A Mad Lover

July 27, 2018

Drake Wilson, who had never touched alcohol for the past 7 years, was drinking tonight. As he was drinking, his entire life was flashing infront of his eyes.

The word 'hard' doesn't even begin to describe his life, the tragedies that he had to go through.

His father left his mother even before he was born, causing her to fall into depression. She started drinking and smoking heavily, and as a result, Drake was born weak.

Soon after he was born, it was discovered that she had cancer in her liver and lungs. She fought the cancer for 2 years, but her condition only got worse. And even before Drake learned how to say 'mom', she died.

Her mother had no relatives and his father refused to take care of him, so he was sent to foster care.

Drake spent the rest of his childhood in foster care since no family wanted to adopt a weak child like him. And right after he turned 18, he was told to arrange his stay somewhere else.

Drake struggled to survive for the first few years, and during that struggle, he was finally able to find his happiness. It was his lover Zenith.

"Why Zenith? Why? We were finally going to spend the rest of our lives together."

He looked at the letter on the table and started crying. He had tried reading the letter several times, but he couldn't really bring himself to read it completely.

They were in love with each other for the past eight years. She had always been with Drake throughout his struggles, supporting him. In truth, she was the only person who cared about Drake in this world.

Things were finally working out for them. Drake was finally able to find a decent job that he could do, and they had recently rented an apartment. If everything had gone according to the plan, they were going to get married by the end of the year.

But fate took away Drake's happiness once again.

Drake rubbed his tears and held the letter in his hand. Even though tears started forming in his eyes just by looking at that handwriting, he braced himself to read it completely this time. The content was:

"Dear Drake,

At first when we met in the hospital 8 years ago, I only felt sorry for you. But after knowing what kind of person you were, I fell for you.

I am glad I got to spend so many years of my life with you. It's the greatest gift I could ask for. So, don't worry, I don't regret anything.

I know how much pain you are in while reading this and no apologies I say will ease your pain. But let me apologize one last time. I am sorry.

I wanted to tell you about my illness sooner, but you were finally starting to look so happy. You had already faced so many hardships in your life and things were finally working out for you. I couldn't bring myself to tell you knowing that it would make you sad again.

I know I was being selfish, I only thought about my happiness without caring about how you would feel when you find out. My happiness was you Drake, I loved you so much that I didn't even think about how you would feel. And now it's too late.

If there is a thing like reincarnation, I want to be with you again. I want to marry you, have a family with you and grow old with you. Hardships will come and go in life but as long as it's with you, I can go through anything.

I know it's just my stupid dream, but I have always been a big dreamer. Those were the things that I wished to do in this life but it was too short so I couldn't. But I am hoping that some miracle will bring us together again.

But until then, eat properly and drink plenty of water. Go to check ups regularly and don't forget to take any of your medicines. Be careful while dealing with people, someone may try to take advantage of you or bully you. I won't be there to take care of you so you will have to do it yourself from now on.

Also, Drake, if you ever find a good girl, don't just stay stuck on me. Marry her and start a family. Living alone can be hard, there is a long road ahead of you. Remember, my happiness is you, so stay happy.



The drops of tear that he was holding back fell on the letter.

He never blamed her for anything. How could he blame her when he was the one who couldn't realize what she was going through. She was always there when he needed to share his problem, but what was he doing all this time?

'I was so busy preparing for the future that I didn't even realize what she was going through.'

He started drinking again.

Even though the doctor had told him that drinking alcohol can be life threatening for him, he no longer cared.

'What's the point of living without her.'

All he did for the past 8 years was so that they could spend the rest of their life happily. But now everything was pointless.

"Screw Fate! You have tormented me enough. I won't let you enjoy torturing me any longer."

He hadn't caught a blink of sleep in the past 3 days that he spent waiting in the hospital. He had hardly eaten anything, and at this point he could barely stand.

He leaned back on his sofa and stared at the ceiling.


The next morning when his new landlord rang him, he didn't answer. When he didn't receive any return call till the evening, he decided to go check on him.

He rang the doorbell several times but no one answered even though someone was inside. He felt something was wrong so he used a copy of the key that he had to get in.

"Oh God."

He couldn't stand the sight inside so he ran out of the apartment and dialed the emergency line.

Drake had committed sucide by hanging himself on the fan.

This incident caused the landlord to suffer from Insomnia. The price of the property decreased significantly, and in the end, his mental health reached the state from which he needed therapy to recover.