The first time I opened my eye's I was greeted by a warm smile It came from a young girl wearing an old set of clothes he thought.
Where am I he asked confused? the girl answered you collapsed right in front of the gate Of the village where I live.
how rude of me she said I haven't introduced myself yet she said with a smile my name is Liliana what your name." she said
He didn't say anything he was confused but right before he wanted to say his name a strange feeling a strange but familiar feeling came over him a noise could be heard but didn't understand what it could be.
Ow, maybe your hungry Liliana answered with a look of confusion he looked Is that what the noise was?
What race are you from? "Liliana said
what do you mean he said as he looked at her he could see a tail and some ears I'm from the race called Ritian a Ritian has a tail and ears like mine," Liliana said
Are there more races in this world Liliana? he asked. yes, you have Human's, Demon's, Dragons, Ritian's, and Vampire's "Liliana answered is there something else can't put my finger on it he said. yes, there is magic I myself use a low tier healing spell and a few of us that are from the Dragon race we are located on the ground with a few other villages" Liliana said with a sad expression.
did I say something wrong? if so I'm sorry "he said no it's fine it's not like you are the cause of it I just have seen to mutch already outside the gates of tri-an.
O I forgot to tell you my name didn't I, he thought hard about it but nothing came up but then it jumped in his thought oh yes my name is Silano" he said with a smile.
what is your race "Liliana asked with fear in her voice but he didn't hear the question bequest his mind was thinking of getting food but when everything went black in his eyes the only thing he saw was Liliana face trembling with fear the final thing he thought before blacking out what made her so scared of me? he wondered.
when he came to he saw two people standing before him when we fond you, sir, you were wounded so we patched you up it looks like the medicine is just working fine it looks like you will be staying for a couple of days until you are all healed up.
Silano lookt at Liliana when she ran in and hide behind the woman in the room and said I'm sorry please forgive me if I frighten you I was just confused and, to be honest, I didn't even know what was happening I will leave before I will cause you more problem's "Silano said
No don't leave "Liliana shouted why not he asked I scared you already and don't want to do it again, "Silano said
what race are you from? the mother asked concerned at Silano I'm don't remember its all a blur to me what the man answered i could imagine that with a wound like that on your head I almost could see what you were thinking the man laugh out loud.
if that's the case please stay a few more days you are welcome this is a friendly village the voice came from behind de mother it was an older man im the village elder my name is Kitian what's your's he asked. my name is Silano he replied to Kitian
the door blew open a bunch of kids ran in and surrounded the bed and asked are you the angel that the old once told about in legends the man next to the woman, look you are so popular already than said let the man rest for a bit before he ends up like my dad while pointing at a picture of an old man with a cation beneath Rest In Peace. everyone left and Liliana pulled the door shut good night she said.