Welcome Program - Part 3

"Times have changed, societies are evolving. Once, we used to fight for survival. But now, we co-exist."

The old man paused and closed his eyes while smiling. He then opened his eyes and looked towards the audience from the left to right.

"But looking at all your curious faces still reminds me of the olden days. I was once in your place, observing everything around me, and anticipating what's next."

The expression in his face changed from cheerful to a bit more serious.

"But back then, things used to be different. The magic schools, they used to be a part of the military facilities. And we were being trained to become soldiers."

He looked down on the lectern. His expression changed to a bit sorrowful from serious.

"The training was tough. Many of my friends were injured, some went insane, and some even died. It was the survival of the fittest."

He looked back towards the audience.

"But now, both strong and weak co-exist. Nobody needs to compete with one another just to survive. The strong can keep on getting stronger, and the weak, they can stop at their limits"

He paused and smiled again. This time it looked a bit mischievous.

"But that doesn't mean the concept of competition is all gone. It still exists. People are only given the option to quit whenever they want."

The old man's smile changed into a grin. This time his expression and tone were filled with excitement.

"Though the fluctuations are rare since we have reached the pinnacle of our abilities, even we, the seniors, compete. However it may appear from outside, the magical society is full of competitions. Ranks determine what kind of respect you get, your prestige and influence. And your rankings, young ones, will begin from here and now."

With those words, three monitors above him lit. And on the screen, there was the ranking of all 150 first-year students based on the entrance exam results.

'So, that's where an average magician would rank here,' Razak thought while looking at the monitor. His rank was being displayed as 142nd.

'Based on the data that villous provided, my rank should be around 120, but…'

"The competition was so tough this year, I only came in 24th."

As Yasumi was saying that, Kat leaned forward bringing his head between Razak's and hers and looked at the ranking.

"This is just based on combined scores from theory, practical and magic tests. A lot will change after the newbie ranking competition."

The newbie ranking competition was where the freshly enrolled first-year students competed against each other. It was organized after a month from the start of the first year. This, along with the ranking matches organized every year, was responsible for the biggest change in the student rankings.

"Oh wow! Looks like you are 8th."

"Yeah, all the attention will suck. But unlike someone here, I don't bother hiding my skills."

Razak didn't respond to that, and just kept on looking towards the stage.


The old man slowly got down from the stage and walked out of the hall with his assistant. While he was walking through the passage, he suddenly stopped.

"Juro, who was that boy sitting on the left side of the second last row?"

Juro, his assistant, showed Razak's profile in the transparent pad that he was holding.

"Is this the one?"

Kin took the pad from Juro and looked at the profile. Surprisingly, everything about the boy seemed normal, except the surname that he was awfully lot familiar with.

'Villous, what is that boy up to now?' he thought as he handed the pad back.

"Sir, if I may ask, did you find something interesting about this boy?"

"Yes, didn't you notice?" He paused and looked towards Juro. Since it looked like Juro was clueless, he continued, "Everyone in there was reacting as I expected. But this boy, he was calm and focused the whole time."

"Do you think we should keep a close eye on him?"

"No. For now, let's just wait."

And with those words, both resumed walking. In his years of work, Juro knew full well about the strength of the man walking in front of him. Other clans, they weren't wary of him just because of his power or influence. What they were really cautious about was his wisdom and foresight. He was one among the few people who refused to become an elder even though there were many clans who would gladly support them.


After the cultural events were over, the welcome program ended. The exit was crowded but all three of them managed to get out somehow.

"Well, I guess I will get going. Cya fellas."

"See you."

"Have a good weekend."

With those words, Kat walked towards the parking area. Right after Kat left, Razak also received a notification of the arrival of his car in the pickup area outside the academy entrance.

"I also need to go. My car is here."

"Oh, mine just arrived too. Let's walk to the pickup area together."

Yasumi showed her watch according to which her car was here too. So, both of them then started walking towards the academy entrance.

"Hey Razak, do you live here with your parents?"

"No, I live alone."

"Ah. It must be fun living alone. I wanted to live alone too, but my family doesn't let me. You see, they are of the traditional beliefs, ha-ha!"

"Looks like your family loves you."


She had an awkward smile on her face as she was saying that. Razak noticed that but didn't give much thought to it.

As they were talking, they arrived at the pick-up area where their cars were waiting for them.

"Thank you for all your help today. See you after the weekend."

"See you."

With those words, Yasumi got inside her car and left.

After she left, he also got inside his car. It was still afternoon, so it was a little early to go for dinner. But since Razak had nothing to do after this, he decided to get there a little early.

"Driver, take me to Villous's villa."

Villous had several villas in the nation, but the virtual driver was smart enough to understand that people usually mean the closest one unless they mention otherwise.