
Chapter 4 Jaskier

Geralt kept quiet most of their journey together. He didn't like to talk and kept his replies short whenever Eira did ask something. She didn't mind the silent witcher's company. Eira herself had not much to talk about. It was as if Geralt accepted the fact he was stuck with her. At least, he didn't throw her against a wall by the neck anymore.

Or maybe it was because she defended him in Blaviken. Though, he had cursed and mumbled something about not needing her help. After the third day they travelled together in utter silence, Geralt had left her in the woods by their campfire without saying a word. Eira just stayed put with Roach, his horse, poking the fire and eventually falling asleep.

He had left his mare, so she had no doubt he'd come back eventually. Maybe he was hunting some monster or went to the nearby village to get food. She had no idea and hardly cared. The flames of the fire kept her warm, her cloak close against her and the presence of a calm horse made her fall asleep before the sun was fully gone behind the trees.

Eira woke up early morning, stretched her legs and got up. The chill of the early morning made, made her shiver a bit and when Eira turned around, she bumped against the Witcher.

"Sorry," she mumbled sleepily and looked up at his serious face.

She didn't expect a word out of him, yet when she turned around again, he cleared his throat. It got her attention and the Elemental glanced over her shoulder.

"You walk too slow," he stated and she arched a brow.

"Excuse me?"

"You walk too slow. It makes travelling ...too sluggish," he said again while looking away from her.

"Sluggish," she repeated and had no idea what he was getting too. "Do you want me to walk faster?"

He growled irritated and took a step back, revealing a black horse that stood next to Roach. Eira looked at the animal and felt the corners of her lips curl up in a smile.

"You got me a horse?"

Her bright gaze matched her wonder and Eira smiled brightly at him.

"Does this mean I'm allowed to travel with you?"

Geralt already turned around and started filling Roach' bags. He didn't say anything, merely nodded. When Eira reached out her hand to him, he glanced at it with a frown between his brows.


"I want to say thank you," she said, her hand still lingered between them and the Witcher his gaze flickered between them and her face. "That's what humans do right? Give a hand and say thanks?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed before he turned to proceed with whatever it was Geralt was doing.

"Not really," he said. "Just a thank you is enough. You don't shake hands on it. That's for a promise or a deal."

She hesitantly pulled her hand away, ashamed that she understood a habit wrong. Apologised silently before Eira made her way to her horse.

"What's his name?"


She let her fingers comb the beautiful manes and inspected the saddle. She peeped from around the horse to the Witcher who was now watching her.

"Fine. What's her name, Geralt?"

There was a faint smile on his lips, but it disappeared as soon as Eira saw it. Might as well been her imagination, she wasn't sure.

"Bramble," Geralt replied while he jumped on Roach. "Tell me that you can ride one?"

Eira looked away from him, mimicked his moves to get on the horse and failed a few times. Feeling the impatience of the witcher, she made a nervous hand gesture.

"Never rode one before. I'm sure it isn't too hard," she mumbled frustrated and tried again.

She finally succeeded and Geralt didn't wait for her to follow. Eira mirrored his moves and got Bramble to move. But the mare moved too fast and before Eira was aware, she was riding next to the Witcher. Who looked at her with an amused grin plastered on his face.

"Not too hard huh? You'll need to get her know her first. And she you."

They took the main road towards the next village because it was easier for Eira to get to know Bramble. After two hours, she was able to relax a bit more. Bramble was an easy horse, no doubt Geralt knew she never used a horse for travel before.

It was well passed midday when they arrived in town, both hungry and Eira stiff from the ride. Everything hurt and Geralt laughed loudly when she jumped off the horse. It wasn't graceful. She was hardly able to not completely fall down and Eira glared into his direction.

"I'm glad to amuse you, Witcher," she growled. "You hardly speak, yet you find amusement in my torment."

"That isn't torment, Eira," it was the first time he spoke her name while he made sure both horses were secured, "that's called muscle pain from not being used to riding a horse."

"Torment," she sighed painfully, rubbing her upper legs.

They entered the Inn together, ordered something to eat and sat in silence. Geralt stared outside, lost in thought while Eira watched the humans. She tried to remember as much as the gestures they made, tried to listen to their conversations and was greatly disturbed when a bard suddenly found it necessary to sing a song.

Eira didn't see him at first, with him being in the other corner of the Inn, but when he gracefully made his way to the centre, the bard came into view. She watched him from afar, his fingers playing the strings of the lute. The song itself wasn't that great, but the sound of the lute was beautiful.

Apparently, the rest of the crowd didn't quite enjoy the lyrics and quickly forced the bard to stop playing. When he disappeared around the corner again, Eira took her little sketchbook out of her bag and was already forgotten about the bard when he suddenly stood before them.

"Look at you, all broody and all," the man said, making her look up and realise he was talking to Geralt next to her.

"Everyone seemed to have something to say about my songs, but you, not you, apparently."

"I want to drink alone," Geralt muttered and finally looked up at the bard.

"But you're not really alone now, are you? You have this...," his gaze found Eira's and he pointed with his finger up and down, "lovely woman who keeps you company."

Eira smiled at him and stuck out her hand over the table. The gesture made Geralt roll his eyes.

"Thank you," she said brightly and waited for the bard to take her hand.

The man's features were confused and he hesitantly took her hand to shake it. Clearly making Eira happy when he did so.

"You're welcome?" He asked and turned his face back to the witcher.

"Now, let me guess," he grinned, "white hair, grumpy face, two swords ; one silver. Oh oh, I know," the bard continued and Eira her gaze flickered between the two men. "You're a witcher."

Geralt nodded once, took his pint and emptied in one tug. The bard looked back at Eira.

"You too, then? I though only men could be Witchers?"

"I'm not a witcher," she calmly said, "I'm an ..."

"Human," Geralt spoke up. "Just a human."

"You're travelling with a human," the bard asked, as if he didn't believe him.

Eira bit her tongue, not sure why Geralt had lied but trusted him enough to have a solid reason.

"I'm Jaskier," he put out his hand towards Geralt, but the witcher ignored it.

Eira quickly took the bard's hand again and shook it. Making the man look at her in total confusion again.

"I'm Eira," she said with a bright smile. "That instrument of yours, how does it work?"

Jaskier was clearly taken aback by her question and scratched his chin.

"My instrument? Do you... are you flirting with me?"

"What? No," she shook her head, not sure what he meant and Geralt stood up while grabbing her by the shoulder.

"She meant your fucking lute, bard," he grumbled. "Not your dick."

"Ooohhh, yes, that instrument. Well, you just pull the strings and with any luck, there's a nice rhythm coming out of it."

Eira nodded vaguely while following Geralt towards the exit.

"Is it true, Sir? Are you a witcher?"

A man held them back from exiting the place. Geralt tapped his foot, making Eira believe he was getting impatient.

"Yes, why?"

"There's a devil stealing our corn, sir."

"There's no such things as devils," Geralt countered, but the man pulled out a small bag of coins. "But I'll take a look."

"I'll come too! Maybe there's a song in this adventure!"

"No, bard," Geralt said grumpily while Eira followed him to the horses. "We have no need for your company. And most definitely not for your songs."

Eira went straight to Bramble and caressed the flank of the horse. She silently hoped to get up without any troubles though the pain in her limbs was still there. Eira held her breath, counted to three and jumped up. She cheered loudly when she sat on the horse in one movement.

Geralt and Jaskier both looked into her direction before the bard turned his attention back to the Witcher.

"She's a bit weird, right?"

Geralt arched a brow and hummed.

"Yes," was all he said before leading Roach out of town.

Eira right behind him and the bard next to her.