We Yoyle Three

3 days later, she had gotten used to the whole sleeping ordeal. She had also gotten used to a routine that happened every single day. At the moment it seemed like she was never going to leave the building. Day in day out she did many more tests, but luckily far less interviews.

In the end it didn't matter to her how many less interviews there were, or how more tests she was going to take. Ball was starting to lose hope on doing the things that she wanted. Her life was a schedule of mind numbing things to do that only ended when it was time to return to her room. Saddened by momontony, she didn't even bother to look out the window this time.

Unlike her usual schedule, she heard a knock at her door. Before Ball even considered letting whoever it was in, they entered anyway. It was Johnson of course. He seemed rather eager, but that was his usual dry emotion; a seemingly fake eagerness.

"How are we doing ball!" He said closing the door behind him.

"Ok I guess," Ball said sitting on her bed.

"Well I have fantastic news that I think you'd like to hear. Your test results got back. You are fantastically brilliant, and gifted with a clean bill of health! Now, I know it's been a rough couple of days, so I'll give you a choice. My colleagues and I have disgusted it, and we think you are ready to begin education. It is very sudden I know... but you are mentally prepared to take in this knowledge. So I'm giving you these options we can get tutors to teach you here, or we can have you attended Yoyel High, or Middle depending on what you really want to start on. You see most people start school in preschool or kindergarten, but those are at a much lower level of intelligence than what you have exhibited. Uh, the only problem is that we would have to catch you up on a lot of things if were were to send you there. Here we would be able to teach you at your own rate-"

"Where is the Yoyel High?" Ball interrupted.

"It's only a few blocks away from here. We'd have to travel there,"

"I am gonna choose that one," When it came to getting to leave the building for the Federal Science and Discovery Commission, it was no contest.

"Ok, well first we have to introduce you to some shadows that the school is willing to send over here. They're to help you get used to school so you're prepared and whatnot,"

"The school's filled with people isn't it," Ball said.

"Yeah well. It's a public school. It's filled with teenagers if you can count those as people *snort*" It seemed like Johnson's opinion of teenagers was clear.

"Teenagers..." Ball didn't know what they were she hadn't ever seen an adolescent before.

"Yes teenagers, OH! You probably don't know what they are. correct?"

Ball shook her head, "Well, they are humans from the age of 13 to 17. Get it teen-agers. Heh," He explained.

"What about 18 and 19 year olds?" Ball asked.

"Some people like to argue that, those are just adults and not a teenager anymore. If you wanted to you could say 18 and 19 year olds are teenagers, I don't care. Um, the students are going to come by tomorrow. The ones specifically from the high school that is. Unless you want to greet the middle schoolers as well,"

"What's the difference?" She asked.

"High school has older kids, and middle school has younger kids," He stated plainly.

"I will just go with the high school then," Ball wanted to stick with older people because it was what she was used to. She then contemplated whether it was a good choice, but didn't officially change her mind.

"Alrighty then. Things are moving along without hiccups!" He got his phone out of his pocket and began texting, distracted, he began to chuckle at a viral video one of his colleges sent him. Ball was confused by this.

"What are those things you people hold so often?" She asked him.

"Oh, it's a smartphone. It's like your computer, but mobile!" He pointed to the desktop computer in Ball's room. She hadn't known it was supposed to do something, "Well I'm pooped! The students, and myself, will see you real soon!" and then Johnson had left again, except this time he did not close the door properly, so it creaked a crack open. Ball didn't know what to think of this incredible new option. She could keep the door open, close it (making it unable to be opened again), or she could exit her room and explore.

The thought flew itself around in her head whether she wanted to really do something on her own for once. Within about 30 minutes of waiting, she decided to take the chance. Ball hopped out of her bed and then walked over to the door. She looked through the crack to see how her situation looked like.

To save energy at night, most of the lights were off if not dimmed. It had a comfortably yellow glow. It seemed that the building still had some minor activity going on in brightly lit corners from time to time. She decided to wander in places where she had never been before, although closed doors were out of reach. Being short, and armless made most of things out of reach for her, but it did not get her down. After about an hour of wandering Ball stumbled into the large computer filled room. She remembered it for being the room she had been synthesized, and a room that interviews often took place. Looking up at the computer rows Ball suddenly realised she was not alone here. The voice of Johnson whispered itself into the room, and he was talking to someone else.

"Ya know I wish you would've told us more about that activator. What else can it do?" He asked.

"We did not agree on what liquid could do. We agreed to give it to you. Your Ball is a success. What else would you want it for?" Some oddly deep voice asked.

