wanted to give him. "I see. I understand."

"But we should talk later. I've learned some things I think you should know." He said, his black mark and eyes disappearing.

"I see. Sure, we can talk tomorrow after you've had some rest. You look like you've been through a lot." She assured with a loving smile.

"Right back atcha. You ladies look like you've certainly been through a lot tonight."

"Rias!" Sona called to her friend.

"Sona!" Replied the King of the Gremory Peerage.

"Was that the White Dragon Emperor? Why did he show up? And now of all times?" She asked.

"No idea honestly. It's possible (Y/N) made quite the impression when he beat Kokabiel." Rias replied.

"Wait what? (Y/N) beat Kokabiel? By himself?!" Sona questioned in shocked. "How did he pull that off?"

"Well, it wasn't easy. Especially when he turned himself in a Demon." She claimed.

Sona's violet eyes widened. "A Demon? Are you serious?" She said with fear.

"He had the same traits (Y/N) has when he transforms. Creating weapons and limbs out of darkness. But he was able to absorb all magical energy. It was rather difficult, but we pulled through."

"Wait, you said he became a Demon, and had the same traits (Y/N) did." Sona surmised.

"I did." Rias replied.

"Does that mean he's-"

"Yeah. Seems like it." She said, looking back to her Pawn with concern.

"Then shouldn't we-"

"Not now, Sona." Rias interjected, silencing her eager sounding friend. "He may have realized what he is, but I think he's still trying to figure things out. I'm going to do what I can to help him, and I'll ask the other to help as well. But until he's ready, we can't just dump that on him." She declared.

Sona sighed, calming herself for a moment and recomposes herself. "Understood. In that case, Tsubaki." She called to her Queen. "Time to replace the damaged done to our school." She ordered.

"There's quite a lot. But we should still manage to restore everything before classes start." Said Tsubaki.

"We can help." Rias offered.

"No, taking care of the school is the job of the Student Council." Declined Sona.

"Well, there has to be something we can do to help." Rias insisted.

Sona looked over to (Y/N). "If we think of something, we'll let you know. And you can't say no." She said.

"Okay?" The redhead replied with uneasiness and concern.

"Alright everyone, let's get to work!" Sona ordered before talking with her Peerage towards the decimated academy.

As things continued to settle and die down, Kiba's mind was still plagued with worry.

"Is it over then?" Kiba questioned, looking at his Holy Devil sword. Valper was gone, his friends avenged, but there were others involved with the experiments. "There are people who took over Valper's research. My fight is not finished, yet."

"There actually isn't." (Y/N) said.

Kiba looked to his comrade, shocked and confused by his claim.

"A while back, I was assigned to dismantle a rouge branch of the Church we got word about and free the children they were experimenting on. Everyone involved in those horrid experiments were disposed of, and all the data that was found was destroyed. However, I didn't make it in time to save your friends. I'm sorry." (Y/N) apologized, unable to look the Knight in the eye.

"So wait, does that mean-?"

"Yeah, the Holy Sword Project is no more. Your friends have been avenged." He claimed.

Kiba looked down, an ashamed look in his eyes. "Look, (Y/N) I wanted to say something-"

"Don't worry about it, okay?" (Y/N) quickly silenced. "It's over now, isn't that good enough? It's time to move on. Don't you think that's what your friends would want?"

Kiba simply looked in awe at his fellow devil.

"You did it, pretty boy!" Issei cheered teasingly, wrapping his claw over Kiba's neck.


"Hey, is that the Holy Devil Sword? It's totally badass, man!" The brunette praised.

"Th-Thanks." Kiba replied rather sheepishly.

"Okay, so are we done with all the drama now? I don't know how much more of all this doom and gloom I can take!" Issei said as he stretched, looking to his sacrificed left arm. The battle was finally over, but it still cost him.

"U-Um, Kiba?" Asia approached the boys. "We can do club activities together again, right?" She asked.

"Hey there, Asia." The blonde greeted back.

