Who is in Control?

Headmaster Dumbledore was upset. He lost the philosopher stone he 'borrowed' from his old teacher, and, somehow 'his' phoenix was able to burn the control artefact to the ground alongside his entire office, his poor lemon drops were there.

Another thing bothering him was that for some unholy reason everyone knows their way around the castle. When he asked, he was told maps were provided for them by Lady Hogwarts, another bane to his existence.

What's worse, someone spread 'baseless' rumours that he potions and memory charms his own friends and colleagues. Absolutely untrue of course, he only does what he does for the greater good and sacrifices must be made… just not his… not again.


Harry had researched the books about magical creatures and seemed to have a semblance of a plan. But first "HERMIONE I CAN FEEL YOU NOT RUNNING BACK THERE, MOVE IT YOU BOOKWORM " Harry had to make sure to run the lazy out of the witches and wizards of the future

At breakfast Harry was with his friends eating, talking and laughing happily, until a certain pounce came along "fraternizing with the mud-blood are we?" he taunted, but no one moved to block or hit him which confused him

"I said-" He tried again only for another sound to call on him

"We heard, Mr Malfoy" professor Babbling spoke "That'll be 50 points from slytherin and a week's detention with Filch"

"BUT-" Malfoy tried to defend again but another sound came

"What is going on here?" Snape called as he moved towards the group

"Mr Malfoy called another student mud-blood. I deducted points and assigned detention" Babbling explained

"And the proof?" he sneered at the group

"I heard him say it" she replied. Before he can speak again she continued "if you question my integrity I will go to the board and I will have him expelled for his racial words" she warned with narrowed eyes

Snape sneered once more and left, taking Malfoy with him "you know he's going to the headmaster's office, right?" Harry spoke

"Who cares that was bloody awesome" Ron exclaimed. The fact is that no one stood up for Gryffindor when Slytherin bullied them was well known. Since McGonagall was obsessed with fairness, she neglected the fact that not everyone is. Meaning since Snape took over, this is the first time anyone stood for a Gryffindor against a Slytherin

"Language Mr Weasley, but nonetheless thank you, I know" she said with a nod and walked away

Harry and co chuckled and returned to their breakfast. The fact of the matter is, Harry had warned them as Draco was approaching that this was a trap. And he knew it because a certain castle heard the conversation. He'll need to reward her for being a good servant later.


The rest of the following months were uneventful. Harry followed the schedule then on Saturday he spent time with Semiramis and Grayfia and if available Sebas. On Sunday he did his homework and trained his new abilities, gained from the philosopher stone and the Basilisk.

When the Christmas holidays came, Harry had enough time to leave Great Britain for China, where he had to find a Chinese Dragon as Seiryu is one. The trip took a day as they used the Hanging Garden to not leave a trace of magical travel.

Once they arrived Harry had went down under the guise of the invisibility cloak and read the mind of several of the Chinese sorcerers, looking for where he can find dragons.

Harry found all agreeing on a dangerous place where blue dragons are. Harry would've leapt from joy if it weren't for him being hidden.

Harry got on bored the Hanging Garden and went east, where the wild dragons were sighted. It took thirty minutes but they got there and noticed something odd. The magic in the mountain bellow them is to unstable, no not unstable, wild.

Harry was looking down at the mountain. The entirety of it is hidden from muggles, but the magic seemed too natural as if it was not casted by man… but by dragon.

Harry's eyes widened in realisation "stay here. I'll go alone" he told Ramis who knew better than to argue. So she simply hugged him and wished him luck.

That made Harry remember something important and made him almost face palm. He took out a vile of Felix Felicis he always carried with him, and drank.

No it did not take luck from the person's future, no it's not a miracle worker, and it just does improves your luck.

Harry jumped down without the invisibility cloak. As he reached the ground on the side of the mountain he instantly felt eyes on him

"Who dares?" an old voice spoke "what do you want young one?" a very old man with a long white beard and two horns looking as if made of wood asked

Harry smiled with the giddy feeling bubbling inside him "I want the soul and body of the azure dragon" he spoke directly

The old man almost face planted "and why do you want that?" the man asked suddenly feeling tired from exchanging a couple words with this youth

Harry transformed into his weretiger form, surprising the old man, he then released phoenix wings from his back and showed his snake scales on his arm.

"By fortune I received the inheritance of Byakko, or Baihu. Then I consumed a sorcerer's stone, which gave me part of the vermilion bird's inheritance. And then a basilisk gave me part of Genbu's" Harry then returned to his human eleven year old form "I need the azure dragon to balance things out" he explained

The old man could only sigh at the strange child in front of him, but who was he to deny him "on top of the mountain is the soul of the Azure Dragon Seiryu, my ancestor. He doesn't have much time left in this world, maybe he will find you worthy to inherit his will" the man spoke

"Thanks old man dragon" Harry said as he ran towards the top, causing the man to chuckle and sigh

"Maybe this one will live" he said regrettably


Harry took all of five minutes to get to the top. Once he got there he felt the wait of wards slamming down on him. it would be like walking under x2 gravity.

"Another comes for the trials of the Azure Dragon" a rumbling voice was heard as a lake near the centre of the mountain top began rippling and a long dragon of water rose "why are you here child?" the water dragon asked

"To get the soul and body of the Azure dragon" Harry replied

The dragon laughed "and why should I give it to you?"

Harry smile morphed from a bright and childish to predatory in an instant, causing the dragon soul to feel dread for some reason "I wasn't asking"


The old descendant felt the wards disengage and the boy coming down towards him with a smile "I got what I want old man. The big guy was absorbed by me" Harry then frowned ignoring the shock on the man's face "but he didn't have any body parts" he then looked at the old man "mind giving me some of your blood?"

The man wanted to refuse but his experience and the glint in the Boy's eye told him, the boy wasn't really asking.

Happy with his haul, Harry decided to leave the country and go back to Great Britain, he had things to do.