Survive (1)

Noah woke up in his bed one hour later, drenched in sweat. He tried to fall into sleep multiple times but failed each time, he slowly got up. It was pitch black out, the moon was still high up illuminating the streets, the wind felt fresh and cold.

He walked to the spot Ferro held fights, after pushing himself through the slim creek, he found the usual circle. They were all chanting "fight, " fight," fight;". It was a normal occurrence to see, but something was off.

Currently in the fight they seemed to be using weapons, Noah found it strange since one wrong strike could mean death. However Noah quickly spotted a healer in the crowd, they held a short staff this usually signalled that the person was a healer.

The fighting in front of him looked really scuffed, the past eight days he had his eyes completely focused on the old man. It would take a while for him to readjust to the imperfections in fighting, because he had none.

One of the boy got a deep gash on his stomach and fell over. The fight was over and a large cheer broke out. Everyone's eyes had been focused on the fight, that no one had noticed Noah appearing. "Ferro" he called out, "Up for a fight".

Ferro broke into a wide smile upon hearing the words "ferro" and "fight in the same sentence. Ferro lifted up his sword, it was the same one they had bought together. And Noah had the same daggers. Noah's shirt had been ripped off him, but when Ferro took off his Noah noticed an oddity. "Wait, which god do you pledge to?", Upon hearing this Ferro realised that Noah also had a tattoo. "The god of battle. You?", "The god of adventure.

'The adventure god and the battle god have made a bet about your fight'

Both Ferro and Noah saw the message. They both straightened their backs, it was a lot more serious now. They were representing gods.

Noah was shocked at this revelation, but also glad since he was about to beat the shit out of Ferro. The fight started and Noah released a critical change in Ferro. His stance, it had completely changed. His feet stood slightly different from before, a really small change with huge consequences, Noah felt a new threat coming from Ferro.

Noah had become much better at spotting small details like this after seeing his own telegraphed movements, and they meant a lot more for him. A small diference in how you held your dagger was the difference between being disarmed and not being disarmed. Ferro noticed the same thing about Noah, his fighting stance had slightly changed for the better.

"Are abilities allowed?", "ye"

The moment he heard the y, he rushed towards Ferro. He went for an ugly strike, it was a trick he had learnt from fighting the old man. He faked an attack from above, at the last second he slid and attempted to stab his legs.

Ferro front flipped, it was completely different from anything Noah had seen before. Ferro had gained a great deal of flexibility, "Backtrack", he muttered. Noah saw a sword cleave through the spot he stood on, Ferro had dodged and counter attacked at the same time, a deadly skill.

Noah still had the initiative and decided to not drop it. He rushed forward and pierced towards Ferro's stomach, a simple step back and Ferro dodged, whilst the action seemed simple it required a great deal of confidence. Noah retook his stance, now it was Ferro's turn to attack. He saw him and decided that he would hit him.

Ferro suddenly dashed towards Noah, it was quick enough to be mistaken for a teleport. A large whirlwind attack spun Ferro's sword at a deadly speed. Noah ducked in the nick of time, he felt the sword cut the top off his hair.

If that attack had hit him, he'd die right there, Ferro had gotten caught up in the fight too much usually this was the time to forfeit, however, Noah wouldn't disappoint his god this easily. The fight continued.

Whilst ducked, he had launched a counter attack. He swung his legs, a spinning attack with his legs to try to trip Ferro. With quick and effective feet work Ferro avoided the attack, it had looked like a well executed ballet move.

Ferro swung his heavy sword towards Noah, Noah tried pairing but his hand could not stop the attack. The attack kept on travelling and got stuck in Noah's shoulders. He shrugged the pain off but the fight was settled.

The fight had been lost. Ferro stood two meters away, sweat ran down his pan. "How did you improve so much?", "Hell", "The test for my tattoo, I wouldn't do that that twice in a million years"

'The adventure god sighs'

Noah nodded in response to Ferro, he had also broken a sweat, but his body felt a lot more relaxed. He felt annoyed that he lost, especially since a god had backed him up, at the same time a small part of him went, 'fuck you bitch'. Whatever it was keeping him awake, it had disappeared. When his head hit his cheap, broken, dusty pillow he fell asleep.


In the adventure hall he looked at the quests. The quests were divided into multiple different qualities, there were wood quests, those were the ones with no danger. there were bronze quests, which had slight danger and were for new adventurers, then there was silver quests, they were dangerous, gold quests were very dangerous, platinum quests which signified extreme danger, and there was the rumoured Theós quests.

It was a famous myth, such a quest required godly strength or more to complete. He had heard a tale about such a quest, the hero travelled all across an ocean to slaughter a giant white whale.

He had recently took bronze quests, and had almost managed to die on them. Now however, he didn't feel like a bronze quest would be enough, his body begged for adventure. He looked at the silver quests.


Slay the oger which eats my cows.



Hunt the red crow bandits


Then one quest caught his eyes.


Kill a stone golem in the southern caves


Just when he was about to take the quest there was a girl who had been quicker than him. Her entire face was covered with a red tattoo, her brown eyes met his. He didn't miss this chance to go on another adventure. "hey, want to do that quests together". "Uhh… okay."

She wanted to say no, but she couldn't muster up the courage. Instead she waited for him to take charge, and he waited for her to take charge. She had taken the quest after all, they stood there in silence and eventually Noah decided to lead and she followed.

"So, what class did you pick?"

"Wild shape shifter."


Before they could continue their conversation they bumped into a delirious old man. He shouted in anger, "How dare you bump into the great wizard Bob." his face reddened, and he started breathing in "Bob has decided to punished you to one year of snow."

Reality warped and just like that, they found themselves in a forest with snow blowing down on them. There was one thing that was strange, the sky was purple.