Another Mission

Dumbledore sat in the kitchen of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, stroking his long beard as he examined the locket that was laid before him. To his left, Molly Weasley stood silently.

"Thank-you, Molly, for your diligence in finding this."

Mrs. Weasley blushed slightly. "What do you plan to do with it, Albus?"

"It must be destroyed." Dumbledore sighed. "If only I knew how many of these Tom made, because I am certain there are more then one. The notebook Neville, Ron, and Hermione destroyed was a Horcruxes. To discover how many more exist, I will need the help of an old friend."

Mrs. Weasley tilted her head to the side.

"Horace Slughorn," Dumbledore continued. "Tom was a favorite of his, and I believe he might provide information that would solve our conundrum."

A new figure entered the room. "Dumbledore, we just stopped a Death Eater raid." Kingsley Shacklebolt directed to Dumbledore. "We need you down at the Ministry, to question some of the captured Death Eaters."

Rising from his chair, Dumbledore glanced down at the silver watch and frowned. "Molly, I need you to guard this watch. When I return, I will destroy it."

Mrs. Weasley picked up the pocket watch and placed it in one of her pockets. "It is safe with me, Albus."

"Once again, Molly, thank-you." The aged headmaster said, then turned to Shacklebolt. "We mustn't keep the Minister waiting."

"I am not here for 'your' amusement, Draco." Harry stated firmly, while holding back the urge to laugh.

Draco Malfoy froze, but seeing the amused glint in his friend's eyes chose to continue. "I want details! Weasel-bait has a right to hear how his brother's face was ruined. I would also like to tell Potter how his father almost died."

Harry's hands grasped the end of the chair's arm. "There isn't much to tell. Weasley was my path out, and then Potter got in my way." His hand moved without thought to his healing cheek. "It still burns," he muttered.

"Shame you didn't kill him." Malfoy drawled. "God I hate that brat son of his! I'm glad you look nothing like him."

Harry froze slightly. "It is only a technicality that I am related to them."

"You are nothing like them." Draco quickly added. "The Potter brat is just as bad as the Weasley twins, especially since they took him under their wings. Hogwarts has really gone downhill! Get rid of the trash, and it would return to the caliber it was before."

Harry's face dimmed at the mention of Hogwarts, knowing that soon Draco would be leaving him. "You sound like my father." A small smile replaced the scowl that had formed on Harry's face. "He has great plans for Hogwarts along with the rest of the Wizarding World."

An envious look appeared on Draco's face. "If only we all had your luck."

Harry's eyebrows rose.

"To be raised as the Dark Lord's son and heir, that is a fate many would kill to have. You also don't have to sit behind a desk, being taught by mudblood lovers! I would do anything to be out there."

"The job is not all it seems to be." Harry glanced away from his friend. "Some of the traitors really know how to fight."

"Referring to the Emmeline Vance job?"

Harry nodded. "She presented the most challenge. It was partially my fault for not being as cautious." Harry paused, thinking back to that moment. "In the fight, she knocked off my mask. She hesitated, which was her downfall. She couldn't kill me, because she could only see her best friend's son."

A cold smile crept on to the blonde's face. "The expression on her face must have been priceless."

"An expression of horror." Harry stated lightly. "If she hadn't seen my face, she might have won the duel. Instead, she let her emotions take control of her."

Draco's smile became more pronounced. "She aimed to 'save' you. Why do they always believe that we are in need of saving from the darkness?"

"The same reason they believe my father is evil."

"Ignorance. The blind leading the blind."

The door to the sitting room suddenly opened, and Voldemort entered. It was easily discerned that he was in a rage. His pale face was livid. Upon his entry, Draco fell into a bow, as Harry rose to greet his father.

"The Ministry and Order have interfered in yet another one of my raids!" His eyes moved over Harry's form. "Nymphadora Tonks is responsible for the latest crackdown by the Ministry. I want you to rid me of her."

Harry's eyes darkened slightly, which his father quickly caught.

"What has he said to you?" Voldemort pointed toward Draco.

"Nothing," Harry was quick to say. "I was just expecting more time here."

"Leave, Malfoy." Like everyone else, Malfoy quickly obeyed the Dark Lord's order. With Draco gone, Voldemort cupped his hands under Harry's chin, raising it until he could clearly see into his emerald eyes. "What is troubling you? You look as if you haven't slept in days." The Dark Lord with one finger traced the black ellipses that were formed under his son's eyes.

Harry could not bring himself to look away, but still found he could not answer his father's question. In the back of his mind, he could feel his father tugging into his memories. Before his eyes, he suddenly saw Pierce. The dead man opened his mouth and spoke the words that haunted his thoughts, 'Have you ever questioned why some of them were killed'. His father delved further into the memory, until he suddenly withdrew from Harry's mind.

"Never question what you have done, Harry. You are nothing more then a good son, who does as his father bids. If I could I would punish Pierce for the harm his words have done, but I can do nothing."

Harry's demeanor softened. "How-."

"Shh. You are not to trouble yourself with that. What we have done is to make our lives safe. If we had allowed some of them to live, we might have died long ago. It is for our protection that we kill." Voldemort enveloped his son in a hug. "You will remain here, and rest."

"No," Harry said steadily. "I will take this mission for you."

