Chapter 13- Why is it always the straight girls?!

"Strange how you willingly paired yourself up with me this time."

"I wanted to talk with you."

"So? What is it?" Alex asked. "You've been really tense since you entered class."

"In the game, was magic ever part of the plotline?"

"Nope," she simply answered. "If you're asking about magic, I think the novel version is the only one that mentions magic, with the witch and all."

"But magic is considered part of the fantasy genre. The witch processing Lady Claudia is more of a supernatural take."

"But isn't supernatural a sub genre of the fantasy genre?"

"Uuuuuh…" I can't argue with that.

"Why are you even asking?"

"Well…" Glancing around, the other students were busy with their etiquette lesson, so they shouldn't be paying attention to us. "Yesterday…" I explained what happened between Lord Raphael and Lady Rium.

Alex's face slowly twisted to the look of horror. "EXCUSE ME!?!?"

Everyone turned to look at us from Alex's outburst. The teacher gave use a glare and the both of us quickly stood and bowed as we apologized for the ruckus. We were let off with a scolding and sat back down as everyone returned to what they were doing.

"So… Is Lord Raphael really in love with this nobody?"

"Don't say nobody, Lady Alexis is a noble. Even if she's not here, at least show some respect. And I don't know if I can say love, but he was acting strange. That girl also knows about the Eyes, so she must have some kind of power to be able to manipulate Lord Raphael or something."

"But I never heard of this. Alexis Pearl was never mentioned in the game… I think…"

I narrowed my eyes. "You think?"

"Well… Her name does sound familiar…?" Alex gave me a hesitant look.

I sighed and lightened my expression. "You too? I feel like I've heard her name somewhere, but I can't remember."

"But to think something big like that happened and I haven't even made that much progress with Leo yet as the heroine," said Alex.

"Speaking of Prince Leonhardt. I overheard Lady Alexis is gonna meet with him. I bet she's planning to do something to him in order to get to the Eye of Pride. I think you should start sticking to him at all costs. For him and our sakes."

"Why do you think that?"

"I think…" It can't be true, but it's a possibility. Especially from the way she looked at me. "I think she read my mind…"

Alex gasped, "What!? She can read minds now?"

"I don't know. But she found out I knew about the Eye of Pride. I never spoke to her or anyone but you about the Eyes and the Witches. There's really no other explanation I can think of that's realistic enough of to explain how she would know."

"I see…" Alex began to fidget in her seat as she looked anxious. "W-What if… What if she was like us?"

My stomach began to churn in a discomforting way. "What if Lady Alexis was like us?"

Alex nodded.

That could explain how she knew about the Eyes but she doesn't act like someone who sounded reincarnated. If she knew this was based on Fight for Love and Acceptance, then she would have known where the Eye of Pride and Eye of Envy would be. And if she didn't connect this world to Fight for Love and Acceptance, she wouldn't know about the Eyes, and she wouldn't know how to use one too… Unless she already has prior knowledge of it already…

"Reiré? What is it? Your face suddenly turned pale." Alex became frightened from seeing my expression.

Oh my god, if Lady Alexis was a reincarnated too and has knowledge of the Eyes from some other source, she must be a rotten human being if she's actually trying to collect the Seven Deadly Sins. Has she not read the entire lore? Does she not know what will happen once the Eyes are brought together?! I really don't want to deal with someone like that. Nope, nope, nope! Kill me now so I can reincarnate back to my twentieth-century world. Where is Truck-kun when you need him!?

"Reiré, your silence is scaring me."

I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. "I don't think Lady Alexis is like us, but it's best we keep our guard around her. If she's not like us, worst case scenario, she knows about us instead…"

The air around us became heavy. For our memories to be exposed like this was very dangerous for us. We could be targeted by anyone for our knowledge of another world. I really don't know what to do against the supernatural. Isn't all this drama happening too early!?

"So what should we do?" Alex finally asked.

"For now, if we ever see Lady Alexis nearby, don't think about anything that might involve the story or our past life. Also don't let Lady Alexis get close to any of the male leads. She already encountered Prince Clovis and Lord Philip."

"But aren't we talking about magic? We're just regular people? She can read minds and manipulate people like puppets."

"The Eye of Pride…"


"You need to get the Eye of Pride," I stated.

