Chapter 8- Two Rabbits and Three Tigers

With Lady Rium gone, Alex and I have been abandoned to three beasts. And one is more cunning than the other two.

"Don't just stand there, you two, please sit," Lady Sophia said.

"Then please excuse us." I sat in the seat right next to Lady Claudia. Being near her actually calms me down, and it's also the seat furthest from Lady Sophia. Alex sat right next to me. I'm sure Alex is having a mental breakdown right. That's the only reason I could think of for her becoming so quiet. In the novel, this event never existed, why? Because Alex was never invited to Lady Rium's afternoon tea party. This was the first time Alex met the rivals all in one area. Since Alex was so shocked to see all four rivals in one area, I'm sure this also didn't occur in the game either, otherwise, Alex would have declined my invitation with every fiber in her body.

"Tea, my ladies?"

I flinched when a presence appeared between me and Alex. Glancing back, it was just a butler with a teapot. "Yes, we'd love some, thank you."

He poured Alex and me a cup and bowed before leaving. I need to calm down. I picked up the teacup and took a sip. The warm tea with a slight bitter flavor calmed my mind slightly. Alex took huge gulps from the teacup, immediately finishing her drink.

"This is the first time I hear you being so quiet when you're next to me. Have you finally lost your voice?"

Looking at Lady Claudia, she was also enjoying her own tea. She didn't meet my eyes, but the insult was definitely directed towards me. "You need not worry, my dear Lady Claudia. I was just feeling parched. If you missed my voice so much, I wouldn't mind talking to you every day from now on."

Lady Claudia jerked as her expression became somewhat strained. "I would like to sternly refuse. Please keep your distance from me."

Ah. This is what I needed. Teasing Lady Claudia is healing my soul. "My, that would be a bit impossible since we have classes together, Lady Claudia."

"Then just don't talk to me."

I chuckled, "But was it not you that always took the initiative to talk to me so nicely?"

Lady Claudia placed down her cup and glared at me. Oh, I feel like something's coming.

"You! Something is wrong with you!"

"Lady Claudia, I have a name you know. It's Reiré."

"You should address people by their names, Lady Claudia. Even if Reiré is a commoner, it's still rude to address someone by 'you'", Lady Charlotte said.

"That is not important! I have been throwing insults at you and did everything to be cruel to you! How are you so composed every single time!"

"It's because you're so kind!" I claimed

Lady Claudia's face turned red as she yelled, "Your definition of kind is warped! I have not been kind whatsoever to you, disgusting commoner!"

"Lady Claudia, I think you should calm down. That is not how a noble lady should act," Lady Sophia voiced.

Lady Claudia flinched upon Lady Sophia's words. She clenched her teeth in irritation as she forced herself to be recomposed. I could only frown at the frustrated expression on Lady Claudia's face. I wonder if my teasing went too far? But this seems normal to me. I tease her and she gets angry. Yes. There is nothing wrong, so why do I feel conflicted now when I was having fun just minutes ago.

"And Reiré, you should be teasing in moderation. Even though Lady Rium has taught you etiquette it seems she has not taught you where your place is at. I truly cannot believe that a commoner could act so boldly in front of other nobles. If anything, I think it would be normal for you to act like Alexandra when being in front of nobles who you have no associations with," said Lady Sophia. "Just look at how Alexandra is minding her place."

Alex was as pale as a ghost. She had her eyes directed somewhere in the distance as she twiddled her fingers under the table. I wouldn't call that minding her place. Alex was just trying to run away.

Ah, so the reason why I feel so conflicted was because of Lady Sophia after all. She's the kind of person I can't deal with. Lady Sophia is a very cunning person and very informed as well. Out of all the Duke houses, the Glede Household is the most fearsome because of their ability to gather intel very quickly. For sure, Lady Sophia has already sent someone to find out about me and Alex. It's strange how commoners can enter a prestigious academy like Roseward. Me being in Roseward Academy was no secret, everyone pretty much knows I'm here because of the Bazanine family and Lady Rium was my proof. So she's most likely looking for information about why a commoner has a relationship with the Bazatine family. It's not like I'm from a famous merchant family, just a baker's. It'll be hard to find dirt on a Duke household, but for Alex, Lady Sophia should already have learned about Alex's connection to the Straut household.