(Y/N) looked to Asia, surprised by how normal she was acting. Especially having learned the truth about the absence of God. 'I can only imagine what she's going through. Even if I had given up on God long ago, someone as devout as her learning he's been dead for so many years, it must be tearing her up inside.' He looked back to everyone, while injured to some degree, they were still alive. And that's all that mattered to him. 'What's important is everyone is safe. Our home is safe.' He looked up, gazing at the night sky and the bright moon. 'I've got my answers. Or at the very least most of them. And for now, that's enough for me.'

"Kiba." Rias addressed her Knight.


"I'm glad you decided to come back to us. And for you to be a Balance Breaker, as your master, I can't tell you how proud of you that makes me." She happily praised.

Kiba, without hesitation or misstep, fell to one knee and bowed before his King. "Still though. I betrayed the club members. And more importantly, I betrayed the two people who saved my life such a long time ago. I can't make up for what I've done!"

"But you came back. That's enough for me, Kiba. That's enough for all of us." She assured, shocking her Knight. "Next time, don't let everyone's feelings go to waste."

Kiba gritted his teeth, angered by himself and his stubbornness.

"That goes for you too, (Y/N)!" She pointed to her beloved. "You need to remember that there are those who're willing to help you if you just ask!"

(Y/N) simply irked.

"How many times must we teach you this lesson, young man?!" Rias scolded jokingly.

"I'll..." He looked away, avoiding any eye contact aimed at him. "Try and keep that in mind."

"President! (Y/N)!" Kiba spoke, regaining the floor. "I'll make my vow to you both. I, Kiba Yuto, promise to protect you and your companions as a Knight of the House of Gremory for the rest of my life."

(Y/N) felt underserving of Kiba's pledge. He knew why he was doing it, yet it made him still feel unworthy. "Kiba, I-" Before he could even utter another word Rias stepped forward and knelt down to her Knight.

She reached out and grabbed her Knight's head and pulled the young devil in close, holding him into her chest and close to her heart. "Thank you. And welcome home."

"Yay! Group Gremory back together! Group hug!" Issei cheered, hugging both Rias and Kiba tightly with a happy smile.

Asia, Akeno, even Koneko joined in on the Gremory group hug, each one with a pleasant and happy smile on their face.

However, one still stood on the outside and just watched in silence.

The others noticed and stared at him, silently pushing him to join in.

"I'm not really in any condition to do group hugs right now. I'll pass." He declined.

"Aw, come on sweetie, don't be such a spoiled sport!" The ravenette Queen teased.

"Really. I'm fine." He said.

"If you don't get in here, imma drag your ass in here myself." Koneko threatened.

"Again. I'm fine. I'll pass."

"(Y/N), get your butt in here and be involved with this group hug!" Rias demanded.

"Oh my God, whatever! Look, I take whatever smothering and physical affection you want me to have later! But right now, my body is super fucking sore, and I can barely stand up right as it is! So like I said; Later!"

Everyone sighed in defeat and simply accepted (Y/N)'s terms.

"That being said. Kiba..." He addressed. "While I appreciate your words, you should focus your devolution to Rias. She's our master. You are her Knight. She comes first and foremost. That means no more bailing out. Got it?"

(Y/N) words left an impact on the blonde sword user. Although he had declined, Kiba swore to serve and protect him and his friends, as repaying him for saving his life so many years ago. "(Y/N)...Thank you. For everything." He said with a bow of pure gratitude.

"Now, then, Kiba." Rias spoke.


Rias, with a smile on her face, rose her hand and summoned a large magic circle.

"Oh shit, don't tell me!" Issei looked in fear of the recognizable magic circle deployment.

"It's time to accept your punishment. Here's one thousand spankings." She smiled sweetly.

Kiba looked utterly shocked. "What?!" He questioned in disbelief.

"This is awesome!" Issei laughed. "Good luck taking it, pretty boy!" He teased.

"S-Shut up, Issei!" Kiba replied, understandably terrified.

Out of nowhere, (Y/N)'s left arm surged with a burning jolt from within. With a pained groan, he collapsed to the ground, clutching his arm tightly.

"(Y/N)?!" Everyone looked to him concerned and confused.

"What's happening?!" Asia worried.

