Magic & Technology

The girls were worried. Harry hasn't slept, eaten or bathed in more than a week. Since he got that strange ingot, he spent all his time in the workshop he has on the Gardens.

They were just about to break into the workshop to pull him out, when the workshop's door opened. They looked at the shirtless, sweaty and very well built Harry with wide eyes.

"That is so unfair" Luna spoke

"I don't look that good after not bathing for a week and I'm a metamorph" Nymmi added and the girls all nodded

Harry was too tired to deal with this so he just cast an aguamenti (water-making spell) at them, surprising them "to deal with your thirst" Harry smiled and walked away, having better things to do rather than be eye candy

Harry walked towards his room and went to bath, soon after joined by the girls. He had told them that there won't be any sex till they reached adulthood like Nymmi and Fleur did.

Luna was, of course, miffed but was quickly sedated with a make out session and heavy petting. All complaints were similarly squashed by Harry and his Parseltongue.

After a lovely bath in a large tub with six lovely young women as Grayfia said she was too busy to join, Harry passed out from exhaustion and slept a full twelve hour half-day, waking up at dawn the next day.

Harry took note that he will need a bigger bed as the queen size was barely able to hold all of them, maybe he'll make some.

Harry extracted himself from the entanglement of hands and legs as best he can without waking anyone up. He then went to the throne room in the Gardens and took something from his pocket. Harry placed it behind the throne room and connected it to the throne.

The throne of the Hanging Gardens is the equivalent of a control panel for it. Harry made sure the magical link was up and running and continued inspecting and testing stuff.

A few moments later a very much panicked Semiramis burst into the throne room "who's here?" she asked in a low and dangerous voice

"Calm down Ramis, it's just me" Harry waved from behind the throne pedestal "come here"

"My lord?" she asked, surprised "what happened? why do I feel my authority over the gardens being shared?"

"because it is, but isn't" Harry smiled "you will still be the main authority but…"


Domina was bored. Another summer came and Harry, her master was gone along with all the students. Her master would visit her from time to time, but she missed him.

A moment after, her thoughts were interrupted as she sensed him coming into the castle. She immediately appeared before him "welcome back, my lord" she greeted

Harry smiled "hello Domina, how have you been?" he asked as he moved up the stairs. They continued talking until they reached the room of requirements.

"What do you need my lord?" Domina asked

"I need to see your heart" Harry spoke and pulled out a carving knife

Domina was understandably hesitant. The last time someone came to her heart they made her a prisoner. She hesitated only a moment but decided to trust Harry; he was her master after all.

Harry smiled when the door appeared and walked in. he approached the large stone and started observing it, scanning it and in the end, he carved a small rune in the corner.

Harry smiled at Domina in an "I know something you don't" way and asked her to sense her domain.

Domina was confused for a second but suddenly felt it. She opened a window in the wall towards the direction of the feeling she had and saw it, her eyes widened and she spoke softly "the Hanging Gardens?"


Harry and the girls were in the Gardens, sitting under the tree of life enjoying a casual picnic "so Harry, are you gonna tell us what you've been working on this whole time?" Hermione asked

Harry looked surprised "I didn't tell you?" he asked

When he received head shakes in the negative he finished his sandwich quickly and began to move "follow me"

The girls took their choice food with them, leaving the rest behind. Harry led them to the throne room and guided them to behind the throne where a giant grey metallic cube was sitting.

The cube had all sorts of ruins and technology attached to it, which was unbelievable, as magic generates a wave similar to an EMP.

"Ok, so I received an ingot of Uru a while back. Using my ability as a crafter I scanned and replicated the metal using energy" Harry felt it was too early to say he was a god

Hermione lifted her arm as if in class and asked "what about conservation of energy law?"

"It's magic" Harry deadpanned "anyways I was able to create several ingots of it and was finally able to create this" Harry gestured towards the large metallic cube

"And this is?" Fleur asked

"A computer/ward stone" Harry looked giddy "basically it combines magic and technology, and it's all thanks to this" Harry then created an Uru ingot to show the girls

"How exactly does that help? And what are you doing with that cube?" Nymmi asked as she inspected the ingot

"For that you need to know about Uru and Asgard. First of all Asgard is the city of the Nordic gods, such as Odin, Thor, Loki etc. Asgardians were proficient in both magic and technology and were able to combine them to form one large compendium, aptly called Asgardian magic" Harry looked at his girls who were listening intently before continuing

"They were able to do so because of their inherent magical power and this" Harry gestured to the ingot "Uru has the passive ability of being a great conductor of magic. Add a few runes here and there and it can absorb or disperse it too"

"So… you basically made anti-magic technology?" Hermione asked

"No no no" Harry denied quickly "I made a devise that is a mixture of both" Harry explained

"That still doesn't tell us why" Nymmi asserted her original question "it's a great breakthrough, but it won't be useful till like 2000, so why the urgency?"

Harry smiled "I wanted an A.I"

Nymmi immediately went on alert "SKYNET?"

Harry face-palmed "I should've never let you watch that" Harry complained "no, not Skynet. I was thinking more along the lines of Domina"

"You called?" Domina showed up, surprising the girls

"How are you here? I thought you can't leave Hogwarts" Daphne asked

"Master Harry copied my heart's runes onto the Uru block and added a link rune. Once he carved the pair to the link rune on my original heart I was able to manifest in both places at once" Domina explained

Harry took over "I was actually working on this for years, ever since she helped me, but I lacked the materials" he shrugged

"So, if you've been here all this time, where were you?" Daphne asked

"Browsing the internet" she replied "it's so easy to learn stuff there" she explained. The internet was available since 1990, and now 5 years later Harry has established several companies on specific, internet related services like social media, video hosting sites etc. He is probably responsible for progressing the internet at least five years ahead of the original timeline

"Um, sorry but, what is the internet?" Fleur asked

"And what is a com-comp- competer?" Luna asked

Harry smacked his forehead hard

"Damn wizards"