In the novel, Lady Sophia was officially to be engaged to the second prince, but because the second prince fancied Alex more, Lady Sophia became jealous. She threatened to destroy the Straut Household if Matthew Straut didn't pull Alex out of Roseward Academy. In the end, Alex was revealed to be Matthew Straut's illegitimate child and because of this, there was a whole incident of family feuds with Alex in the middle of it.

"My, it's rude to stare with such a gaze, Reiré," Lady Sophia voiced.

I don't want to make an enemy out of Lady Sophia. I'd rather have Lady Claudia as my enemy than her, she's way too hard to beat.

"My apologies. I was just thinking about how you are correct. I should fix my behavior and be like my friend Alex. It's not right for me to speak like this to someone of higher status." I turned to Lady Claudia and tried to look really pitiful. "Lady Claudia, I hope you can accept my apology. I am truly sorry."

"Hmph!" Lady Claudia smirked and crossed her arms. "So you finally learn to behave? Since you finally learned your place, I shall forgive you."

I softly smiled, "As I thought, you really are kind, Lady Claudia."

Lady Claudia blushed as she denied, "Me? Kind? I think you should read the dictionary once more. Even a child knows what kindness looks like."

"You may not know, but I've seen how nice you can be. You are my favorite char, I mean, person after all."

Lady Claudia became flustered, "Huh!? What do you mean by that!?"

I giggled, "Exactly what it sounds like." Like I can say favorite character. That will make Lady Sophia curious. And when she's curious, she will do whatever it takes to get rid of that curiosity. Her thirst for knowledge is very frightening.

"You were about to say something else before you fixed yourself," Lady Sophia voiced.

So she caught me.

"What word were you going to say before you changed it to person?" She asked.

This brunette will surely be the end of me. She's really observant. "I was actually gonna say my favorite caring person, but I thought Lady Claudia would get angry at me so I kept it out."

"I still got mad either way," Lady Claudia mumbled.

"Don't you know people become closer after arguments?" I told her.

"Those only apply to couples, Reiré," Alex said. And here I thought she went mute.

"Alex! Are you implying that Lady Claudia and I look like a couple!? I'm so happy!"

Lady Claudia quickly denied, "We do not look like a couple!"

"I have known Lady Claudia for a very long time and many do not like her because of her personality," explained Lady Charlotte. "You're the first to be so fond of her, Reiré."

"Exactly as Lady Charlotte said. I don't have a likable personality, so there's no use for you to pretend to like me. What is it that you want anyway? You must have some kind of motive if you could handle all of my cruel remarks towards you."

"I'm also quite curious." Lady Sophia voiced.

"I have no such motives, right Alex?" I asked my quiet friend.

She nodded, "I wouldn't exactly call it a motive anyways."

"But it is a motive?" Lady Sophia asked, trying to get information out of Alex.

Alex shrugged, "Reiré just love tsunderes."

I jerked. Did she really just say that?

All three rival characters gave Alex a puzzled look. "Soon-dear-re?"

"What is a soon-dear-re?" Lady Sophia asked curiously.

I looked towards Alex only for her to avoid my gaze. She dared ignore me when she was the one that introduced the word to them. How am I supposed to answer? Did Alex do it on purpose?

"So, Reiré only likes me so much because I am involved with this 'soon-dear-re' stuff? What even is that?" Lady Claudia questioned.

I sighed, "It's nothing bad, honest. It's just a… type of personality?"

Lady Claudia glared at me. "Why do you also sound unsure?"

"It's just hard to explain. All you need to know is that my motive is to become your friend," I truthfully stated. "That is all."

"You think I would believe such words?" Lady Claudia questioned.

