25 Rising Tensions

John glanced up at him, one brow arched quizzically. "Interesting that you even noticed that one," John said, amusement clear in his tone.

"Just below my collar bone," Elloreah replied softly, raising her fingers to hover over the still tender area. "It seemed a convenient place." It mirrored his own placement of the similar rune. If he'd deemed it the correct placement, surely it would work for her as well.

Mingan smiled, but it was stiff and strained. "You'll need to consider carefully where to place runes in the future. They are your go-to spells, and you will need to know each of them, their placement and words of activation well."

She knew she didn't have anywhere near enough the knowledge of such things to have truly thought it through. She nodded, and opened her mouth to reply, but Mingan had turned his attention back to John.

"I thought only I was in need of the protections. We hadn't discussed giving her any additional runes," he said sharply, gruff irritation clear in his tone.

Elloreah stood hesitantly, moving towards Sarah, uncomfortable with her new lack of sensitivity, her inability to read the mood of the two men. Sarah, on the other hand, was intent on the exchange, reading into body language and tone in the way of those who know their companions intimately.

Elloreah put her hand to the marks, wondering if she should deactivate the spell. She felt blind.

"We were preparing to add ink to the glamour runes as needed and she asked about the other..." John was explaining. His voice had not risen, but there was a certain growing tension in his tone.

"And I said that I'd prefer not to alter her runes until she got to Alistair's. Do you know what you've done?" Mingan snapped.

John shrugged. "Done as the girl asked," he answered.

"You've given Alistair the tools he needs to fashion his own defense against her..."

Elloreah tensed at that. "What do you mean? How would he?"

Mingan rounded on her, his face strained from the effort of standing on his sorely injured leg. "You have a built in defense against Alistair, an upper hand should you need it. He doesn't have skills or knowledge that John has. Few do."

"So she'll keep her runes secret..." John started.

"Easier said than done," Mingan growled. "She'll be a novelty to him, a new toy he'll inspect quite thoroughly."

Elloreah rubbed her arms nervously at what this implied. "Inspect?"

She looked to Mingan, wishing in that moment she'd not acted so hastily in placing the rune. She wanted nothing more than to pull at him, to plead with more than just her voice. "Why then? Why would you take me to this Alistair?"

Mingan turned to her once more, his expression softening. "There is little choice in the matter." he said simply. "Though we will need to do something about this," he turned to John, a rumble in his throat, "this... mistake."

John's eyes narrowed, and Elloreah felt Sarah's hand slip around her upper arm. "We should leave this to them," she whispered.

Elloreah resisted, wondering at the change in between the two. They were friends, weren't they? Surely they would not get so worked up over a simple misunderstanding.

"This is not about her protection," John replied, his voice low and threatening, a tone she'd not heard from the old Kelpie. It hinted at his dangerous nature, of the side of him she had feared. "You would use her against Alistair. How does that make you any different the old god?"

Elloreah turned to Sarah then. "Let's go," she agreed and they turned to the door.

"And what's the harm in carefully cultivating my own tools, my own defenses?" Mingan snapped.

It hurt, to be spoken of as a tool. Elloreah had read Mingan before. On the surface he gruff and difficult, but she didn't sense ill will from him. He'd been kind, in his way. She was sure of it.

She sighed and let Sarah lead her away, into the kitchen where the blonde busied herself and chatted at her. The words washed over her, filled with forced cheer and a rush of vague anxiety.

* * *

Maggie groggily stumbled into the kitchen not more than a half hour after Elloreah and Sarah had retreated there. A group of men had gone out that morning to see to it that Jacob's body was recovered and that knowledge seemed to provide her with some measure of comfort.

The rune kept Elloreah's powers tamped down, and muted the onslaught of the emotions and thoughts of the beings of this realm. By holding Maggie's hand, Elloreah found she was able to read and calm the woman's fears and anxieties. It was a very muted version of her abilities, and she found she was thankful for it. No longer did she feel as if she was being drained by everything and everyone around her.

"I think we should go out," Sarah announced. "It is a beautiful day," she added, pulling out a basket and filling it quickly with food, dishes and topping it with a blanket. "I love the creek..."

Maggie shook her head, and Elloreah squeezed her fingers. "I'm not sure a creek would be the best idea," Elloreah filled in for her.

Sarah sighed. "But it's so hot, wouldn't it be nice to swim?"

Maggie's eyes widened and she looked to Elloreah, shaking her head once more, pleadingly.

"Sarah," Elloreah tried again. "I don't think..." she sighed and squeezed Maggie's hand. "Maybe," she tried. "Maybe it won't be so bad, Maggie."

"No!" Maggie croaked, shaking her head furiously.

Sarah watched the exchange, catching on, finally. "The meadow, then. It's close enough that I could go to the stream for a dip? Though the mosquitoes are kind of nasty..."

"Maggie," Elloreah said firmly, "I think that we should go, even if it is to the stream."

"You know what happened!" she exclaimed, closing her eyes as they brimmed with tears. "You know where I was with him last."

"We should pick some flowers," she told Maggie softly. "Set them adrift in the stream, say a few words." Once she'd said it, she knew the idea resonated with the woman.

Maggie wiped at her face and nodded, taking a deep breath, working to calm her panic. "You're right," she nodded. "I can say good-bye to Jacob at least. You and Sarah will be with me. We won't be far from the house, right?"

Elloreah nodded, giving her a faint smile. "I will check with Sarah, but I am sure it will be safe. Mingan and John drove off anyone near the ranch last night." She stood, picking up the basket. "The sun will do you good."