It was the day after Harry's visit to Gringotts that the papers had a field day with the news of Azkaban being devoid of… everything.
Harry had taken the opportunity to his advantage by having the daily prophet run speculations, just to tweak the ministry's figurative nose.
Soon enough, Harry had to just sit back and let the sheep do all the work. The rumour mill went wild, going as far as to say merlin returned and cleansed the island himself.
"Bunch of dumbasses" Harry shook his head putting down the report he got from the elves spy network as Ramis laughed from his side
"C'mon we have a Yule ball to attend" she reminded Harry
Harry sighed and got up to change for the night. Tonight's ball will be slightly special as it will take place in the Paris to celebrate the opening of the success of the French branch of Better Tasting Potions.
This means Fleur will be there, and fortunately everyone else will be there too.
Harry, as the host had to be there early to great everyone coming. As this is a formal event, many important people from the French ministry were invited as well.
Harry was tired after the first five arrived, and now he was somewhere in the twenties.
His frustration turned to happiness when the Delacours arrived "Harry!" shouted a small blond missile as she slammed into him
"Gabrielle Delacour, I taught you better than this" the angry shouts of Apolline Delacour sounded after the little girl
Harry's laughter rang through the entrance Hall of the ballroom "it's fine Madam, I was getting bored out of my mind with all the formality anyway" Harry spoke as he got up morphing into a taller version and holding up the six year old Delacour, who was giggling mischievously
"Hello Harry" Fleur and her father came after the two and fleur greeted with a courtesy
Harry quirked a brow looking at Apolline "what did you do, and how do I get my hugger Fleur back?" he asked, causing said girl to blush and her father to cough to hide his laugh
Madam Delacour gave a sideway glare at her husband and then turned to Harry "a lady needs to act like one" she explained
Harry, however was not having any of it "Fleur" he called to the girl in question and opened his arm wide "hug"
That was all it took as the fourteen year old girl pounced as if standing on a spring and took the slightly taller Harry in a bone crushing hug. She hadn't seen him since summer after all.
Harry, like the mature person he is stuck a tongue out at Apolline while returning the hug he was receiving.
The party was not fun, but it was a pleasant occasion. Harry was able to dance with all his, or soon to be his girls and judging by how Nymmi took Luna, Daphne, Hermione and Fleur to the side, it's going to be sooner than soon.
Like most moves Harry makes, he did this for a reason. The last horcrux resides with the Malfoy family, he needed Luscious to do what he did in cannon and send it to Hogwarts, but Harry didn't have a guarantee that it will be done, so he needed Luscious to hate Dumbles more to make sure.
Harry knew that Malfoy means bad faith in French, so he made contacts with the French ministry through the ball and had them find why the Malfoy were named as such.
Turns out that around the start of the second millennia (year 1050s) the Armand Malfoy previously known as Armand no-name blackmailed the various nobles with the use of secrets gained through the employ of whores. He then used the nobles to gain a noble name.
The noble names for wizards however are gained through the king and the king alone. It was made so to insure no foul play was done through magic.
While the king had to give a noble name to Armand through the pressure of several noble houses, he was not told what it needed to be, so in an act of retaliation the king named it Bad Faith aka Malfoy.
The newly decorated Malfoy knew he couldn't change it as it is a noble name from the King. Add to that the fact that the pressure on him from the nobles he blackmailed is starting to get too heavy on him and the solution was there, GET THE FUCK OUT.
So by the year 1066 Malfoy did a service to the king William the first, no one knew what, but it is implied and gained land for it.
Then the pimp Armand Malfoy established his family as a pureblood one.
A redacted version of the story is to be published during the summer with the source of information being an anonymous, well known and trusted, old wizard with great experience in life and with children… you get it.
The rumour mill will do its work and voila.
For now however, Harry was going back to Hogwarts. He needed to play his role as a child while magical Europe was in chaos about losing Azkaban.
The rest of the year went ok, nothing interesting happened save for Hermione finally officially joining the group by preforming her first prank.
She had a double in potions that day, and used Snape's habit of hovering around them to attach a charmed pebble to his robes.
The pebble had three functions. The first is for it to be undetectable, the second is for it to attach through a one part sticking charms, to avoid it sticking to other things and the last is for it to play certain tunes when Snape moves and the cape bellows.
The tunes were as follows :
Batman intro (1966)
Imperial March from star wars
The Godfather Theme Song
And so on and so forth. The charms only lasted the day, but it had Severus stuck in his office the whole day as the music came out of nothing and he didn't know it was from his own robes.
Once the charm wore off the pebble would disintegrate to dust and so, the perfect prank was executed on a professor, and Hermione was the one who did it. Good times.
Somehow, Dumbles got wind that the real meaning behind FADA was not in fact fighting against darkness association but Fuck Albus Dumbledore Association. Baseless of course but Harry decided to compromise and called it Ultimate defence association instead, or UDA for short.
"So what's the real meaning?" Theo asked Harry after he announced the name change
Harry looked at Theo as if confused "I don't know what you mean" he answered causing him and the rest to roll their eyes but let it go. They would later find out it stands for Up Dumbledore's Ass, much to their amusement.
By the end of the year UDA's NEWT level students could all cast the Patronus, which is an automatic pass for the practical test of DADA and charms. While the OWL level students could cast almost every charm bellow fifth year, except the fifth years who actually can cast all of fifth year spells.
Harry made it easy for them, "Magic works with the wizard or witch's will. You believe you can, so you can. If you cast a spell and know it will work, it will work" simple and to the point, and they could use it with every spell they cast.
Harry wouldn't know this for a while, but Flitwick spread Harry's description of casting among the faculty, prompting them to alter and use it to fit their subjects when teaching… mainly McGonagall.
The exams came and they were stupidly easy. Then again, Harry could test for his NEWTs and pass easy… but Hogwarts, the girls and the overall fun are worth staying for.
But he can think about that later. For now,
Summer is coming.