"I don't know, experimental use. You use it for TV but have you ever considered what else it could do?" Johnson said.

"No," another deep voice said, daft. It had occurred to Ball that there was more than one conversing with the scientist.

"Do you know why an object has to have sentimental value? Wish you told me that earlier," the scientist asked.

"We like to use activator in bombs," The other odd voice said chuckling. A smack was heard.

"It's explosive?!" Johnson's stress fell into his words.

"Well yes, but most people don't use it for that," one of the deep voices hissed.

"Uhh, we're eager to see this television network you have promised us," another deep voice said.

"Yeah, I can pay for your cable. Not too sure it works as far as the moon but-"

"Aaaa?! It doesn't work as far as the moon!!!? This is NOT what we agreed on!" The voices started to get riled up, "IT DOESN'T WORK IN DEEP SPACE?!?!"

"Well I never said it did that..." Johnson squeaked.

"Well you better get it to work science human, or we WILL retaliate,"

"What!!? No! I'm bringing you earth television from earth!! You can't retaliate! I'm giving you exactly what you asked for!" Johnson begged them.

"We'll give you the same amount of time. Either we get earth TV, or you get A BOMB!" It shouted. The 3 deep voiced beings then went down a computer row parallel to the one Ball was hiding in. There, she vaguely saw them pass by. All that was revealed to her was that they were almost as short as she was.

Ball went to go check on her creator, but as she approached she realized he wasn't moving, and looked rather blue. She tried to wave at him wondering if he would react. He, of course, didn't- being a frozen scientistsickle. Ball did not think this was a natural sleeping position or color, so she just assumed that he was dead.

"Oh no..." She whispered to herself. She didn't know how to feel about this. Should she go tell someone? Should she attempt to revive him? It was mysterious.

She decided to go back to her room without telling anyone. She got a little lost on the way, but she did return to close her door this time. Throughout the night she could not find peace, as the fear that the short, nonhuman, strangers, would surely come for her too, ran through her mind. The image of her doorway creeping open with a killer on the other side haunted her. That was until morning when Johnson opened the door.

"Good morning Ball!" He said.

"... I thought you were dead," Ball said, groggy.

"Uh... no. Why would you think that!?" He chuckled.

"I uh, had a dream!" Ball had never remembered a single dream she experienced, but she was told about such events during slumber.

"Oh cool! Well I'd really like to hear about it, but for now we need to compensate for all the time we've slept in on. The students are waiting in the waiting room for us,"

In the waiting room stood 3 puntual high school students. 2 juniors Nelly Daves, and David Sechley. Joining them was freshman, Oscar Creed. They were all standing shoulder to shoulder in the waiting room.

"We stand, shoulder to shoulder. We see, eye to eye... and when one of us, gets a tiny bit tired, the one gives the other a, ri-IIIIIIIIIIDE!" Oscar sang.

"Please stop," David said.

"What? No 'aw seriouslys' from you?" Nelly said.

"That doesn't define who I am and I think you know that. I should be the one criticizing both of you on your outfits. This is a very important event in history! Oscar's dressed in normal school attire, which is ok I guess, but you are practically in your pajamas Nelly!" David complained.

"Well I don't see how wearing a suit and tie is gonna make you look good. And I'd rather be called Dora thank you very much," Nelly or, Dora said.

"Ffffffffff! AW I refuse! To call you Dora, and just for the record wearing a suit and tie DOES make you look good. It's called s t y l e, which you obviously don't care about," David said.

Johnson, followed by Ball walked in.

"Hi there kids, sorry we were late. Eh, complications in the schedule," Johnson lied.

"No need to apologize sir, it is an honor to be here," David said politely.

"Uh, good good," Johnson didn't expect this. Ball found the room to be staring at her. She waited for questions.

"Do you have blood?" Dora asked. David bumped her, "It's a genuine question David," She quietly hissed.

"She does not have blood," Johnson answered.

"I am a ball, an object. The floor doesn't have blood and neither do I," Ball said emotionlessly. She acted the same way in all interviews, but this seemed like a rather odd interview. She had been told that these people were teenagers, and thus younger than an adult human. She hadn't known what that meant until she met these kid creatures.

Dora, the first in line was wearing a plush Dora pajama sweater, and star leggings. She was darker than the other 2, all except her brown hair.

Second in line was David. He was very fashionable reminding Ball of news anchors and interviewers. He was lanky, and pale with dirty blonde hair.

Oscar, last in line, was incredibly short compared to the rest, and his hair was black and messy. Across his face dark little freckles dotted.