"Even I find them hard to believe," stated Charlotte.

Lady Sophia nodded in agreement. "Commoners always want something after all."

"Whether you believe them or not is up to you, Lady Claudia, but I intend to stay by your side as long as I can within my status." I'll only leave you once you avoid your death flag.

Lady Claudia sighed, "I give up. Do whatever you want, but I'm not gonna be nice to you."

"That is fine. Just act how you normally act, I don't expect anything in return after all."

"You are quite the interesting commoner," Lady Sophia said. "I can see why Prince Leonhardt talks so much about you."

"Pfft!" Being thirsty from talking so much, I drank my tea only to choke on it instead. I quickly placed down the teacup and coughed, trying to clear my windpipes.

Alex gently tapped my back as she tried to soothe me. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I just choked."

"You should be careful," Alex advised.

"My, to think you reacted like that? Could you have some kind of secret with His Highness?"

I glared at Lady Sophia. To say that with so many nobles around. Is she trying to create more bullies for me? "Surely you jest, Lady Sophia. Prince Leonhardt and I are only acquaintances because we are students. That is all."

"Exactly, Lady Sophia. A rude commoner like her cannot be on the prince's good side," Lady Claudia said.

Ah, my hero.

"Really? But I heard Alexandra and Prince Leonhardt are on good terms. I'd assume Reiré is as well being Alexandra's friend," voiced Lady Charlotte. "Isn't that right, Alexandra?"

"Eh?" Alex flinched from the unexpected call out. She was trying to lay low after all. "Ah, I guess he's on good terms with me but isn't that because he's just nice to everyone?"

"Hmm, that is also true. He does treat everyone equally, but don't you call Prince Leonhardt by his nickname?" Lady Charlotte asked.

Lady Claudia gasped, "His nickname?!"

"Everyone has been saying how Alexandra has been calling his Highness Prince Leo," Lady Sophia informed.

Lady Charlotte became shocked, "Prince Leo? I thought it was Prince Leon? This is the first time I've heard anyone use that nickname for the first Prince. Not even the royal family."

Lady Sophia grinned, "That just shows how close these two commoners are to Prince Leonhardt."

"For commoners to be this close with His Highness who will become the future king. I just cannot see that they are getting close to him out of kindness…" Lady Charlotte looked at Alex with a bit of distaste in her eyes.

"Commoners are selfish after all…" Lady Claudia was just straight out growling at Alex.

"R-Reiré?" Alex looked at me with pleading eyes.

I quickly turned my gaze away before I gave in to the puppy eyes. This was going a lot worse than I thought. Alex only just recently started calling Prince Leonhardt by his nickname, but everyone already knows? Gossip is quite frightening. I really don't want to get any more involved with the heroine's plotlines. Alex and I may be comrades but we have our own battles to handle in this war that's known as Fight for Love and Acceptance.

This is the only thing I can do. "I have no relationship with Prince Leonhardt, I don't like him," I announced and I clung to Lady Claudia's arm as I leaned into her personal space. "The only person I want to get along with is this wonderful Lady Claudia right here!"

"Let me go!" she demanded. "You are embarrassing me!"

"Eh? Even though you clearly like it?" I can only help Alex by changing the topic. They'd probably criticize my behavior, but at least that'll draw attention away from Alex for a while.

Lady Claudia snapped, "Like I would like you clinging to me!!"

"Then why are you blushing so hard?" I teasingly asked.

Lady Claudia's face turned to a whole new shade of red. "It is not what you think! This is because I'm embarrassed!"

"I think you are quite cute when your face flushes like a rose."

"Stop it with your sweet words! Do you want me to slap you!?" Lady Claudia threatened.

"If it brings you such joyous pleasure, please do," I insisted.

"Nevermind." Wow, she replied pretty quickly. She probably thinks I'm a masochist now.

"Hmm? Reiré," Lady Charlotte called out. "Could it be that you're one of those so-called masochists?"

"Eh?" I completely froze from Lady Charlotte's question. Did she read my mind?

