Harry hated it, the power he has, not being under his control. No matter how good the power felt, no matter how addicting, it always felt like not his own. The matter only got worse when he realised that the internal energy control proficiency shows him the areas he was lacking.
This is the reason Harry wanted to wait till he was older, where his magic would stabilize and he gains better control over the already difficult to control magic, before adding more. That is until need is present, as need surpasses want.
The only reason Harry used the sacred gear is because it is part of the host and it needs to grow with him. And for his actions he is now in a crater of molten earth, while blue flames danced around him. He was slightly amused about how he wasn't even feeling uncomfortable by the heat from the magma.
After Harry got his newfound power under control, he exited the crater to come face to face with the three summons and the fifty plus house elves.
"I am ok" he spoke as he saw the looks of awe and worry in the eyes of the elves "I just got stronger, now go back to your duties and tomorrow we will have a feast to welcome our new family members. Then we will do a Lottery, and the winner will do all the dishes" Harry smiled as the Elves got excited about the idea of more work as they popped away
Harry then turned to the three bowing summons """my Lord""" they chorus together
"Stop bowing already" he spoke amused "Sebas, Grayfia I want to apologise for my actions and distant attitude" as they wanted to deny it he raised his hand causing them to involuntarily quite down "I consider my servants my family, and as your responsibility is to my need, so is mine to yours" Harry said smiling gently as an aura of power emits from him. If he says so, it must be so
Grayfia and Sebas bowed ""yes, my Lord"" they spoke in unison again, causing Harry to chuckle
"Today I have a ball to attend, so let's get to know each other tomorrow" both servants bowed again and called their elves to teleport them back to the library
Harry felt a chill go down his spine. He turned to Ramis and saw her intense eyes on him "I like your new look. Master" she licked her lips
Harry finally noticed he was taller, and that his vision is framed by blue flame. As Ramis saw his confusion she conjured a mirror using the personally crafted wand Harry gifted her for Christmas. She now looks for any excuse to use it.
Harry looked at the image reflected on the mirror and man does he look good. The armour was Asian styled, like a mix of a ninja and a samurai.
The fabric part of the balance breaker was black, while the armour which consists of a chest plate, gauntlets, boots and tiger carved helmet and shoulder guards have a golden colour. There is white fur around the neck and waist areas. The most glaring thing that shows the magical part of the armour is the blue fire accenting the entirety of the armour.
"Isn't this Genji's Baihu skin with different colours?" Harry asked no one in particular
[Affirmative, Byakko chose this armour from Host's memories. He thought it was 'fitting for a king']
Harry just nodded, too tired (mentally) to care. He had to prepare for the Yule ball anyway. Harry was easily able to disperse his transformation. The Balance breaker caught blue flame and as if flash burned off Harry.
Harry again felt odd, he looked towards the mirror and saw himself. His hair was white with a black strand here and there. His eyes were vibrant blue, as if on fire. His skin was pale and as he looked it continued to pale further "NOOOOOO"
Ramis looked confused at her plush… Lord "what's wrong?"
Harry was now on his hands and knees "I don't want to be a pretty boy anime protagonist" he cried
"Aren't you a Metamorphmagus?" she asked, causing Harry to freeze
Harry returned to the messy black hair green eyes as he got up *cough* "let's go get ready for the Ball, I also have to mirror Fleur to make sure she got her present" he spoke as he walked away wearing a blush on his cheeks
Ramis just shook her head at her master's antics and followed behind him to get dressed herself.
"Welcome to my home, Heir Potter" Augusta Longbottom greeted Harry as he arrived at the entrance hall of the Longbottom manor
"My pleasure to be here Dowager Longbottom, but I must ask if we are going continue acting like strangers?" he returned her greeting with a small head nod
Augusta felt something was different about Harry, like his words carried more weight and his presence was more prominent "Of course my Lord" she spoke without thought, surprising herself and Harry
"Oh, stop it Dowager Longbottom, it was merely a suggestion" Harry acted as if it was a joke "I simply thought that as I am the Godson of Alice Longbottom, we should act more familiar with each other"
Harry didn't know if she knew he knew she slipped, but it didn't matter as she smiled "then you can call me Grandmother, as Neville does, when among family" she spoke calmly as she began leading them inside "you are the last to arrive though, was everything alright?" she asked him
"Yes, just had to prepare gifts for everyone and it took longer than expected" he lied
As Harry entered the main Ballroom, he noticed that the only people there were really just the families Longbottom, Black and Bones "Harry!" Harry heard as a missile took him off ground, and onto it
"Hello Nymmi" Harry spoke from his spot on the floor "as active a greeting as ever" he joked causing the adults to chuckle
One of the differences of this world is that Nymphadora Tonks is three years older than Harry and not six. Whenever the Tonks parents are busy, they leave Nymmi with Semiramis to babysit, though most of the time she spends with Harry, thus the 'active' greeting.
"Only four and already a ladies man, Huh?" Harry heard an unfamiliar voice speak "your father would be proud but your mother would kill you and then be proud too" harry looked from his still on the floor spot to see a rugged tall man that is wearing well-worn dress robs
"Moony?" Harry asked only to be lifted and be brought into a bone crushing hug
"I'm so, so sorry" he heard from the man as he felt his shoulder get wet, presumably from the man's tears "I shouldn't have trusted that Basted. I should've been there for you… I'm so sorry" Harry said nothing. He simply patted the man on the back and waited for him to finish going through his emotions
After about a minute where everyone was quite Remus spoke again "Sorry about that Harry, it's your eyes look just like your mom's and then you called me Moony. I- I couldn't take it anymore cub"
Harry smiled kindly at the man "does it look like I blame you?" he asked causing the man to chuckle and start wiping his tears
Harry and Remus were hit with a cleaning and drying spell each. It was so fast and nonverbal it caused the adults to pull their wand out on instinct "thank you Semiramis" Harry spoke amused
As everyone relaxed Ramis replied "of course my Lord" she bowed slightly sounding a little smug herself
Harry laughed and decided this Ball maybe more fun than he thought
Harry had interacted with the children there, as they would be with him in Hogwarts.
The first was Neville who was already displaying his shy and unconfident personality. Harry would have to work it out of him somehow.
The second was Susan bones. She is shy as well but is more open towards new people. Maybe she can help Neville out of his shell.
The Last is of course Nymphadora Nymmi Tonks, active Metamorphmagus and the resident tomboy. Harry helped her control her skill better, and some occlumency to make a good future wifu.
He won't be dating anyone 'officially' before 14, but that doesn't mean he won't make it obvious.
Part way through the party Harry took Frank and Alice Longbottom and Madam Bones to the side to speak with them "what can we do for you Harry?" Alice asked
"I want you to send Neville and Susan to my place to train under Semiramis" he explained then before they can answer he conjured a rose, wordlessly and without chanting anything "not now, when they reach five" he explained and walked away
With the shocked group of adults "Did he just- " Frank started
"Yes" Amelia replied
"I guess we can send the kids to spend time with him" Alice supplied, causing the others to nod in agreement