"I can only see the Eye of Pride until winter vacation," she said. "And how am I supposed to get it? There's no way the Royal family will let me borrow it."

"Then maybe I can get the Eye of Envy. Lady Alexis listed three Eyes. Eye of Pride, Eye of Envy and Eye of Wrath. We know where the Eye of Pride is, and we know where the Eye of Envy will go."

"But what about the Eye of Wrath? I thought that wasn't part of the story?"

"It isn't, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If Lady Alexis asked about it, it must also be nearby."

Alex sighed, "Ugh, this is so annoying. I thought being the main character would be fun."

"Hey, I'm not even the main character and I'm already being dragged into all this fiasco. You don't get to complain."

Alex huffed, "Yes, you are so right Miss side character."

"It's only been a week and a half since the story started. I didn't think we'd get such a big event happening so soon. The only big event that should be coming would be during winter vacation." I bit my lower lip as anxiety played in my chest. "I don't want to deal with Lady Alexis along with the first event. I should deal with this fast."

"We still have three more months, including this one, until the big event. What was it again? The attack on Roseward, right?"

"Yeah," I confirmed.

The first big event was the attack on Roseward Academy. It happened right on the day when winter vacation started. Because students were getting ready to leave the campus there were less guards that day and it was a perfect chance for an attack that was orchestrated by the Asani Empire. A neighboring country to our Calore Kingdom. I don't exactly remember the purpose of the attack. I remember skimming it over the explanation because they were boring. If I knew I'd get reincarnated into this world, I would have read the important parts more carefully.

"How are you gonna prepare for it anyways?" Alex questioned. "I mean, the attack was dealt with when the Royal guard came, so there's no need for you to do anything right?"

"It's because Lady Claudia got caught in it and was almost blamed for it," I answered.

"Ah, that makes more sense. You usually don't like dealing with stuff like this unless Claudia was involved after all."

"That's just how I am. Since it's for Lady Claudia's sake, I'm gonna have to put my effort into this Lady Alexis case as well. I don't really want to get close to her, but I need to know what her background is like."

"If you're talking about Alexis Pearl, I know about her."

"Huh?" I turned around to see Lady Claudia standing behind me. "Lady Claudia!"

"I'm surprised you're interested in Lady Alexis."

"Are you jealous?" I teased.

"Do you want to know about her or not?" she challenged.

I sighed, dropping my playful tone. "What do you know about her?"

"She's a freshman like us, but her background is quite secretive. She's apparently related to the Straut household though."

Both Alex and I tensed at the mention of the protagonist's family name. I glanced at Alex to see her shake her head as she crossed her arms to signal an X. So she doesn't know anything.

"But Lady Alexis has the surname of Pearl," I countered.

"Her mother was the sister of Lord Straut," Lady Claudia answered.

Well that explains why she looks like Alex. It's because they are cousins. This was definitely never mentioned in the novel or wiki.

"The Pearl household also isn't part of the Kingdom," Lady Claudia added.

"Lady Alexis isn't a citizen of the Calore Kingdom!?" I questioned.

Lady Claudia shook her head. "No. There wasn't word of where her family was from, but she is currently staying at the Straut household for her academic years."

I rubbed my chin in thought. So Lady Alexis was from a different country. The Pearl family… The Straut family must have kept quiet about which country they are from. International marriages are quite dangerous when two countries don't have alliances. If Lady Alexis was able to come here without struggle, then it's one of the countries we're at peace with, but why would Lord Straut not mention where the Pearl family is from? There's too much I don't know. I feel like I'm straying from the main story plotline…

And how did she even learn about the Eyes anyways? It was never part of the Seven Witches lore… Could there actually be a version of the lore that talks about the Eyes? But then people would think they are just made up, right? Because it's just a lore, but what if there are people that actually know about the Eyes and the Witches being real like Alex and I. Since the Royal family and Lady Alexis know, there must be others that also know, right?

"Hey, Lady Claudia? What do you think of…" I wonder if I should even ask her.


I might as well. No harm done anyways. "What do you think of magic?"

Alex was shocked to hear me asking such things to an outsider. "Reiré?"

I gave her a look that told her to trust me and she only sighed, letting me do my thing. "So, Lady Claudia?"