"Well now don't be so stiff. There are snacks and seats y'know," Johnson said, he then went over to the water and punch, and dumped a strange liquid into them. All the while the students and Ball sat on 2 couches separated by a coffee table.

"What's that?" Oscar asked.

"Hmm? Oh it's just uh.... flavoring I forgot to put in," The scientist lied again, "Well I've got some errands to run. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, or I'll sue you. Ta ta!" He left the room. The students went back to just looking at Ball.

"...Are you not gonna ask me questions?" Ball asked the staring 3.

"Um... well...heh this is gonna sound rather odd, but I sorta came here with a little favor in mind," Oscar timidly took a rock out of his pocket and put it on the coffee table, "His name is Rocky. He was... my pet rock ever since the fourth grade. Uh, I was wondering if you could ask your dad to bring him to life too?"

Ball looked at it. It would be nice to have a friend.

"I will try. But it will have to stay here," She began thinking of ways she might be able to get this to work. It would be easy just to ask Johnson, but his possible denial was a death sentence to any life the rock could otherwise gain. Ball still didn't know enough to just bring him to life on her own.

"Thank you!" Oscar praised. He was expecting to be denied.

"How are you gonna do that?" Dora asked.

"I'll figure out a way. But don't tell Johnson," Ball said.

"Who?" Dora asked.

"The.... The guy!" Ball said. They still didn't understand. She sighed, "My dad!" She tried using the word Oscar had used.

"Oh," Dora said.

"Do you not usually call him your dad?" David asked.

"No, I actually do not really know what a dad is. I have heard it being used in interviews, but the meaning has gone 'over my head'," She stated.

The students were taken aback.

"We can teach you what a dad is!" David said.

"Yeah! Uh, a dad is a male older person in your life who takes care of you," Dora explained.

"And a biological dad is a dad whose genes were used to make you in reproduction. But you don't have to spend time with the dad who made your bod to have a different father figure," David explained further along with smiling at his pun. Oscar started laughing, and Dora rolled her eyes. Ball didn't react.

Dora got up.

"I'm gonna get some snacks. You guys want anything?" She asked.

"I can get some myself," David followed her to the table with water, punch, pretzels, and other things. Oscar didn't go.

"Why aren't you going to get something?" Ball asked Oscar.

"I'm allergic to a lot of stuff. So I'm just gonna pass," He made a strange expression, and then sneezed.

"What was that!?" Ball was bewildered.

"I just sneezed. I'm sorry. I'm a rather sickly boy," Oscar sighed taking a tissue out of his pocket.

"Oscar! Why did you come if you're sick!" David said at the table.

"If you knew me you'd know that I'm always sick. It's not anything anybody can catch. I'm just unlucky," Oscar said.

"Oh... sorry. Jeez, why do I have such a short temper today?" David asked no one in particular.

"You mean everyday?" Dora said taking most of the pizza rolls.

"Ya'know... I think it's just you. You being here on this special day. We're gonna be in published textbooks known as the Yoyel 3 and I'm gonna have to sit next to you as they take awkward pictures of us that somebody will doodle over one day," David said squinting his eyes at her judgmentally.

"What's wrong with that?" Dora asked.

"Read in between the lines," David said.

"You mean between the lions," Oscar made an old reference that awkwardly flew over everyone's heads.

"Why do you guys eat?" Ball had never eaten.

"Lot's of reasons, mine is mostly entertainment, but other people do it to keep themselves alive. You ever eaten?" Dora asked casually.

"No... should I?"


"No way. If Ball hasn't eaten then it might shock their... hey wait, what gender are you Ball?" David asked.

"I am a she, and that is not an opinion," Ball said.

"Heh, I thought you were a boy," Oscar said.

"How do you... know?" Dora asked.

"I do not know how my dad knows. How do you?" She asked innocently.

"Eh, maybe later," David looked at everyone awkwardly as he sat down with his plate of goodies. Dora followed him.

"Johnson asked you all to be here today. But what is it he wants you to do?" Ball felt like there was an odd sense of going nowhere with the students.

"He wanted us to introduce you to the high school," David said matter of factly.

"What is the Yoyel high school?"

"It's a school, where you learn!" Oscar said.

"Learn what?" Ball asked.

"Lots of stuff. If you can actually pay attention," Dora said.

"It can be difficult sometimes. You have to prove you learn things there with tests and projects," David said.

"A challenge!" Ball smiled fiercely.

"Anxiety," Dora said.

"Depression," Oscar said.

"And violence," David said.

"I do not know what those are!" Ball said just as confidently.

"Bad things," Dora said.

"Horrible things," David said.


