Survive (8)

"Psst, Hello? Anyone there", a foreign voice whispered through the heavy darkness, Noah's eye opened a glint.

"Psst, anyone there?", it continued

"This freakish old man and his fucking love for darkness"

"Psst", the voice had come a lot closer.

"PSST, wake up you s-e-a-weed", he said in a hurry.

Warmblood trickled down his cheek and dripped off his chin. The torture had been an outrage, the torturer had broken his eye countless times, in the end, he opted towards gouging out the eye. He had taken it with him, only after dangling it in front of Noah as if to mock him. His other eye had opened enough for the wicked air to meet it.

Not once had Noah screamed, not a single time had he made a small sound, not once. It was only to refute the torturer, he wanted him to make noise, so he did the opposite. In the end, the torturer seemed very displeased with himself, and Noah found that very amusing. It was his way of saying "fuck you", without saying it, and the torturer had clearly taken offence.

At the end, after he had played with his eye, he stood there and whispered all the vile things he would do to Noah. Cutting off all his limbs, gouging both his eyes out, but the worst by far was, cutting his dick off. Noah almost, he came incredibly close to gulping at that suggestion. The torturer's dead eyes approached his face, and Noah squirmed away but found himself unable to.

He saw someone roughly two meters away from him, he could only see the top half of the man. It was bent towards him. Noah had seen the person in front of him earlier, his eyes were very memorable. It wasn't their colour or shape, instead, it was within. Noah knew he had seen him at the ordeal yesterday, it had been the one person who stood up for him.

'Why?', Noah asked himself. The man in front of him had the hilt of a sword on his back. There were runes all over his hilt, it was made out of jade and looked finely chiselled.

"What do you wa-" Noah managed to say before the man's hand covered his mouth.

"Keep it down, you don't want to alert the guards do you?"

Noah's one eye as wide like that of a deer spotting hunters, he silenced himself and the hand slid down. The man moved closer, and Noah got to saw him more closely. Strong was not an understatement, Noah's entire head was smaller than the Shark mans biceps. His hands reached the chains, he pulled and nothing happened. 'That is never going to work, I've tried the entire night' Noah thought to himself. More veins appeared on his arms, he strained himself more and pulled again, the chain snapped.

Every chain snapped shortly after, Noah was left to freely move his body. The man signalled Noah to follow but he stood there unresponsive, "What are you doing? Come on", Noah stood unmoving. He thought to himself 'what is his motives'. "Fine, stay here and lose another eye'. The man moved into the darkness abandoning Noah, only then did Noah run after.

Noah crouched behind the Shark man, closely following him. They moved with swift through the cave, the most dangerous part was up ahead. They would have to cross light to reach their goal, which was another cave opening. Noah saw the man's shiny sword and sensed for his daggers, he realized that they were not there. He stopped, the Sharkman heard the decrease in steps and turned.

"I need my daggers, we need to get them", "If you want to be chained up, and tortured, be my guest. " the Sharkman responded. Noah bit his tongue if it had been any other daggers he'd left them. "Tell me where they'd store it", "you can't be serious". Noah stared at the Shark man intensely. "I'm not going with you", "Tell me where".

"Probably at the mayor's house", "okay stay here and I'll get it".

Noah set off, the shadows were his friends now. He was a rogue, his class was naturally good at sneaking around. The buildings were built using the cave's wall as their own wall, leaving no space to creep behind them. The lights in the lanterns had not faltered, and there stood fishmen guards, they all had metal-tipped spears and looked menacing, whilst standing still.

'Who are they guarding against?', Noah thought to himself. He couldn't walk through the brightly lit street, he had another plan. He climbed into the building in front of him, abusing their lack of windows. He heard multiple snores inside of the building, it looked incredibly dull, all he saw was a table. Nevertheless, he crept through the house and leapt out the other side.

He repeatedly did this, he had no issue staying silent because of the lack of objects in his path, and because it was easy to not make sound whilst walking on rock hard floor. He eventually made his way to the roundest house, it had windows making it impossible for Noah to crawl through. He noticed however that the door had been left slightly unclosed, and strangely he had no guards.

He quickly made his way into the old man's house and the door closed behind him. The mayor snored extra loud, making Noah wary. The house was a lot more spacious than the rest, there were big mats, there were objects everywhere. Noah looked around but was unable to spot his own dagger.

'Skill "Sub-stealth" has levelled up'

He tripped, there had been a god damn banana on the floor. 'Why is it always a FUCKING banana'. The mayor woke up and with a creek voice said, "Who's there". Noah's eyes widened and he quickly hid in the space behind the metal stairs. The mayor came creeping down, Noah shot a glance at him from behind. He lifted a heavy sword.

He continued into the living room, Noah snook up the stairs behind the man.

'Skill "Sub-stealth" has levelled up'

He saw his daggers on a table in the room connected to the stairs. He quickly made his way to grab them, and when he did, he found eyes piercing his back. The mayor stood there, with a deadly glare, sword in hand and ready to strikes. He dashed towards Noah and Noah ran towards the windows, he jumped through them shattering the windows.

His danger sense went mad, "backtrack" he muttered. He found himself behind the old man. He had leapt behind Noah thrusting the sword forward, it would of impaled Noah if he had not backtracked. The mayors face hit the floor first. He ran down to the first level, breaking a few fancy objects on his way. He leapt through another window, smashing it. He sprinted towards the cave, using the same path he had done as before.

"RAISE THE ALARM", the mayor loudly shrieked from behind him.

The rumbling of stones, heavy enough to make a man go deaf sounded. On his way, every fishmen had woken up full alerted. They tried to grab him multiple times, but Noah skillfully avoided their grasp and ran for the cave entrance meeting up with the sharkman. The entire village was on his back.

Noah tripped a few times as they ran up the cave, Noah quickly recovered and continued running. They heard the steps behind the echo through the cave.

They reached the top and Noah was instantly reminded why he had gone down into the cave. It was night time, the snow covered air hit him hard enough to fly, the cold assaulted his skin immediately. The last time, he had a parka. Now he had only his simple pants on and nothing else. He froze.