-- Back to now --
I have currently completed the second phase and gone halfway through the third phase. Once it is finished everybody will know the horror of 'Thunder Drawing Sword' this is the name of my first sword art.
You guys will be thinking how a genius like me could only complete 2 and half phase in a year, Not living upto being the so called genius. Well listen the reason naruto was able to handle Asuma's chakra blades was because of him using Shadow clones to learn whereas i could only create one now for daily purposes otherwise i won't have enough chakra for practice. While Shikamaru could use it because he didn't try chakra transformation he simply used his shadow transformation chakra which is very mild compared to the overbearing nature of lightning.
I had to also let my body reach a proper level to adjust to my 'Lightning burst' this is the name of my new body flicker technique. Where i concentrate my lighting chakra to the Toes and its surrounding area which propels me to move forward faster then normal way and have a grip on my body so as to turn or stop whenever necessary.
The other reason was because of my opening of another meridian that brought some problems that i had to do reasearch leaving the Kenjutsu practice.
-- Going back --
Having completed the control part of the first phase now the only thing remains is my current body which is not currently upto par even with using the Lightning strengthening the cells technique given by Grandpa. I still feel my body being inadequate because of which I'm not able to bring my hundred percent.
Understanding the problems i started to look for solution as i browsed through all the scrolls in the house taking 2 days nit finding anything. I entered my room to get something through luck when i found the scrolls related to meridian and the scrolls i had written about how to open a meridian, its advantages and disadvantages as i thought maybe someone mught need it someday. Looking through the paper
I smacked my head as i forgot that opening a meridian not only enhances your chakra reserves but also your body. Going through all the lightning and Kenjutsu has let me forget my basic. Without its help i could only be better the average only an high intelligence would be on my name. Nothing that can be the same as current genius level capability of mine.
Getting the answer, I knew what i had to do. It was simply to open a new meridian. I had already thought of opening it before becoming an official genin but well if it helps now then its ok.
Having made up my mind i thought of mhich meridian to open i just can't always use the Yin energy it is already making my body have a cold aura if i open one again then my body will have more Yin then Yang destoying the now delicate balance between the two and i don't want to know what the consequences of this are.
That means i will have to open up the Yang meridian. Well my Chakra level is that of an initial level elite chunin if i open the meridian the chakra should be able to rise upto or near special jonin well hitting 2 birds with one stone. The meridian i choose is the same as the last that had a backlash over me but this time i will induce my chakra with lighning nature which will make it easier to open as lightning is epitome of yang energy no less then fire or you could say somewhat better.
Nothing is better then to do it now and save some time. Getting into position i let my lighting induce chakra to rush towards my bladder this time with caution as i reached the constraint i concentrated the lightning chakra and let it rush into the constraint. This time there was no torture as i felt the constraint torn in seconds, The pain was only there for a split second.
Boom! was all that i heard in my head when i felt blood coming out of my mouth. This time not because of backlash but because of restriction was removed and let it pass the blood inside of it which my body didn't experience before, which disrupted the routine letting me cough some blood.
Putting this matter aside i started to feel the changes on my body. The first thing I felt was the energy the sheer amount of physical energy coursing through my body, Chakra increase will be seen later.
I got out to the courtyard to check how much my speed has been enhanced, as i was walking i could feel my walking speed comparable to jogging speed of yesterday. Getting onto the left position that i used during body flicker practice. I ran the lightning chakra into my toes less then i normally use. I don't want to crash again today.
As the chakra was concentrated around my toes i pushed forward as i felt my speed better then before but still controlable not like crashing into the wall but when i reached the flag on the right side i didn't stop but had my speed drop and my body was in the position that seemed to fall on the ground face first any time. I used some chakra to the back of my foot to let me reduce the speed, since the speed was arguably slower the before i was able to stop myself but still stumble before getting into proper position.
Thinking about my speed now I should be better that special jonin nearing the level of jonin if my body can improve even further before graduation, then i will be a Genin with Jonin level speed.
Now to the main part of this technique Chakra gathering. I got myself into meditation as i started to feel the chakra in the surrounding and manipulate them into my body.
Why can't i feel any changes on my reserves according to the theory in this world if your physical quality increases then your chakra reserve will also increase but my chakra reserve is still that of initial level elite Chunin.
Panic. yes panic is what i felt currently as didn't know will i always be a chunin or i could still advance and how can i advance if body enhancement can't help me accumulate chakra for me. Did i just destroy myself! that was the only thought across my mind. As i felt myself sink into despair, i didn't know were a will came saying.