While talking to big brother was all about politics, training and other stuff, Talk with Kushina big sister is totally different as she will complain about everyone and she will continue to rant not looking at time.
I could still remember the first time i saw her. At that time i was still 3 months old baby and my parents had to go for a mission leaving me at her care.
My father being her jonin sensei she had a very great relationship with us and they trusted her enough to let a 3 month baby in her care. From this you can infer how much trust was here.
When I first saw her my thought was who was this red-haired sister, i was having a bad feeling about staying with her. After my parents left she turned into a demon literally a demon who tried to use me as ball throwing me into air and catching, ranting all day long about the unfair treatment and didn't give me food at time.
Well but she still is a good person in heart. Remembering about yesterday.
While i was studying about various applications of ninjutsu, i heard some one slamming at the door, opening the gate i saw the Demon fretting a little i said "kushina demon... i mean sister why are you here?"
Hearing what I said she put on a angry face and replied "what did you say little brat. i came for you leaving him alone to do work and you say this to me, you brat looks like you forgot what i taught you."
As she said this sweat started to appear on my hands while i relied in panic " No no sister you heard wrong i said fairy... kushina fairy."
She blushed and replied " looks like while I was away someone got a sweet tongue."
" Your academy is starting tomorrow what are your plans for it you already have the theory skill of a jonin level ninja and your basics are also clear."
Since child I have only one hobby that is reading through the years i have accumulated lot of theories from the books in the house and frequent interactions with Nara big brother made my foundations solid.
"Well first I want to go to academy and experience it, you all are bigger then me. I want to have an interaction with someone of my age. If it feels boring i will simply graduate in advance."
" What you said is correct you are always in your house studying while children of your age play most of time. You should relax a bit. You don't have to worry about anything with me here."
Feeling touched i replied "Thank you".
We talked till night of which most of the time she complained about Sandaime and what things minato big bro did and other irrelevant stuff, while i just nodded the entire time.
--- back to now ---
I just relaxed while going over the plan for tomorrow and reading some theories.