"Magic? Isn't that just in fairy tales?

"Then what about the supernatural?"

"The supernatural?"

"Like ghosts and witches and the stuff?"

"I wouldn't say that I like that stuff, but it's not like I'm scared!"

So she doesn't push it off as fairy tales, then… "So you believe in the supernatural, but not magic?"

"Because magic doesn't exist," she stated.

"But supernatural does?" Alex asked.

"Well, yeah. How else would the pope communicate with our Goddess?"

Ah! I forgot about that. I don't really know if that's even true or not. In our past life, we learned that throughout history that people would pretend to hear God's voice to give hope or manipulate people, but I don't know how true it is in this world. I should probably read up on the religion in this word too. More things to add to my list of research.

"Why are you even asking me this? What does this have to do with Lady Alexis? And how is it for my sake anyways?"

Huh? I gave Lady Claudia a puzzled look. Did she… "Were you eavesdropping again?"

Lady Claudia scoffed as she slightly blushed. "I was not. I was merely passing by until I caught my name. That is all."

I grinned, "Really?"

"Really, so don't start your teasing."

I pouted, "I wasn't planning to."

"I can tell from your expression," she said.

"Eh? How can you tell?" I questioned.

"Whenever you tease, you always have this creepy smirk on your face and your eyes would slightly narrow to have this mischievous glint."

Both Alex and I blinked as we stared at her.

Lady Claudia seemed to be uncomfortable and asked, "W-What?"

Alex and I looked at each other before looking back at Lady Claudia.

"W-Why are you two being so silent!?" she demanded.

"I was joking when I said you pay so much attention to me, but to think you actually do…"

Alex nodded, "Even I don't notice the expression Reiré makes when she teases and I spend a lot of time with her."

Lady Claudia blushed as she denied, "It's because I was trying to find her weakness!"

Alex grinned, "Suuuuure. That's totally why. Definitely not because you're interested in her?"

Looks like Alex will be doing the teasing for me.

"Exactly it's because I want to get back at her for all her teasing that I pay so close attention to her!"

Alex's grin grew. Oh Lady Claudia, you just dug your own grave.

"So you do pay attention to her. You must know so much about Reiré. I want to know about her weaknesses too. Mind sharing? We can both get back at her."

"Hmph!" Lady Claudia flipped her hair as she proudly stated, "Of course. There's nothing I don't know. Reiré always has her head in the clouds so it's easy to catch her off guard."

I do? I only ever think about what to do next to progress the story, so I'm always observing others. I guess I do sometimes get lost in thought when I'm recalling something.

"She also doesn't know when to give up, so she always overworks herself during Swordsmanship class."

That's because that monster teacher keeps calling me a pipsqueak. I just want to prove him wrong.

"Reiré also says things back to her bullies when she should have just kept her mouth shut. That's why there's many negative comments about her during tea parties. Even if she has good etiquette, she has a very sharp tongue against nobles."

As Lady Claudia continued, Alex whispered to me, "I didn't actually think she'd pay this much attention to you."

"You and me both," I whispered back. Though it did kind of make me happy, so I couldn't help but smile as she listed down my 'weaknesses.'

"Reiré is also way too kind."

Eh? Kind? I don't think that's right.

"She never reported the bullies to the teachers. I even went to their office to ask if Reiré ever reported me."

That's because I don't even consider your verbal abuse as bullying anyways. If anything, I feel like I'm the one bullying you with my teasing. Besides, teachers wouldn't help anyway. They would just side with the party that has the highest noble rank.

"Even though she's a cursed child, she looked more like a fragile rabbit anyways."

Rabbit? I guess my red eyes and white hair is the same as an albino rabbit. Is that why people sometimes call me 'rodent'? I thought they just got tired of using 'commoner' all the time.

"And I hate to admit it, but she's also very smart when it comes to mathematics. She's even a fast learner! In almost all subjects, she excels. I never thought a commoner could be so intelligent that she's starting to make me change my view on them!"

So… in other words, she's starting to warm up to me…

"It's even worse when I'm starting to like her!"


Eh? What was that just now? Did my heart just… I could feel the blood rushing to my cheek. NOOOOOO!! It was admiration!! It was only admiration!! So why!?