(Y/N) breathed deep but suffocated and raspy breaths. His chest felt like if was being crushed and his lungs tightening. He hunched over and wheezed from the continuous jolts that pulsed through his body. Thankfully, the pained feeling slowly stopped. He slowly began to breath again and rose himself up. "I'm...I'm okay." He said in between breaths. "I think...my magical energy just surged for a moment there. I'll be okay." He assured, gripping his slightly numb, but tingling left arm.

Everyone sighed in relief, yet still concerned for their friend.

"Why don't we put off Kiba's punishment for a later date? We've all had a rough day. So let's go home for now." Suggested Akeno.

Rias nodded. "That's fair. We'll reconvene tomorrow after a goodnight's sleep."

"Yes President!" Replied the ORC.

"Xenovia, do you-" (Y/N) turned to look for the bluenette, but she was gone. Along with the remnants of the Excalibur fragments.

"She's gone." Claimed Issei.

"That doesn't really surprise me. Her mission's complete. She got the Excaliburs back and Valper's gone. No real reason to hang around. Especially around a bunch of devils." (Y/N) claimed. 'Still, I wish I could at least say goodbye to Irina and thank you to Xenovia before they leave.' He thought, only to feel a sight jolt once again.

"Well now, I do believe it's time for us to take our leave as well, Lord Beerus." Whis claimed.

"Yeah, you're right. After today's events, I'm ready for a long nap and a good meal. Not in that order of course." Beerus stretched with a yawn.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so banged up before Beerus. What exactly happend?" Rias questioned.

"That's a story for another time. For now, just get your servant home and have him get some rest. It's been a long day for everyone." He said, tapping his attendant on the shoulder. "Farewell everyone, and good work today! See you next time!" He bid farewell with a smile before shooting off into the sky with Whis.

"Yeah. He's got the right idea. Let's head home everyone." Said Rias.

"Right!" Everyone replied.

Time Skip

(Y/N)'s Home

The moment everyone in the (L/N) residents returned, almost all of them collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. No one wanted to eat. They just wanted sleep.

Asia and Rias took a moment to try and heal (Y/N), it seemed to have worked. For all of three minutes.

For the entire night, Rias slept by (Y/N)'s side In order heal any further injuries and restore any magical energy, sleeping soundly as she did.

(Y/N), however, didn't get a wink of sleep. His body constantly surged with jolts and burning sensations all through the night. His left arm eventually became unbearable to even move. Something within him was causing this. He had only ever felt this pain when his adopted father tortured him. It truly was unbearable.

He gave up on trying to sleep and looked to his alarm clock on his night stand, seeing it being 1 o'clock in the morning. Moving as gently as possible, he slipped out of his master's hold and headed downstairs to clear his head and let his master rest.

Time Skip

Rias Gremory tossed and turned in the bed of her beloved, the feeling of unease growing more and more. She went to reach for her Pawn, but felt nothing. She opened her eyes and saw she was alone in the bed.

"(Y/N)?" She questioned drearily, believing to still be asleep. She rubbed her eyes and looked again, seeing she was truly alone in (Y/N)'s room, apart from Kohaku who was sleeping at the foot of the bed. She turned and looked at the alarm clock, seeing it to be after two o' clock in the morning. She grew concerned by the absence of her love, but could still sense his presence nearby.

She got up quietly and slipped on her robe, gently stepping outside and trekking downstairs. She made it to the living/dining room, spotting her Pawn outside on the porch. She smiled with relief and walked towards him.

(Y/N) simply stared into the fire, his mind plagued with thoughts and concerns that continued to eat away at him. The left side of his body continued to surge with pain from time to time, but it was an annoying tingle at most.


He heard his name called and turned around, seeing his master behind him. "Oh, hey Rias." He replied quietly.

"It's two in the morning hon, what're you doing still up?" She asked.

"I just..." He was sure how to respond. Unsure of how to explain what he was feeling. He didn't want his master to worry. "I just had a lot on my mind. Didn't feeling going to sleep with so many uncertainties in my head." He claimed.

"I see." Said Rias, taking a seat down next to him by the makeshift fireplace. "Then I'll join you." She claimed.

