Chapter 2:uncertain feeling grows within

It may seem the first time, but she is uncomfortable of it, she might be impressed but, don't know why she's not feeling well about it.

Rose chased Bea just to asked if she could be one of the members of the disciplinary commitee. She was quite busy but...

"if you're willing to participate then... we should go to the admins office as to certify your membership. "

"That's good to hear",Rose smiled.

They walked through the alley near at the library.They laugh about certain matters..

"I don't know you're so popular...",Rose laughed

"Nah.. I don't think so... however it's maybe my natural personality. "she responded.

"you know what bea I'm impressed of how honest and beautiful you are... ",Rose complimented her.

"by the way, I think it's from your boyfriend... that white rose on your desk. ",Rose guessed it somehow..

A moment later, she laughed.

"Hahahaha I think you're mistaken me besides I don't have a boyfriend Rose. "

"and that's mean.. it's from someone else that you haven't figured out? ",Rose asked.

"probably. "

They were almost there at the admins office..

but, someone just bumped unexpectedly to her.

"oh, sorry.. I gotta head back to the gym ",he said in a hurry that way without noticing them.

"ouch..... "bea struggled.

"hey, are you alright Bea?"Rose asked.

"of course, I'm not. Such misfortune. "

The young man overhead it and he headed back to them. He comes closer to them.

"is it my fault?, I'm sorry coz... I - I was in a hurry... ",he noticed them especially Rose.

Rose looked at him and noticed that his face is very familiar.

"I think... I know you, did we met before? "

he just laughed and didn't say anything.

"you...should learn to see if there's someone on your way, Bea conducted his behaviour and still stands firm.

"let's go Rose"

"okay "

However, that was the first time someone corrected his actions. He looked up on her and grab her hand.

"wait!,may I know your name? ",he asked.

"Huh? "

her expression was so confused...yet she just answered his questions about. Unexpectedly, noticed her because of the badge on her right shoulder.

"I'm very sorry lately Bea and I'll keep that in mind of what you said lately... and I hope we could become friends? by the way I'm Eugene ."And they shake hands.

"now, I recalled you are the one who asked me to pretend as your girlfriend in front of your mother. ",Rose recalled it last two years ago.

He just laughed.

"I think I know who you really are,you're the newest MVP of basketball team in our school ",bea added.

He looked closer and see each other eyes to eyes.

"as expected from the disciplinary monitor,you know what... your eyes are beautiful just as much how you look physically. "

"whatever and mind your own business.. besides I think you're already late for your practice. And next time, be attentive to classes coz I received a report that you're skipping class. ",she replied in a calm manner and he helped her to get up.

Rose sensed something from what Eugene said about. Bea is calm like the water. She smiled and thanked him. And then, they leave...just to go at the admins office.

he smirked.

"she is indeed rare of a kind...,I thought what others say was true.. but, it was a complete opposite to what the rumours said about her. "and he continued to go training

Eugene was scolded for being late and punished by his coach to work out fifty drills this day.

Mean while...

knock, knock..

come in.

She opened the door and they met the secretary.

"may I know what you two doing here? ",the secretary asked.

"ma'am, I am Rose and I would like to be one of the members of the student disciplinary commitee. "

"I see. Then you two have a seat first. ",the secretary replied

Bea added.

"ma'am I'm here to gather some files as to finished it up. "

"ok, help yourself out.",the secretary responded and explain further about the rules and responsibilities of the school's commitee to Rose.

An hour ago...

Rose was approved by the secretary's permit and Bea finished her work that time. after that... they walked at the alongside of the gymnasium. Rose was stunned when she saw Eugene lost his consciousness and collapse in a sudden way.Rose rushed and catch him before he lost consciousness. They helped him. Bea dialed her phone for emergency..

"good afternoon, this is the monitor speaking.. kindly bring some people to help out especially the School's nurse. A student collapsed in our way at the left side of the school gymnasium...thank you "

after a while, Eugene regain his consciousness and saw them three discussing something.

"is he alright??? "Rose asked.

"yes, don't worry too much about it, it's probably he lacks regular daily rest. "the nurse explained.

"Be good to yourself and if you're so worn out then take a rest, you're the only one who responsible for your own health. "Bea pinched his cheek.

"O-oww... ,stop it"he respond.

"you're making such trouble for me, besides I'm responsible of what may be my classmates doing. So, take care of yourself in the future. "She added.

Rose smirked."you hear it loud and clear, am I right Eugene? "

he was helpless and just accept it.

But, something between the line draws out a curiosity. Something like... a feeling that never expected to happen. After what has been said and done.. he really do appreciate it...quite a bit awkward for him to feel that way.He feel from the moment he heard those words from her, his heart skip a beat... as if she's a caring girlfriend.