First round - Part 4 (Hiroshi vs Makoto)

Many desired a clan's hand on their shoulder, and there were plenty who would serve under them just for that.

That was true for those who were greedy for power and wanted an easy path to fame and fortune.

However, Hiroshi wasn't like those gluttonous swine who would sell their souls for something so petty. Neither did he like those clans that used people's desire for their own gain.

He wanted fame and fortune, but he wanted to earn it himself. He was willing to invest time, work day and night, and reach there with his own efforts.

He completed the first step in his goal of reaching the top by ranking 1st at the entrance exam. But no one except his fellow students cared about that accomplishment.

All that everyone cared about was the real demonstration. They wanted to see a few glimpses of his abilities before making their own judgment.

Today, in the first year ranking tournament, he was planning to show the whole nation what he was really made of.

"Ladies and gents, for the sixth match of the day, please welcome Hiroshi Yoshino and Makoto Tenma."

A loud cheer was heard from the audience as the two of them entered the stage. Both of them had put on a really intriguing show during the preliminary matches, so it was a given that the crowd would go wild.

This was also the second time the female audience was heard louder, but it was rather obvious considering Hiroshi's looks. His handsome face, his long blonde hair, and his elegance were enchanting to those of the opposite gender.

The ladies were going crazy when he looked around at the crowd and waved his hands. But someone else on the stage didn't look much pleased by the way he was ignoring him.

"Well, if you are gonna dance here for them, the stage is all yours."

Hiroshi smiled at the criticism and turned towards Makoto. It wasn't like he was the type of guy who would ignore the criticism. He was just the type who took them seriously without showing it visibly.

"I am sure they would love to see that, but I think there is something else they might love more."

"Heh! Like me kicking your ass?"

"You sound as vulgar as you look. Though that overconfidence of yours is going to fly away soon."

"Ooh! I am scared of number one… Tch! Is that what you wanted to hear? Guess what, you clowns ranked higher than me just because of that stupid theory test."

The way this conversation was going, it was obvious that they would end up in a fight. Luckily, it just so happened that they were on the battle stage.

"We need to start the match soon. Participants, please take your positions."

After the announcement, the two of them took their positions on opposite sides of the stage.

Makoto was from a branch family of the Tsuchi clan, the clan that could manipulate soil. But his abilities were comparable to Amaya, who was from the main family.

In this stage, he was clearly at an advantage since he could use both attack and defense spells without worrying about the consequences. And as far as he could tell, Hiroshi's attack magic wouldn't work against his defensive spells.

"Now, let the countdown begin!"

The audience started shouting the countdown as it was being displayed on all the screens.




"Let the battle begin!"

Both weren't making any moves since they wanted their opponent to do so first.

Everyone was expecting Hiroshi to make the first move, but that 'everyone' also included Makoto. Hiroshi was sure Makoto had already taken necessary precautions against his spells.

Since Hiroshi wasn't making any move, Makoto decided to use the greatest weapon he could use in this situation — provocation.

"Heh! I thought someone was going to wipe my confidence. I guess they are too scared to even move now."

"And I remember someone saying they were going to kick my ass"— a smirk appeared on Hiroshi's face—"Tell you what, I will finish this match with just three spells, and you won't even be able to touch me."

"Keh! Bluff all you like; I am not falling for those kinds of provocations."

Hiroshi took out a red rose from his pocket and held it in his mouth as he walked forward. He seemed completely defenseless as he wasn't using any spells or enchantment to prevent any sneak or long-ranged attack.

However, at this point, Makoto was sure that his enemy was plotting something. So, he wasn't sure about charging in without confirming what his plan was.

"Dance of the steel petal."

Several small silver rose petals appeared and started spinning around Hiroshi. He then took the rose into his hand and pointed towards Makoto.

Exactly when he did that, all the petals that were spinning around Hiroshi charged towards Makoto at an incredible speed.

"Dome of dust."

A large amount of soil gathered in front of Makoto and shielded him. It then dispersed and created a thick-walled dome around him.

Out of the several shielding techniques practiced by the Tsuchi clan, this one could be activated the quickest.

"Hiding in your hole after talking big, eh? Though not for long… Bloom!"

Right when he said that, the petals started bursting, causing small explosions all around the dome.

Normally, a burst would have done no damage, but with that many petals around, the chain blast easily broke through the dome.

This took Makoto by surprise since he wasn't aware that those petals could explode. But he had no time to access the situation, so his best option here was to counterattack.


As soon as the barrier broke, Makoto fired several mudballs towards Hiroshi. But before it could reach to him, the remaining petals that were still floating in the air shredded the ball into pieces.

While this was all happening, Hiroshi reached right in front of Makoto.

"I guess this is the checkmate. Fireworks!"

Makoto tried attacking him directly, but right when his fist was about to reach Hiroshi, a petal burst right in front of him and sent him flying backward.

Following that petal, several petals started exploding around him one after another.

Hiroshi caused the explosions at the right distance to make the damage non-lethal. And at the end of his attack, Makoto was knocked unconscious.

"There you have it, folks! The winner of this match is Hiroshi."

After the announcement, Hiroshi threw the flower he was holding towards unconscious Makoto and walked out of the stage.