Never show your true colors, be tough, be deadly, be a mystery wrapped in darkness.
It's better that way.
Better than having your heart shattered in a million different ways.
Better than crying over someone who didn't care. 'Cause you are just this useless thing to them anyway. They don't want your affection and attention? THEN fuck them! Quit crying over someone who doesn't even care, who doesn't even know you exist. Grab your mask, put it on, head to war. Grab that sword shield, defend yourself, fight 'til you find your match.
Better than loving someone who won't love you back. 'cause you're an idiot with nothing to do but love other people. You're a little ray of motherfucking sunshine, aren't you? To hell with that, Show your rays of light to those who deserve it. To those who will show their colors, to those who will fucking care, those willing to give their all just like you. Until then, show them your darkness, show them the pain, show them the evil within you. Let's see if they'll stay.
Better than showing the real you, only for them to step on it, break what's already broken. 'Cause the real you is a GEM. The real you is a treasure. The real you is an achievement that everyone has to unlock. DON'T JUST GIVE YOURSELF OUT WILLY NILLY LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT! All they'll do is step on you 'til you're nothing but a pile of shitty emotions, 'til you're nothing but a sad sack of useless, uninspired crap. You're a GEM. Remember that. But 'til then, Show them the mirror, show them what they want to see, not what you are. Be a mystery wrapped in darkness.
Sure, the right person will arrive. There will be that one person who will shine light upon you're sad, useless, existential life. There will be that one person to remove you from you're box and love you for who and what you are and will be. There will come a time that they will drop their weapons, defenses, and everything just to be with your depressed ass.
But until then
Never show your true colors, be tough, be deadly, be a mystery wrapped in darkness.
It's better that way.
Better than having your heart shattered in a million different ways.
Hide the treasure that is your heart.