"Sure." He accepted.

The two simply sat in silence, unsure of what to say to each other. Both were clearly concerned, one more than the other, and it ate away at them. Rias, for the first time in her life, felt unsure of how to console her troubled servant. Knowing now he had been through so much for so long. Over seven hundred years of suffering, loss, bloodshed and simply living to survive.

"Sky's really pretty tonight." Rias said, attempting to change the tense atmosphere.

"Yeah." (Y/N) replied in monotone.

She looked to the fireplace, seeing a pair of skewers in the flames, both piercings meat and potatoes. "Those smell good." She added.

"Do they?" He asked, rhetorically, grabbing one of the skewers, ripping them apart slightly to see if they were fully cooked and took a bite. He grabbed the other one and handed it to the redhead. "You want it?" He asked.

"O-Oh, yes, please. Thank you." She said gratefully, taking the kabab. Blowing on it to cool the meaty snack, she bit into it and smiled. "Tasty." She praised.

(Y/N) said nothing in response and continued eating.

The two devils ate in silence, the only sound were the cicadas buzzing in the night and the cackling fire by their feet.

"Hey Rias?" (Y/N) finally spoke upon finishing his snack. "Do people who are reincarnated into devils do they change how they act?"

"What?" She replied curiously.

"I mean, do their personalities change?" He restated.

"Well, only a little bit. But I suppose that it'd be different for a normal human. They may change a bit more due to the added potential of using magical powers. But then again, there are those who fall and succumb to their selfish desires and become strays, as you know. But that typically happens because of who they already are and don't change. They just became more of who they were before." She attempted to explain.

"I see." He replied, looking down in disappointment. "I guess I really am messed up in the head then."

Rias' eyes widened from her servant's self chastising. "Why would you say that?"

"I've never felt pleasure from killing others. I've only killed if and when it was necessary. The only jobs I ever took as a mercenary were ones where the organization knew for a fact were terrible people and groups who were beyond redemption. But...back when I killed Kokabiel...I felt incredible. I felt so fucking good. And I've never felt that way about killing someone before. Not for as long as I can remember."

Rias looked to her beloved with genuine concern, seeing water droplets fall into his hand, only to see tears sliding down his face.

"I'm scared, Rias." He claimed, gripping his head as he continued to cry. "I'm so fucking scared of myself. I'm terrified of knowing who I really am. Seven hundred plus years of memories, and I can't recall any of them. No idea what I was like back then. What if...What if I turn out to be some bloodthirsty killer? Someone who wants nothing but death and destruction? A monster? What if those Ten Gate guys are justified for wanting me dead? What if I do deserve to suffer for all I've done?"

As (Y/N) continued to question himself, Rias' heart continued to shatter seeing him in such a state of doubt and fear.

"I don't-I don't want to go back to being that person! If any of it is true, I don't want to go back! I don't want to be a monster!!" He cried. "I just want to stay like this. Doing as much good as I possibly can for others. Helping as many people as I can. I don't-I don't..."

Rias gently patted the young emotionally broken boy on the head, pulling him close into her chest. She held him as close as possible with the intent of never letting go as he continued to cry. "You're not a monster. You are a kind, caring, giving and loving man. You're selfless, persistent, driven and somewhat stubborn. But you are not a monster. You are not a bloodthirsty killer, you are a protector. It doesn't matter what you are, because you are still you and who've you made yourself to be. You won't have to be scared for looking for your past on your own, because you won't be alone. Chisato, Mr. Stark, everyone in our Peerage, including me won't ever abandon you."

Rias' comforting and assuring words echoed in (Y/N)'s mind. His tears flowed more. He gripped onto Rias' arm as he wailed in agony.

"And if there are any sins you want to atone for, then I'll be by your side every step of the way. No matter how long it takes. I'll always be with you. Forever."

Unbeknownst to them, everyone in the household hid behind the doorway, listening in on their conversation. Their hearts broken and worried for the young man.

Akeno however, looked more worried and upset than the others, yet a more determined look in her violet eyes. Her inner resolve growing more and more by the second.