One Two Three Fantasy

One two three you told me that you'd be here for me

And yet I look around and you're nowhere to be found

So tell me what does this mean

Was it not meant to be

Was it all a dream a figurative fantasy

Yet i could hear your voice above the noise

And I swear that I was able to hold your hand

But does it truly matter now

Because I can see that this is a fantasy

You and me were never to be

Cuz this is not reality

So one two three I'm heading out there

For there's a new discovery to be found


One I can't count on you and I'll never say I do

For love is not for me it just a fantasy

And I'll never be there under that tree dreaming of what could be

For it'll never come to me like one two three

It's just not meant to be for eternity

So where did I leave off counting

Where was I counting I believe I was under that Willow tree

So here I go once more

Picking back up at two I'm no longer thinking of you when there's sweet lullabies needing to be sung for new born babies

This just happens to be my reality my priority

Now three how could it be like a wishing tree

There's no reason to be here

For you are nothing but a fantasy that I used to dream

But in actuality it was entrapping me ensnaring me like a honeysuckle attracts a bee

Then we go one two three I don't need thee

Cuz I'm finally free of that old fantasy

And I'm gonna replace that tree with my liberty from society's rapisoty

I don't want all these romantic falsehoods

Cuz I'm happier all on my own

Yeah sure sometimes I wish that there was someone to hold me

But that just a normality

After all I'll be fine with just my stories and creative poetry

So don't ask me how could it be

When it was to be when can it be

When shall it be when will it be

When it was never meant to be