Oppressive darkness draped over the large chamber, of the kind no light could penetrate. Silence reigned over this separate realm. It had the feel of a death chamber, where its occupant waited for bereavement. Obsidian hexagonal tiles covered the floor, giving off a faint gleam. At the far end, a lavish armchair gazed into the hearth. Around the delicate legs of the chair, a snake lay basking in the warmth of the smoldering flames.

Bellatrix Lestrange remained a safe distance from the armchair, for in it sat one of the few individuals she had ever feared. She had every right to be frightened of him. Especially now since, it was her shortcoming that had caused Harry to be captured. After her recovery, Lestrange had instantly felt the Dark Lord's fury toward her. He avoided her at all cost. She knew she treaded a very thin line. Without Harry, her position had suddenly become much weaker.

Knowing the inevitableness, Bellatrix briskly walked to stand beside the chair. She fell into a deep bow. "My Lord."

Fingers tapped the arm, slowly with determination. They continued to do so. Bellatrix felt her legs begin to waver, as time passed drudgingly. Her face glistened with uncertainty, yet she dare not say a word.

"We received an exceptionally bizarre letter for Lucius's son very late last night." Voldemort paused. "We could not make sense from it. Do you know what that means?"

Bellatrix found her hope rising. "Harry's at Hogwarts."

"My spies have alerted me that Dumbledore has increased the security around and in the school." Voldemort's fingers grasped the arm, digging into its fabric. "The esteemed Headmaster knows."

"My Lord, how can you be certain?" Bellatrix asked cautiously, half expecting the Cruciatus Curse to be placed on her.

Voldemort turned in the chair, and Bellatrix saw his red eyes rest on her. "Harry would have been sent to Azkaban. Instead, he is kept near to great fool." Bellatrix heard the fluctuation in her master's voice, as he struggled to remain composed. "My dear old professor knows my strategy. But I also know his."

Bellatrix nodded, Dumbledore would never change. "He will seek to turn Harry to the 'light', and then use him as a weapon against us."

Voldemort turned his attention back to the consuming fire before him. "He will try, however, Dumbledore does not see the full extent of Harry's potential. He sees only a child. Dumbledore will refuse to see anything other then a child. What he cannot see is that that child died, leaving only a shell." Voldemort rose from his chair. "I already have Malfoy and Snape working to bring Harry back. I want you to aid them. Consider this a chance to atone for your mistake."

"Thank-you, my Lord. You are far too gracious."

Voldemort's hand rested on the mantle of the hearth, looking exceedingly pale against its black stone. "Bring him back to me, Bellatrix."

"I will," Lestrange whispered.

Voldemort listened, as his servant's footsteps echoed hollowly throughout the chamber. He could only hope that she would bring progress, and somehow he knew she would.

The classroom rang with irksome voices, discussing minor details of their owners' lives. One unruly black haired boy sat quietly in the front row, staring aimlessly. He ignored his fellows. His hands toyed with the wand that lay on his desk, trying to remember the scene that had played through his head when Potter had handed it to him. Harry frowned, when he recalled the flash of memory that he was given, as the wand was handed to him. His mind could not go further with the memory, so he brushed it aside for the time being.

The seat beside him scraped backward. Slowly, Harry turned his head to stare at the occupant of that chair. Beside him sat a round-faced boy with brown hair. Harry instantly recognized him as Neville Longbottom, and then turned away.

"Neville, if you want I can sit there." Harry recognized the voice of Ron Weasley.

"That's alright," Neville answered. "I know it would put you out."

Weasley nodded before taking a seat directly behind Harry. Granger sat reluctantly beside her friend, her eyes glancing nervously in Harry's direction. Her eyes widened when she saw that he actually held a wand. She looked about to say something, but stopped when the Professor walked in. Harry, instantly, recognized the werewolf.

Lupin moved to his desk and rested his worn briefcase on its surface. The tired-looking professor then studied the class his eyes resting perhaps longer on Harry.

"Today's class will be more of a practical nature." Lupin said. "I am sure you are aware of the increase in Voldemort's movements. Many of you have even been closely affected by the Death Eaters' raids." The professor paused. "It is my task to make sure that you are capable to defend yourself. I will have you break into pairs. Once you are broken into pairs, I want you to practice dueling. You will not start until I tell you to begin."

