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Erica's POV

I look at everyone that's in the room. Honestly speaking, I remember none of what happened. I totally hate hospitals and to be in one for no good reason, that's a bummer.

"What am I doing here?" I repeat my question.

I notice a flash of fear, followed by disappointment cross Joe's face. I didn't mean to disappoint him. I open my mouth to talk to him but I'm  interrupted by the doctor.

"You don't remember anything?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I honestly don't remember what happened."

"I thought something like this would happen. From the tests we have taken earlier, it appears she doesn't remember a thing from that day. As for now, we shall have to keep her here to maintain her health and make sure she's stabilised. Have a wonderful day."

When the doctor walks out, my mother turns to me.

"Well … " she starts, "it seems, we have to fill you in on that day."

A week has passed by since I awoke from my long sleep. I finally remember when I fell from the balcony. Someone pushed me. Moana said it was Denise. Bitch wanted to kill me.

The doctor said I can finally be out of here in a couple of days. I'm really tired of the medical smells.

"How are you feeling, love?" Someone asks from the door.

I look over to see Joe approaching my bed. He sits on it's edge and gives me a warm embrace.

I'm still angry at him for leaving me. But my love for him overpowers my anger.

I would forgive him over and over again if it means I would spend my life with him.

"I'm better than I've been in the last eight years," I state.

"Look, baby, I'm sorry. I really didn't have anything to do about it. My aunt needed me and I couldn't leave her alone. But look, I'll do anything you ask of me, hmm?" He says.


"Yes. Anything."

"Make love to me."

He looks at me incredulously. He looks around the room.

"Here?" I nod.

"But what if a nurse comes in? What if anyone comes in?"

"Then let's give them a show."

"Oh, my little vixen. You really are determined, aren't you? But … we can't possibly get it on here."

I pout, "I thought you said you'd do anything."

"Yeah, I did. But sex on a hospital bed isn't one of them. I doubt these things can hold us for long. And besides, I want you to fully recover. Trust me, there's a lot of things I want to do to you but I need you strong enough to take whatever I have up my sleeve."

"Dirty things I hope."


He dips his head a kisses me with a rage. In a few seconds, I'm already breathless. My heart rate speeds up causing the heart rate monitor to make a shrill noise.

A few seconds later, a nurse comes rushing in.

"What happened to the patient?" She rushes to my side, only to find me trying to keep my laughter in.

She gives us a dagger-filled look. "If you really want to have sex, then I suggest you wait until you get home. You're still connected to a heart rate monitor mind you and no one wants to have their heart of their throat thinking there's an actual problem to the patient. Some people." She stomps out.

"See what I mean?" He says, smiling.

"Alright. But as soon as I get out of here…"

"If it isn't the love birds," Kyle says while entering the room.

"Hey, Ky. How's it going?" I greet.

"Ky?" Joe asks, raising an eyebrow. I notice jealousy written all over his face. I decide to use that to my advantage.

"Yes, Ky," I answer him, "c'mon here, baby, have a seat. I've really missed you, you know that?"

Kyle catches on on what I'm trying to do and plays along.

"Oh, I've missed you more, mi amor." He gives me a long peck on the cheek and hugs me very tightly.

"Hey, back off dude, she's mine," Joe says.

"Oh, is she? If so, how come I got to enjoy the warmth of her bed, not so long ago?" Kyle retorts.

"I hate you guys, you know that?" Joe says.

"Oh, but you love me, don't you?" I say.

"I don't."

My mouth dramatically falls open, "How dare you? You've been lying to me all this time. Ky, get him out of my room."

"With pleasure, mi amor."

After Kyle manages to push Joe out, he comes back and falls on the bed and we both burst out laughing.

We start talking about all that happened when I was in coma. Kyle is a very good storyteller if I may say. There's a way he makes everything fun.

I don't know when sleep takes us, but when I wake up, my head is on Kyle's muscular chest and my hand is around his torso and he has his arm around me in a protective gesture.

I lift my head to look around the room only to find a scowling Joe standing at the foot of the bed.

"Oh, hi there," I greet.

"Go back to cuddling your, friend

," he glares at Kyle, who's still asleep.

"Are you being serious right now?" I ask.

"And when you wake up, get ready. You're being discharged this very evening." And with that, he matches out.

"What was that all about?" Kyle asks, his eyes still closed.

"I don't know."

"He's jealous if you ask me."

"Come on, he knows you bat for the other team."

"We men act in very many different and confusing ways. Come on, let's get you ready to leave."

Several minutes, I'm being pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse to the parking lot. Joe lifts me from the chair and takes me into his car. In a few minutes, we're on the road.

I've decided to just keep my mouth shut through the whole ride. When we get to my apartment building, I go to get the door open but I'm stopped by Joe's voice.

"I'll get it," he says before exiting the car and rounding it to my door.

He helps me out and into the building, to the lift and all the way to my floor. When we get to my door, I ponder on whether to let him in. And I do.

I plop down on the couch and heave a heavy sigh. I missed this place. Right now, I'm just glad I'm out of that medical hall.

"You're not going to say anything?" Joe asks.

"What do you want me to say?"


"Alright. Anything." I joke.

"Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted back at the hospital."

"You should be." I cross my arms over my chest.

"You're not helping."

"First of all, you know Kyle is gay."

"Yeah, but people change." He defends.

"Your jealousy is beyond me now. I need to rest. Have a good night." And with that, I get up from the couch and enter the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water.

I hear Joe walking behind me, getting closer and closer. I feel goosebumps grow all over my arms. Thank God for the long sleeved shirt I'm wearing.

He stands directly behind me with only a few centimetres between us. The glass in my hand starts shaking, almost toppling the contents over.

I place it down and turn around, coming face to face with Joe. He lowers his head and starts kissing me before directing his mouth to my neck.

"Joe," I moan his name.

God, have I missed this man.

I put my hands on his shoulder and start to pull him closer. He kisses my neck even harder I'm sure he'll leave a mark.

He comes back to kiss my lips and gently nibbles on them. I let out a not so quiet moan. He brings himself even closer to me. I can feel his growing bulge. I've totally missed that package.

"You feel so good," he praises, "but I have to stop."

"I don't want you to stop."

He stops. *He goddamn stops*.

"Believe me, even I don't want too, but you are not strong enough."

"Should I carry a forty kilogram dumbbell for you to know that I'm strong enough?" He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I have to go, baby. Or else I won't let you sleep tonight. Goodnight, love." He kisses my forehead and leaves.

Oh well, I guess I should get some rest.


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