"Don't be discouraged, there are good things too. I don't know what I'd do without an education. The more I learn the more I can do with the rest of my life. I can be anything I want when I grow up," Oscar said. He sniffled a moment.

"Anything?" Ball thought for a moment of all the objects she could supposedly be, but then just made the mental jump to say that if she choose to be anything, it would be human.

"He means career wise," David said.


"What do you want to do when you're old enough?" Dora asked.

"I want to go outside!" Ball became passionate, "I have never left the building before, but Johnson said that since I choose to go to school I will get to see more of the world! I want to see it all!"

"Wow Ball, that's really inspiring. I'd love to show you around the city if I can. Maybe we can see the Yoyel Needle," David said.

"Why can't you just show her more interesting places like the movies or Yoyel stadium?" Dora said sinking into the couch.

"You can see so much of the world from the needle. It's the tallest building on earth," David rocked himself from side to side with his eyes closed to reflect the wind's sway on the needle.

"Movies are more fun," Dora said defeated.

"Life, is fun. Ball, I think I speak for all of us when I say we're all glad you're living it. Cheers?" David raised a plastic cup of spiked punch.

"Cheers," Dora said raising her own spiked water cup. They clinked cups along with Oscar just clinking with a fist because he didn't have a cup. They then drank, "This still tastes like water," Dora was talking about the 'flavoring'.

"Eh," David shrugged.

"Thanks you guys. This is all so overwhelming," Ball was starting to feel acceptance, and euphoria. She hadn't felt much for a long time, so it was nice to feel this way for once.

"What's overwhelming?" Oscar asked.

"I am not sure. But it is good. Oh, I think I am just excited!"

"How often have you felt that way?" David asked throwing a pretzel in his mouth.

"Maybe only once!" She stood up on the couch, hopped off and started walking around. Dora giggled.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm thinking about how I feel, it is so persuading that I need to do something about it. It is starting to fade, and my walking is not satisfying the need! Excite me some more!"

"One day you will try food and it will be the best thing ever!" Dora said.


"Uh uh! There are many places still left unexplored by people just wanting to be experienced due to the world being so large!" David shouted.

"YES. Ok! I have come to a conclusion! To satisfy this excitement, I must do what excites me!" in a rather impulsive way, Ball hopped back onto the couch, climbed it, leaped onto the snack table flipped a plate so at least one chip would fly into her mouth. She then continued the spree by using the snack table as a vantage point for the handle door knob. Since the table was right next to it, she jumped over to it opening the door. When the Yoyel 3 figured out what she was doing, they all jumped up to stop her. They were too late, because Ball was already out the door.

"Ball! what the heck are you doing?!!" Dora screeched still running down the hall.

"I am gonna go outside!" Ball screeched back, "Those chips were totally awesome by the way! when I'm done exploring I am going to eat all the chips!"

Dora smiled.

"Why are you running! Stop!!! We are gonna get in so much trouble!!" Oscar called.

"How?" Ball stopped right in front a doorway to a stairwell.

"J-Johnson never said we could go outside. If he hasn't let you out before why would he let you out now? This isn't allowed," David said.

"You are right. We should go ask him for permission. I know where he is, just down these stairs," Ball said. Dora opened the door to the stairs and they all rushed after Ball who had become suddenly energetic again. Once down the stairs Ball stopped in front of another door, "He's right through this door," Ball said. Oscar opened it.

"OSCAR!!" David yelled.

"What?" Oscar had been too short to realize that the door led to open air. Ball had tricked them, and she was running right into the street.

"AWWW SERIOUSLY!!" David was practically red. Oscar and Dora laughed at his catchphrase, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? CATCH HER BEFORE SHE GETS RAN OVER OR KIDNAPPED OR, OR, WORSE!! DROWN IN THE LAKE!"

The Yoyel 3 charged out into the road while Ball on the other side walk jogged towards people. Not everyone was well informed, so when they saw this foreign creature running at them they stopped what they we're doing and ran the other way. And the people behind them did the same, even if they didn't know what they were running from.

"Ball stop!!" Oscar yelled. The Yoyel 3 had crossed the street and were on her tail.

"You can not stop me! I am the stampede! Haha haha! Oo," She tripped and fell into a roll.


"-further news, Drake Johnson's living object experiment escaped the FSDC or Federal Science and Discovery Commission building today during introduction to high school students. What do you all have to say for yourselves?" The news lady asked the dripping wet Yoyel 3 standing outside the building. David brought the microphone close to his mouth.

"Your mom,"

The Yoyel 3 scurried off.

"Hey wait... aren't you the aw seriously kid!?... HEY!"