Lupin moved over to Harry just as Ronald Weasley challenged the somber raven-haired boy.

"Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter will be sitting out." Lupin said casually, though his voice possessed an edge.

"My name is not Potter." Harry said, breaking his oath to remain quiet.

Before Lupin could say anything, Weasley turned on his professor. "I'm not afraid to fight him!"

Lupin winced at Ron's loud statement. His eyes shifted to see that the other students were now listening to their conversation. "Remember this is not a duel to the death." As he said this, his eyes remained firmly on Harry.

Harry gave a slight nod before following Weasley to a cleared spot.

"I don't know what was in Dumbledore's head when he gave you that!" Weasley fumed through his teeth. "I am going to make you pay."

A smirk touched Harry's lips, as his eyes assumed their obdurate look. "What makes you think you can win? The reason I am here is because of some bizarre fluke. I have never been defeated in one-on-one combat."

Weasley's eyes flashed dangerously, deepening Harry's amusement. Perhaps Harry allowed too much of his entertainment to show, because Weasley's face reddened further in rage.

"Face your partner," Lupin's voice called to his students. "BEGIN!"

"Expelliarmus!" Ron shouted.

Harry effortlessly dodged the spell. His smile became more pronouced. He winked at the flustered boy standing in front of him, whose face was threatening by the second to take on the shade of a radish.


Harry waved his wand, causing the curse to fall harmlessly to the side. He yawned.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Once again, Harry blocked this spell. In the background, he heard Lupin calling to Ron to stop. Weasley, however, did not appear to have heard the professor.

With a flick of his wand, Harry sent Ronald Weasley flying across the room with a banishing charm.

"That is enough both of you!" Lupin shouted at the pair, as Ron shot to his feet. Lupin turned to survey the rest of the students, who were watching with shocked expressions. "Now-."

Lupin was cut off by gasps, as Ron lunged at his former partner. In a flash of movement, Harry pulled Ron's arm up behind his back, pinning the furious youth to the ground.

"MR. WEASLEY! MR. POTTER! That is enough!" Lupin's hand fastened on his wand, as he warily eyed Harry.

Harry returned the werewolf's gaze. He was tempted to retain his hold on Weasley, as means to test Lupin. In the end, however, he released his grasp on Ron and stood. He noticed that Lupin's face relaxed greatly. Weasley was instantly backing away for Harry, his eyes wide with alarm. His once flaming face was now pale, causing his freckles to stand out.

"I think that is enough for today. If you would read the first two chapters in your textbooks for next time…" As a side note he added. "Mr. Potter, you will remain after class, and Mr. Weasley I would like to talk with you later tonight."

The classroom emptied, leaving Harry alone with Lupin.

"Your wand, please, Harry." Lupin said, as he held out his hand.

Harry wordlessly handed over his wand.

"Your father should be coming soon."

"He is not my father." Harry retorted.

A sad expression draped Lupin's pale face. "My eyes tell me differently." The professor moved to sit behind his desk. "No matter how much you might deny it, you are James Potter's son, not Voldemort's."

The door swung open, and James Potter entered, surveying the room, as if he expected it to be ruined.

"Moony, it is good to see you still in one piece." James said with a lopsided grin. "It doesn't appear that you had to stun him, either."

Lupin smiled faintly. "He did, however, manage to knock some sense into Mr. Weasley… or so I hope." At James's questioning look, Remus continued. "I had them practice dueling today. I was going to have Harry sit it out for obvious reasons. However Mr. Weasley was determined to duel with him. It ended with Ronald pinned to the ground."

James eyed the quiet youth, before returning his attention to Remus. "I'll see you later. Right now Dumbledore is expecting us."

"Take care, James." Remus answered slyly. "You had better inform Albus of the incident that occurred here."

James nodded his head. "It was a bad idea to begin with."

Harry frowned at the mention of Dumbledore. Silently, he knew his meetings with the Headmaster would be draining.

Sighing, James moved nearer to Harry. "Let's get going."

They arrived to the headmaster's office with out incident. Dumbledore beamed over his desk as the two entered.

"Please, Harry, have a seat." Dumbledore then turned to James. "I want to discuss some matters with Harry privately."

James slowly nodded his head, and turned to leave. "Oh, Remus thought you should know that DADA didn't go well. Ronald Weasley can't forget what happened to his brother."

