It's funny, usually I'd move on by now.
But somehow I still find myself looking at you.
You were supposed to be "the one". You were supposed to be the end game.
You were supposed to be the answer to the questions.
It sucks, you know? 5 years down the drain.
But you know, I don't regret anything. All the fights, petty arguments, cold moments, bumps, loop de loops, and all the crap we went through, I don't regret it.
You gave me lessons that I will hold dear to me. You gave me memories that I will never forget.
You made me feel everything there is to feel, made the happiest man on earth just to be with you.
I miss you.
I miss holding your hand.
I miss staring into your cute almond shaped eyes.
I miss telling you you meant the world to me.
I miss having you in my heart.
But like all good things, it had to end. God had different plans.
You were supposed to be the one.
You were THE one.
Well, that's done now.
But who knows? Maybe, just maybe we'll cross paths again someday.