34 Sitala

A woman stood at the door when they parked. She was tall, dark and slender, her hair in two long braids that trailed the floor. As they approached, Elloreah noticed the features she shared with Mingan. This was, without a doubt, his sister, Sitala.

To her surprise, though, the Sitala had a glassy, vacant stare. Elloreah put her hand to her mouth at the realization. It wasn't an uncommon trait among Seers. The Seer from her own region had been a blind man. Still, John, Sarah and Mingan had made no mention of it.

Mingan took Elloreah by the arm and steered her ahead, jostling her out of her momentary shock. They approached the stoically beautiful Sitala, John trailing just after.

"Ah, brother," Sitala murmured, and Mingan lowered his head.

"Sitala. I hope you are well."

"Of course. I've missed you," she replied, only a hint of emotion behind those words.

Elloreah froze beside him, wondering if those milky white eyes could see. Sitala turned her gaze towards Elloreah.

"Who is this you bring to Tyrsted?"

"I'm surprised you don't know," Mingan retorted.

A tense smile cracked Sitala's features. "Though I had thought you might find a person of interest in the forest. Assuming of course, the one beside you is indeed from the gate crossing we all felt."

"My name is Elloreah," Elloreah spoke up, giving a slight bow. "Mingan has been of great help to me. I cannot thank you enough for sending him to me."

Sitala smiled in earnest now, holding her hand out for Elloreah to take. "I do what I am able. I'm glad it was for the best."

Elloreah took the woman's thin, seemingly fragile hand. "I hope it is," she replied softly. "I do not know what might have happened had Mingan not stepped in."

Sitala nodded and turned her attention to John. "John, it was kind of you to bring my brother all this distance."

"The trip was overdue. I've needed to speak with Alistair for some time," John replied.

"Oh, there is no trouble, I hope," Sitala responded, still holding Elloreah's hand.

"No. Nothing to worry about."

Sitala nodded and turned toward the door. "Come then, all of you. We can relax in the sitting room until Alistair is available. He is out on the ranch, but is due back any moment."

They followed the woman in. She steered around the furniture with ease and led them to a plush sitting room of dark wood floors and thick Persian rugs.

Sitala, though stately and a little cold, hardly seemed dangerous, at least not in the same feral way the men did. Though Elloreah would hardly be surprised to learn that Sitala had as dangerous of a nature.

She watched the woman out of the corner of her eye, wondering if she was a wolf, like Mingan, or something else entirely. It was then that she realized she knew very little about the native species of mythics.

It was difficult to sense much of anything from the woman. Elloreah barely resisted the urge to trace her fingers over her runic tattoos. It was hard to know how much of her powers were tamped down due to her own protective spells, or Sitala's.

Sitala and John made small talk, mostly about the business of owning a ranch and farming. Alistair's farms were an industrial scale, a business minded venture.

John shrugged off mentions of technological advancements and use of pesticides and fertilizers. He was happy growing what he could with what he had. Sitala nodded in agreement, sharing much of the old Kelpie's thoughts in regards to the use of the land.

"Please," she told John. "Do tell Alistair your thoughts on the matter. I warn him, and my visions do not paint a pretty picture in regards to these new advancements. They pollute and defile the land. Yet, Alistair knows that he must create a successful model, rather than rely on the methods you do. He experiments, hoping the next great advantage will cause less harm."

"If your visions are not enough of a reason for him to put aside these dangerous methods, do you truly think a meddling, stuck-in-his-ways fae like myself would stand much of a chance?"

Sitala shook her head sadly. "He might trust your wisdom over my worries."

"I'll do what I can."

Mingan sat stiffly, his arms crossed through the conversation. Elloreah wondered why they didn't simply speak to Sitala in regards to Lokni. They could fill her in on whatever details needed for her either return home, or at least find out what had brought her to this place and what her next best course of action would be. Wasn't that the work of a Seer? To guide fate?

Elloreah cleared her throat and the three turned her way. "Sitala, thank you for seeing us. Please forgive me, but I do not understand why you, a Seer, are unable to speak to us on your own. Surely you can advise..."

The woman shook her head sadly. "I cannot speak for the Tutelar. We must wait for our Luminary, Alistair. Unless my advice is needed in a situation of great urgency, I must wait for him or a representative of the Tutelar."

"But surely, your gifts are yours to use." Elloreah protested.

Sitala smiled at that. "Yes, they are. But there are reasons these protections are in place. Alistair is more up to date on the happenings within the Tutelar and the Mythics and magics of Earth at large."

Elloreah accepted this, though not without skepticism. Her hand strayed to the faintly aching knot of scar tissue, rubbing it lightly through the fabric of her blouse.

"I suppose our only option is to wait then," she said, her gaze drifting to the light filtering into the room through a curtained window.

"It won't be long now," Sitala assured them.

Mingan had grown impatient and was pacing the room slowly. He caught Elloreah's eye and nodded towards the door. Elloreah nodded back, relieved to be offered way out.

"I'm heading out for smoke," Mingan said. He turned to Elloreah. "Elloreah, would you like to come?"

"Yes," Elloreah responded quickly. She gave a nervous laugh, realizing how quickly she'd jumped at the offer. She was growing uncomfortable with the wait and idle small talk. She wished nothing more than to escape to the outdoors. "After all that time in the truck, it's hard to sit still."

"I'll call Liwanu to— " Sitala started.

"I know my way around," Mingan grumbled and turned to leave, Elloreah hurrying after.