"I will talk with him."

James frowned at the man, who sat behind the desk. "Albus, you can tell Ron to let go, but it won't work. Eventually, and perhaps unintentionally, he will let something slip. Besides that point, Harry should not be in such a class with other people's children. He is far beyond their level!"

"I will think of an alternative." Dumbledore said easily.

James shook his head and left the Headmaster's office.

"Now, Harry, please sit." Dumbledore waved toward a chair, his blue eyes twinkling. "Lemon Drop?" He asked, once Harry was finally seated.

Harry shook his head.

The Headmaster seemed slightly disappointed, but it quickly passed. "Do you know why Voldemort kidnapped you?"

Green eyes met bright blue. "To protect me from you."

"I see." The blue eyes peered down at him over the moon-shaped spectacles. "And why do you need protection from me?"

Harry remained still.

"Has Tom Marvolo Riddle not told you?" Dumbledore did not wait for him to reply. "Tom took you that night, Harry, not to protect you but to use you. There was a prophecy made that said that you would have the power to destroy him, Harry. That was his single reason for stealing you from your parents. He has poisoned you, so you would not defeat him."

Harry's eyes looked distant, as he looked out one of the many windows. "If the tables were turned, Headmaster, I doubt my life would be different."

"We would never ask of you what Voldemort has."

"But you already have."

Dumbledore betrayed no emotion. "Voldemort has killed many people who did not deserve that fates they were dealt."

"Many of those people I killed." Harry said evenly, as he continued to look out the window. "You are being very hypocritical. You wish to give me a second chance, but yet you damn my father. My hands are just as blood-covered as his."

"How do you use the Unforgivables, Harry?"

The youth broke his contact with the window and faced the wizard before him. "I use them well." He said smugly.

Dumbledore returned his haughty smile, causing Harry to falter with uncertainty. "To use an unforgivable curse, you have to feel hatred. I do not feel such strong emotions from you."

Harry stiffened, his lips forming a tight line. The old Headmaster took this in but said nothing. Instead he allowed the room to be eerily silent. After a few moments, the Phoenix that sat on its golden perch began to sing. The sung frightened Harry, but at the same time comforted him. With out knowing why, Harry rose quickly for his chair, his eyes wandering to the closed door.

"Before you leave," Dumbledore started. "Do you have any information about the Death Eater attacks? They have increased in the past weeks."

"I worked alone."

"My door is always open."

Harry peered over his shoulder back at Dumbledore. "I have no doubts that it is." The door in front of Harry opened, and just outside he saw his gaoler waiting. Without looking at the Headmaster, he whispered. "I am not a grain of wheat."

By the time Harry entered the Great Hall much later that night, he found it filled. At the Gryffindor table, he saw Dorian Potter waving at him to join his small group. Ronald Weasley forcibly pulled Potter's waving hand down and looked as if he were having some heated words with him. Harry would gladly oblige Weasley just this one time, and moved to a seat as far away from the small group as possible.

"Weasel-bait! I hear you like the floor." Harry heard Draco's voice call merrily. He was certain his friend was doing an impression, as the Slytherin table was erupting in laughter.

"That is quite enough." came a woman's severe voice. "Ten points from Slytherin. I will not tolerate such behavior. Take your seat." Harry heard her pass behind him, as she strode to the staff table. When she came in to his sight, he recognized has Minerva McGonagall.

"You were pretty good today."

Harry looked toward a girl, who sat diagonal from him.

"During Defense class today." She smiled, which appeared to be fake to Harry. "My name is Lavender Brown, and this is my friend Parvati Patil."

Harry returned her fake smile. "It is nice to meet you."

The two girls smiled at each other, both looking overly excited. "We hear that you have been living with muggle relations?"

'So have I,' Harry thought amusedly. "Yes, I have. I am told my parents thought I would be safer there with Voldemort looking for our family." He took great pleasure when he the two girls cringe.

"Why didn't they send Dorian when he was born?"

Harry feigned a hurt expression. "By that time, Voldemort was not as active. Needless to say, they kept him and forgot about me."

A horrified expression passed between the two friends.

Patil was the first to respond. "We shouldn't have pried."

"At least you didn't turn out a prat like Dorian," Lavender said kindly.