"You will only watch her. If, however, you are given the perfect opening, act on it." Voldemort eyed Harry carefully. "You are too selfless at times. When you return, I promise you that you will be given a long rest."

"Thank-you, father." Harry said, as he moved to leave the room.

Voldemort stopped him suddenly. "Remember this Harry, his words meant nothing. He knows nothing of which he speaks."

As Harry began to leave the room, he paused briefly. Looking over his shoulder at his father, he forced a smile on to his face. "I will keep your words in mind."

Diagon Alley was a buzz of activity, as students of Hogwarts came to buy their items that were needed for the new school year. Sitting at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, Harry could almost forget that there was a war being waged. He felt some remorse knowing that soon his father's war would spread even into the carefree atmosphere of Diagon Alley. For a moment longer he surveyed the crowds of families moving about there business, before he returned his attention back to his target.

Tonks stood out among the crowd with her bubblegum colored hair, which she currently had spiked. She seemed to favor it that way, for in the three days that Harry had been observing her, she keep returning to that particular look.

Today the Auror had company in the form of Kingsley Shacklebolt. They appeared to be waiting for someone. Harry frowned as he watched them examine the crowd. Raising a Daily Prophet, he hid his face, as their eyes moved toward the ice cream parlor. After a few moments, Harry lowered the paper. His emerald eyes catching every move the pair made.

To the left, a group of people walked up to the two Aurors. Harry recognized many members of the group. The four Weasley children were easily distinguished by the red hair they all shared. They appeared to be accompanied by their mother. He also picked out Neville Longbottom, who had his grandmother standing near him. The girl with the brown hair he did not recognize, so he skimmed over her until his eyes fell on the last two of the group, a red-haired woman with emerald eyes and a boy, who closely resembled her save for his hazel eyes.

His eyes fell briefly to the Prophet he held, before returning to the group, which was walking toward Flourish & Blott's. The two Aurors' presence became apparent to Harry. They were there to protect Longbottom. Pushing back on the chair, Harry rose to leave. He would catch up to his target when she was alone.

Dorian Potter blinked, and when he looked back toward Fortescue's the teenager was gone, leaving him to question if the young man had ever been there. His thoughts did not linger long on the matter, as he had not seen much of the teenager's features. Instead, his attention turned back to his mother, who was looking rather pale. Since his father's near death, his mother had looked ill. Dorian frowned knowing that she was not sleeping well and worried far too much.

"He's fine, mum."

Lily looked wistfully at her son. "To have the invincibility of youth," she whispered. "One day you will see that there is no such thing as immortality."

"One shouldn't linger on it." Dorian pointed out.

"I don't want to lose anymore of our family."

"You won't, mum."

Putting up a good show, Lily smiled for her son's benefit. "While you're making promises, can I get your word that this year we will not be receiving any owls from the Headmaster?"

"That I cannot promise you." Dorian stated with a mischievous light in his eyes, reminding Lily of James. "It's Fred and George's final year… they want to go out with a bang."

Lily moaned. "Shouldn't they be focusing on their N.E.W.T.'s?"

"The only reason they are coming back at all is because Mrs. Weasley is forcing them to."

"You are too much like your father."

Dorian smirked. "So I'm set on finding a beautiful witch?"

"Buttering me up will not make me less angry when the owls start coming!" Lily said before repeating her previous statement. "You're too much like your father."

Tonks moved to the pair and smiled. "After we finish at Flourish & Blott's, we will go to Quality Quidditch Supplies, so our young chaser can get his new broom."

"I can get a Firebolt, right?"

Lily sighed. "You can get the Firebolt, since both you and your father think you need it."

Dorian smiled and walked rapidly forward to tell his victory to the Weasley twins, who were both beaters on the Gryffindor team. Tonks, however, remained behind with Lily.

"Lily, I will be leaving once we get to Flourish & Blott's. Hagrid will be taking my place from there on."

"Where are you going?" Lily asked, her eyes narrowing on the younger woman.

"I just got a call from the office." Tonks sighed before continuing. "I'm hoping it won't take long. I really need some rest."

"It seems none of us have been sleeping well."

Tonks bit her lower lip. "I have the feeling that I am being watched."

Lily's mouth widened. "Tonks, perhaps, it would be best if you stayed at headquarters."

"I have no proof. I think most of the time, I'm being overly paranoid."

"I know that feeling."

Just ahead of the pair, Flourish & Blott's came into sight. Tonks smiled and gave Lily a brief hug.

"I'll be in touch."

Tonks had been alone in her small apartment for two hours now. Harry stretched his back, as he silently watched Tonk's apartment. It was the perfect opportunity and he saw no reason as to why he should not act on it. Removing his wand from his pocket, he began to leave his hiding place.

In the back of his mind, he felt his father's familiar presence, and wondered why he was contacting him now.

'Harry, I need you to forget the half-blood and go lead my Death Eaters. They have engaged themselves with the Order of the Phoenix.'

'How does it fare?'

'We are losing. That is why I need you there.'

The location entered Harry's head. 'I will arrive immediately.'

'Bring them my wrath, my son.'

With those parting words, Voldemort retreated from Harry's mind. Harry looked up at the now darkened apartment, and knew where his target had gone. Perhaps, he would still be able to complete this mission after all. Closing his eyes, Harry apparated to where his father's Death Eaters waged war.