"That would explain why you can handle Lady Claudia and the other nobles' abusive tactics against you," she concluded.

"That would explain a lot about her strange behaviors. No commoners could act so composed when being bullied." Even Lady Sophia!?

Lady Claudia began to move away from me with a frightened look on her face. "Is… Is that true, commoner?"

I feel a bit heartbroken that she would think of me as a pervert. "I have a name, Lady Claudia. And I am no masochist. My fondness for you is just because I like you. It's not like I enjoy being bullied, right Alex?"

Alex nodded, "Reiré doesn't like pain. I mean, she almost cried when she got slapped by this Laura girl."

"Hey, I didn't even shed a tear. Why are you making me sound like a weakling?"

Alex chuckled, "But you certainly felt that slap didn't you?"

I groaned at the memory. "Yeah, that did hurt."


Both Alex and I winced as we felt a frightening presence behind us. Glancing at each other, we both broke out in cold sweat. That once kind mature voice that I always find comfort in was now laced with malice and vengeance.

"Did I hear that someone slapped my precious Reiré?"

"My, Lady Rium. You look quite scary at the moment," Lady Sophia voiced.

I slowly turned around to see Lady Rium, whose eyebrows were furrowed in anger while she had a forced smile on her beautiful face, only that her beautiful face looked more like a devil at the moment. "L-Lady Rium, when did you get back?" I hesitantly asked.

"Just a moment ago," she answered. "Now, what was this story that Alexandra said about you getting slapped? How come I wasn't informed of this? Huh, Reiré?"

Lady Claudia laughed, "Looks like someone is in trouble."

Lady Claudia was so right. Someone was in trouble and that someone was me. I'm so dead. I never told Lady Rium of that situation with Lady Laura since Prince Leonhardt handled it. I knew Lady Rium would be mad and try to get revenge for me, but I don't want rumors about me using Lady Rium for those who bully me to go around. Besides, it'll probably just attract more bullies.

Lady Rium might have noticed my frightened look because she softened her expression. The feeling of malice disappeared from Lady Rium the moment she released a breath. "Why won't you tell me these things, Reiré? Why must I learn them through other people? Do you think I'm that unreliable even as a duke's daughter?"

"It's not that you're unreliable, Lady Rium. In fact, I think you are the most reliable person I've ever met." Past life included.

"Then why!? Why won't you ask me for help!?" she demanded.

I gave her a soft smile. "Didn't I promise you that I'd ask you for help when I feel like I need it. Besides, the situation was handled when Prince Leonhardt came by. I didn't want to trouble you with problems that were already taken care of."

Lady Rium pouted, "Even so, I'd still like you to tell me even if things calmed down."

"But if I told you, wouldn't you threaten her entire family?"

"And what's wrong with that?"

I felt like a ten kilo dumbbell fell on my head. "That is not good, Lady Rium! Threatening an Earl's family just because of a mere commoner."

"But the Norman family belongs to the Bazanine family! If someone damages our goods, then it's right to ask for compensation," she stated.

Huh? Excuse me? I just heard something strange there. "Am I only an object to you?"

"What? Of course not! Reiré is Reiré, you're not an object, but the concept is the same. Insulting the Norman family is like insulting the Bazanine family. We take great care of our people. Even if you're a commoner it is not a reason for someone to slap you!"

For some reason Lady Rium looked like an angel in my eyes. Honestly!? Who are your parents!? Give them a gold metal because they did a fine job in raising their child! Kudos to them! "Thank you, Lady Rium. Your worries and words alone make me happy."

"So please tell me if someone is giving you a hard time. My title may not be as powerful as Royalty, but I am your friend. I won't intervene if you really don't want me to, but I would still like to be informed."

"Lady Rium…" Goodness, if I was reincarnated as a guy, I'd totally go Lady Gaga for Lady Rium. Well, I am bisexual, so I guess it doesn't matter if I reincarnated as a guy or a girl.

"When did this game become a yuri?" Alex monotonically asked.

