Survive (5)

Around twenty people followed Jake into the wilderness, most of them had stone spears. The people with most clothes were hurdled into the middle, and around them stood other people. They were off to a snowfield, the goal was to bring back as much as they could muster. They marched alongside the snow leaving a large track behind them, that was soon covered by the upcoming snow.

Hunting was an activity they used to train the more inexperienced people in the tribe, as of now, they were on the hunt for a special type of bison. It had blue eyes, and one white large horn on its nose.

They saw them in the distance, there was one a lot bigger than the rest, clearly, it was the alpha.

The alpha bison towered over three meters and was thicker than ten logs combined. It looked especially ferocious. The plan was simple, Jake and the second strongest person in the group would distract the biggest bison whilst the rest killed other bisons.

All the heavily clothed people were in the same group, Noah saw the boy in his own group uncomfortably fumbling his spear. The entire party chatted away as they hunted, soon they saw the bison's and the bison saw them. There was no movement, they kept on feasting on the grass beneath the snow. The party split into three parts.

Jake and his friend, the strong, and finally the weak. The hunt started with a roar coming from the strongest bison. The other bison began to run away, the alpha stayed and fought. However, before the bison could run away, other bison's were engaged in a fight. They had begun a fight with an adult and a child. Noah's group encircled the child, it spun around desperately trying to escape.

Noah ran towards it, the one who strikes first strikes last. The bison's horn shone and the snow under him became sticky, his feet could barely lift up. The bison started speeding up towards Noah-

A spear had hit its stone-hard skin. It immediately changed its direction, it was the kid and he had begun running away on his quick feet. The bison took chase. Noah waded his way out of the sticky snow until he found himself able to move again.

Alice had mounted the bison as a gorilla, screaming loudly whilst banging into its skin with her big arms. The bison spun around whilst kicking the air, the gorilla went flying into the tree lines. Noah laughed under his breath, Noah leapt into the air to avoid the snow, he aimed towards the back. The bison spun around placing its horn in his trajectory, "back track".

His eyes widened, they always did when he faced death. But when they did, he saw something disturbing. It could easily fade into the snow, it stood crouched down a few hundred meters away, its eyes sharp and focused. The yeti stood still waiting, their eyes connected for a slight moment, it raised its hand and jerked it across his neck. It stood still.

Noah's attention was quickly brought back to the bison, it charged straight towards him, he rolled to his right.

A lot of the people in their group didn't dare attack the bison, judging from the way they held their spears, Noah thought they weren't used to fighting. The gorilla ran back at full speed and leapt at the bison, striking its head. It took a few steps around clearly disoriented.

The boy ran forward striking it on its stomach, it pierced the skin and red blood flowed out. The bison shrieked, it rushed towards the people standing the furthest away hoping to break through and run away. Noah tripped it, it landed right on its face. More spears begun piercing into it when it couldn't defend itself, it didn't rise up onto its feet again.

Noah turned his view to look at the other fights, the more experienced warriors had killed the adult and sat on it watching Jake in amazement. Ice spikes rose through the ground, tall enough to impale a man. Jake and his friend nimbly dodged them. Suddenly, Jake leapt up into the air and kicked the bison on its chin making it completely pass out.

They left the bison alive, Noah didn't really understand why. However, he quickly felt a discomforting creature leap at him. Alice reverted into her human form, she hugged Noah calling him daddy. Everyone in the group collectively looked at them like they were crazy, "No no, you don't understand" Noah said embarrassed. Jake lifted the adult bison whilst his friend lifted the smaller one. They began walking back.

Noah glanced at the Yeti, its cold eyes stared back at him, it had begun approaching them. Noah ran to Jake and said, "There's a yeti behind us", "did you notice that now?" Jake smirked. He had seen it since they left the camp, but since it didn't approach him he didn't fret. Worst case scenario, they would be eating yeti meat tonight.

The camp was within their sights, Alice had returned to her normal self and distanced herself from Noah blushing. The bison's meat had been separated from its hide, horn and organs. The meat was being roasted above the large campfire, it gave a fresh and meaty smell. Noah drooled as he fantasized biting into the meat, and soon he did. He never imagined a slab of meat could be so tasty and juicy.

Everyone sat around the campfire enjoying their own block of meat, even Morga the naked seemed happy. Suddenly, a horn sounded followed by war cries, the cannibal's hunt had begun.

The wooden walls around the camp began shaking, the cannibals had built catapults to combat the wooden wall. Morga quickly stood up and her angry face returned, Noah was glad to see it.

Another burst at the wall, the logs shook really hard, it felt as if they would collapse any second now. "Grab your weapons!" Jake the hero shouted. "Crack!", the walls had broken down and the cannibals ran in. Alice turned into a gorilla, Noah quickly unsheathed his daggers and got into a combat position.