Harry smiled, but his smile quickly vanished when the door the Hall was thrown open. A solitary man stood in the freshly created opening. The sound of a wooden leg hitting the hard floor echoed through the now silent room. Harry could not help but feel Mad-Eye Moody's magical eye on him, as the old Auror sauntered to the staff table.

The professors leaned forward as Moody conversed with the aged Headmaster. Harry noticed with interest that their faces visibly paled. Dumbledore nodded to Professor McGonagall, who instantly rose to her feet.

"Students will follow their prefects to the dormitories. You will be dining there this evening." The prefects exchanged nervous glances, as they stood to direct their charges. They stopped briefly so McGonagall could finish. "Miss Bones, if you would come with me."

The sixteen year old sitting at the Hufflepuff table instantaneously froze when she heard McGonagall call her name. Her small frame trembled fiercely, as forced herself on to her feet. Susan Bones's eyes met McGonagall's, who was rapidly approaching her. The girl's whole frame seemed to collapse, as she fell to the ground in tears.

Harry watched, as McGonagall helped Bones out of the Great Hall. His right hand trembled slightly. His eyes remained fixed on the place where Bones had left, though he could no longer see.

"Gryffindors follow us," shouted Hermione Granger.

Harry broke contact with the entry and examined the Hall, which was close to hysterics as rumors flew of Death Eater attacks. These conditions were perfect. His feet began to take him into the crowd when a hand suddenly grasped his shoulder.

"Where do you think your going?" James Potter asked.

Harry flashed him a look of pure loathing, which made Potter unconsciously lower his hand to his wand. Seeing Potter's movement, Harry quickly calmed.

"Moody wants your help." James stated.

Gradually, Harry found himself being led to the scarred Auror. Moody gave him a look of contempt, which Harry gladly returned. Mad-Eye slammed a picture on to the staff table. He glared impassively at Harry. One of his gnarled fingers tapped the picture resoundingly.

"The work of one of your friends." Moody's mouth quivered, and with one swift movement he grabbed onto Harry's neck, forcing his head down toward the picture. "WHO DID IT?" Moody shouted, as he shook Harry.

Harry raked over the grisly image before him of two witches and then one wizard brutally slaughtered. Their corpses were unidentifiable. The murderer had been sadistic, which could make any Death Eater and even his father. The Death Eater tactics all tended to parallel each others.

"Who were they?" Harry asked calmly, wishing Moody would release his hold on his neck.

"The Bones. Amelia Bones with her brother and sister-in-law." Moody answered hostilely, his grip tightening.

Harry tensed at the pain he was beginning to fill. Forcing himself to concentrate on the picture, he ignored the death grasp of Moody. His green eyes flowed over the picture and a certainty filled the pit of his stomach. He must have allowed some of his knowing show, because Moody immediate jerked him.


Harry winced at his rough handling. "My father… he has wanted the Bones dead for some time now."

Dumbledore's brow furrowed. "The War has begun again in earnest. Voldemort is moving once more."

Mundungus Fletcher crawled quickly away from the cloaked woman, who stood haughty behind him. His fingers dug into the ground as he desperately tried to get away.

"Crucio!" Her voice held a mocking tone.

"Bella- please!" Mundungus managed to say between his screams of pain.

The curse suddenly was lift. "Fletcher, you are mangy carrion."

"I will tell you what you want to know!" The man said frantically.

Bellatrix Lestrange smiled cruelly. "Of course, you will," she whispered condescendingly. "I know you are a member of the Order. I need you to tell be the number of Aurors and Order members that are located at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts?" Mundungus screeched. "Why would you-."


Screams shattered the cool air, until the spell was lifted.

The thief shook from the reminders of the pain, and gasped for air. "At the most twenty."

Bella laughed. "Hardly enough."

Fletcher eyes bulged in fear and he backed away.

"I greatly enjoyed our little 'chat', Fletcher, but now it is time that I leave."

The thief went backwards even faster. Mundungus pushed himself onto his feet and ran in the opposite direction. His breath was clearly visible in the cold air. He had to escape, even if he was forced to tell Dumbledore of his slip of tongue.

"Avada Kedavra!" Mundungus fell to the hard earth.

Lestrange walked up to the corpse. Her dark eyes remained impassive. Before she apparated, she whispered. "I am sorry I did not have time to play."