"Now, I see where Reiré's sweet talking came from," Lady Claudia voiced.

"Eh? Could it be that Lady Claudia is jelly?" I squealed, "Is Lady Claudia jelly that I get along with Lady Rium? Don't worry, Lady Claudia, you have nothing to worry about. You are still my best girl!"

"I am not jelly!" Lady Claudia denied. "Actually, I don't even know what that means!"

"Lady Claudia and Reiré sure get along, don't they?" Lady Rium asked Alex.

Alex nodded, "Yes."

"I feel like a bit too much," Lady Sophia voiced.

"Reiré doesn't seem like a bad person," said Lady Charlotte. "Lady Rium trusts her, so I will as well."

Lady Sophia sighed, "Even if she's a cursed child, I can't deny that she's quite smart. Throughout this conversion, that girl has been keeping her guard up against me."

"That's because Lady Sophia is scary," I stated. With Lady Rium here, I ain't afraid to voice my thoughts on Lady Sophia now. "After all, you have been digging information on all the students in the academy, have you not?"

Lady Sophia flinched as the color slightly drained from her face. Seeing the tiny panic in her stormy grey eyes, I couldn't help but grin.

"Digging information? On all the students? What is she talking about, Lady Sophia?" Lady Charlotte asked.

Lady Sophia gave a hesitant chuckled, "You say some strange words, Reiré. What might you be talking about?"

"I'm also curious as to what you're saying," said Alex.

"I'm sure Lady Sophia clearly understands what I mean. After all, she knows a lot about us. She even knows the entire family background of you, Alex."


"Yep. She already knows about how you're able to attend this academy."

Alex became shocked, "Eh! She does!?"

"I always wondered how Alexandra was able to attend," said Lady Rium. "Unlike, Reiré, I don't think she's in a relationship with any nobles."

"I'm also quite curious," voiced Lady Claudia. "Reiré is an exception because of you, Lady Rium, but Alexandra is…"

Lady Charlotte nodded, "She has no noble friends whatsoever. And her family doesn't even make that much money."

"Um… Reiré, should I even explain? Isn't it too early?" Alex asked.

I only shook my head. "No need. I just want Lady Sophia to understand that, whatever you plan to use in the future, Alex already knows of her position. She knows of her birthright, so please pull back your dogs."

Lady Sophia chuckled, "I see… fufufu. You're a lot sharper than I anticipated."

"What is going on? I don't understand," said Lady Claudia.

Lady Sophia frowned as she dropped her act. "How much do you know?"

"Eh, how much?" I pretend to think about it. "How about… everything."

Lady Sophia seemed to be calculating something in her head. I can't really read her mind and I can't use the novel to help me since this event never happened before. I just hope this doesn't make me enemies with Lady Sophia.

"So what? Are you blackmailing me?"

"Nope. I just wish we could be good friends. Don't you agree, Lady Sophia?"

She stared at me for quite some time before smirking. "Alright, you win. You are quite scary as well, Reiré."

"Am I really?"

"Lady Rium, please be careful with what you teach. That commoner is actually a lot more dangerous than you think," she warned.

"I don't exactly know what happened, but Reiré is someone I trust wholeheartedly with my life if it comes down to it. She isn't a threat," Lady Rium stated.

"Lady Rium…" I didn't think Lady Rium would say that. To be honest, I thought Lady Rium would betray me someday in the future, so for her to trust me with her life is very frightening.

Lady Sophia sighed, "I see. I think I had enough sitting. I should walk around to cool my head. Thank you for inviting me to this tea party. I met some interesting people." She gave me one last glance before leaving.

I wonder if I changed the future somehow? Now that she knows that Alex and I know about the Straut family situation would she still use that against Alex in the future? Only time will tell I guess. For now, it seems that Lady Sophia won't be getting in our way. I'm not really sure if she will stop her investigators but it's better this way. If I can use Lady Sophia, it'll be a lot easier progressing the story to the way I want… Hopefully.