I internally screamed as I imagined myself being slapped. I already vowed to not fall for straight girls, so why!? Why does this always have to happen to me!? Why is it always the straight girls! Curse myself! Maybe I am secretly a masochist that likes to get hurt. Ugh!

What's even worse, I can feel prying eyes from the other students in the room as well. I'm sure they all heard what Lady Claudia said. If I don't stop her soon, we're gonna be the hot topic of gossip. I have to play it off.

"Um… Lady Claudia. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to stop you there." I know for sure my face was beat red, but I could use this. I turned my head slightly and acted shy as I fidgeted. "If you say anymore I might… I didn't know you felt the same way…"

"Huh?" Lady Claudia gave me a blank look at first, but once she realized what she said her face flushed to the same color as my cheeks. "No! You're wrong! That's not…"

"And you said you didn't pay attention to Reiré," Alex teased. "You're acting so cute right now, Claud- I mean, Lady Claudia."

"I was just stating her weaknesses! Those were all weaknesses!" Lady Claudia shouted.

Alex nodded as if to understand, "So in other words, these are what makes you weak to Reiré, right? I understand completely. It's hard not to look up to that kind of person."

"Stop twisting my words like Reiré does! Ugh! Both of you make me sick! I just can't stand you commoners!" Lady Claudia has had enough and stomped off.

"Did I go too far?" Alex asked.

I shook my head, "Nah, she can take it. If she could get used to my teasing then dealing with you is nothing."

"But she looked really annoyed."

"She probably got ticked off when she realized how great of a person I am for a commoner."

"Is that so? By the way, since when did you learn to fake a blush? That was some good acting," Alex praised.

"Ah… I just think of something embarrassing…" I can't tell her… I can't tell Alex how I actually felt about Lady Claudia. It's just a crush anyways. It will pass.

I let out a heavy sigh.

"Why do you look so defeated all of a sudden?" Alex inquired.

"Mind your own business," I grumbled.

"Eh? Why do you sound so angry? Did I do something wrong?"

I sighed, "No, no you didn't… Hey, I wanted to ask-"

The bell rang signalling the end of class.

"Finally, time for Embroidery." Alex stood up and stretched her limbs. "Sorry, you were cut off by the bell. You wanted to ask me something?"

I shook my head. "I can ask you another time. It's not really that important."

"Really? You sure?"

I nodded as I stood up as well. "Yeah."

"Alright, then I'll see you later. The mission for Raphael and Rium will have to be on hold because of Alexis, but I'll keep trying for Charlotte and Philip. Maybe you can work on Clovis and Sophia instead?"

"You… You're still thinking of doing matchmaking?"

"Hey, if we get the other two pairs together then Lady Alexis might not interfere with them."

"I don't think that's how manipulation works, Alex." I really had my doubts, but I guess I should start talking with Lady Sophia.

"It's fine, things will work out." She gave me a bright smile and a thumbs up before leaving.

I sighed once more as a slight headache occurred. I should really watch my mental health. Stress is a really bad thing if I harbor too much of it. But I really wanted to ask if Alex remembered anyone in her past life. No matter how hard I try, I can't remember anyone's name. Not even my own parents. I can't even remember my own. Some reincarnated I am. I don't even have access to the entirety of my own memories, and I don't even know if I ever will. Then again, remembering our past life was already a godsend, so I guess I can't ask for more… Though, I just wish I could at least give a proper goodbye… Huh? How come I don't feel sad?

"What are you just standing around?"

I blinked and was snapped out of my thoughts. Lady Claudia was looking at me by the door. "Lady Claudia?"

"You're gonna be late to Dance class."

"Were you waiting for me?"

She scoffed, "Of course not, you idiot. I just didn't want my partner to be late for class. I can't have a lowly commoner ruining my reputation. So stop having your head in the clouds and hurry it up!"

She turned and left expecting me to follow. Honestly, Lady Claudia might know me better than myself. To think that my head was actually in the clouds. In a cloud of thunderstorms of course, but Lady Claudia dragged me back to Earth.

Taking a deep breath, I walked out of Etiquette class. There's no need to think about my past life. I don't have any regrets. I lived my life the best I could, so now I'll do the same as Reiré Norman. Because that's who I am now.