It was evening time. Teen Harry sat under the tree of life, in the middle of the Hanging gardens of Babylon. The three Hollows are sitting in front of him.
After meditating for about 15 minutes to clear his mind, harry wore the Cloak and held the wand in his right and the stone in his left.
Harry waited for a moment but nothing happened. Disappointed, Harry tried running magic through them, then he felt it. The three hollows connected to each other through his magic. Then he was teleported.
Harry looked around, to try and know where he is. It seemed to be an entrance hall for some castle He then heard a sound coming from one of the hallways. He followed it and soon enough he was standing in front of a half open door.
Harry heard humming coming from inside and slowly, still under his invisibility cloak, he peaked inside. The scene inside made Harry drool.
Inside was a woman sitting in a bath tub, with her long pale legs and head of white hair showing. Harry understood he was seeing death, but damn.
Harry decided that fortune favours the bold and took off the cloak. The response was immediate as the woman stiffened.
Harry opened the door and walked in "Death, I assume?" Harry spoke as he got closer
"Brave one aren't you" she responded with a scowl "and why do you have two names?" she asked
"Oh, well, I'm Xander" harry explained as he sat on the side of the tub "but I'm also Harry" he smiled in a care-free manner "am I now your master?"
The lady scoffed "not a chance. It's just destiny who's playing games" she grumbled for a bit as Harry let her
After a minute or so she turned to Harry "get out, I want to change"
Harry's smile never wavered; He simply nodded and left the bathroom closing the door behind him.
A few moments later, lady death showed up, wearing what seemed to be a biker punk style clothes with a black crop top and tight leather pants.
She ignored harry and walked away. Harry followed her and soon they reached a living room of sorts "sit" she commanded
Harry stood there with a scowl "I don't think so" he spoke surprising her. Not giving her a chance to recover "death or not, I am at the very least your guest, and I can feel I'm not a wanted one" he then turned "I'll see myself out" he then started to walk away leaving a stunned physical representation of death, stunned
Harry back tracked his way through the castle and had reached the entrance hall. That was when he saw Death standing there with her hands crossed "are you really just going to leave?" she asked
Harry walked past her towards the entrance of the castle, pointedly ignoring her. Death had a look of internal struggle before she turned and shouted "WAIT" just as Harry reached for the handle
"Apologise" Harry's voice was cold, leaving no room for discussion
Death was taken aback. She was death, the fate of everything alive, and he wants her to apologise.
Harry turned to face her. His eyes flashing blue periodically "you were rude and believed I was without pride or self-respect and would listen because you are beautiful and powerful" Harry's eyes narrowed "I listened to you the first time because I was intruding, but it seems you misunderstood it for weakness"
Death narrowed her own eyes "you haven't apologised for that yet" she countered
"I apologise for peeking" Harry immediately responded, throwing her off. Harry then looked her in the eye. When he found her not planning to do anything he sighed "very well" and turned to exit
"Sorry" he heard causing him to pause he then turned to face her. She was scowling "don't get used to it, I'm only doing it for Destiny"
Harry smiled 'tsundere are fine too'
"I'm not a tsundere" she shouted surprising Harry "yes I can hear your surface thoughts"
Harry immediately put up his occlumency shields "rude" he grumbled "let's talk" he said as he walked past her towards the living room
Death rolled her eyes and followed 'at least it'll be interesting' she thought
Harry understood the situation from Death. Apparently, being an omnipotent being is extremely lonely. When she complained to Destiny, her big sister, she decided to create three artefacts using Death's power.
The deathly Hollows
She then disguised herself as death and gave the Peverell brothers the Hollows. When the hollows are in the possession of a single individual, that individual will be Death's master.
Death through a tantrum after destiny told her what she did. She went and hunted the brothers, but could only find two of the three. Eventually she gave up and chose to ignore it… even if Destiny's prophesies were always correct.
And so now Harry was sitting in front of her as the prophesised Master "so the matter is your choice?" Harry asked
"Yes" death responded with a smug smirk
"And?" Harry urged
"Not impressed" she waved him off
Harry nodded in understanding "then we're done here right?" he spoke surprising Death
"Wait, that's it? You're not gonna try winning me over or something?" she was understandably confused. Who wouldn't want to have the power over death?
Harry smiled and took out the three artefacts placing them in Death's lap "congratulations, you're the master of death" he said with a half-smile walking away
It was then death felt something odd from him. Like her power calling out to serve him "wait…" she called before she understood "King?" she asked
Harry thought for a second before transforming to a weretiger "yes" Harry spoke calmly
Death eyes widened, the black on Harry's tiger form reminded her of her own power "how do you possess power over death?" she asked as she traced his lines with her delicate fingers
Harry noticed the blackness of his fur was deeper like the void and smiled "Genbu" he answered
Death looked as if in thought then a look of realisation came upon her "the black tortoise blessed by Darkness" she exclaimed in surprise
Harry nodded "I've awakened one and partially awakened the other guardian beasts, Byakko is fully awakened and it seems me being near you will awaken Genbu too" Harry smiled at her in his tiger form, making his smile seem more predatory to Death
She laughed "and how did you awaken them?"
Harry stumbled. Would she be angry at him for taking souls? Oh well "I've absorbed the souls of several creatures that resembled the four Gaurdians"
Death's merry mood vanished as she asked "even a phoenix's?"
Harry hurriedly denied "no, it was a philosopher stone, which is the result of the sacrifice of a phoenix soul among other things"
Death relaxed with a sigh "phoenixes are too pure to be sacrificed like that, also, I have several phoenix souls here with me"
"You're willing to give me one?" he asked her
"Sure, but I want to try something else too" she placed a condition
Harry felt okay absorbing the soul of an already dead phoenix "what do you need?"
"Absorb these" she gave him the hollows earning a look from Harry "don't look at me like that and just do it" she rolled her eyes
Harry complied and just as he was done absorbing the cloak he felt something click in him.
Suddenly the blue eyes of the tiger Harry turned completely black, including his claws and the tips of his fingers tows and ears. The aura of darkness emitting from him grew much stronger, and he once again felt imbalanced.
"Harry regained his awareness and felt that he was much, much stronger than he originally was, but more than anything, he feels that he can take a tank shell to the head without a scratch.
Harry was pulled out of his stupor when Death piped in
"A Dark King is quite fitting as a master of death"