My Beginning

I wake up in an alleyway, it was not anything special, just a normal big-city alleyway, full of dumpsters, escape routs on the walls from the windows and puddles of god-knows-what on the ground.

Was this hell? Or heaven? Probably neither, hell is most likely not a big city alleyway, and I do not think you get into heaven for murder a bunch of kids, no matter the cause.

Was I in a limbo maybe?

Maybe I was now a ghost? Destined to haunt human race for all internity?

Suddenly, while I was lying there, I heard an oddly familiar voice.

"Finally, your awake. You had me worried there!"

I sat up to look at the source of the voice.

It was the guard Jackson.

Yup, definitely the guard. He was wearing a pair of jaguar gym pants with a simple white shirt that stretched so tightly against his muscles that I thought it was going to rip from any moment. I was so surprised by me being in an alleyway with a prison guard outside the prison that I had forgotten one, small fact:

"I'm alive?"

"Yup, you caused quite the explosion."

I must've looked pretty confused, because Jackson gave away a small nervous chuckle in his childish voice of his before handing me a newspaper.

I tried to read, but I had dyslexia, together with ADHD, ADD (yes it is a thing to be diagnosed with both) and High-functioning autism. After a while I was able to read the front page,


Nora Blood, a deathrow inmate at Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago, escaped in an explosion during her death sentance procedure.

No confirmed dead or injured, although it is suspected that a Jack Sulpher escaped into the chaos as well.

If you see these two individuals, you are to contact the authorities imediately, as these two are considered extremely dangerous.

Great! I was an escapee, without even escaping. Was Jacksson there to bring me back? No, there would be police for that, not correction officers.

"What the heck happened? I felt the serum through my veins and everything? How am I not dead? And, even better, where even are we?" I asked, plenty confused. I thought about Adding the question of if the truly caused the explosion he reffered to, and in That case, how. But before I could, he turned around, gesturing for me to follow. I didn 'have any real reason to follow, other than to have my questions answered. So thats what i did. Where else would I go? I had no idea of ​​where I was - other than in a stinky alleyway.

We walked out of the alleyway - which I thought was stupid considering my face was probably well known by now. But so far so good.

After what seemed like hours of walking, I was trying to recognize anything that would indicate that we were still in Chicago, no such luck. But I did notice - for the first time - that I wasnt wearing my jumpsuit, either. I was back to wearing my leather jacket and black jeans with a simple, purple t-shirt.

"Where are we?" I realized that I was starting to sound like one of those are-we-there-yet kind of girls but I did not care, I was freaking out right now and I was hungry and tired - even though I was past out for who- knows how long!

I noticed that it was not cold outside, nor was there any snow. This meant that I was either one: in a city furhter south, or two: I was gone for months, and it was late spring or early summer. I decided that it was the first option, at least until proven otherwise. If I was in a coma, then I must have been in a hospital or something, but I was apparently not found yet - evident by my lack of orange jumpsuit.

I looked at the street sing that we passed, it said: west end avenue. For some reason I felt like I recognized that street ... I finally chose to shrug it off though. soon Jackson stopped in front of a building entrance, the entrance were big glass doors, there was black, polished stone surrounding the doors and stretching up to the second floor, with a big sign in small letters


"This is it, he'll want to meet you before we head to camp. Just say to the doorman that you have apointment with 'RR.'" I was about to ask what the heck 'RR' was, why he wasn ' t following me in 'caus he was obviously going to take me back to prison - also ask why we were pit-stopping here - and why we were at a broadcasting company.

But when I turned around, he had vanished. "the heck?" I muttered, before entering. I was quite skeptical by now.

But no one had recognized me yet - I think - so whoever worked / lived here might not recognize me either.

The doorman was sitting behind the desk with a magazine mashed into his face. He looked up at me, if he recognized me from the news then he did not show. "What is it kid?"

I hesitated before replying. "Uh, I have an appointment?" I tried to act confident, to not raise suspicion - failed quite bad. He raised an eyebrow "With who may i ask?" The french doorman said. I hesitated again to remember what Jackson said. "With RR." I finally said.The doorman stood up at my answer and ruffled through his drawer, handing me a green visitor key-card.

"Third floor." He said as he pointed me towards the elevator.